Published at 6th of April 2019 10:50:07 AM

Chapter 704

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Bright red blood spilled out from the corners of his pale white lips, and flowed down from his perfectly sculpted jawline, gloomily cold yet strange.

Li Moying's body shivered and was about to collapse.


"Senior Brother!"

Luo Jiyun and Mo Yi rushed over to support him.

However, Li Moying's eyes flashed a cold glint as he pushed them aside, "Go away!"

A powerful Qi gushed out and the decoration in the entire room turned into powder within an instance! And the two people, Mo Yi and Luo Jiyun, who rushed to the front were sent flying by the Profound Energy as they flew past layers of walls and fell out of the guesthouse.

Li Moying swept his hand and the entire building was on the verge of collapse.

The guesthouse had turned into a mess instantly and various screams and crying could be heard as everyone's first reaction was to escape outwards!

Luo Jiyun threw up blood from the attack as several ribs on his chest were broken. @@

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