Rise of Rurik - Chapter 248

Published at 21st of September 2022 06:03:02 AM

Chapter 248: Unique welcome ceremony by Rurik

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The Ross fleet headed against the wind, and in the end, the fleet returned to the home port of Roseburg on November 1st of the Julian calendar.

The sincere transport ship collided with the ice floes on the bay. Otto was very scared. Perhaps his fleet would be back a few days late, and any ship could only be frozen at sea.

The ship is frozen on the ice, this kind of terrible incident is not uncommon for the Ross people. Their fishing boats are naturally doing their best to catch fish, even if a large number of floating ice has appeared on the sea, or when the warm season has just arrived, they ignore the icebergs as high as several meters and venture out to fish.

It cannot be said that they are just brave. The most critical motivation for action is a hungry stomach.

Otto’s fleet came back. They took 50,000 pounds of grain, but the new wheat they brought back was 400,000 pounds!

Because of the stupid resistance of Pine Needle Manor, Otto punitively collected more tributes. As for the life and death of the locals, he didn't care about it.

If anyone in the Novgorod area needs extra care or even support, there is nothing more than the loyal White Tree Manor.

Roseburg is covered with snow, and the nearby hills are also covered in silver.

There are no fishing boats cruising above the sea. A huge fleet suddenly appears, as if they suddenly emerge from underneath. When the people on the shore see this magnificent scene, the whole of Roseburg is boiling over.

Today, the daytime is very short, and the temperature is very cold.

Rurik deliberately placed a pottery urn outdoors to estimate the temperature by observing the thickness of water ice.

In fact, the temperature in Roseburg is below freezing all day, so cold that it is no longer appropriate to continue to order the children to do military training. Rurik didn't think everyone would be afraid of the cold when they put on fur clothes. Because of the shorter daylight hours, he kept cutting training time.

The so-called training, as usual, boys and girls lined up in a matrix, armed with wooden weapons, walking neatly and shouting chants, followed by the popular fighting training and archery competitions.

After a long period of training, the boys have become a uniform army.

Where are the girls? They received high-intensity queue training, and in order to make a quick success, Rurik simply selected good performers from the girls, gave them the authority of "captain", and directly gave a kick to the negligent. If there is a serious negligent person, just serve them hungry.

They have been training for two months since the end of August, and they have been able to follow the rhythm of the slogan and start a uniform pace. They also practice archery desperately, not to mention whether they can shoot rabbits and birds, the children of the "Valkyrie Legion", they have great potential.

The steel arm crossbow is a baby that was only made in October. After the first ten sets were made, Kravasson immediately began to make new ones.

Ever since, the children's military training immediately added new items, so many people suddenly realized that they are obviously powerful hunters!

It is said that training an excellent longbowman may take ten years, and training an elite crossbowman may be too much for one or two months.

Rurik had a new understanding of this concept, because what he saw was that his subordinates, no matter boys or girls, could clearly understand the full operation of the crossbow in two days at most.

He also had to sigh that the learning ability of a child is really amazing.

Now, despite the delay, the Ross Sorgon fleet under his father's control has finally returned safely.

It was noon, and in the so-called canteen made up of as many as ten wooden sheds made of logs that hadn't even peeled off the bark, Rurik was taking his men to dinner.

Everyone eats cooked oats as usual. It is said that this is called oatmeal, and Rurik is more happy to call it glutinous rice.

Although the fishing operation is suspended, there is still fish in the children's rice bowls.

In this season, the whole world is a big refrigerator! Those previously caught fish were thrown directly into the snowdrift, and now, every family of the Ross people has stored a large-scale frozen fish. The frozen fish is not as delicious as it is cooked, but everyone is not in a hurry, especially the girls who are eating, they will soon be busy themselves.

Many girls have to step up to make soap in winter, and the raw material needed is a large amount of seal grease obtained by winter catching. As for seal meat, it has naturally become high-quality fresh meat that children can eat.

These children who enjoy the special treatment of Rurik, they are eating the best food of the Ross tribe, and what they are grateful for is Rurik.

Regarding the so-called canteen, Rurik really only needs a place that can be sheltered from wind and rain to accommodate hundreds of children to eat together. Although the house is simple and crude, the interior objects also reveal a strong Nordic minimalist style.

