Rise of Rurik - Chapter 584

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:50:25 AM

Chapter 584: Rurik in Suomi

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Chapter 584

Who would be willing to fight those strong men with big ships and iron helmets on their heads covered with iron rings?

Those Suomi people camped in the forest are expecting their leader to negotiate and mediate with the Varangans, so that they can get a reasonable result for themselves. Of course, if the Varangans insist on fighting, everyone has nothing to say. Let's run for their lives while rowing in chaos!

As for the reopening of the war, if the Varange kill all the way along the waterway to Kupaboka (the Suomi activity center), everyone has to flee back first and continue to flee with the tribe.

Where can I escape? Maybe you can escape to the other side of the sea, and the local Estonians will definitely take everyone in.

In fact, some people had already escaped quietly in the dark, and 500 soldiers were missing overnight.

The next day, when Uko and the five village chiefs returned, what they saw was a depression.

Obviously it was a warm day when Cao Changying was flying, and all he felt was solemnity.

The atmosphere in the camp was terrible. After learning that hundreds of people ran away at once, the last thought of resistance in Ukko's heart disappeared cleanly.

backbone? That's really luxurious.

The strong man is in charge, if he is as brave as the Tavastia, the tragic result is in sight.

Uko summoned "warriors" who were very confused. This group of armed fishermen, small merchants, farmers and other diverse groups of people expected the leader to deliver a peaceful result.

As a result, it is naturally peaceful.

It's just that this peace is a commodity, and commodity has its price tag.

Have to pay a batch of tributes and women in exchange for peace? No, if you accept this, the biggest strategic purpose of this trip will be achieved. In any case, the Suomi became the ruler of Tavastia, and of course, they must also bow down to the more noble Rus of Varangg, as the supreme ruler.

They are all businessmen, so if you think about it, of course you can do this business.

The dawn of peace is in Tavastalu, Suomi merges with Tavastia, and history becomes eternal with the rising sun. Suomi, who still retains his strength, can take over from the Rus to deal with the mess after the soldiers, and the concept of Suomi should give way to the brand-new concept of Finland.

On this day, Rurik also announced to all the Russian soldiers that the use of force against the Suomi is forbidden, and any active attack is equivalent to a back-stab at the brothers.

To make Rose exercise restraint, Rurik only needs to give Arik, Heligole, and Bijuni orders to restrain his men.

Naturally, everyone still doesn't look down on those chicken-like guys. Since the Duke has ordered it, everyone will execute it.

There is no point in delaying any more time in Tavastalu, and another day later, a brand new order is issued-the Russian army is divided!

Still in the congress center of the occupied Tavastias, Rurik gathered all centurions, flag captains, key cronies, and even as many as twenty village leaders of the Suomi who were already de jure servants.

One pair of eyes stared at Rurik's handsome face, and everyone was waiting for Lord Duke to announce the end of the expedition, and the army should go back home to prepare for a new expedition.

Rurik cleared his throat and solemnly said: "Now that we have conquered the land of the East, Finland is her name. This year, the expedition to the East has come to an end. This is not my intention, but our achievements are remarkable. Odin also cheered to us."

This is a polite remark. Everyone banged their arms at will, laughed and whistled, and made weird movements just to prove their pleasure.

Rurik opened his arms to signal for silence: "So, I will take you to the south, to Kupaboka, the core of the Suomi people. Our fleet will also follow the river directly into the southern sea." , The sailors raised their heads one by one.

"I know what you think about going to the ocean in the south? Is there an unknown ocean there? No! That's the route we take year after year to enter the ocean in the south. As long as we continue to the east, we can arrive in less than two or three days. Shilla Fort. Listen, brothers, our expedition this year has explored an inland river route."

"Are you really sure?" Arik asked cautiously and boldly.

"Of course. I have to explore the proof myself... to prove that I correctly understood Odin's revelation."

It's "Odin's Revelation" again. This should be the truth, right? Arik smiled and said no more.

