Published at 13th of January 2023 07:26:06 AM

Chapter 602: Let you see if it is qualified enough! (5)

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"I'll go, don't I? Skip a grade? God, did you take the college entrance examination in the first year of high school? My God, 6666!!!"

"Hey, nightclub, nightclub, we were miserable by you. Why don't you tell me these things? What is this provoking Miss Night today? What is so special is that we are unilaterally hanged !"

The person who finally reacted was frustrated, and could only complain about Ye Jianxing, who had never come forward.

This IQ must be a genius, right? ?

The planning book is also so beautifully made, so it was not until the end that they discovered that it was themselves who had been hanged! !

Inexplicably depressed! ! !

【Ding! B grid+10+10+……】

People couldn't help whispering, and their contempt and indifference towards Ye Yunxi disappeared at this moment.

Nian Shuyi squeezed his long moustache, smiled, got up slowly and stretched.

Hey, funny, his old bones seem to come in handy again.

"Brother Nian!"

Li Zhi walked over and whispered: "This little girl's movie is really crazy!"

Nian Shuyi smiled, and scornfully said: "How can a person who is personally picked by a nightclub live in a town if he is not crazy?"

"Did you really recognize this little girl movie that year?"

Li Zhi still felt that he couldn't swallow this breath. He admitted Ye Yunxi's ability, but he was still uncomfortable when he dropped a little girl in the air casually!

Nian Shuyi sneered and cast aside Li Zhi: "Brother Li wants to do something?"

Mess up?

"Hehe, how come, what am I going to do with someone who Nian brother recognizes!"


Anyway, this little girl is not often in the film, who knows what he is doing secretly!

Nian Shuyi sneered and narrowed his eyes, and Li Zhi shivered subconsciously with his rough sight.

Li Zhi was stared at him, he was embarrassed: "Brother Nian, you should be busy first, haha, I'm leaving now!"

Staring at Li Zhifu's back, Nian Shuyi narrowed his eyes coldly.

Well, there are always people who want to jump on the pole!

Miss Ye, Ye Xiaofox, would you like your uncle to help you? ?

This is what Nian Shuyi thought.

At the end of the crowd, a lean young man approached Nian Shuyi: "Brother Nian, is Li Zhi going to do something?"

Nian Shuyi squeezed an inch-long beard, smiled, looked at Feili, and pointedly: "It's good to do things!"

The so-called one is the emperor and the courtier, no one is doing things, how do you exchange the new one for the old one?

Hey, thinking about it this way, the little night fox might have held this meeting on purpose.

You have to force people who don’t wait to see her to jump and jump, so that she can sit firmly on Ye’s country, right?

Ah, what a little fox!

It's really exciting too!

【Ding! B grid +10! 】

Nian Shuyi snorted: "Did you not hear what the little fox said at the meeting?"

Fei Li was taken aback for a moment: "Well, want to engage in Mingshi? This young lady is really ambitious!"

"Hey!" Nian Shuyi put one hand in his pocket, loosened his tie, scornful and pouring out, as if returning to the vigorous youth of the year.

"Ambition is more exciting!"

Nian Shuyi narrowed his eyes and left with a sneer.

Looking at the back and forth of his own boss, Fei Li was a little confused.

That's how you decided to move Mingshi? ?

Do you want to be so childish? ?

And boss, why are you so excited? ?

How do you think the route set by Miss Ye Yunxi is difficult? ?

Did they really get Mingshi? ?

In other words, is it really that easy to deal with the frightening Minsi Yaoming in the circle? ?

It's crazy, it's crazy! !

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!