Published at 17th of September 2021 12:50:11 PM

Chapter 125

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Chapter 125: People That Thought Themselves to be Men

He Lianying turned his horse around and prepared to leave, giving up on the captured Tartars. Ning Shu laughed coldly. Did you think that you were free to come and go as you please on the soil of Great Yong?

She grabbed her bow and arrow, and with a pull, drew the bow into the shape of a full moon. The tip of the arrow gleamed with cold light as it pointed towards He Lianying’s back.

She released the bowstring, and the arrow flew straight towards He Lianying. However, he immediately dropped down flat on top of his horse and the arrow flew past above him to pierce into the tree trunk ahead.

He Lianying looked at the arrow on the tree trunk, then couldn’t stop himself from turning back to glance at Ning Shu. She was sitting up tall on her horse and her cold gaze was filled with murderous intent.

Ning Shu was a little disappointed to have failed to kill He Lianying. As they say, scourges live past a thousand.

>There’s a Chinese saying that basically says good people die young, bad people live past one thousand.

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