Rise of Rurik - Chapter 341

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:59:28 AM

Chapter 341: The coveting of the undead and the game between the imaginary and the snake

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Rurik had long expected that the leader and even the Mälaren people had a large demand for leather. If they knew where to get the best leather, adventurers would rush in. Although driven by huge benefits, adventurers will unconsciously ignore risks. Rurik still had to put the ugliness ahead, the so-called sketching out a terrible picture of bear hunting, which discouraged coveters.

In fact, as long as you carefully observe, the leader can find strange holes in the bearskin. That's nothing else, it's the result of the crossbow arrow hitting it.

The old way of hunting bears with spears and javelins is weak.

Nowadays, the Roths use steel-armed crossbows, aim precisely at the bear’s vitals, and shoot sharp-pointed arrows to easily complete the hunt. Even those Kewen people who are generally short in stature and weak in stamina, they manipulate the winch to wind the crossbow, and they can also use methods such as ambushes to complete the bear hunt at an unprecedented "long distance".

The situation was just as Rurik expected. Olekin's expression was clearly expressing that the person's thoughts that ignited at the moment when he sent someone to hunt the bear suddenly went out.

Rurik continued to strike while the iron was hot: "Great lord, I can say that almost every bear skin that arrives in Mellaren is behind the death of a warrior. The two leathers you have are the ones that we Russ paid for. For the price, my father gave it to Carlotta in exchange for your acknowledgment of Ostara."

"It's this matter again, needless to say, I have already admitted Carlota's identity. Rurik, maybe the matter we are talking about now requires your father to sit down in person."

"Is that necessary?" Rurik asked.

"Maybe it's not necessary, unless you get your father's authorization. Listen, this is the only trade between our two tribes, and I need someone who speaks and counts. You... are you an honest and trustworthy person?"

"Leader, are you suspicious of me?" Rurik simply looked at the high ceiling and vowed: "The gods are watching, I have the sincerity to do business! I have been authorized by the leader of Rose to conduct long-term trade with the Mellaren people. , I will not, let alone dare to sever trade with each other because of some boring things."

Rather than saying that this is an oath, it is better to say that it was also Rurik who beat Olekin with words.

Olekin nodded; "In this case, our business can go on. Listen, in the past, it was only merchants who did business spontaneously. This time it is the union of our two tribes, my family, and your family. Do business directly."

Rurik's eyes were very determined. He knew that if both Mellaren and Ross were promoted to city-states, of course, both of them had entered the city-state era in terms of economic and political development. The transaction between the two parties is a kind of official trade. This bilateral trade is of great significance. For the Baltic world, which is very dependent on trade, a stable bilateral trade is the key to the rise and fall of a tribe and city-state. Even for tribes like Mellaren that are starting to make changes in self-sufficiency, some key materials are extremely dependent on imports. The largest supplier of leather for a long time is the Ross tribe. Rurik learned that now they also need new and sharp iron weapons. With this kind of strong hole card, Rurik's tough statement just now is to rely on it as a strong confidence.

This is especially true for the Rus tribe, especially at the moment. In order to satisfy the great promise given to the tribe’s residents to eat wheat year by year, before harvesting a large amount of wheat in the east, the tribe needs to import wheat from Mellaren and Novgorod. German plunder on a larger scale.

"Let’s continue to talk about leather." Olekin put down the bear skins: "If you get more white bear skins, what price are you willing to offer?"

"This..." Liuli Ke was shocked. When it comes to the issue of money, this pricing is really hard to say.

One problem that has plagued everyone for a long time is the price of various commodities. Since a wide variety of currencies are in circulation, these precious metal currencies are varied in color, forcing merchants to become math masters.

One strategy for bargaining is to make yourself the final decision maker and toss the trouble of indecision to the other party.

Rurik replied; "You Mellaren are the buyers of these goods. Lord, please set a price, but I have to tell you that behind most bear skins is the life of a bear hunting warrior."

"Oh, are you asking about the price of human life? If it were me, I would train some slaves to hunt bears. After all, they are slaves, and those Briton male slaves are also good. They die when they die, just like a male slave. Fifty silver coins. Well, if you bring a new bear skin, a fifty silver coin."

"Huh?" Rurik was taken aback and immediately retorted; "How can a slave be compared with a warrior?"