Rurik said: "I will divide the army into two, one with a large number of seizures along the river north, and the others will follow me south."

Are you going to divide the troops? Is this really good? Arik looked at the Suomi leaders present, he was afraid that his brother would encounter an ambush when he entered the old territory of these people. He couldn't fully trust the Suomi people, so he just stood up and shouted, "Brother, is this okay? Once the forces are divided, our strength will decline. In that case..."

When the cousin spoke, he was looking at Suomi who was sitting on the side, it was clear what he meant by Rurik.

"I still have to divide the army. Thousands of women, a lot of reindeer, and a lot of ponies, two-wheeled carts, leathers, I have to transport them back. At least they have to be transported to Covenstad. I'm worried, I'm determined."

Rurik had to admit that his cousin’s suggestion made sense. As the saying goes, knowing people knowing the face and not knowing the heart, what if there is a reckless Suomi think that he can fight back and launch a sneak attack regardless of the mess afterwards? The Lionheart King with outstanding combat exploits was killed by a dark arrow.

But the honor trend of history he must do this adventure, just as he rushed to the Arctic Ocean on a sleigh and discovered Murmansk.

Naturally, the cousin's remarks must also be observed clearly. Although it is a division of forces, at least the core combat effectiveness of the Russian army must stay with him.

The key figures were all present, and Rurik made arrangements immediately.

The so-called Mälaren Banner Team of Heliger, the people of Mezzasta and Kejas from Corvin, and all the Ross fighters with injuries, followed the route they came, and escorted them back home.

With such an arrangement, more than 800 people left the team immediately, and the number of soldiers under Rurik fell by 40%.

The remaining 1,000 fighters are still a force that cannot be underestimated. This arrangement Arik has nothing to say, because the first banner team with the strongest fighting ability is he Arik continues to lead and continue to protect his younger brother.

Finally, the raging Roths retreated, and they retreated as fast as they rushed.

An overwhelming "army" accompanied by as many as 5,000 reindeer, began to march north along the lake and the river. As many as two thousand young women, and even some children in their arms, began this journey that is not much painful but absolutely exhausting. Both of them are the family members of the defeated, and now they all have a new identity.

They are not slaves, but the new wives of the Ross, Balmerks and even the Corvins. The men of Tavastia conquered the Corvins, it was really a feng shui turn, and their female relatives are now the female relatives of the Corvins. The Corvins fleeing the destruction came to the Ross people to usher in prosperity. The last Corvin men were elated, because they could choose a woman at will, and soon they would have more newborn Corvin children.

The team going north will eventually return to the place of departure, even if it takes a lot of time, Rurik is quite relieved of them.

Originally to vent their anger for the servants, the war evolved into the conquest of Finland. For this reason, the Principality of Rus has instantly increased its population by two thousand, and the food problem has become more serious.

what is this? When the main force rushes to Kupaboka, the locals will have to donate another 500 young women, and the population of the Principality of Ross will only expand further. The situation dictated that Rurik felt that the expedition and looting against Britain and increased exploitation of Novgorod were necessary. If the Principality of Ross wants to survive and avoid possible famine, it must be a cruel man.

The clear sky is full of sunshine, it's June, and the warmest summer is coming.

Even if it is not warm enough, many Ross people have already taken off their shirts in the scorching sun, exposed their golden chest hair, and then showed their hideous tattoos to their brothers.

The canoes of the Suomi people cleared the way ahead. The Russian army was headed by the Mercury, a large number of dragon-head warships guarded the branch, and a surprisingly staffed inland river fleet was advancing.

Everyone was worried that the Suomi people would lead the way, so Rurik used "invitation to be a big ship" and brought all the leaders of Suomi villages with them who had just been canonized as "Finnish War Chief of Ross (equivalent to Marquis Uko was detained on the big boat.

The huge boat opened their eyes to these canoe people, and Jeflo said to the future old man Uko that it was nothing.

