Published at 19th of September 2022 07:13:08 AM

Chapter 734

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Old man Wen held a fried dough stick in his hand and said coldly: "How could it be him? You want to look at him too highly. Even if he knows a lot of celebrities, how can he have the courage to challenge the four big families? That's death."

"Then I can rest assured. Although we have severed our relationship with Zhang Yifeng, if it is really him, it is inevitable that the four big families will find us trouble."

"Don't worry, it's impossible to be him. Take a 10,000 step back and say that even if he is him, he is also seeking his own death. Although he is my grandson, it is inevitable that my literary family has something to do with him, but we don't know about it. How can the family embarrass a third-rate family like us? Eat with peace of mind. These things are not something we can care about. I feel that China will have a big change."

Obviously, the Wen family did not believe that Zhang Yifeng in the news was the abandoned grandson they had always rejected.

Don't say they didn't believe it, even Mengjia who also received the news didn't believe it. The old man of Mengjia was embarrassed to call Zhang Yifeng to inquire and directly called Meng Nishang.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?" Meng Nishang asked suspiciously. Under normal circumstances, her grandpa would not call her.

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"Where is Zhang Yifeng? There is news that he is going to destroy Nalan's house, do you know?"

"Well, he is on his way to Nalan's house, he should be almost there. Grandpa, how did you know this news?" Meng Nishang said flatly.

"What! It's really him. I'm xx@!"

The old man Meng exploded in amazement, and even his breathing became quicker.

If the Wen family has little relationship with Zhang Yifeng, the relationship between his dream family and Zhang Yifeng is much better, after all, Zhang Yifeng is his dream family’s son-in-law.

If Zhang Yifeng really said such things, and even really attacked Nalan's family, it would be killing himself, and even drag Meng's family.

"Nishang, tell grandpa that you are playing with grandpa." Old man Meng said tentatively.

Meng Nishang was almost amused by the old man Meng: "Grandpa, am I like a funny person?"

"It's not like, my goodness, the news is true. Zhang Yifeng is really going to kill Nalan's house, can you tell me what he thinks?"

"Grandpa, you don't have to worry about him. There is no unsuccessful thing he decided to do."

Mr. Meng wanted to say something, I’m not worried for him, but for you and Meng’s family, but he did not say this after all, but sighed: "I hope he can really succeed. Then can you? Tell me, is there any backstage behind him?"

"I don't know if it is. I don't know the details. In short, he's fine. Grandpa, don't worry, he won't drag Mengjia."

"Now the world is really the world of young people. Okay, so be it. How are you doing this time?"

"very good."

Just when the old man Meng called with Meng Nishang, Zhang Yifeng was still on his way.

The base camp of Nalan's family is a bit far away. Even if you drive at night, you need to drive one day and one night, or without a break.

At this time, Zhang Yifeng's phone also rang.

Zhang Yifeng looked down and found that Lin Qi had started the call. It was obvious that Lin Qi also knew about this.

"Zhang Yifeng, is that news true?"

Sure enough, Lin Qi also spoke in confusion as soon as the call was connected.

Zhang Yifeng nodded and said, "It's true."

Lin Qi's reaction was much calmer than that of Mr. Meng. He was not too surprised, but sighed lightly: "Niu b!"

Lin Qi was the first person to come into contact with Zhang Yifeng. From the very beginning, he knew that Zhang Yifeng was a hidden dragon, and the future was limitless. Therefore, after hearing the news, his first reaction was that the news is likely to be true. It is likely that Zhang Yifeng's side actively spread the news. Sure enough, it was exactly the same as his guess.

"Are you on the road?"

Lin Qi asked again.

"Well, I'm on the road, I'll be there in a few hours."

Lin Qi nodded and said, "Then you take this time to think about your strategy. I am waiting for your good news. This time, you are going to shock the rhythm of the entire Huaxia. If you really let you destroy the Nalan family, Huaxia No force will dare to oppose you."

Zhang Yifeng originally wanted to say that he didn't need to think about any strategy and just call in. But before he had time to speak, Lin Qi had already hung up the phone. He didn't want to delay Zhang Yifeng's time or put too much pressure on Zhang Yifeng.

It is impossible for him to tell Zhang Yifeng that Nalan's family is too strong. Go back quickly while you are still on the way. Lin Qi still trusted Zhang Yifeng, and Zhang Yifeng was full of miracles.

On the trail, the vehicle was driving fast.

When the sun was about to set, the group finally arrived at Nalan's base camp.

The base camp of the Nalan family is not in Kyoto, but in the nearby Sanlong Province.

Sanlong Province is also a large province in China, and the base camp of the Nalan family is in a suburb of the capital city of Sanlong Province.

This suburb is almost all of Nalan's family.

The base camp of the Nalan family is quaint. If it were in ancient times, it must have been the place where a certain prince or even grandson lived.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, several large off-road trucks stopped at the gate of Nalan's house.

Zhang Yifeng, Ji Dali and a hundred bandits got off the truck.

Except for Zhang Yifeng, Ji Dali and the hundred war bandits all wore clothes from the Socrates, with the word Socrates behind, which was particularly eye-catching. Even Zhao Long also put on the clothes of Solips City, after all, he is considered to be the top of Solips City.

People who don't know thought this was a member of the underworld.

"It's finally here. Sitting all day and night makes my kidney hurt."

Ji Dali’s voice came, saying that he stretched his waist. But at the corner of his mouth, there was an expectant smile.

Zhang Yifeng said lightly: "Let's go."

When the voice fell, Zhang Yifeng took the lead and approached Nalan's house step by step. Ji Dali, Zhao Long and One Hundred Bandits followed.

Although there are not many people, it is also a little imposing.

After Zhang Yifeng came under the steps at the door, he suddenly murmured, "The Nalan family, won't you come out to meet?"

After this sound, the power of aura was applied, and Zhang Yifeng's voice kept echoing around.

"Is it finally here."

Just as Zhang Yifeng's voice fell, the door of Nalan's house opened instantly, and then a group of people rushed out of the yard with submachine guns.

It seemed that Nalan's family had been waiting for Zhang Yifeng.

"Are you Zhang Yifeng?"

A leading figure stared at Zhang Yifeng proudly, and the gun in his hand was pointed at Zhang Yifeng's head.

"I don't talk to the ants, what about Nalanchu?"

Zhang Yifeng spoke lightly.

"If you want to see the Young Patriarch, I'll talk about it before you survive, and sweep them into a hornet's nest for me."

The leader was too lazy to talk nonsense, his voice fell, he took a few steps back, and the gunman behind him immediately pulled the trigger.

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