Reincarnation Paradise - Chapter 1001

Published at 3rd of February 2023 06:15:04 PM

Chapter 1001

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Lepuyi, Secretary of Lei Ying, didn't go out. As secretary of Lei Ying, she must be present.

"Yes, Lord Lei Ying. Except for Muye, all the other tail animals in the village were taken away by Xiao organization. At the beginning, nine tail animals were distributed among the pillars of one thousand hands to each big village, so that they all had weapons to frighten each other. Now, these weapons are threatened. Can we join forces to deal with Xiao?"

"It makes sense."

Four generations of Lei Ying nodded and agreed with Darui, and he had other ideas.

"Daruy, alliance is important, but before that, we need to find out what's going on in Muye. Now only Muye has tail animals, and the relationship between yuzhibo and Muye is far-reaching."

Four generations of Lei Ying suddenly thought of something and looked at mabuyi.

"To contact the other four villages, yunyin village asked for the five shadows conference. In this situation, they will not refuse."

Lei Ying of the fourth generation is going to hold the five shadows conference. He has three purposes. One is to find the unity of tolerance village, the other is to pursue responsibility, the third is to splash dirty water and the dirty water of wood leaves.

Other tail animals in the village of forbearance all have an accident. Why are your tail animals safe and sound.

This reason seems to be a bit messy, but this is the style of yunyincun. Yunyincun once blackmailed Baiyan from Muye in a similar way and almost succeeded.

Lei Ying of the fourth generation doesn't know that Ji gangshou of the fifth generation can't continue to be the fire shadow. Therefore, Muye chooses the fire shadow agent, that is, brother tuanzhong.

Tuanzhong, a kind of old Yin beep, can certainly cope with the blackmail of the four generations of Lei Ying. Moreover, tuanzhong is happy not to have Lei Ying hold the five shadows conference. If he represents Muye to the five shadows conference, it will make him become a regular faster.

In this case, the five shadows conference will be held soon.

Outside Lei Ying's office window, several spore balls are attached to the gap at the window edge. The spore ball is only the size of rice, and there is no chakra fluctuation inside.


Know the organization base.

Su Xiao and others have agreed on the plan after that. Just as they were about to leave, Jue's steps suddenly stopped.

"My meridians got an important piece of information through sporulation."

Never open your mouth in vain.

"What information? Where do you come from? "

"Yunyincun, just a few minutes ago, was the spore I sent to yunyincun two months ago. It was very close to Lei Ying's office, so I let my body feel the spore balls all the time..."

The importance of those spores was explained by Bai Jue.

"Direct information."

The impatience of being white and noisy.

"It seems that the four generations of Lei Ying are going to hold the five shadows conference, which will be held in the neutral country of iron three days later. Listening to Lei Ying means to pursue responsibility from Muye......"

Bai Jue gives detailed information. It's hard to avoid being in a hurry in three days for the shadow collection of five tolerance villages. However, unlike politicians, ninjas have strong mobility. Besides, the shadow in them has enough time in three days, even more than enough.

The shorter the time, the lower the risk of representing the five shadows conference. It only has three days. Maybe when the enemy reacts, the five shadows conference is over.

"To pursue responsibility from the leaves "

brought interest from the earth. If Lei Ying wanted to gather the other four villages, he would definitely destroy them. Although there is a plan to gather the five villages together in his plan, it is still too early. His strength is not enough to fight against the five villages.

If it's Lei Ying's unilateral pursuit of responsibility is different, because a large number of tail animals have been caught, and now the five tolerance villages are holding a fire in their hearts. If they succeed in instigating discord, allowing them to kill each other, and thus a war breaks out, it's easy to catch the remaining two tail animals.

The more he wanted to take the soil, the more he was moved. Besides, he didn't want the five villages to unite for the time being.

"Five shadows conference."

When Su Xiao heard the key word, he immediately knew how far the situation had progressed.

"Are you interested?"

Look at Su Xiao with earthy eyes.

"Of course Interested, some personal grievances need to be dealt with. "

" but nine tail side... "

"Don't worry, Jiuwei will catch up with her."

Su Xiao looks at Sasuke unintentionally. As long as Sasuke is there, the vortex Naruto will come after him. There is no doubt about that.

Su Xiao is very curious about one thing, that is, there is no vortex Naruto, the protagonist, participating in the war of tolerance. What will be the result of the war of tolerance? In other words, if the outcome of the war of tolerance is changed indirectly, how many sources of the world will be obtained? Or other rewards?

Su Xiaoyue is more and more interested in it. There is no doubt that the five shadows conference is a very important turning point. As a member of Xiao's organization, the benefits of participating in this event must be amazing.

"Are you sure?"

Dai Tu seems to see that Su Xiao wants to participate in the five shadows conference, but he will not stop it.

This kind of thing that both sides have profit, take soil certainly won't stop.

"Didala, let Jue go to Xiaonan's side. The five shadows conference may be more important."

"The decision seems unwise."

His voice was low and hoarse. It was black Jue. When he found that the main force of the war was concentrated to the five shadows conference, he immediately began to intervene.

"Later. "

he looks the same with the earth. Although he is dissatisfied, there are other people on the scene. He is not good at saying anything.

"So it was decided that, except for the eight tailed ghost shark, all the others went to the country of iron where the five shadows conference was held."

The soil has realized that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Is there going to be a big fight? Uh huh.

The mouth of Didala's palm was open and his bright red tongue was sticking out.

"It depends, but what happens if one or two of the five shadows die when the five shadows conference is held."

The meaning of taking soil is very simple. You can kill two shadows if you want. Only when you mess up can you act.

"Leave in half an hour for the country of iron. "

the final plan is to go to the country of iron and find opportunities to attack and kill the shadows of each big tolerance village during the five shadows conference. The main targets are fire shadow, thunder shadow and water shadow. If one of the three shadows dies, the situation is likely to be chaotic.

Especially the water shadow, now the fog hidden village has just stabilized. If the water shadow suddenly dies in battle, the situation in the fog hidden village will be in disorder immediately, and the hatred accumulated before will burst out in an instant.

At the end of the meeting, just as everyone was about to leave, bubwang did not move. He looked up at Su Xiao, and his eyes seemed to ask, "master, how about my happy little friend feiduan?"

Su Xiao doesn't know the exact answer to this question. If he guesses right, feiduan is buried somewhere underground. The specific address is unknown.

Take the earth and black and white Jue to the deep base. It should be black Jue who wants to discuss with take the earth. Nine out of ten, take the earth to focus on the five shadows conference, causing black Jue's dissatisfaction. In black Jue's view, reincarnation is more important.

Dai Tu has his own ideas. The samsara eyes of changmen will not have any problems in half a year. However, the five shadows conference is imminent. The priorities of the two are clear.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!