Old man? Is that Uko really worthy of respect? After staying in Viking society for a long time, Jeflo couldn't stand up to a leader who surrendered without a fight.

Yevlo has been holding a sigh of breath in his heart. It was the looting of the Varangans (he estimated to be the old Gotland) that he encountered in his childhood. The leaders of Suomi didn’t care at all, just wanted to pay attention. Own small village. Let Uko be a "war chief" is just a reward, to ensure that the Suomi people do not mess around inside. Jeflo reckoned the master’s suggestion that when he was too old to fight anymore, he would retreat to his hometown and become a "Marquis of Finland", and his heirs would inherit the title from generation to generation.

Detaining a group of nobles can let other Suomi people lead the way? Rurik at least noticed that after a day and a half of sailing, the direction of the river had changed significantly.

After all, the water flows to the lower places. The lakes in central Finland are only a little higher than the coastal areas. The lakes are surrounded by icy eroded mounds, which are like sponges to absorb a large amount of winter snowmelt every year. Storing water for the lakes to form a water tower of practical significance. The highland "water tower" led to runoff, and now the Ross fleet sailed on the waterway leading to the mouth of the southern river.

Because it was downstream, this huge team arrived at Kupaboka, the core of the Suomi people, a trading center standing on the island in the lake a day earlier.

The people who stayed behind were taken aback, and then rowed around in boats. Many people fled into the cobweb-like waterways and hid in places unknown to others.

Rurik standing on the deck is no different from those fishing boats that escaped, so Uko with a complicated expression was attracted and ordered: "I am your master, is this your home? Very good, I like it very much."

Hearing this, it was as if the Rus wanted to plunder.

Uko squinted his head with very high emotional intelligence and said, "My lord, I will provide everyone with food and lodging supplies, and I will also provide women... to the soldiers to meet their men's... needs."

This is too humble to say, such a submissive performance even makes Rurik a little disgusted.

He wanted to scold this Uke for being spineless, but he had to say that this old boy was a loyal dog.

"Women? My brothers have already obtained women in Tavastia, and they have been pierced with names. They don't need new women for the time being, you just need to provide enough food and tribute."

Chief Uke let out a sigh of relief, and when he remembered what the Rus had done to the Tavastia women, his neck chilled.

Is that called a tattoo? Scratch the skin with a knife and apply toner? The woman was crying in pain, but the Conqueror of Ross must do so. It is said that the pictures that were pierced were actually some words, representing the name of the "torturer". This action is to brand the reindeer with a pattern to prove who is its owner!

So, don't anger these people!

The Ross army camped on a sparsely treed lake near the island of Kupaboka. Long boats washed up on the beach, the ropes of the bow of the boat were thin, and the other side was tied to a big tree.

Those Suomi should have completely surrendered, but keeping on guard is a must for an army.

As usual, Rurik unloaded the heavy weapons from the ship and scattered them on the four corners of the camp.

Two-handed saws and large axes quickly felled logs, and a large number of simple wooden sheds and linen tents were being built quickly.

In fact, the Ross people can of course occupy the homes of the locals, but they have already adapted to the woodcuts with floors, and how do they get used to sleeping in the grass sheds of the Suomi people? In that way, it is better for the brothers to build a field camp by themselves to guard against possible sneak attacks.

The Rus people had just started construction, and soon Uko and the village leaders started rowing a canoe to present fresh catches to the Rus camp as required.

That night, the sky was shining with stars, and the lake was reflected with starlight and moonlight, and it was just on the bank of the lake.

It was a bonfire deliberately ignited by Rurik. Many bonfires were just piles of unattended burning pine branches. He also made a suspicious strategy to deliberately frighten the vast number of Suomi people.

The Suomi people mainly live on the island of Kupaboka and its surrounding areas, and there are also villages along the river that leads to the sea.

They seem to be an ethnic group that occupies a vast territory. In fact, the total population is only 20,000 to 30,000. There are as many as 15,000 people settled in Kupaboka and the surrounding area, and the main Suomi village is within this range.