Ten children huddled on a long bench, lying on the long table of wooden slats in front of them, each holding a wooden spoon and digging into the porridge to eat. At least three such long tables and benches in each house

There is no shortage of chopsticks here, that is, use two wooden sticks to pick up cooked fish, or use the wheat kernels in the Bala bowl. Since Rurik showed the magical operation of using chopsticks to hold the grains of wheat, some children have immediately followed suit.

Isn’t it strange that Nordic people eat with chopsticks?

Rurik didn't find it strange, even necessary.

Because the culture of eating with a knife and fork is completely the result of the popularization of French Bourbon culture. In the previous era, there were only two things that can be called tableware in the vast European territory: meat cutting, daggers for self-defense, and spoons.

How can ordinary people have precious daggers? The most is a wooden spoon.

Of course, a pair of hands is a special tableware in itself.

Grab food with dirty hands to eat, and the illness comes from the mouth without saying more. Encourage your subordinates to avoid touching the food with their hands and use a spoon and two wooden sticks as the medium. This will definitely improve the hygiene condition to a large extent and reduce the death of Ross children.

The children ate in twitter. As their leader, Rurik naturally had lunch with his men.

He set up an independent canteen for himself, a large rectangular table, and a circle of wooden stools. Because it is winter, there are leather cushions on the stools.

Rurik naturally sits in the most noble position, and then according to Dongfeng's habit, the owner sits in the north, with men on the left and women on the right.

Every time, confidants like Kanuf and Fisk are sitting next to Rurik. Now, two coaches, Jeflo and Frazer, also joined the banquet.

On the right side of Rurik, there are naturally two sisters Carlota and Ella, and sometimes Lumia who is free will also take a seat.

In addition, a group of men and women are allowed to enter this cafeteria. Those who can have lunch with Rurik are all Rurik’s henchmen, and everyone can realize that they have a bright future.

The chieftain still did not return. The tribes were panic. The elderly high priest Veria had to put a helmet with antlers on Lumia's head and ordered her to represent herself and announce the results of the divination to the tribe.

The high priest always said that the leader's fleet will return soon. When will it return?

There are rumors among the tribe that the leaders will camp in Shilla Fort this year and will not return until the ice and snow melt next year.

There are also people here who are very vicious and give out bad remarks. The so-called Otto and those people have died in the sea.

As for the person who said this, Arik had been caught afterwards and had his head beheaded, and the body of the person who deceived the crowd was displayed in public.

But everyone never expected that the beheaded was actually a meticulous work sent by the Mellaren tribe! Penetration carefully observed a lot of things, even Rurik training children. Individual meticulous works with a big picture realized the ambition of the Ross people, and the legendary Rurik is really capable.

It is hoped that the Ross people will suddenly sink. Without this competitor, the Mellaren people can continue to maintain their power in the alliance.

Perhaps some Ross people hope that Otto will die, so that the careerist can stand up and forcibly challenge the successor Rurik. But careerists know that the people who go to collect the tribute have been the elite of the Rus tribe since ancient times, and they are the key force for the Rus to maintain their strength. No one wants all those tribes to die in the sea.

After all, some of them were killed, and the others chose to shut up and continue to observe quietly as a vendor.

Xizuo, they knew the magical weapon of the crossbow for the first time, and the idea of ​​wanting to take one away and dedicated to the owner also occupied Xizuo's mind.

What's very bad is that Rurik hasn't thought that he will be spotted by potential enemies. The enemy is not the Danes, but Olekin, the leader of the lord Merlaren.

The children at the meal laughed and laughed, and an extremely excited cooking woman broke into the wooden shed like crazy.

"Ruriek! Our chieftain is back!"

"What? My father is back at last?!" Rurik hurriedly threw the spoon and stood on the stool in a daze.

"It's true! A huge fleet has appeared! They will soon enter the port."

"Oh, that's great." Rurik jumped to the ground quickly and roared: "Brothers, organize everyone and line up!"

No one had any objections. They didn't even care to eat the food in the bowl, so they hurried out following Rurik's footsteps.

