Rebirth capital madman - Chapter 1103

Published at 20th of December 2022 05:32:29 AM

Chapter 1103

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In the eyes of Huifeng Bank Taipan Puwei Shi, the senior management of the headquarters of Standard Chartered Bank was purged, and Hong Kong Huazi began to take full control of power. This is Gao Xian's revenge for the banquet at the Ritz Hotel.
The Ritz Hotel banquet has attracted a lot of attention in Xiangjiang. It is undoubtedly obvious that a force like Huifeng Bank is a typical representative. It is calm on the surface, and secretly wants Sir Gao to collapse. If the kingdom of the clan falls, then the whole body will be relieved, and the high-quality assets can be eaten beautifully.
However, in recent years, Sir Gao seems to have fallen into a trap, but he has always been lucky enough to turn bad luck into good things. He has been slapped in the face many times.
This time, the Ritz Hotel banquet storm is also the same. After the news reached Xiangjiang, the shock, regret, panic, hilarity, accusation, shouting, etc., can be called countless reactions, and they have not waited to regain their calm. The big reversal appeared, which properly tested human nature, so that in fact, the pros and cons of pro-gao and hatred of Gao were further distinguished. Whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.
For Huifeng, the most direct feeling is that the delicate balance that he finally established with Sir Gao and Gao Yi has been broken.
This delicate balance, specifically, includes not making a stumble in Hong Kong, and making small moves in Midland Bank, which does not bet on Huifeng in London.
But Sir Gao was almost designed to be "socially dead". Can he still trust the British-owned Far East interest groups?
In the midst of this restlessness, Huifeng's core powers kept meeting to discuss countermeasures.
Unlike the Keswick family in Yihe, Huifeng has no obvious family business color. The core power layer it shows in this period is a Scottish circle interest group. It feels relatively open, but the mind is the same, and it is firmly in control. The control of Huifeng cannot fall into the hands of outsiders, including Hong Kong Chinese, as well as Japanese, American and so on.
"From the performance of London, it is obvious that the commercial interests of the Scots are used as a bargaining chip, and sacrifice is sacrifice." Ge Lai, vice chairman of the board of directors of Huifeng Bank, complained bluntly.
Pu Weishi has a lot of heart and soul. The Keswick family and the London headquarters of Standard Chartered Bank were tidied up. It was hard to describe the pain. It was really hard to imagine the scene before. Controlled too shares, more stable.
"This is a summary of Gao Xian's latest speeches at various events in Europe, constantly emphasizing the creation of a fair, transparent and stable environment for the Hong Kong International Financial Center." Ge Lai analyzed angrily, "This kind of talk is too much, but it is Pi Liyang. Qiudi means something, as a listed company, Huifeng does not follow the company law and implements the special treatment of internal Huifeng regulations."
"Indeed, it's a bit of a show for Xiang Huifeng." Pu Weishi nodded, this Huifeng senior class still has something special, and has always kept calm and rational, "but we have to admit that Huifeng's regulations Regulations, such as the one percent limit for investors to hold shares, are an increasingly prominent stumbling block in international games, including negotiations with Midland Bank."
"In terms of specific operations, the 50 million Huifeng covered warrants launched by Lehman Brothers have been very popular in the capital markets of London and Luxembourg, and accordingly they are also challenging the Huifeng regulations."
"These circumstances all show that the Huifeng Regulations, which have been implemented for more than 100 years, are really no longer suitable for the current situation."
"So, we must not be impetuous now, and we must deal with it carefully, especially for Sir Gao, who has already mastered the supervision of Hong Kong's financial industry." Pu Weishi's tone showed a little helplessness, reminding Hui of the present. Feng's core power level, today is different from the past, must give up the arrogance of the past, look at all opponents, and avoid mistakes.
Ge Lai said impatiently, "Being so cautious and compromising, why has it been so long, the roadmap for internationalization has not advanced well enough?"
Feeling that his Taipan authority had been offended, Puweis raised his voice and said coldly: "At present, in addition to the Hong Kong market, Huifeng is struggling to make profits in other markets in the world, especially the US market and the Australian market; and Even if the performance of Midland Bank is so bad, it is still holding the air of the big four banks in the UK. If we are in a hurry, we can really kick out the constraints of Gao Yi by satisfying the greedy appetite of Midland Bank management and shareholders. Immediately push the acquisition of Midland Bank to the substantive stage, and Huifeng's share price in Heung Kong will definitely fall in response, wouldn't it be more passive."
This kind of stunned and domineering posture immediately expresses Pu Weishi's meaning that "I have performed well enough in this position, and it will only be worse for you".
Others hurriedly showed their emotional intelligence in a timely manner and complimented him. Since he served as the chairman of the board of directors of Huifeng Bank, Pu Wei Shi has withstood various pressures under the new situation in Hong Kong. Shen Bi is a little overjoyed. Looking back now, looking back at the billion-dollar construction of the new Huifeng Bank headquarters building where everyone is now, it may not be that necessary. Such deficiencies are still left to our successors to check the shortage. Make up for it.
Ge Laifu asked softly, "According to the reliable information we have, Gao Xian should return to Hong Kong from Europe. How to restore the previous balance? Or, give him a banquet first?"
"Do you think that the thorn in the banquet at the Ritz Hotel will disappear from his heart so quickly?" Pu Weishi gave Ge Lai a beating and gave his own idea, "Xiangjiang Securities Davies, chairman of the industry review committee, and Huo Liyi, president of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, continue to remain in those two positions. That's it."
"Hmph, doesn't Gao Xian preach everywhere that he wants to create a fair, transparent, and stable environment for the Hong Kong International Financial Center? Let's see how he arranges these two important positions!"
Ge Lai also stopped expressing himself deliberately, and nodded in agreement.
Recently, Davis. Huo Liyi, the two pawns who rushed to the front, felt ups and downs. They fell from the sky to the ground and broke into eight pieces. The London side didn't give any specific instructions. What should I do next?
At this time, Huifeng came up with a suggestion, you two should take the initiative to resign wisely, so as not to have a dull face and not be able to come down to the stage.
Davis. Of course Huo Liyi can taste the meaning behind the words, but they are still a little hesitant. The buddies have been busy for so long, so they can't do it in vain. Who will pay?
"The goal has not been achieved, so why do you want to be paid in full?" Huifeng made no secret of his disdain. At most, we will pay for the flight back to the UK; otherwise, you will just wait for Gao Xian to return to Xiangjiang, together Let's settle accounts after autumn.
Davis. Huo Liyi was shocked when he heard it, so let's go back to London first.

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