Rise of Rurik - Chapter 208

Published at 21st of September 2022 06:04:34 AM

Chapter 208: Profiteers and the second suffering of the Ostara

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After all, Fodgen is not the leader.

As a businessman, he was willing to give some copper coins to the handful of poor beggars running around in the messy streets when the Mellaren bazaar was swaying, in order to obtain the satisfaction of alms.

With his past experience of giving alms, Fodgen couldn't ignore the refugees who were sitting still and waiting to die.

He is not the kind of so-called saint who can deliberately bankrupt his family for charity, he just simply enjoys the satisfaction brought by charity.

Now, he can't witness the tragic death of a group of allied refugees.

Save them? How to save it?

The refugees need food! The only food that can be obtained quickly now is the cattle and sheep in the hands of the Gran.

The Gran’s attitude is very firm, they will not generously take out their property.

However, if money is used to solve this problem, it is not a problem.

Fodgen did move with compassion. He closed his eyes and thought about it. It suddenly occurred to him that if he helped him, a small group of refugees would come to Mellaren and tell the locals who the savior was.

Fodgen felt that he should have a good reputation among businessmen. After all, everyone has amassed a lot of wealth, and they are all "good-for-doers".

He naturally thought of the great businessman Gould, and it was this old fellow who suddenly thought of learning a plan from Gould during a small chat.

Suddenly, Fodegen, who was still hesitant, stomped his feet severely, facing the leader of the Granite, and said firmly: "I have decided. I will try my best to save people. I will try to bring the refugees to safety. Where."

"Ah? What's your picture?" The leader asked with a puzzled face with his mouth open.

"Picture what? The picture is a reputation and a secret."

"Oh, then you are really a kind person. Maybe you think you can gather them and become the new leader of the Ostala by yourself."

"Who knows?" Verdegen shrugged, "I have only one last request for you."

"Say, what's the requirement."

"I want some cows."

"You!" The leader immediately said with a blue veins: "You are the bull that greets me, you are really a villain."

"Oh, calm down my friend." Verdegen deliberately opened his robe, showing the linen bag hanging on the delicate belt: "Look, I will pay a good price. My friend, you have gone to a new place to open up The settlements must also be short of money."

The most important thing in difficult times is food and clothes. The leader of the Gran is holding his chin. Considering that he will enter a new field and open up the wasteland, he is bound to start dealing with the Yilmalun. At that time, no one would dislike the amount of money.

The chief looked at Fodgen, so he said with difficulty: "I can sell you some cattle, but only a little bit."

"That's fine too."

Now it was the time to fend off, the leader closed his eyes and thought: "There are too many refugees in this group. I think they can eat two fat cows every day. I'm sorry, I can only sell you two."

"You! You are so stingy."

"I price two gold coins for a cow, or twenty silver coins."

"Ah? So expensive? I can buy you a cow for five silver coins. I think you don't want to cooperate at all. You are robbing money." Fodgen said in an air.

"Snatching money?" The leader blew his beard and made an angry expression. He moved his face to threaten and said: "At the moment of crisis, we can completely rob your caravan. You see, I didn't order this. Do. Fodgen, while I am still kind, don't provoke me."

"You!" Looking at the old guy's wide-open eyes, Fodgen could only admit it.

Fodgen’s caravan, those bullock carts are still pulling a batch of cowhide and sheepskin, and the caravan has a entanglement that he carries with him.

And the sword of the baby in his waist.

If you annoy the Granites, they will not hesitate to incarnate into beings exactly like Danish pirates.

The confessed Fodgen obediently took out forty silver coins, and took two thin old cows from the Gran's hands.

Can slaughtering two old cows save all refugees? That is impossible.

The Granites took away the young women with the best physical fitness among the refugees. There are still a group of people who are in poor physical condition and can survive only one or two meals.

Fodgen himself walked into the refugees himself.

He saw that some mothers were holding their sons and daughters in their arms. Mother looked pained and helpless, and yelled for help. The child's eyes are empty and bewildered.

Fodgen stood among the refugees, his brows furrowed with deep wrinkles.

His mercenary leader hurried over and reported: "Sir, there are many women with children, and some helpless children, do you want to take them away?"

"Take it away? Put it lightly, we can't save everything."


"Take your brothers and try to gather the refugees to me. Also, take a few more brothers to slaughter the two cows and start roasting beef immediately."

His subordinates immediately conveyed the orders of the gold master, and felt that the refugees who had encountered the great good people also moved to this noble man who was well-dressed and supported by many warriors.

Hunger and exhaustion still control the spirit of the refugees. They sit on the ground and beg the nobles for some food.

At this time, Fodgen hurriedly awkwardly drew out his exquisite saber. The sword buzzed, and the refugees calmed down while the soldiers admired the gold master's good sword.