"But some slaves can become brave warriors with the promise of restoring their freedom. Rurik, you may not understand this when you are young."

Rurik doesn't understand? Do not! He is actually very clear, and is training his men according to this approach. Most of the young children are servants, slaves, those who eat Rurik, and those who wear Rurik, they must die for their masters.

"No, fifty silver coins are too few."

Olekin squeezed out a faint smile: "Let's do it, the bear's head is not counted. I will give out twenty silver coins. As long as you process them into the current shape that can be put on your head, I will offer this price.

Rurik pursed his lips, but the price actually exceeded his expectations. In order to get more benefits, Rurik deliberately said: "Great lord, are you stingy? Your price is too low, my warriors dare not take risks! They would rather catch ferrets everywhere, one Zhang Mink sold six and seven silver coins and caught ten ferrets, at least not to be killed by the ferrets. But the bear..."

"Then your price?"

"One hundred silver coins! One hundred. I know you have enough money to pay." Rurik said tentatively.

Olekin is short of money, but buying some rare goods, this expenditure is not painful to him.

"this price……"

"Still think it's expensive? It depends on the people who have gone through all the hardships to get it."

"Then settle down like this, a white bear skin, and a bear head. You send a set and I will buy a set."

Rurik was happy to hear that, on the bright side, he deliberately put on a look of embarrassment and helplessness, and "reluctantly" accepted the price.

Although the problem is not over yet, Olekin put forward a very realistic condition: "Listen, since you are going to hunt bears, you are taking risks. I admire the courage of your warriors, so you can only have one bear skin. Buyer, that's me! In the name of the leader, I order you to prohibit selling bear skins to other tribes in the alliance, and also prohibit you from selling to a certain big family."

Rurik didn't even hesitate, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Whether Olekin is worthy of trust, Rurik believes that this person will not overdraw his credit for some bearskins. A polar bear skin with a bear head costs as much as a pound of silver, and its price is really extreme. The price is raised by himself and supported by Olekin. If you change someone, the other party will bargain desperately, and ordinary families simply don't have the financial resources to expect to own it.

Rurik's decisiveness made Olegin very satisfied, and he squeezed his beard and calculated something in his mind.

After all, the Melaren tribe needs a lot of fur. Those allies in the south, as well as the cattle and sheep breeders of this tribe, they provide a large number of common leathers, such as deer, fox, ferret, and even now The Ross tribe monopolized most of the supply of polar bear skins.

Through the conversation with Rurik, Olegin knew that the Rus people went to Sorgon in the east to open up a new source of leather. The hardest work is for the Ross people to do, and the Mälaren people spend money to buy excellent leather from afar.

Olekin knows his people too well. The tribe has entered a long period of peace. Everyone has lived in a stable life for a long time, and the brave have also become slack. The disaster of the Ostara tribe gave the tribe a heavy blow, which made everyone realize that they needed to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Olekin began to build some defensive facilities, and based on this factor, he began to rectify his forces.

These moves made the Mellaren tribe further introverted.

Olekin wanted to send someone to follow the Ross people's fleet to get a share of the Eastern World. Considering the risks, he just wanted to give it up as soon as he got up. If because of this decision, losing some manpower in the unknown world is tantamount to saying that one's own strength is damaged, then how to control the hegemony of the tribe and even the hegemony of the entire alliance?

It seems that he possesses the supreme power. His pressure is not so great. Perhaps, seeing his private soldiers wearing chain mail and holding the best sword provided by the Rus, he is really at ease with such ample military virtues. .

Olekin then changed the subject and talked about very critical practical issues, which also aroused his intense curiosity.

"Every year, my tribe has a large number of merchants who drag their families to your extremely cold Roseburg. Isn't that an extremely cold world? You use some treasures to attract them. Your treasures can't hide from me. "

Rurik didn't know what medicine the man sold in the gourd, he asked the leader to continue talking about it.

"The merchant who came back told me some news that you Russ would make the best swords, spears, and axes. Needless to say, a lot of leather, you are still selling a lot of soap and flammable spirits in the past two years. Even a lot of precious glassware. Where did you get these? It will never be the place you call Novgorod in the East?"

what! Is this guy still coveting the east?

For a while, Liu Rick didn't know what to say, and he smirked helplessly.

"Don't pretend to be a fool. The merchant told me that these are all made by you. Rurik!" Olekin suddenly became serious.


