Published at 7th of October 2022 08:27:33 AM

Chapter 1241: Too many applicants

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   Chapter 1241 Too many applicants

  Indeed, this is the first time that Huaqing Holdings has been selected internally.

  The units selected this time are also very good, at least compared to doing canned food in Jianhua Village or selling clothes in a clothing factory.

  Working at a satellite company in Beijing is an opportunity for many people.

  Not only a few enterprises and garment factories in Jianhua Village, but also Changxingju Real Estate Company and Huaqing Electrical Appliances in Pengcheng, there are people who have signed up to work for the satellite company that will be established in Beijing.

  Even when Jiang Xiaobai looked through his resume, he found that the people at the headquarters, home and beverage factory wanted to go.

Even if the people in the home and the beverage factory wanted to go, there were people in the headquarters who wanted to go.

  "Xiaojin, you can count the number of people in each company and what class of key employees are." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Xiaojin and confessed.

  Zhao Xiaojin rolled her eyes and asked with a smile, "Dong Jiang, is this going to be?"

  Jiang Xiaobai looked up at Zhao Xiaojin with a smile but a smile, and asked, "What are you doing about this?"

   "It's okay, I just think Jiang Dong wants to..." Zhao Xiaojin said with a smile on his face.

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai interrupted: "What do you think? I tell you, don't inquire about it. This is called a trade secret. What do you know?"

   "If you don't let me inquire, don't inquire." Zhao Xiaojin muttered, turned and left.

  She has been with Jiang Xiaobai for so long, and she still knows a little bit about Jiang Xiaobai.

  Although Zhao Xiaojin mumbled, he still worked very neatly. He quickly sorted out which company and class of employees the people who signed up for a few days belonged to.

   "Dong Jiang, the statistics are out." Zhao Xiaojin came in with the file.

   "Read it." Jiang Xiaobai said without raising his head.

   "Okay, the announcement says that today is the third morning, and it will end at 5 o'clock this afternoon.

  Up to now, a total of 22 people have signed up, and the number of applicants is 383, basically reaching a ratio of 20 to one.

  Of course, some positions have a larger number of applicants, which can reach 30 to one or 40 to one.

  These positions are mainly concentrated in the top management positions of the company. The lower middle management positions have the lowest registration rate, while the bottom management positions have a little more registration..."

  Zhao Xiaojin said, Jiang Xiaobai nodded thoughtfully.

  This situation is also normal. The high-level employees are rushing and thinking about developing in a higher direction. In addition, Jingcheng Satellite Company is a company full of technology.

  If you can be the general manager of a satellite company, you will have a better future for development in the next step, so more senior employees have signed up.

  Relatively speaking, middle-level employees have much lower mobility, and middle-level employees are relatively older and unwilling to leave their homes.

  Even if this place is the capital, many people are reluctant to go. People are out of town. They are very accustomed to staying in their familiar environment and are very comfortable.

  In addition, there is also the banner of Huaqing Holding Company in a small place, or in Jin Province, the banner of Huaqing Holding Company is still very useful.

  So as the middle-level leaders of Huaqing Holding Company's various companies, they still have a lot of face and strength.

  Even if there is a future in Beijing, everything is unknown after going there. How can they be willing to leave when they are used to comfort.

  So the number of applicants for middle management positions is relatively small.

  Conversely, the employees at the bottom are different. They have not been at work for a long time, they are still young, and they dare to work hard for a future.

  For the sake of a possibility, I am willing to travel far away, and I am willing to work hard for my own future.

  Therefore, the number of applicants for lower-level employees is very large.

  "Tell me about the number of applicants from each company." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"The most registered educated youth cannery has more than 90 people. Then there are more than 70 people in Jiang Xiaobai Garment Factory. The number of people in the feed factory and home and beverage factory is not large, only more than 40 people. There are more than thirty people.

  There are more than 60 people in the headquarters. The Changxingju Real Estate Company has the least number of people, only more than 10...and more than 20 construction companies..."

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Xiaojin and asked, “You mean that Changxingju Real Estate Company only has more than ten people signed up?”

   "Yes, there are only eleven." Zhao Xiaojin said affirmatively.

   "Hey, call Lao Shi over, just say I'm looking for him." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Soon Shi Sheng came over, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and asked Zhao Xiaojin to show Shi Sheng the list.

   "Look, Lao Shi, there are more than 60 people in the headquarters, Lao Shi, it seems that our headquarters is not doing well.

  You see, there are only more than ten people in Xingju Real Estate Company. "

   Jiang Xiaobai joked with a smile.

  Shi Sheng's face turned blue and red. He was very active about applying for the job, but now he is doing quite well.

  But the **** in the headquarters really made him ashamed.

  The personnel management of the headquarters is all responsible for it. As a result, now that this kind of thing has happened, this is a slap in the face.

   "Oh, old history, how come you can't make a joke anymore." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Haha, no." Shi Sheng laughed dryly.

   "Okay, Lao Shi, take the list and go and arrange it. We will have an interview tomorrow morning." Jiang Xiaobai said.


   That night, Shi Sheng gathered all the employees at the headquarters. One was to arrange an interview tomorrow morning.

  The other is about the registration of employees at headquarters

   "Dong Jiang said today, our headquarter employees sign up...this sign up..." Shi Sheng raised the matter, not knowing how to say it.

  Said that there are too many applicants. This is the decision of the headquarters, Jiang Xiaobai, and he is very supportive.

  I said that everyone in the company can sign up. Isn’t the headquarter employees not the company?

   "There are a lot of applications, everyone is very enthusiastic, I am very happy..." Shi Sheng finally gritted his teeth and said, he is really dumb and eats Coptis chinensis.

   can only swallow this bitterness by himself.

  "So everyone must do a good job in the interview reception tomorrow. At the same time, I also wish all my colleagues who participate in the competition for posts, tomorrow will be smooth sailing and success..."

  Shisheng couldn't wait a minute after speaking, got up and left.

  The key is that these **** are still applauding vigorously below, and they are still saying "borrowing history".

  I can’t wait to kill you dogs.

   Make Lao Tzu unable to lift his head in front of Jiang Xiaobai, let Jiang Xiaobai laugh at herself by this incident.

  Wait and see, during the interview tomorrow, Lao Tzu will definitely let you know what is strict.

  (End of this chapter)

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