Reincarnation Paradise - Chapter 2231

Published at 3rd of February 2023 05:35:28 PM

Chapter 2231

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Su Xiaoyou holds an Apollo in his right hand, and in his left hand is the mark signal gun. He is going to use the signal bomb to attract the attention of the enemy, so as to improve the probability of Apollo bombing people. There are five rounds of ammunition in the mark signal gun, and using one is not a waste.

Su Xiao pulls the trigger.


A red signal bomb rises into the sky and explodes when it reaches the sky. The ф shaped huge mark appears. This thing will last for three hours.

Apollo is activated in Su Xiao's hands. It takes 25 seconds for Apollo to detonate. As for Baja, if he flies too low, he will be perceived by the enemy. If he flies too high, he may be directly seen by the enemy, so as to avoid the explosion of Apollo.

When Apollo was activated for 10 seconds, Su Xiao made a throwing pose and threw Apollo.

Apollo disappeared in Su Xiao's sight with a swish, and he began to time.

At the same time, three kilometers away in the forest, Wago, disguised as a Mengling nationality, stopped, her green pupils tightened rapidly, and immediately looked up.

The sense of crisis appeared and disappeared as fast as before, and an orange shadow was flying over her.

Soon, Wago felt the ground shake under his feet.


Incandescent fireballs are springing up in the distance. Just seeing this, Wago can feel its high temperature and destructive power.

Like Su Xiao's guess, Wago Mo is indeed a pseudonym. The name of this "Yin language group" is Nita. Because of her ability, she often remembers her gender, and often uses her innocent appearance to make the action of picking the feet of a big man.

Nita's ethnic group is called "Yin language group". They were originally similar to druids, living in the forest, perceiving nature and mimicking all kinds of animals. Unfortunately, they can also simulate the appearance, body shape and breath of other human races. Even after wearing special clothes, they can instantly mimicry their clothes.

This kind of talent is hated by people. In addition, the Yin clan is a "precious commodity". Now it is forbidden to trade and arrest in the void. After all, what you want to look like can be obtained as soon as you let the Yin clan have a look, which can meet the bold ideas of many dignitaries.

If not for thousands of years ago, the Yin clan would have been extinct.

Just as Nita was about to find a place to hide and disguise herself as a Yuzu, she received an area announcement from the tree of the void.

[regional announcement: more than 3 killing points have been gained by the participants, and the ranking of the 7th World War II zone has been activated. ]

first place: Reincarnation Paradise (5 points)

second place: death Paradise (1 point)

third place: no

Seeing the announcement, Nita looked at the metal box in her hand, and suddenly she felt that it was very hot.

And five kilometers away, the female Yu nationality looked at the huge fire pit in front of them. The ground inside had been vitrified. The female Yu nationality's name was Shangyue. It was not the younger generation of the Yu nationality. The youngest generation of the Yu nationality was not qualified to participate in the battle for hegemony.

"This is The style of reincarnation paradise, lunatic paradise. "

Shangyue murmurs in her mouth, but not far away, stands a man who is famous for wearing full body armor.

"What? You want to fight me now? Son of the world from the meteorite. "

died slightly on the side of the head, the blue eye shadow of the eyes squint.

"United Gemini, first, get rid of, reincarnation paradise, of, madman

The armor man's voice is hoarse, and there is a light black air in the two exhaust holes on the face armor.

When he saw the armor man in the abandoned palace, Su Xiao judged at a glance that this guy came from a world with ancient gods, and the armor on the other side had the power of ancient gods.

"Don't eat every word when you speak. This is emptiness. No one will compliment you."

Shangyue's eyes are obviously disgusted.


Although the armor man was angry in his heart, Su Xiao was shocked by the two swords before.

"If Gemini from paradise of death agrees, I have no problem."

Shangyue's voice just came down. Two identical voices came at the same time.

"We agree."

The twin brothers appear beside the fire pit. They look at the sun flame in the huge fire pit, and their eyes are thoughtful.

"Leave here immediately. According to our rules, kill the enemy's rear. That person will come to check."

The twin brother turns around and goes away. The armor man follows him silently. Shangyue hesitates for a moment and follows the three men.

A moment later, Su Xiao walked out of the forest. He stopped in front of the huge fire pit and didn't see any treasure chest or other items inside.


All of a sudden, Brawn called.

"It's near here? Boss, do you want to catch up? The feather race, the paradise of death and the meteorite are all enemies. "


Su Xiao thought of a possibility and an opportunity to cooperate with some party. After all, someone in the neighborhood deliberately left a trail for Buwang to trace.

According to bubuwang's tracking, half an hour later, Su Xiao stopped in a rubble area, and four figures stood or sat in the rubble area. One of the armor men sat on a white stone, holding a black meat block. The black air on the meat block was inhaled by the armor man through the air hole on the face armor.

On the other hand, a famous woman in black feather clothes is the feather nationality. The appearance of the feather nationality is like a gift from heaven. Women have different looks and men are handsome. Maybe the ancient gods and the feather nationality are enemies. After all, a new height of beauty and a new lower limit of ugliness come out.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The twins opened their mouth. When Buwang saw the dense barcode on their head, he wanted to scan it with his mobile phone to see if it could reach the factory.

"It's here to win?"

Su Xiao communicates with Baja and amu through the team channel. Amu is in charge of the armor man. Baja drags the female badminton. As for Gemini, he deals with them personally. Gemini is very strong, and now he is fighting with Gemini. It will be very troublesome if he can't get it right.

"It's not necessary for both of us to decide the outcome here. I'll see you in the next few rounds. The left side of Twilight island belongs to you. On the right side, we'll finish the first round as soon as possible, depending on our ability."

Twin brother looks at armored man.

"The son of the world, as a gift to meet, as for the Yu people, as you like, if you are not afraid of their revenge."

The air around the twin brothers began to twist. As one of the big hot doors to win the championship, their strength should not be underestimated. After all, they are the strongest in the sixth level of the death Park and the third in the arena of the sixth level of the park.

At the words of the twin brother, the armored man immediately got up.


An air wall fell from the sky, blocking the way of the armored man.

On the other side, Shangyue has almost disappeared in the forest. Now she can be sure that she has met three old Yin beeps.

"It's a pity to run away."

The twin brother looks at Su Xiao with a smile on his face.

"The left side of the island belongs to you, and the box is more skillful."

"Just wait for your words, we'll fight here, only for the benefit of others."

Gemini to the left, they both raise their hands at the same time, layers of air wall disappeared.

Up to now, armor man of course knows that he has been calculated. Su Xiao and Gemini are the strength of killing each other in the world. However, armor man, as the son of the world of the meteorite, can imagine how smooth the wind and water are in the meteorite.

Su Xiao agreed with Gemini's proposal for a very important reason, that is, the armor man is indeed the son of the world, and he has a task called "plundering the sky and scaring the clouds". His completion has been stuck at 83%.

If you can finish the task of plundering the sky and frightening the LAN after killing the armor man, you will make a lot of money.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!