"As the leader, I ask you to come up with a method."

"Ah?!" Rurik was taken aback, and he really didn't know how to answer.

Olekin continued to persecute: "Please give me the methods of making these artifacts."

Rurik changed his face in an instant. He estimated that if Gould was on the scene, the old fox-like guy would be able to use some words to round the field.

This is another matter that must not be retreated. If the Rus agree, how much technological advantage does Rus have over other tribes?

But it may be a little unwise to refuse categorically, and to agree with him is really stupid. What else can I do? Let's practice Tai Chi first.

Rurik realized that this Olekin was full of aggressive nature, and this person did not like to simply plunder. His request showed his thirst for technology.

Maybe this guy controls a particularly militant tribe and can lay a big territory. Fortunately, the will of the Mellaren people cannot be easily changed because of a leader.

Rurik deliberately said: "If the Mälaren people are willing to learn, it is of course... okay. However, I think powerful people disdain to do these things, such as making soap and making glassware. He is better than Tanning leather is more difficult."

"Huh? Then let the slave do it. If the slave dies, he will die."

"It's still not possible." Although Rurik was awkward to hear, he shook his head: "The so-called slave, or the stupidest person, or the coward on the battlefield, is this kind of person really reliable? Great lord, all this Like bear hunting, the most threatening work is done by our Ross people. You get the best bear skins. We can make high-quality utensils in the worst environment. As long as you need them, we will make them and supply them to you every year. . As long as you are willing to pay a sum of money that we are satisfied with."

"It's a lot of money." Olekin waved his hand. He could see that Rurik had refused, but he didn't dare to say it. The other party didn't respond properly, and his own demands were obviously inappropriate. He estimated that the Ross people would not give in to this kind of thing.

"Well, I won't force you. Then talk about another piece of equipment. It seems that you didn't bring it with you."

Rurik let out a sigh of relief, and he was thankful that Oleg did not question, otherwise he would have to put on a tough attitude to refuse, and the scene would be **** for tat again. He hurriedly asked: "What is that?"

Olekin smiled and sighed: "A businessman told me that you use iron to make bows, and they are very powerful. The arrows you fire can easily penetrate the hull of a ship."

"Ah, you say it? Great lord, do you really believe it?" Rurik also smiled slightly, that is, the heart is already running at a high load.

"You ask me if I believe it? I am willing to believe, Rurik, I believe you do."

Olekin's slightly stretched head, in Rurik's eyes, did it seem like a judge?

Any weapon, only the crossbow, is what Rurik does not want foreigners to control. If this type of weapon technology is destined to be widely spread, it will have to be monopolized by the Rus for at least half a century. Fortunately, regarding this matter, when he was on Gould Island, Gould, who was inquiring about some news, was vaccinated.

Rurik denies: "No! Iron can make a bow? Isn't it strange? Unless the hound grows wings to fly in the sky, unless the ship sails without wind and pulp, unless the man can also give birth to children, iron can be made. bow."

"Hahaha!" Olekin smiled wildly, and he straightened his body: "I'll just say, those businessmen are not credible, they are businessmen, always like to exaggerate, Rurik, or you are the most honest."

Olekin was smiling, and Rurik hadn't figured out the situation, so he laughed with him for the time being.

"Why didn't I see it You child is a bit interesting to talk. You satisfy me more than your brother. Otto really has a good son."

"Oh, thank you for your compliment." Rurik slightly hooked his head, just because he heard these words really awkward.

"Very well. Listen, you will surrender to me in the future, and you, Carlotta of Ostara, you must surrender to me, and even more to my son. Karl is destined to inherit my power, I I heard that Rurik, you also want to inherit the power of the Ross tribe? Very good, now you have seen my Karl, he will be your leader in the future."

Although the son is not easy to worry about, considering the power of the family, Olegin has reason to introduce his only son to the leaders of all colors. He needs to get support from more tribes alone. Now that the successor of Ross is here, and then the meeting to discuss trade matters, Olekin made clear his hopes by the way.

He imagined that the Ross people, who were eager to do business, would support Carl without hesitation in order to take care of the overall situation.

However, there was an unexpected deviation in his estimate.

It's not that Olekin misjudged the Ross man, but that Karl was really reckless, who completely miscalculated himself.

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