Rise of Rurik - Chapter 615

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:49:09 AM

Chapter 615: 3 Kings and 1 King's Battle on the Left Bank of the Tam River

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The army that Wigraf tried hard to gather finally arrived in the outskirts of Tamworth. When he really saw his beloved capital, Fang felt that the situation was more serious than he had predicted.

"Those **** boats! Damn Vikings!" He clenched his fists on his horse, as if his fingers were about to be crushed.

The Earl of Shrewsbury came on horseback. Although the situation was beyond his imagination, he had been confident in fighting the old British in Wales for so long.

"Your Majesty, none of the scouts we sent have returned. They will not get lost unless they are all killed. It seems that the enemy is going to fight us to the end."

"It looks like the enemy has a lot of troops, we..." The Earl of Leicester was worried, and he retreated.

The angry Wigraf just wanted to rush down the gentle **** and kill the enemies that had already begun to assemble.

Wait a minute! Why are there orange flags inside? A group of troops are leaning against the big Viking ship.

"Einred! You traitor of faith, I want to kill you!"

Wigraf flicked the reins and rode forward. Upon seeing this, the whole army began to move again.

On the other side of the battlefield, when the coalition soldiers with their backs to the fleet saw the movement of the Mercia army, everyone felt that the next step was a **** battle.

Ernred dismounted his horse, and his cavalry basically ceased to exist. The soldiers at hand were almost mainly farmers, and his troops could not be counted as much.

"The shield is in front! The others are behind!"

"Form a wall! Let's move forward slowly!"

"Attention archers, keep gathered."

He tried his best to imitate the tactics of the Vikings, specifically the Russian army.

In the rear of the Northumbria army, the main forces of the Russian and Balmerk forces relying on the fleet, and people are also standing on the parked ships, a batch of torsion slingshots have been adjusted to their maximum firing angles, and tactical support can be carried out at any time.

Rurik claimed that this was a war between Mercia and Northumbria, and the Viking coalition had no obligation to help Northumbria.

This is the case. When the war broke out this morning, the massive annihilation of the Messiah Army was not easy, and it would be a major threat to the future development of the British Isles.

Arik, wearing an iron helmet, knew that he had a chance to take the brothers of the First Banner to take action.

He stood on the side of the enemy Aphrodite for the time being and yelled: "Look at your defeated man! Rurik, this old guy with a broken arm is imitating us."

"Yes, I saw it all."

"Is this appropriate? This person has learned too much. If we turn our faces in the future, we may have some trouble."

"It's okay! We will become stronger then! Look, they just learned a little bit."

"Okay! When do I do it? Those Mercia troops are here to die, I can't wait to kill them, the blood sacrifice Odin!"

Hearing his cousin's rhetoric, Rurik wanted to laugh. When could this guy get his head up. But fortunately, the cousin is a simple taker, so it is easy to control.

Both the Ross Army and the Balmerk Army made arrangements, and each of the two armies drew 500 brave men to hide behind the Northumbrian Army.

On the one hand, they can play a role in supervising the war, on the other hand, they also give the Northumbrian army a psychological bottom, and on the other hand, if the war becomes anxious, the two wings can suddenly break out, roundabout and encircle to fight an annihilation battle.

This is Liulik's vicious tactic, and it is also a pincer tactic that has been tried and tested by military strategists. A rout war is not really a victory, but an annihilation war that kills the enemy's powerful forces is a victory.

The decisive battle must be an annihilation battle. This is really a novel thing for the Kingdom of Mercia. Wiglav doesn't know it at all. This is a more terrifying display of the Ross people than the other Vikings.

The Messiah army was advancing, and the opponents gathered in a large area, and each soldier was worried about their own future.

As the distance drew closer, Wigraf himself finally saw clearly, and he recognized the flags.

"Sure enough, it is from Northumbria! The disabled Erinred is actually humiliating me! I want to negotiate with that guy. You guys, come with me!"

He was greeting the Earl of Shrewsbury and the Earl of Leicester. The two nobles did not want to take a risk, but the king himself, wearing a small golden crown, rushed out on his horse, accompanied by several guards.

"Is this guy crazy? Is it really a reckless fool that we recommended?" The Earl of Shrewsbury shook his head, holding the reins still.

In such a situation, the Earl of Leicester was also full of disappointment in Wigraf, "It was he who announced that he was surrendering to Wessex, and it was he who caused the loss of the capital. This has completely offset the force he forced East Anglia to surrender. Attack. Friends, will you come forward to meet the Northumbrians?"

"Do you think I will go?" Shrewsbury made a bad face.

The Earl of Leicester reluctantly smiled, "I'm afraid Wigraf will be killed by Ernred."

"If that's the case, I won't fight. I don't want to fight the Northumbrians."

"Alright, I have too few people, and I don't want to be too impulsive."

Soon Wigraf was shocked that the two great nobles under his command had actually maintained restraint, and any words of allegiance had become **** to deceive the children.

He personally got close to the Northumbrian army, and publicly cursed that Ernred was not a man, especially the fact that he was not enough to be a man in that respect, and even severed his arm.