The village chiefs who had returned took the men back to their village overnight, and had to select more than a dozen show girls to send to the Ross people overnight.

If peace can be exchanged, handing over a group of women is an acceptable result. Besides, some men have stayed in Tavastalo to control the remaining women in Tavastia. If women are the resource of this barbaric era, no matter the Rus or the Suomi, everyone is fighting for it based on animal instincts.

Still this night, Uko was very thankful that Rurik, the Duke of Ross, was just trying to catch a fish. It was great that the Ross people promised that the army would not land on the island and that the market would not be damaged.

His family was settled on the island in the lake. Even though he is now an aristocratic canonized by the Ross people, in his hometown he is still only a rich man with a well-earned family.

His youngest daughter Hermi (meaning gem) is only fifteen years old. This girl has reached the age of marriage. It is the father's responsibility to choose a wishful man for her.

A large number of outsiders entered the lake area, and they were actually on a boat owned by Varanga! The people on the island in the lake were panicked. Many people wanted to flee. When a large number of people rowing a canoe came to the island to report safety, the chaos disappeared.

Hermi has flowing black hair, a very smooth polished amber necklace hung around her neck, and she is wearing a patterned cloth on her body decently. She has learned what a woman should do, such as cooking food, sewing leather, and making linen. She also feels that she must do the splitting and fetching water.

Noble lady who repels labor? She doesn't have this knowledge yet, but she is expecting that the man her father chooses for herself is a good man.

She and her mother and brother went out to welcome her father. Suddenly, Hermi's eyes saw the big ship floating on the lake, especially a huge ship that was incredibly big.

"Dad, you are finally back. You went to Tavastia, everything went well?"

Seeing the still beautiful little daughter, Uke suddenly became emotionally complex. He put his hands on his daughter's shoulders, and he was speechless for a long time as he watched her doubtful expression.

Until entering the home, he immediately mentioned about the important events of his daughter's life.

"I have decided, Hermi, your man's name is Jeflo, a strong and reliable warrior."

"Warrior?" Hermi pulled her hair away and covered her mouth in shock.

"It's our Suomi fighters, but..." After all, Uko sighed and explained his experience in the north to the family who were looking forward to knowing these days, and the reasons for the Varang boats that came from afar.

The facts were shocking, and the family couldn't believe it was true.

Both of his sons were questioning. The eldest son felt that his father was introducing wolves into the house. The second son felt that he could organize the men to launch a sneak attack.

"You are all idiots!" Uko was furious without Picking up the clay pot and smashing it at his sons, he stood up and pointed his nose and cursed: "Do you know? Tavastians! Five thousand people...No! Six thousand warriors were killed by the Varangians! At least two thousand women were taken away! Those Varangans were from the Ross, and they belonged to the terrible fleet that cruised in the waters south of us every year. Master. They have no loss, and Tavastia is destroyed. You two idiots who are not warring, your uncles and I have sold too much to get peace."

Wu Ke is not only scolding his sons, but also scolding himself and Su Omi for being so weak that he can only be loyal to his master like a dog in exchange for living.

At this moment, Hermi was scared and crying, holding her mother at a loss, and her mother was just as helpless.

Uke sat down a little bit, and invited his daughter in casually.

"Tomorrow, I will take you to Rose’s camp. Don’t worry, your man is also our Suomi. That Jeflo is the captain of the head of Rose. That soldier has no marriage. You are destined to be his wife. You want it. Give him a baby quickly, so that our family can forever maintain the power it has now."

Uko said so much, Hermi could not understand.

She was expectant and extremely shy of her own man, but now she had to say tremblingly: "I...I will."

"Ah! Good girl, don't be afraid, at least for our family, you will be a hero. You will save us Suomi, and only you can do it."

With such emotion of Uke, the girl is even more incomprehensible.

What else could Hermi say, so she nodded to indicate that if this was fate, she would accept it.

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