He held the sword high, as if he was a warrior, but his belly was completely inconsistent with his image.

"You Ostala people, I can only save a part of you. Are there any of you with money? Follow me with money, and I can give you barbecue."

It seems that the refugees didn't understand it.

Fodgen yelled again: "The one with the silver coin, come with me! I will sell you barbecue!"

money? In fact, many Ostras did escape with some money.

Some people may even have more than a dozen silver coins in their burlap pockets.

It's just that the richest people in the tribe are often the bravest. They used money to buy and make leather armor, mail armor, and a variety of weapons. Some tribesmen even made bows at a high price.

After all, in the Nordic world, there are too few excellent archers in the current era. It takes a lot of money to make a single oak bow and some arrows.

I found that I could use money to buy meat and eat it. No matter how much money I spent, the barbecue was really eaten into my stomach.

This somewhat obese businessman is much more merciful than those Granites anyway.

Including the pair of sisters, when she learned that money could be used to buy food, her elder sister suddenly forgot about the pain in her leg. She pulled her sister up with difficulty, and followed the moving crowd.

However, there are many people who do not have money in their hands, they have nothing.

In order to survive, they also got up, trying to grab a piece of meat in the mess.

About three hundred people followed Fodgen, facing so many refugees, he firmly believed that there must be people who wanted to eat free food.

Except for those who want to eat for free, do the others carry a lot of money? Based on the previous understanding of the Ostala people, Fodgen believed that this group of suffering people in Mokan was very pitiful, and maybe they all carried a lot of money.

Merchants, in business.

Because of the end of a commotion, the guarded Granner relaxed, and it was a bit late at this time, and it was not a good choice to continue on the road.

The Granite camped on the spot and lit a bonfire, and some tribesmen took the opportunity to drive cattle and sheep to graze assault.

On the edge of another forest, Fodgen set up a camp here.

Except for the refugees who died in the stampede incident, most people gathered in front of his "barbecue shop" and watched the beef roasted on the flames, and the slaw kept flowing.

Under Fodgen's instruction, his people handled beef thoroughly.

As hard work, his guards took the best meat from the two cows, and the rest of the messy edible parts were grilled on the fire.

Even the cow intestines, which exudes a strong smell of internal organs, are nowadays a sweet pastry that can feed people alive.

There is even bull blood.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the beef began to be cooked. Looking at the current situation again, even the woman holding the child has become an evil spirit now.

When hungry, people will lose their minds. Fodgen reckons that if his subordinates had swords and shields in their hands, looting would have happened long ago.

He did give orders to his men. Anyone who tried to looting, no matter what they were, was immediately put to death without condoning.

The unkempt people looked at the fragrant beef with eyesight. Standing at the forefront is a group of women, their sarongs are worn badly, and their exposed legs are full of wounds.

They have now forgotten that they have to cover their bodies, and their minds only want to eat meat.

A soldier struggled to grab a wooden stick, on which there was about 30 kilograms of barbecued meat. From the outside, the meat was already cooked.

Upon seeing this, Fodgen immediately issued orders: "The meat is ready. People with money come over to eat meat! Guards! Let them show their money, and only those with money will let it go."

Ever since, a woman began to show her purse with some silver coins in it, and the first diners were put in.

She approached the proud Fodgen, took out her dozen or so silver coins, and asked weakly, "My lord, is this money enough? I...I have two children."

"You?" Fodgen readily accepted the money and motioned to his subordinates to cut off two fist-sized roast beef.

Facing this piece of meat, the woman’s face was full of embarrassment: "This...sir, can you give me some more? I'm going to Mellaren, and I'm going to Yilmallen to hire a boat. I need some money, I need More food."

"More meat? No way."

"Oh! My lord, we are all allies." The woman knelt down as she said.

Seeing her bitter face, Fodgen moved with compassion. But seeing those eyes that looked like hungry wolves, he also became cold.

After all, there is only so much meat. If the Granite gave two fat cows, it's okay, it's obviously two weak old cows.

Besides, if the thirty guards of their own samurai don't treat themselves well, will they rebel?

The more he thought about it, the more Fodgen felt that Gran’s decision was correct.

At this time, it must be cold.

Seeing that he was indifferent, the woman's mouth stinks: "You seem to be a Merlaren merchant. Only you Merlaren are like this. You are simply profiteers."

"Profit businessman? Forget it." Fodgen held a sword to her face: "I can give you more beef, but you and your children will both be my slaves."

This [Liancheng] is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue!

"Aren't we allies? You shouldn't give us such treatment, shouldn't let allies be slaves. You Mälaren can't be so cruel."

