Reincarnation Paradise - Chapter 3702

Published at 3rd of February 2023 04:10:09 PM

Chapter 3702

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Seeing the tips about the trial task, Su Xiao finally knew why the most difficult trial task was carried out in Yongguang world.

According to the current situation of Yongguang world, the Ninth level peak contractor comes here to test. He is definitely dying. Wild monsters casually encountered by the roadside may reach the combat power of the super strong with the gain of the power of extreme elements. Although this monster is certainly not the opponent of the real super strong, without the power accumulated by the inside information, it can be used against the Ninth level peak contractor, That's almost a must.

Under such circumstances, coming to Yongguang world for trial is tantamount to seeking death. Let alone, Su Xiao's trial is a double trial, which is not only to break through the 300 point barrier of attribute, but also to awaken the talent ability of extinction method twice.

"Book of talent awakening · kill Dharma: after activating this item, the hunter will trigger the talent awakening task of" kill Dharma exclusive talent · hunt shadow ". After completing this talent task, your" kill Dharma exclusive talent · hunt shadow "will awaken to SSS level (talent upper limit level)."

At present, Su Xiao has not activated the book of talent awakening. Breaking through the 300 point attribute barrier alone is dangerous enough. If he carries out double trials at the same time, he must be unable to withstand it.

In any case, we will not consider the book of talent awakening until we break through the 300 point attribute barrier and promote the super strong. The premise of promoting the super strong is:

1. The four main attributes break through 300 points and receive corresponding attribute rewards (not achieved).

2. All seven kinds of passive foundations reach Lv Ex to activate the ultimate · basic passive (over achieved)..

3. The three skill masters have reached Lv 80 (over achieved).

4. Prepare five original fragments (reached).


Normally speaking, Su Xiao has no chance to make great progress in this world. The reason is that only in the attribute enhancement warehouse of reincarnation Paradise can he get the attribute reward derived from 300 real attributes.

This is true under normal circumstances, but Su Xiao came to Caesar this time and promised a reward of 1000 ounces of space-time power to solve this problem. At first, Su Xiao's assumption was that during the progress of Yongguang world, she would return to reincarnation paradise for a period of time, even if it was only a few hours, which would be enough for her to complete attribute breakthrough and obtain attribute rewards.

The plan was rejected by Caesar, who implicitly said that it was basically impossible. Caesar's proposal was that in the task world, you really can't go back halfway, but you can summon an attribute enhancement machine temporarily. As long as the summoned place meets some harsh requirements and has corresponding permissions, it is still possible to do so.

Although it can only be summoned for less than ten hours, it is enough. Therefore, Caesar asked Su Xiao to prepare LV in advance 15~Lv. 20 additional branding level permissions.

It's difficult to change the normal contractor, because the additional brand level authority is that when the brand level is increased each time, the remaining promotion amount will be converted into this thing after exceeding the single limited promotion amount.

Su Xiao often gets s - and S-level comprehensive evaluation, and now his additional brand level authority is Lv 21, enough to deal with this situation.

Therefore, what Su Xiao needs to do is to break through the 300 point attribute barrier as soon as possible. Only in this way can he be promoted to the top. Don't forget that the promotion of the top is different from the promotion of the eighth level to the Ninth level. The promotion of the top can increase the combat power, and if five "original fragments" are used to complete this process, the increase will soar.

Moreover, don't forget that he can't break through the 300 attribute barrier and hasn't been promoted to the top, so many of his abilities can't give full play to his full combat power. Such abilities are as follows:

1. Overlord's power: increases 145000 health points, all attributes + 29 points, saves 14.5% physical damage, 14.5% energy damage, all potential upper levels + 4, and all skill ability levels + 4.

Su Xiao can't gain 140000 HP or 29 points of all attributes.

2. Master of knife art.

Now his swordsmanship master ability is Lv 82, but because he neither broke through the 300 point attribute barrier nor promoted to the top, the master of sabre Lv He can only exert 80% of the power of 82, and some gains are in the half seal, such as "knife weapon chopping power judgment level + 19", which is a chopping attack more rigid and difficult to defend than the old beast king, who is beyond the limit of level 9, between level 9 and absolute strength.

Su Xiao, who is not a strong man yet, can only use a few knives to give full play to his cutting power. There are cracks all over his right arm. Therefore, he urgently needs to be promoted to be a strong man. In this way, he can play 100%. No, he should be a master of swordsmanship. This is his core skill.