King Ernred of Northumbria, who was in the army, was furious when he mentioned this broken arm. What is humiliation, this is also one of the great humiliations!

Because it was the Rurik of Rose who cut off his arm, the young man was his own big enemy, and the Viking army behind him was all the big enemy, but he had to cooperate with him and had to greet him with a smile.

But Ernred was not empty in his hands, he really prepared a terrifying gift for the Mercian.

After Wigraf yelled, the Messiah army suddenly gave way.

Ernred himself took off his iron helmet, two familiar faces.

Upon seeing Wigraf, he immediately became interested and continued taunting: "What are you! Betray the soul and ally with the barbarians, and those who kill me will seize my city. You are a coward, a disabled person, and a woman. Whoever scolds, you will go to hell!"

Ernred could not wait to kill this yelling guy himself, now it's time to deliver the gift.

A mutilated corpse was dragged out, and still bluntly in front of Wigraf.

"Do you recognize this person?" Einred deliberately asked with information.

"You! You guys!" Suddenly, Wigraf fell off his horse.

He was helped by the dismounted guards to mount again, ignoring the mud on his face, and the blue veins burst out loudly roaring: "You killed my prince. You humiliated his body."

"Yes, it's me!" Einred was still on the side of his guilty conscience. In this world, King Mercia can't let King Mercia say unilaterally. He deliberately yelled loudly: "Your Bot Woolf was killed by me! Your relatives have been beheaded! Your favorite canary is now a pet in my cage!"

"You! You are so vicious!"

"Do you think you are a good man? But a hypocritical idiot! I tell you that Tamworth is already my Northumbria territory, and the Earl of Chester and the Earl of Pexette are also loyal to me. This It's the price you paid for invading our country, are you not convinced? Then fight!"

"Fight! Then fight!"

Wigraf had a sharp sword in his heart, and he ordered his men to pull down the gray corpse of the prince, then mounted his horse and returned to his army.

Now, he has no intention to speak much to the two men who are still standing still.

As the king of Mercia, he faced all the warriors with a sword command: "nomiseria!"

The Messiah began to roar, and then shouted the "relentless" slogan, and thousands of infantry began to advance.

Wigraf was dazzled by anger. Although such a large army advancing the Earl of Shrewsbury and the Earl of Leicester felt that they could not escape, the three thousand people directly controlled by the king were already advancing with the spearhead.

The armies of the two earls followed closely, and they deliberately followed behind the main force. Fighting with the Northumbrians was not what these two earls were keen on. Who is passionate about? Naturally, Earl Lindsay, who was on the northern border, seemed to have died in the battle.

The Messiah army behaved like a large group of thugs preparing to fight. They did not have a clear formation at all. The soldiers holding shields on the front line initially formed a loose shield wall.

"Nomiseria!" The Messiaians kept yelling, personally yelling to embolden themselves, everyone said in unison, their morale really rose.

The Viking's bow once shocked Wiglav, and as for the Northumbria, he was really worthwhile. Even if it is a large-scale loss of elite fighters, others still have a psychological advantage over Northumbria.

"My lord, they are already within the range of the slingshot!" Yevlo on the boat yelled at Rurik.

"Don't intervene in the battle! Notify all brothers not to release arrows without an order!"

Rurik wanted to sit on the hill and watch the tigers fight. Soon, the two armies of the Saxon kingdoms in Britain smashed into each other fiercely.

The two kings also fully vented the grievances accumulated from the previous confrontation for several months. Seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence, the two sides have won a strategic decisive battle!

This battle is very meaningful to the Ross people, and Rurik can see clearly here, he can't help but sigh with emotion: "I thought you could be stronger. I can't imitate it, and now it's a chaos."

It's true that Ernred's main force is exhausted, and Wigraf is in the same situation. Even if Ain Reid formed a shield wall, the decorative significance of this wall is obviously greater.

The battlefield quickly became a chaos between soldiers and soldiers. There was no infantry tactics. The minds of the red-eyed parties were completely blank, and killing became the only reason for their existence.

The front line is a chaotic battle of axes, swords and spears. The dry grass is quickly covered with red liquid and quickly turned into scarlet mud.

The archers in the rear shot at each other, but their number was too small, and the mutual support completely aggravated the chaos on the battlefield.

The chaos lasted for a while, and Rurik, who watched the whole play, felt that it was exactly like the "ant war". Yes, ordinary farmers in this world are like tiny ants, and death is just like ants.

Is it still not supported?

Rurik decided to continue to stand still. He was waiting for the right time. The Balmerks' thoughts were even more cold.

According to Magnuth, Northumbria and Mercia were both annihilated in the battle. By then, the Balmerk army of their Viking York kingdom rushed to pick the fruits of victory and it was over.

Indeed, in the great chaos between the two sides, the soldiers of the two countries are quickly dying in battle. Among them, there are naturally no shortage of combat madmen, many of whom are veterans of the Earl of Shrewsbury.

Rurik gradually realized this.

"Oh? There are still elites in Messiah?"