"No! I am kind. Your money is only enough to buy this meat. Do you want more beef? Yes. I can even send you to the port of Mellaren, which is not what you want. Is it? If you give me a thousand silver coins, I can **** you all the way, but unfortunately you only have fifteen.

I will not ask you to be a slave, but you and your children will do things for me in the next few years, and then I can return you free.

I think this deal is fair. Did you choose to starve to death now? The men who took the lead are dead, and the Gran people don't plan to save you, only I can save you. Do you have a better choice? "

I have to say that this woman has no beauty at all. While Fodgen said harsh words, he also complained that the Granite had taken away all the beautiful women.

The woman showed no sympathy. She took the beef and said angrily: "I won't be your slave! You are a profiteer!" After that, she turned around and took a bite of sputum.

Seeing this person's stubborn appearance, Fodgen's heart burst into flames, and his eyelids kept jumping. He couldn't wait to poke the woman who was disrespectful to her benefactor to death on the spot.

Profiteer? Is money still money in embarrassing moments? Starving to death, is sitting on a golden mountain, can you enjoy it in the underworld?

After the woman left, the second woman was put in.

This woman was even more generous. She actually took out twenty silver coins. Faced with her demanding beef supply, she had no complaints. How can Fodgen not be shocked by this situation? It seems that he is indeed a big profiteer. Because the old cow provided by the Granite is only twenty silver coins.

Fodgen was a little surprised at how much money was hidden in the hands of the refugees.

More than a dozen female refugees got the barbecue and retreated. They first distributed the meat to their hungry children, and then ate the rest.

The two girls were sitting with their backs against the big tree, watching this kindly scene with eyes full of envy.

My sister mumbled: "Sister, I want to buy some meat for us too."

"No, dear. We are too weak and we have to wait till the end."

"Why? I'm very hungry."

"Be patient, let's take a look at the situation." When she said this, her elder sister was holding a piece of high-grade amber that was polished to be crystal clear in her hands covered by the robes.

People often lose their minds when they fall into extreme hunger.

Many impoverished refugees, even if they are some women, may not be able to fight warriors with swords, so they can't deal with women of their own clan.

The riot came without warning.

Almost instantly, those women and children holding beef became targets of public criticism.

People began to scream, and the scramble caused them to fight, and suddenly cried and shouted.

The sudden chaos surprised Gould too, and what followed was even more crazy! This group of hungry refugees, when they saw that it was difficult to grab a piece of meat, they started rushing to the barbecue scene.

Now, no one fears the sword of a warrior anymore.

"Damn! Defend! Defend! Come and stab to death once!" Fodgen had never seen such a wild scene, and his guards were also taken aback.

The warrior's instinct acts on the guard's head, and now those who dare to attack the barbecue stall are all enemies.

Those fighting for food were either knocked to the ground by a shield or immediately stabbed to death by a sword.

This group of position mercenaries are doing murderous work, and they always get things done clean and tidy.

But it couldn't hold back the large number of refugees. There was still a large group of people rushing to the barbecue stall, regardless of the heat of the flame, and began to barbecue with gun butts.

Seeing this situation, Fodgen also issued a ruthless order and immediately ordered: "Brothers, kill all the looters! They are no longer refugees, they are all enemies who want to rob my goods. Brothers, wait until Mellaren , Everyone can get a gold coin!"

Next, is the madness of the guards.

They became efficient killing machines, and for a while, Fodgen’s camp was in terror.

There were more and more corpses on the ground, and blood infiltrated the grass.

beef? Do not! All the barbecue stalls have collapsed. Some of the assassinated refugees fell into the fire pit, and soon changed into a hideous person on fire.

"Sister, what happened to them! I'm so scared!"

"Damn! Let's hide!" The sister, who was afraid of falling into chaos and unclear death, dragged her sister to hide in the shadow of the big tree.

The two sisters survived the catastrophe again, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com also did not suffer, it was the refugees who did not participate in the looting operation.

Seeing that the looting has been stopped by the most profitable means, the frustrated Fodgen shouted: "Brothers, enough is enough! You carry all the corpses away, and our barbecue continues to sell!"

The refugees who were still alive were in panic, and they were all sitting there in the sunset. Many people felt that they were about to be beheaded and were completely at a loss.

Obviously, the businessman did not want to continue to use violence.

The corpses were carried away one after another, and some beef that had been roasted was turned over from the fire.

Fodegan, holding a sword, swayed and approached the frightened refugee under the **** of five mercenaries.

He screamed in a low voice: "Now, the troublemaker is dead. What about you? Do you want to live or die? Those who want to live, come with money. No matter how much money, I sell you beef. Remember! Dare to go. Rob and stabbed to death on the spot!"

Is that so? Some refugees, who were once frightened, staggered over with money.

After all, I am really hungry!

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