3. The sublimation of technology · to blade.

Don't look at this "high-order passive" only Lv 21. However, its strength is greatly improved. "The attack power of sabre weapons is increased by + 210%" and "the power of sabre moves is increased by 210%". These two points alone are enough to reflect its strength, not to mention the powerful increase above the limit after the sabre master increases the weapon attack power to the upper limit.

The power of sabre art is stuck at about 80%, and the "sublimation of technology · to blade" is simply sealed at more than 80%.

In addition to these abilities, other core abilities, more or less, are half sealed. As long as they are promoted to a strong level, the accumulated strength will burst out. For example, the development mode of four main attributes + three skills guru, such as the passive ability, such as the shadow of destruction, is a more powerful inheritance system in the later stage. When these are accumulated together, Just wait for promotion.

Previously, Su Xiao's plan was that if Yongguang world was such a dangerous level, he would leave immediately after completing the breakthrough of 300 attribute barriers. Now it seems that things have changed.

When he was in the shelter City, Su Xiao couldn't figure out one thing. In a caged world like Yongguang world, how could the first generation exterminators not stay behind? Now it seems that the first generation exterminators not only stay behind, but also stay behind. It's unreasonable.

As long as the "super world level closure" of the watcher tower is turned on, even the existence of the supreme power of the Archbishop of the abyss, the Devourer of the star world, the ancestor and the Lord of eternal darkness will be suppressed to the absolute power level. This is not for individual individuals, but directly pull down the upper limit of the combat power of the whole world.

Su Xiao feels very reliable about whether this "super world level blocking technique" is reliable. The reason is that over the years, these world-class entities in Yongguang world have not broken the space blockade here. It can be seen that this layout is smart, and the "super world level blocking technique" must be at the same level as the space blockade of the world.

Su Xiao looked at the trial task. The task has three stages. The first stage is to find the "watcher tower", the second stage is to open the "super · boundary level blocking technique", and the third stage is to complete the breakthrough of real attributes by virtue of attribute strengthening warehouse.

In the third stage, it is also a choice, whether to leave the world or continue to stay in the world.

A gentle light was reflected from above. Su Xiao looked around the dark sanctuary and found that in addition to the sculptures and stone pedestals on the wall, one third of the area was a workshop. There were furnaces and forging platforms in the workshop. Looking at the ashes in the bottom warehouse of the furnace, it had been unused for a long time, and the forging hammer on the forging platform was not ordinary. Presumably, the blacksmith who used to be here was not a small role.

On the right side of the dark sanctuary, there are several wooden doors. Each wooden door is a few meters away, representing one room and a total of five rooms. Su Xiao tried to push the door and found that three rooms were locked and the remaining two were empty. He chose one as a temporary residence.

"White night, have you seen the daughter of darkness?"

Thornes came with a package on his back and a scarf on his face.


"It seems that she has gone out to clean up AIDS again. Those aids can't be killed. As long as the guardian's inheritance is still there, they will continue to transmit AIDS here. After all, this is the most risky and efficient method."

Thornes shrugged, then sat down at a wooden table and motioned Su Xiao to sit down opposite. Just take it as his own home.

"In other words, the old tree told me that the era of destroying the law has passed for a long time, and the law destroyer has also died for a long time. You become the law destroyer, not because of the re emergence of the law destroyer camp? Is it because of chance? Or something else?"

"It's a coincidence."

"I see, that is to say, you are the last shadow of extinction, plus my half eternal light watcher, and a dark daughter who looks gentle but actually has a cold heart, as well as a scroll master who is lost and missing, and finally an old and confused old tree clan. It's the case that we five have to deal with the whole matte temple."


"Is there anyone else?"


Of course, Su Xiao didn't forget bubuwang, AMM and Baha'i who were still in the sand dune shelter. As for Beni, when she went to the shelter city before, she could really feel Beni's location, but Beni is located in the upper urban area of the shelter City, and she doesn't know how Beni went there. I think it's an important discovery.

In general, Beni has unexpected gains. To be more accurate, if Beni has not been moving, she is either brewing to become this round of MVP or drifting in the sea with tearful eyes.

"White night, how much do you know about the eternal light world?"

"Basic understanding."

"I see. I'll find it later."

After rummaging in his big bag for a moment, Thornes took out a barrel with thick arms, pulled out the seal of the barrel, poured out a roll of parchment from it, and spread it out, which turned out to be a perfect map of Yongguang world.

"This is a barren desert. Don't go. The edge area is OK. When you go deep to a certain extent, you will be dragged into Purgatory nightmare."

Thornes pointed to the top of the map, then pointed to the left side of the map and said, "this is the wet salt area. Be careful when you get here. By the way, water is very precious here and more popular than soul stone, but don't be tempted by this. Don't go to this area and try not to go. If you have to go, get more pure salt. That's a good thing."

