Published at 13th of January 2023 06:13:33 AM

Chapter 2577: Ok, deal! (2)

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However, before the small film had time to watch, Yao Zhen was yelled away by the emperor.

Several people on the training ground looked at each other, except that Ye Yunxi was still calm, and the remaining seven people really felt like they were going to die here.

Heishuicheng made a big red face and couldn't help asking: "Really, really want to watch a movie?"

Why did they just enter AS, and what greeted them was not a life-and-death training, but a movie! ?

why! !

Shao Bai pushed down his glasses and frowned slightly: "We haven't graduated yet!"

Ye Yunxi said indifferently: "You have to treat yourself as a machine, not a person."

war machine.

Born for AS, specifically to deal with alien war machines!

The seven people all closed their mouths and said, Yeyunxi is Yeyunxi, so cold, does the emperor know? ?

In other words, when you get married in the future, will there really be a married life? Wouldn't the two of them have the slightest reaction to watching movies every day? ?


Grass, I can't imagine it!

Forget it, this is not the point. The point is what should Yao Zhen do when he comes back?

Really go to the movies? ?

It doesn't matter if you hide in the dormitory by yourself. There are boyfriends and girls here, and they all know each other, really go to see? !

When to go to the movies, huh? ? ?

Of course, some of them did not wait for Yao Zhen in the end.

Xia Xuanbin reappeared in front of them.

The little handsome guy coughed embarrassingly, and continued: "Well, because instructor Yao Zhen... he suddenly twisted his foot and then fell off the stairs and broke his bones. He has to rest for three months. Therefore, I will temporarily leave the freshman training for this month. Take you on."


What a fantasy coincidence!


There is no need to watch movies, right? ! !

Everyone stared at Xia Xuanbin.

As for why Liang Zhen failed to come back, Xia Xuanbin knew better than anyone.

He glanced at the camera, took a deep breath, and tried to make a smile: "Come on, let's run 20 laps around the playground, warm up first, and then perform physical training, ha ha ha..."

As for the first education in the years, eh? Have it?

AS has never had that kind of education, we have always carried out physical training first, hahahaha, what a vigorous, civilized, and quality team we are!

Well, come on, children's shoes, run 20 laps! !

The crowd almost cheered, turned their heads and went for a lap.

"Yunxi Yunxi, you don't need to watch the movie anymore!" Heishui Cheng smiled happily.

Ye Yunxi didn't care about it, anyway, it didn't make any difference to her if she didn't look at it. Our heart is so strong!

A group of people happily ran a circle.

Xia Xuanbin wiped his sweat, and said, Emma, ​​finally fooled.

In the monitoring room, the emperor was relieved, walked out slowly, and by the way, put the people in the penalty station outside, lightly instructing: "Watch the monitoring room, and notify me immediately if there is any change!"

Everyone said in unison: "Yes, the emperor!"

Emperor Junxie nodded and left.

As for Liang Zhen?

Send Mo Yuxiang to the infirmary to give condolences and it's OK!

So, that's it! !

Liang Zhen, who was dangling his leg on the hospital bed and getting a drip:...

grass! Who did he provoke?

Isn’t it okay to be responsible?

No, yes, yes, right? !

Are there any good instructors who are more dedicated than him?

But why is it he who is beaten up and lying on the hospital bed? !

why! !

Ahhhhh! ! !

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!