Published at 19th of September 2022 06:51:17 AM

Chapter 1280: Kind villagers

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The village was small, and the three of them were quickly pushed by the crowd to the front of a small wooden house.

"Okay, this is the village head's house. Three guests, go in and sit in first. Since the village head has asked you to come to his house, he must have something to tell you. Once the conversation is over, the three distinguished guests will come to me. Sitting at Li Mazi's house, increase the joy!" Li Mazi's voice came.

"Bah. Two little brothers, don't go to Li Mazi's house, his house is as poor as it is. Come to my Li Lao Wu's house! My Li Lao Wu is a man of good standing in the whole village. I will definitely be able to entertain you well."

"I said you are Li Wu, you are a meat seller in the village, so what do you do!"

"Um..." Seeing that the two of them were swearing again, Zhang Yifeng and the three looked at each other. What kind of drama was this?

Zhang Yifeng coughed and said in a flat voice: "I understand the kindness of the two uncles. I should wait for the old village chief to come before making a decision. Let's go in and wait for him."

With that, Zhang Yifeng quickly entered the cabin, Jia Youde and Jueyuan followed behind him, and they closed the door instantly after entering.

"What kind of village is this? Evil door, so evil door. Everyone looks ordinary and hospitable, either kind or fierce." Jia Youde's voice came, and his small eyes kept turning.

Zhang Yifeng nodded and said with a serious expression: "When the old patriarch returns, see what he wants to say to us. The formation guides us into the village. It must have a purpose."

After the two sat down for about five minutes, the old village head finally walked into the room with the help of others.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm old, and my actions are slow. Let the three...long...long waiting." The old man had to pause for a while, showing how old he was.

"It's okay, old village chief, you sit down quickly." Zhang Yifeng respects the old man, no matter whether this matter is strange or not, at least for now, these people are ordinary people.

The old man sat on a wicker chair, waved his hand to the villagers around him, signaled them to go down, and then said: "Okay...three, let's start our conversation. The old man has been waiting for you more than 130 Years. And this village has been waiting for you for thirty thousand years!"

The old village chief was a blockbuster as soon as he exited, which shocked the three of Zhang Yifeng and felt baffled.

"Old man, what does this mean?" The three of them were puzzled.

"Ahem...isn't the meaning clear yet? Our village needs your help." The muddy eyes of the old village chief sometimes shot out twice, making people afraid to look directly.

The three of Zhang Yifeng looked at each other, saying that they still didn't understand, but thinking of the obsession they heard on the island, Zhang Yifeng seemed to understand something.

The obsession on the small island may have something to do with this village.

The old village chief seemed to know the doubts in the hearts of Zhang Yifeng and others, and continued: "I don't know how you discovered this village, but you can take a look."

The old man tremblingly took the crutches in front of him. The crutches were orange. I didn't know what kind of wood it was made of. It looked like it would never rot. This is a dragon head stick with a white bead inlaid on the dragon head.

The bead looked ordinary, but it made the three of them tremble. This pillar contained a strange spatial force.

Could it be that this is what Su Zhirou said, the space magic weapon that can make the teleportation array automatically repair?

At this time, the old man put his hand on the white bead, and the bead changed instantly, showing a picture.

"This is..." Zhang Yifeng couldn't believe his eyes.

"Don't be surprised, this is the way you came. This bead is called the Stealing Dzi Bead, which can steal any scenery between heaven and earth. Of course, my ability is limited, and I can only steal nearby heaven and earth."

The voice of the old village chief came faintly.

What appeared in the beads was a jungle. Zhang Yifeng and the three of them were familiar with this jungle. They came to this village from here, but at this time, there was no village at all.

Forest is still forest, and mountain is still mountain.

However, Zhang Yifeng didn't want to know how they walked into the village, he just wanted to get this bead now.

Stealing the Dzi Bead, he had heard of it in Lingyue Continent, it was an incredible auxiliary magic weapon. It is said that it was left by the immortal. As long as the cultivation base is strong enough, it can steal pictures from anywhere in the world.

"I'll show you another picture." The old village chief's hand stroked the dzi bead slightly, and the picture changed again. Li Mazi and Li Laowu appeared in the picture, they still stood outside the door, constantly bickering.

Zhang Yifeng turned his head, opened the window and looked out, and found that the scene reflected by stealing the dzi beads was exactly the same as reality.

Stealing dzi is worthy of stealing dzi!

On the side, Jia Youde's eyes gleamed authentically: "My Heavenly Lord is immeasurable! There are such magical treasures on the mainland. If the user has a super strong cultivation base, wouldn't he be able to see every corner of the mainland!"

Zhang Yifeng ignored Jia Youde. The Taoist Jia might have been trying to steal the Dzi Beads. He shook his head and asked again: "Old man, I want to ask, 30,000 years, except for us, Is it true that no one has come to this island?"

"Naturally, the specific time is not so accurate. The man came to this island by mistake. Unfortunately, he failed to enter the village."

"Why didn't you enter the village?"

"Because this village has a seal."

"Seal?" Zhang Yifeng and the others glanced at each other, saying that they had not found any seal barriers. "Old village chief, if there is a seal, how did we get in?"

"Fate, any seal and enchantment will have a blind spot, maybe you happened to step on the blind spot."

"Fate? By chance?" Neither Zhang Yifeng nor Jia Youde could believe this answer.

"Don't believe it? Well, let me tell you the truth. There are only three possibilities to come into our village." When the old village chief talked about business, his face was not flushed, his heart was not panting, and his words stopped stammer. "The first kind Possibly, the seal in the village disappeared with the passage of time. However, stealing the dzi beads did not appear in the village picture, indicating that the first possibility is impossible. The second possibility: the arrival of the king of the earth, the enchantment cannot stop it at all He. The third possibility is that you have a magic weapon that can penetrate the seal barrier or some kind of token of the people who deployed the formation back then. But no matter which possibility, I only know the fact that you are here! Ancestors I once calculated the future, saying that if someone comes here, we can save our village and let us return to the world!"

The old man's mood was a little high, and I don't know if it was because of excitement, he finally blushed and started coughing.

Hearing this, Zhang Yifeng finally knew why there was such a deep obsession outside the island, because this village is a sealed village, and the wish of everyone in the village is to unlock the seal one day and see the outside world.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!