Having said this, Thornes pointed to the middle part of the map and said, "this is the refuge City area. There is a large area around it, which is the territory of the matte temple. We can't avoid going to the refuge city later. There is likely to be the materials we need, but remember two points. Don't touch the shelter stones there. Those shelter stones have been tampered with by the matte temple.

Also, remember to leave the refuge city through Yusha's transmission array, which is the only transmission method that will not be sensed by the space diaphragm of the refuge city. "

After hesitating, Thornes added: "if possible, pay Yusha more for the use of the transmission array. She can't hold on to sheltering the children herself. Alas, the asylum city is the only place where they can live, but it is taking their lives all the time."

Speaking of this, Thornes took out a ring of the eternal light watcher and put it on the table. This is the property of a certain eternal light watcher, but it has not been used for many years. Whether it is a Dharma destroyer, an abyss watcher, or an eternal light watcher, they can use it to darken the sanctuary.

One thing, however, is that people with the flavor of the sanctuary must not be allowed to come here. That will lead to the exposure of the location of the gray sanctuary, and the matte temple will pour out and attack here.

For the four giants of the lightless temple, the Lord of the eternal darkness, the Archbishop of the abyss, their ancestors and the Devourer of the star world, this dark sanctuary is their last threat. Therefore, once they find this place, they will destroy it at any cost.

After describing the general situation of Yongguang world, Thornes pushes the map to Su Xiao, which means that the map is sent to Su Xiao.

"If I'm right, are you going to be promoted here?"

Thornes opened his mouth with a smile, and there seemed to be something in his eyes.


"How many original pieces have you prepared?"

"Five dollars."

"Sure enough, this secret method has been lost for a long time."

Thornes's words were confusing, but he then took out a scroll to let Su Xiao know what was going on.

What is recorded on this scroll is a secret method, which was developed by a shadow of extinction, but was later eliminated because of the high failure rate.

The function of this secret method is to consume more "original fragments" to promote the super strong, so that this promotion can bring greater combat effectiveness.

To make a simple analogy, if you remove all abilities, it is simply the combat strength brought by promoting the absolute strength. You don't need to directly promote the absolute strength, and the combat strength is 100 points.

If you use five pieces of "original fragments" to promote the extremely strong, the combat power is about 400 ~ 500 points.

However, if you use this secret method to promote yourself to be extremely strong, the combat power is about 1100 ~ 1300 points.

The reason why there is such a big gap is that using this secret method to promote the extremely strong requires a total of 11 "original fragments", and this secret method is only available to the destroyer and a few inheritance systems.

This is because when the promotion is extremely strong, the promotion of the inheritance system also needs "original fragments", usually 1 ~ 6 "original fragments", while the shadow of the destruction of the law does not need this promotion consumption.

Although it is not necessary, if you want to do so, you can also use six "original fragments" to promote all abilities of the extinction law system. As for the increase range, it is better than nothing at most.

There has always been no shortage of people who dare to try. There are those who lead thunder in the void with element affinity, let alone in this regard. The famous first generation method came up with one point, that is, since there is this upper limit share, why not use it to promote the absolute strength?

Transfer the share used to promote the ability of the law system to the promotion of the strong, which is like two buckets. The bucket on the side of the law system is full to almost overflow, and most of the bucket on the promotion of the strong is still empty. There is enough water. Of course, it is poured into the bucket representing the promotion of the strong.

This idea led the first generation of the destruction method to develop this unknown secret method. As for why this secret method was eliminated, it is not because it will consume more "original fragments". When the destruction camp was strong, there was a mother tree of black maple, which did not lack these resources.

The key is that the failure rate of this secret method is high. It needs extra strong vitality as the basis to have a success rate of 90%.

But they haven't been promoted to be extremely strong, and their vitality is difficult to reach the required level. In that case, the success rate is not even two Chengdu. In particular, the first generation of extinction methods are not people in the paradise camp. They can only increase the upper limit of vitality by permanent gain potions, which have a drinking upper limit. The rest can only rely on luck to see whether they can obtain the secret treasure of expanding vitality.

Su Xiao is true to this pre demand. Because he is not an absolute strong person, his life value is stuck at the Ninth level upper limit of 1 million points. Naturally, this pre demand is nothing to say, while Thornes, who is opposite, came up with this secret method because he sensed Su Xiao's strong vitality.

Su Xiao's total vitality is indeed enough. The problem is that he doesn't have enough "original fragments". This secret method can be used, but it can only depend on whether he can get "original fragments" in the future. If he doesn't get it, he can only use five "original fragments" to promote himself.