At this moment, Arik, who was already gearing up under the boat, raised his head and shouted: "Isn't it possible? If the stalemate continues like this, I will take my brothers and rush by myself!"

"Then let's start!"

As soon as Rurik's voice fell, the soldiers of Arik's First Banner suddenly came out from the left side of the line.

Seeing that the Rus had acted, the Balmerks also moved out from the right under the leadership of Bijuni.

Rurik did even better this time. He ordered: "Shoot forward! Focus on those who are armored and hacking!"

At this moment, Yevlo hesitated and asked loudly: "My lord, there are soldiers from Northumbria in there."

"Are you kidding?" Rurik suddenly furious, and a face was turned down: "You really treat them as comrades in arms? Shoot me."

The words awakened the person in the dream, because Jeflo and the Northumbrian army had been mixed for a period of time, so close contact can be regarded as the essence-they are the most ordinary farmers.

But this kind of compassion on the battlefield is too absurd, and Jeflo and his guys regained their cold essence.

The cast iron projectile smashed past! Arrows fly! There are also those javelins that were thrown out, attacking the two armies in a chaotic war indiscriminately!

A swish came from the sky, and Ernred was taken aback!

"What are you doing! Those are my people." He looked back and appealed to Rurik to stay calm, but his yelling had been diluted by the killing.

However, it was precisely this trick that Wigraf, who was dazzled by anger, had become a soldier. He rode a horse and entered the battlefield with the guard and became a target of public criticism.

He was shot by a javelin with a horse and a man, and Weigraf, who escaped in the village of Dole, died under the sword of Weigraf after all. Just like his several generations of Mercia’s ancestors, they all died. The battlefield, but for him personally died well.

At this point, Wigraf's family died out.

This scene was seen by the earl of Shrewsbury, but the earl’s own situation was even worse.

The stones and javelins that fell from the sky smashed his soldiers into large-scale losses. It was also seen that the soldiers of the two countries were deeply nailed to the grass by the javelins.

"This is the devil's trick!" He stared and raised his head. He was seeing the blue and white flags flying on the boat, and new killings were all around him.

He saw a large number of warriors armed with bucklers coming out from both sides, and it was self-explanatory what happened next.

"No! Let's go!" The Lower Earl of Shrewsbury, who had just lost his horse, ordered his people to retreat, but it was not easy to retreat from the anxious battlefield.

The opportunity to escape is fleeting, and a new fierce battle has begun on both sides!

Arik felt that this battle was like a new version of the decisive battle on Gotland, and he also yelled in the chaos: "The Ross people! Defeated them like the Gotlanders!"

Everybody knows what they smell.

The Ross and Balmerks did not hesitate to build a shield wall, from the two wings of the battlefield to the middle, a very clear encirclement was being constructed.

At the rear of the battlefield, Ruriek ordered the suspension of long-range support until he was worried that he would accidentally injure the real friendly forces. He did not sit and watch the Viking coalition gain the final victory, but ordered the ruthless people like Jeflo to rush into the chaos with the same ferocious mercenaries to support the Northumbrian army frontally.

Those Mercia warriors who tried to fight the Viking shield wall used their weapons to beat the shield in vain, or drag their tired bodies into collision. Almost all of them were urgently recruited farmers. Although it was possible to burst out miraculous combat power in times of crisis, their equipment was really poor, and their physical strength was consumed too much, and any counterattack became futile.

The farmer warrior was stabbed to death by the steel sword pierced through the gap in the shield, or died from the piercing and chopping of the halberd.

A deadly encirclement is about to be formed!

Seeing that it was impossible to retreat with his subordinates all over, the Earl of Shrewsbury simply took dozens of his subordinates directly out of the fight.

The buckler is the characteristic of the Viking army in the legend. The two shield walls are rushing towards him, and the earl takes the last of his men into the gap of the shield that has not been encircled like a sharp sword, and rushes out abruptly.

Is this a breakthrough? !

Realizing that someone had escaped, Arik, who was furious, could organize a man to chase him.

Rose's crossbow mercilessly shot the fugitive, and the poor Earl of Shrewsbury who successfully broke through his chain mail couldn't resist the hardened surface-hardened tapered piercing arrows shot by the steel-armed crossbow.

The earl's horse had been shot long ago. He was running for his life on foot, but now he has only become a dying convulsive corpse.

The encirclement was completed and kept shrinking, and the rest could no longer be called a battle.

The Viking forces enjoyed a new autumn killing. They fought in the sun and sacrificed Odin with the blood of the Mercian army.

And what about Ernred? There is no longer laughing at his broken arm now.

The once humiliated king of Northumbria finally regained his confidence in the killing of the Mercia army. He knew that he had to be fierce, and only in this way could he really be able to firmly rule the Middle Messiah where Tamworth was located, and even surrender to the newcomers to his local nobles.

More importantly, it is to prove one thing to the Vikings-Northumbria is not a country of cowards!

It is a pity that the performance of the king in the decisive battle has deepened Rurik's contempt for him, and he does not need to say much about his evaluation, which can be summed up by the sentence "I don't know the soldiers.

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