Although it is stupid and shameful to waste food, but Rurik’s order is absolute. Everyone eats the food provided by Rurik, so there is no shame in the so-called waste of food. If Rurik’s order cannot be implemented immediately, Is the greatest shame.

Rurik issued an assembly order, and in an instant, all the ten canteens and all the children filed out.

The whole scene was a little noisy and chaotic. Rurik stood on an empty wooden barrel at random and drew out his saber and shouted: "Brothers! The leader is back, everyone is lined up, let's go to the beach!"

In an instant, everyone knew what to do next, because everything had a rehearsal.

Carlotta began to gather her girls as usual, while Lurik led Fisk, Kanuf and others to gather all the boys.

It may only take a minute, and the previous chaos is gone.

The cooks who cook can't help whispering: "Ruriek, you have trained hundreds of children into the army."

Rurik walked at the forefront of the team, he held his saber high, and behind him, there were two phalanxes arranged in a matrix.

"Left! Right! Left! Right..."

Carlotta shouted, supervising the girls to keep pace.

The boys' team is led by the prestigious Fisk.

A large number of people are already gathering towards the coast, but amidst the chaotic crowd, an army is stepping in orderly steps and marching in high-profile on the very porcelain snow that has been stepped on.

Many people stopped and looked at all this in surprise.

There are five people in a row, as many as thirty rows in depth. The same is true for boys and girls.

Rurik took out the money from the big cash box and customized thick leather shoes of the same style, the same leather clothing, and even the same cowhide hat that can protect the ears for all the children who received training.

The customization of all clothes started to expand the scope of ordering from the fact that Rurik ordered clothes for ten maids. There are a large number of women in the tribe, they can get money when they listen to work, and the sewing materials are still provided by Leurik, and their work enthusiasm is extremely high.

It can be said that boys and girls wearing a style of clothes, can only the visual impact be a shock that can be summed up? Besides, the rhythm of their steps is really highly consistent.

Noting the surprised gaze of the onlookers, the children in the team were also very proud of it.

Especially those orphans of Mellaren, they feel that being a part of the team, their body and soul are extremely warm.

But this is still not the most shocking.

Rurik found the most conspicuous position for himself and his men. The children were still lined up in a neat formation, and everyone stared at the approaching fleet.

The great Otto stands on the bow of his flagship. He supported the wooden carving of the dragon's head of the boat, and told him not to be afraid of the ice floes when paddling, and his eyes were fixed on the people gathered on the shore.

Suddenly, there was a crisp roar from a distance.

"Ularus!" Rurik took the lead and roared, holding his sword.

His subordinates shouted, "Ularus!" in a childish, sharp, soft tone.

"Ula Otto!" Lurik continued to roar.

"Ura Otto!"


This is the welcoming ceremony that Rurik prepared. If it were not for the conditions, Rurik would display some flags, and then get all the drums and beat them rhythmically to create the most warm atmosphere.

For the time being, he can only count on the loud voices of his subordinates.

"It's really strange, why do I think they are calling my name?" Otto was a little puzzled, even buttoning his ears and blowing away the dug out earwax.

The fellow Harozov ridiculed: "The leader, this sounds like the children of Rurik."

"Huh? Those kids?"

"Isn't it?" Kharozov said bluntly during the paddling: "Who knows what a Ullah means? Only Rurik knows. Who else can shout Ullah as a slogan, besides your son's."

"That's true, maybe he trained those girls very well." Otto was dark in his heart, and as the fleet continued to port, he saw more spectacular details.

Could it be that the son took his subordinates and greeted them in a neat line on the beach, which has become a new repertoire of the Ross people?

This time, however, Otto couldn't help rubbing his eyes vigorously, in a daze, he felt that there were ghosts in front of him. It wasn't until the boats started to wash up the beach that Otto realized that the children were actually wearing uniform clothes.

An old guy with a rugged, braided beard jumped out of the dragon head battleship, and Rurik saw at a glance that he was his father, who had been missing for nearly two months.

"Ula! Otto! Ula! Rose!"

Rurik held his dagger high, his eyes widened and led his men to shout loudly slogans again.

He shook his hands desperately, brandished a sharp sword, and encouraged his men to continue shouting neat slogans. Afterwards, the work of inspiring the atmosphere was handed over to Fisk.