"Thank you."

Su Xiao received the scroll of the secret method, a map of the Yongguang world, and what the scroll of the secret method should give back. He took out the existing two souls, but Thornes suddenly said:

"Do you have any wine?"


"You can use the soul stone in the future. I fought with a world destroying creature a few years ago, which damaged the origin and could not continue to improve myself. If you have wine, I am more interested. The last bottle of wine of the scroll master in the sanctuary was drunk by me a few years ago. Because of this, the scroll master ignored me for half a year."

At the mention of this matter, Thornes's face was filled with a little dark and cool.

"This may be the best."

Su Xiao took out five bottles of element wine. So far, he has never seen a better wine than element wine. It is true that those of the same grade are in the void and the wind sea continent, but they are all treasured.

After loading several bottles of wine into the backpack, Thornes took out a small cloth bag from the inside and said, "there are some uncontaminated shelter stones in it. Although you should not use them, just in case, talk to the old tree first. I'll find the dark daughter. She shouldn't go out too far."

After that, thorns left with a package on his back. Su Xiao picked up the ring on the table. With this ring, he can quickly return to the gray sanctuary as long as he is not in a particularly dangerous area or an area with space shock film such as the refuge city.

Su Xiao didn't directly go to the center of the gray sanctuary to find the old tree family. He walked out of the main door of the shelter and came to the courtyard. There were many strange stones in the courtyard, and there were many tombs without tombstones. The sky was covered with faint lines. In this space, there were only the gray sanctuary and the courtyard, and then walking outward, it was a strong and dark space wall.

When he came to an open space in the courtyard, Su Xiao arranged a "destruction transmission array" on this relatively solid rock plate. When he returned normally, he used the transmission of the "watcher's ring". In case of emergency, he used the "destruction transmission array".

Set up the "destroy method transmission array" and Su Xiao activated it.


A blast spread, and the sleeping old tree family in the gray sanctuary woke up. It opened its eyes in confusion, looked around and began to sleep again.

In the sand dune shelter, after a loud noise, Su Xiao was already standing on the "destroy method transmission array". He immediately raised his left arm, palm towards the side, and skillfully held the wall with one hand. After a slow meeting, he breathed smoothly. Only then did the transmission activation be bad, and he nearly gasped.


Bubuwang came running quickly. He was almost scared to death. Seeing this, Su Xiao looked at the exit of the sand dune shelter.

I don't know if I don't see it. It's a huge eye. It's completely pale like a complaining spirit, covered with black and red blood. It's just like a tall fierce ghost standing in the sand water outside, holding the sand dune shelter with one hand and staring at the living creatures in the shelter with one eye.

With a swipe, the long tongue full of barbs licked outside the shelter, which made the operation in the shelter uncertain for a while.

This thing is very difficult to provoke. Although it can't reach the level of devourer in the star world, it is only one echelon weaker. The master of sabre art can restrain such resentful souls and fierce ghosts, which is based on the fact that the combat power gap is not very large.

Su Xiao motioned Eminem and Baha'i to retreat to the "destruction of Dharma transmission array". This move narrowed the pale eye at the entrance of the shelter.

Come on!

Like two big hands holding a paper box, the four walls of the shelter began to sink down. Seeing this, Su Xiao started the "destroy method transmission array".


The loud noise of the transmission spread. Vaguely, Su Xiao also heard a roar. The tongue and a sharp claw stabbed into the shelter were blown away by the space impact of the "destroy Dharma transmission array", and the tongue full of barbs seemed to be broken.

When the space transmission ended, Su Xiao had returned to the courtyard of the gray sanctuary. A broken tongue with barbs several meters long was twisting wantonly in front, with tenacious vitality and human hair standing upright like a chopped leech.

Hiss ~

The faint light reflected from above can burn the broken tongue, and burn it into ashes and evaporate in the air in a short time.

[tip: you have eliminated the evil spirit of the deep sea (1 / 30).]

[you gain 2680 points of world reputation.]

You have been hated by the evil spirits of the deep sea


The acquisition of this world reputation can be described as full of accidents. Su Xiao closed the prompt, walked into the dark sanctuary, and came to the column in the center. An ancient tree fused with the column originally here. This was a helpless choice. This old tree clan, as a permanent light monitor, has lived for too many years, and the permanent light monitor is about to be cut off, It chose to merge with the dark sanctuary and continue to exist.

