Reincarnation Paradise - Chapter 2109

Published at 3rd of February 2023 05:39:35 PM

Chapter 2109

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Under Laurent's leadership, witches will soon prosper, but there is always a problem that witches are crazy and unwilling to be bound.

Laurent simply does not bind the Wizards. He only needs to find the same people among many wizards.

Five years later, led by Laurent, dawning and Gus, they led more than 76000 wizards to attack the dominators.

The mighty battle ended two days later, or they marched for two days. After seeing the dominator, they were defeated before the war officially started. After drinking magic medicine and becoming a wizard, they were not qualified to fight against the dominator at all.

More than 76000 wizards were killed. Laurent was pierced by a whisker in the battle. Before he became a lump, he said, "and white goat."

Fortunately, Laurent's combat effectiveness soared after he became this image, successfully covering the dawn and Gus's retreat.

After that, dawn became the leader of the Sorcerer's Association. The three of them gave in to the dominator, and built the city of Helu and the headquarters of the Sorcerer's Association Based on the knowledge left by Lawrence and the common people.

Since then, witches will become a more loose organization. The only thing that keeps it going is the magic medicine of the moon family. After all, they are descendants of Laurent and know more.

Dawn ordered that the Sorcerer's church be closed more than ten floors, and the old church was where the three of them lived.

After fighting with the dominator, the three are more or less influenced by each other. They find that their death is delayed. This is a warning to tell them what the result of resistance will be.

Not only that, but the ruler also came to the city of Helu, where he was sleeping, which was the second warning.

For a long time, the dawn and GUS were in despair, and their spiritual leader Laurent became a group, which hit them imaginably.

In this period of time, the dawn of paranoia, she firmly believes that the number of farts no use, only a strong individual can deal with the dominator.

Constantly searching, dawn finally found a girl, who was not only born to be a wizard, but also some of their divinity, which let dawn see hope.

Gus, however, chose to put down his selfishness and believe in the dawn again. Gus found a way for the old God to deal with the darkness a long time ago, that is, holy silver. To get holy silver, you need to burn the old God, extract iron from the old God, and combine it with pure silver.

In order to face them directly, the most basic requirement is not to be eroded by the darkness. Gus burned himself and got a small amount of holy silver, but it was not enough.

So dawn and Lawrence lie in the furnace, they have failed once, they can no longer face the dominator, so they put all their hopes on NIA.

Niya lived up to the hope of these three people. She was the light growing up in the dark. In order to avoid the eyes of the dominator, Niya, who was only 12 years old, lived in the deepest dungeon underground of the wizard Association.

In order not to make her lonely, the dawn made the sad girl, and entrusted the forger Seuss archide to make the holy silver into a headdress, wrapped in ordinary silver, and put it on the sad girl's head.

The forger, Hughes archide, was the old wizard in a wooden wheelchair that Su Xiao had seen.

NEA doesn't talk to anyone. Except for the sad daughter, she feels guilty every time she sees NEA. She is even ready to die in NEA's hands.

Until NEA was 18 years old, stronger than any known wizard, and reached a certain limit, she left the dungeon.

"Come back, I'll wait for you here."

This is the last sentence that dawn said to NEA. NEA just smiled at dawn. That pure smile made dawn want to cut off his head and kneel in front of NEA, so as to compensate each other for the dark childhood and the beautiful youth like flowers.

NIA has only one person, a firm heart, a sword with a trace of holy silver. She has nothing else.

Niya's defeat, after cutting off the dominator's half head, made the dominator more angry, so it deprived nearly all the sunshine and made the world wet and cold.

"We are selfish."

Dawn sighed, she resisted, failed, but she did not regret, only let her feel guilty, only NIA.


Su Xiao spits out a mouthful of blue smoke. Buwang, Baha'i, amu'am and Caesar have a bucket of popcorn.


The dawn is a little dazed and looks at Su Xiao. Su Xiao's cheek is obviously drawn.

"Where are the masters? We talked about it."

"Have you decided to face it directly? It's in gugang, a room in the third block. You can find it there, or it will take the initiative to drag you to the other side. Specifically When you get there, you'll understand. "

Dawn's fingers gently clasp the armrest of the stone chair. With a click, a small silver bottle pops out.

"Take it with you. Our hope is dead. It's no use keeping it. It was meant to deal with the white goat."

The hands of the withered branches picked up the silver vials and handed them to Su Xiao.

[you get the 'Saint silver dilution solution'. ]

[holy silver dilution solution]

origin: wizard world

Quality: epic level

type: props (can be used once)

use effect: this solution can be applied to melee weapons. Within 10 minutes, when fighting against ancient gods, each attack will be accompanied by 129-350 points of real holy silver damage (the damage intensity will be determined according to the user's intelligence attribute),

Score: 700 + +

Introduction: it carries far more expectations than expected.

Selling price: 400000 yuan

Seeing the data of [Shengyin diluent solution], Su Xiao basically knew what was going on. The dominator was the ancient god, similar to the moon god, who was a variety of divine creatures.

Yes, in Su Xiao's view, gods are also creatures, while ancient gods are only one category of gods, while fortune goddess is another category of gods, such as inclination, goodness and good luck.

In fact, the moon god is quite innocent. He treated well in the city of the earth and was found by Su Xiao and cut down. Obviously, Su Xiao was a villain in in that matter. He also came to the moon god to have a "super high temperature in the brain".

The dominator, however, does not belong to the ranks of innocents. This guy's claws stretch out a little longer and rob the things of reincarnation paradise. Otherwise, Su Xiao doesn't have to look for him all over the world.

"It turned out to be an ancient god."

Hearing Su Xiao's words, the dim eyes brightened a little, and Gus's eyes in the distance pushed.

"Boy, the ancient gods are more terrible than you think. In some ways, they are almost omnipotent. See what the world looks like. This is the result of being invaded by the ancient gods."

Gus's voice was a little discontented. The guy's mouth was stinky, but the old man was a good man. He saw that Su Xiao didn't belong to the world, so he said implicitly many times that leaving here is not a good place, and don't go to find the ancient god · dominator. It's not worth dying for it.

"You know the ancient gods."

The dawn was different from Gus, who always wanted to get rid of the ancient gods.

"I know. I killed one not long ago. It's very strong."

Su Xiao went to the old church. Now that he knew where the dominator was, of course, he went straight to the old God. He didn't kill him.


Dawning was stunned for a moment, and she was clearly awake at this time. She looked at Su Xiao, who had gone far away, with some consternation. In her judgment, such a person as Su Xiao was unlikely to be in such a panic.

"Dawn, it seems that this time A monster, I hope those ancient gods experience our original despair. "

Gus, who was hanging upside down, laughed and the smile on his face disappeared because he saw the statue of NIA in the center of the church.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!