The children of the Ross people must prove that they can inherit the bravery of their parents, especially the children whose father died in battle, and they need to prove themselves. Fisk cherishes the opportunity to perform in front of the big leader Otto very much. He leads everyone, but also breaks his throat and shouts the loudest slogan.

All this is in the shocking observation of the tribe. Even the shock caused by the children's powerful aura is equivalent to the large-scale beaching of the fleet.

Rurik took the sword and walked straight to his father Otto.

A weather-tested veteran, with his battle-tested army and a huge amount of trophies, triumphed, this veteran is Otto.

A young soldier with a seemingly naive age, with a young "army" that has been well-trained, greets their parents.

Niya stood in the crowd. At this moment, she was not only Otto's wife, but, like all Ross women, witnessed the line between the old and new leaders.

What people saw was not only the old leader who once again proved himself strong and reliable, but also the ambition of the next leader.

Otto picked up his son, and then kissed his son's immature face with a mouth full of beards.

Then he hugged him in his arms and asked excitedly: "Ruriek, is this your army?"

"Yes! Dad!"

"This is your new trick? Oh, I'm really touched."

"Do you think it's good?" Ruriek asked knowingly.

"Yeah, but what about your girls?"

"They're here." Rurik shouted immediately: "Carlotta, order the girls to take off their hats!"

Rurik's order was absolute, and one hundred and fifty girls had no procrastination. You know, it is hard for Otto to imagine that a large group of people make the same action at the same time.

They had blond hair, braids that drooped to the chest, and beautiful faces. They were all dressed in thick, decent and uniform clothes.

"Ah! Your girls have become extraordinary too?!"

Lurik immediately gave an order, and Carlotta trot all the way and stood in front of Otto.

"You... are you Carlotta?" Otto asked in surprise.

"Dad, haven't seen me for more than a month, have you forgotten me?"

The girl opened her eyes wide, and Otto felt very happy when her father yelled.

"'re fat."

"No! I have become stronger and can be a female warrior. You see, our vast number of girls will surely make you admire. If there will be war in the future, we will also protect us under the leadership of Rurik. Ross, our Ostara, everything to us."

In fact, these words were taught to Carlotta by Lurik, and many similar words have been prepared.

Otto's heart sounded beautifully. He put down his son and put his big hands on the heads of a boy and a girl.

Two of them, one is the future of the Russ, and the other is the future of the Ostaras. In other words, the two of them, as well as this group of children with their own origins, are the future of the Northern Mind League.

As for those in power in Mellaren, they are simply unreliable.

"Let's go, Lurik, Carlota, and take your people home. Next is my time. This is about to become a site for distributing supplies."

Otto patted his son's head again, beckoning him not to dare anymore.

"Dad, in fact, I still have some magical things for you to see." Rurik was a little bit reluctant, he couldn't wait to show off his steel-armed crossbow.

Otto felt that the incredible and neat array of a large group of children was Rurik's greatest gift. Seeing this scene, in addition to shock, Otto felt that his son was already a soldier.

Although his son was young, he already had the charisma of a leader, and he also felt that his son was unique and indescribable only for soldiers.

A thought flashed through Otto's mind. In the past, he felt that his son was too young. Perhaps now, Rurik has come to meet the world. Since this child is destined to inherit his own power, he must leave the corner of Roseburg early to see the vastness of the world.

He finally patted his son's small but sturdy back: "You and your mother will go home to disband your soldiers. When I have dealt with my important affairs, there are still things that I need to tell you. "

"Ah? Is there another group of Novgorod servants?" Rurik said bluntly.

"Not this year. If you need it, I will bring you some next year. Go back soon!"

Rurik was a bit disappointed, but after changing his mind, he gained a lot of popularity with today's performance. But the performance is not over yet.

Returning to the array, Rurik gave orders again. The current situation is that all the returning Ross people, they can see the neat line of the children, and they also see them walking at exactly the same pace, in a neat formation. , Steadily left the noisy and chaotic beach.

Otto's eyes widened, bloodshot.

His heart was beating frantically, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

Are they still children? Pooh! As long as another ten years pass, they will be the strongest fighters!

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