But even in this way, the old tree clan is often confused. As the saying goes, there is an old family, such as a treasure. It is right to use this to describe the old tree clan when sober. Before, the old tree clan guided thorns to the refuge city to find Su Xiao, which means that the old tree clan has a certain ability of prophecy or divination, and even can spy on the future of the Dharma destroyer.

Su Xiao stopped in front of the old tree clan. It seemed that he sensed the arrival of the shadow of extinction. The old tree clan's eyelids trembled. Then he opened his eyes. The old face of the trunk was kind and said, "xiaomiefa, you're coming."


Bubuwang dog looked at the old tree clan facing it.

"Cough ~, I'm here."

Su Xiao coughed softly and opened his mouth.


The old tree clan looked suspiciously at Su Xiao. It seemed that they were puzzled for a while, and then said, "Oh, so it is. Xiaomiefa, you didn't encounter danger on your way."

The old tree clan naturally forgot the conversation a few seconds ago and continued to look kindly at bubuwang. Buwang didn't dare to say a word.


Su Xiao rubbed his aching eyebrows and said, "I'm here."

"Ah? Oh ~, I wonder why you are still hairy, which is different from what I predicted in my dream."

The old tree clan's eyes finally looked at Su Xiao, but this state did not last for 2 seconds. The turbid old eyes drifted to bubuwang again. Seeing this, bubuwang hurried to behind Su Xiao and solved the problem perfectly.

"Old tree, do you know where the watcher tower is?"

Su Xiao asked the question he most wanted to know. He wanted to break through the 300 point attribute barrier as soon as possible.

"What tower."

The eyes of the old tree family were full of confusion.

"Watcher tower."

"Oh, I know. Of course I know. I'm a watcher."

"Where is it?"

Su Xiao's mood turned cloudy to sunny.

"The watcher tower, right there, right there... Right there."

Seeing the trembling eyelids of the old tree family, Eminem and BAHA quickly took out the eternal spring and poured some water on the root of the tree, which made the turbidity in the eyes of the old tree family disperse. He looked kindly at Su Xiao and said:

"Xiaomiefa, you're here. There's no danger on the road."

After that, Su Xiao went back to the file. Seeing this, after repeating the process just now, the old tree family fell into meditation again. After thinking for at least half an hour, the even snoring came.

Su Xiao formed a crystal seat and sat on it, and asked Eminem and Baha'i to pour some eternal spring water for the old tree family. Anyway, there was nothing to do at the moment. The task deadline was ten days. There was no hurry. About two hours later, the old tree family woke up. Then Su Xiao repeated the meeting process and gradually pushed forward to ask the watcher where the tower was.

"The watcher tower? Many of those towers have been destroyed. The only thing that may be left is the depth of the eroded rain land. I tell you quietly. Don't tell outsiders that there are emergency measures left on the watcher tower. Now only you and I can open the" blocking technique ". I can't move easily, so it's only you who are left. Adjust the starting lock disk to..."

It's unbelievable that the old tree clan can perfectly remember these complex start-up locks by saying 30 start-up locks composed of technical engraving + numbers. However, after saying this start-up lock, the old tree clan seems to be overdrawn and go to sleep again.

Thornes hasn't returned yet. On the way, Su Xiao opened the world store and exchanged 2680 world reputation points into 2680 [Title treasure chest].

[tip: you have obtained the title treasure chest.]

[Title treasure chest: after opening, you can obtain ★~ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

[the title obtained from this treasure chest will have a 15% probability of being a tradable title (this is the additional income corrected due to the risk of the world).]

[because you have successfully exchanged the title treasure box, you have opened the unique function of the world · world contact platform. The results of opening the title treasure box will be published in the world contact platform to facilitate Title trading, exchange, etc.]

[you can also choose to hide the name to open the title treasure box, yes / no to hide the name.]

[you have hidden your name, and your opening result will be changed to anonymous.]

[you have opened 2680 Title treasure boxes.]

[you have won the title of one star without attribute × 2680 pieces.]

Almost at the same time, in the world contact platform, titles prompt to roll, but the rolling speed is not fast. After all, they have just entered the world. In addition, since entering the world, many contractors have spoken in the world contact platform. When the two are added together, the contact platform is very lively. At this time, a message appears.

[Title message: the anonymous has obtained 2680 one star non attribute titles.]

Brother cruel (reincarnation Paradise): "good guy, who is this?"

Xi'er (reincarnation Paradise): "a wonderful message has appeared."

Rafah egger (Apocalypse Paradise): "those who come to the eternal light world are really extraordinary."

Gulu (reincarnation Paradise): "I seem to know who this is."

Gulu (reincarnation Paradise): "( ̄▽  ̄) ╭"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!