Published at 10th of May 2023 10:09:20 AM

Chapter 64

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The Emperor was staring at me.


"We've done countless studies to ensure the efficacy of Salien roots, and eventually developed this herb caramel. It's a masterpiece of my time."


Of course it's a lie.


Only Heaven, Earth, Dominic, and I know that it was made by cramming just before I came here.


But you have to sell it like this to increase the credibility!


I looked at the Emperor with a trustworthy look full of sincerity.


I hope the Emperor doesn't know Meldenique's reputation as a 'Minus' Hand'!


"Is that so?"


Fortunately, the emperor was not suspicious.


He waved his hand at the servant who was always waiting by his side.


The servant took a step backwards with a brisk walk.


"How long will it take?"




I faced the Emperor's slightly shaking pupils.


'What does he mean?'


When our eyes met, the emperor abruptly changed his face to expressionless again.


It was a pretty good poker face.


Except that he was caught looking unstable for about three seconds earlier.


He raised one hand and murmured low, covering his mouth so that his sons could not read the shape of his mouth.


"······How long does it take to be effective."


The emperor seems to have begun to fall over.


At this point, is the scam mission to win him over complete?


"It's probably ten minutes, maybe a day at the latest."


Not surprisingly, the Emperor raised his hand over the table and clenched his fist then opened it.


A punch like a hoppang moved on the table. (TN : Hoppang is a South Korean snack which is like a dough shaped like a ball with red bean paste inside, so this sentence is meaning his punch is in the shape of a fist. Its round.)


"Truth······. I already feel like I'm getting that feeling. It's amazing. It's not detected at all by magic tools, but I can't believe this powerful feeling comes."


In one word it was a huge success.


You don't need a perfect liking.


'Hey, you've given me a pretty useful gift.' 


 That was enough.




"I'm glad it helped."


I smiled at him, slightly raising the corners of my mouth.


A faint smile was also built around the Emperor's mouth. It was a faint and secret bond.


And the two princes, Cassian and Axion, who did not hear the whispers properly, looked at us with strange eyes.


"How does it feel?"


The Emperor looked at his two sons in a hurry, and changed the subject somewhat dimly.


"The feeling of memories. Axion, when I was your age, I enjoyed eating caramel like this."




The child Axion began to focus on the new topic immediately.


"Oh? I saw it in a museum, did His Majesty father try it?"


'Don't keep emphasizing that your dad is old, Axion!'


Even at the attack of the bright prince Axion, the emperor nodded as if he was familiar with it.


Somehow I felt sorry for him......


"Your Majesty, did grandmother make it for you?"


"Yes, they made it for me. I could only eat two a day. The royal court said that if I eat too much, my teeth will rot."


"If it were me, I'd hide it and eat it!"


Axion smiled mischievously and laughed.


The Emperor also nodded.


His gaze, as if immersed in memories, wandered through the air.


"You're pretty good in many ways. This is my favorite gift."


I bowed my head as I saw the Emperor's warm face with an indescribable smile.


"I'm flattered."


"If there's anything you want, tell me."


Finally, the time for return has come.


I smiled faintly and nodded. It's the time of the 'gift method' I was aiming for.


Gift law was one of the old and past unwritten laws. When a nobleman presents a gift to the Imperial Family, including the Emperor, he or she pays a corresponding price.


This law, which emphasized the nobility and broad generosity of the Imperial Family, disappeared as the power of the nobility grew stronger.


However, there was an exception in the original work.


'In the original novel, Sheria benefited from the gift method. All the gifts the Royal family gave to Sheria were good.'


Before Sheria can, I intended to use the gift law boldly.


'It's okay to take this much.'


"I'd like to speak to your Majesty for a moment."


"Do you want me to spare time?"


It may look flattering and profane.


However, the emperor had to be coaxed when caramel still had its effect. In an extremely secret and not threatening way in a way that does not provoke his vigilance.


"Yes. Five minutes is enough."


It will take only five minutes to show the petitions of the merchants, protecting the Academy Alley and to inform the Emperor of the atrocities of the Duchess of Vaveloa.


'I know what kind of character the emperor is.'


He will never refuse my card.


'It is clear that the emperor will need a plaque to control the Duke of Vaveloa.'


The Emperor needed a legitimate and reasonable opportunity to defend the Imperial power and gain public sentiment.


I wanted to protect my small and precious door shop against the works.


Our interests will align.


'Duchess Vaveloa, get ready to get hit on the back of your head.'


Duchess Vaveloa.


The king and daughter of society and the golden hand of business Sheria.


An arrogant woman who has never been defeated by Meldenique.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!