Rise of Rurik - Chapter 637

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:48:17 AM

Chapter 637: Fisk Castle Yuyou

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Those selected men were full of enthusiasm, and they returned home one after another, hurrying to prepare supplies for the future expedition.

Almost all the strong men in the small fishing village of the old Bringethe participated in the army, and they received strong support from the women, even if the men left one after another, it would make future fishing operations more difficult. Everyone firmly believes that such an adventure is worthwhile, because the youngest son of Brin Goethe the old Herafid has proved himself a good fighter, and the ultimate commander of the army is the invincible Rurik of Ross.

Instead of worrying about war, they use it as an opportunity to get rich overnight.

In the old Bryn Goethe's house, the family practiced for this young man who was highly regarded by Duke Rurik of Ross.

The slightly dilapidated long house was brightly lit, and the old mother looked at her little son with a smile.

Old Brin Goethe looked dignified, he held his sword to his son.

"Boy, for the glory of our family, you go to fight. Bjorn is in the west, you are in the east, and both of you can make merits in different fields. I will give you this sword."

"Father..." Hellafeld knew the weight of this sword, even if it was just a seemingly ordinary iron sword.

"You let the whole family gain face in front of the Ross people. It's just a pity. According to tradition, you have to build merits yourself, but this is also a good thing for you. Hold this sword and don't think about anything else."

Hellafeld knew that he had no right to inherit the sword, his eyes couldn't help but glanced at the elder brother, but he found that the elder brother was actually holding his head without saying a word. Presumably the eldest brother is also dissatisfied...

He took the sword with a single heart. To a large extent, he inherited the glory of the family, but unfortunately the property inheritance right still belongs to the eldest brother.

This is tradition, and this is everyone's consensus.

According to legend, since the creation of the giant, the human community is the eldest son who inherits everything, and the rest of the children go for their own careers. As a result, Hellafeld was never angry with his elder brother, but he could take it all with a coward. Now that he has a sword, his father has broken the rules, so he should leave forever, but he is also seeking benevolence and benevolence.

He pulled the sword out of its scabbard a little, stared at it, and closed it again.

"Father, I will take my brothers to victory without casualties." His face was full of fortitude.

Old Brin Goethe said nothing more, and only said: "You must prove your strength to the Ruths, even if some people are killed in battle. If you can be stronger than the real Russ, it is our blessing."

By touching the thighs of the Ross people, the Balmerks who stayed behind in their hometown can flourish. How to make the Ross people look at them completely with admiration, it must be better than the Ross people.

Try to make converts into fanaticism to get the real acceptance of the other party, and Brin Goethe has realized this.

It was like Hellafeld got a gift from his father, and the young men who went on the expedition also took up their best spears and shields.

They smeared patterns on their shields overnight or simply engraved exciting words in runes.

They actively prepared dry food along the way. Even though they learned that they would save a lot of physical energy by doing sleds all the way to Rose, they still tried to reserve local specialty salted herring.

Herring is inherently high in calories. When it is salted and dehydrated, a pound of fish has surpassed the same amount of wheat. Unlike wheat, these dried fish can be eaten directly. The theory is so, but the human body is the priority to consume starch sugars, fish jerky is a reasonable emergency food, but once a person has tasted wheat flour products such as bread, even Balmerks will immediately put in the bread. embrace.

No, they have noticed the breads carried by the mercenaries of Duke Rurik, especially the old mercenaries from Balmerk. They show off their heroic past to their old family, and they don’t hesitate to take out themselves. Share the noodles with the brothers.

After all, these old mercenaries have become "team leaders", and each of them is responsible for the nine opponents. Sharing noodles and sharing deliciousness is also a way to win the relationship between brothers. As for another effect of noodles, it is to provoke everyone's greedy worms.

Lord Rose's promise should be fulfilled! You can get free rations for the Duke at war, and you have bread and bread every day?

Such good things are not promised by the old leader Magnuth.

On the appointed day, the soldiers on the expedition gathered in Narvik, the core settlement of the harbor.

When the sky just turned blue, soldiers landed with weapons, shields and large linen bags.

Today, Rurik got up early today. When the golden light of the rising sun passed through the snow hills of the central mountain range and spread across the fjord, all he saw from a high place were warriors with reflective metal helmets above their heads, which should have been rusted spearheads The harpoon and the harpoon were clearly polished, and a large army stood in front of him, and there was a strong morale on the face.

After a while, Hellafeld, who had changed his outfit, hurried over and saw his master: "My lord, brothers are all here, we can set off now."

"Well, even if I'm not ready yet, you are already ready."

Now that they were ready to go, Rurik had no intention of dragging along.

He stood on a snowdrift and met everyone, and he stood there quietly waiting for the noisy sound to subside.

People stared at the hero.

"My brothers." Rurik shouted, "Please forgive my haste. Now we must get on the sledge and arrive at Roseburg before the snow and ice thaw. Waiting for all of us will be a rush to the far east. The expedition is a great achievement that you can proudly tell your children and grandchildren. Let’s go now, take your bags and get on the sled!"

They yelled and screamed, forming a Viking roar, which shook some snow down, but could not scare the deer to jump around.

The sled deer herds have long been no strangers to the chaos of human beings. They were driven on the spot by the Rapp man who was responsible for grazing in these short days to eat the local pastures. The natural salt-rich withered grass under the snow is good for the deer. It is also a delicious delicacy. The deer had eaten a stomach of hay and supplemented with some oats, and their stamina had recovered.

It was the act of feeding oats that shocked the locals. The Balmerks who stayed behind did not understand how rich the Ross people were, and they were so rich that they fed deer with wheat.

Thousands of ordinary people gathered in the Narvik settlement. They watched the men with weapons boarding sleigh after sleigh in enthusiastic cheers. They chanted slogans of blessing, and they were even thinking about the future in their hearts.

Perhaps the old leader Magnut’s fleet is already sailing back to his hometown in the beginning of the warm season?

However, a group of left-behind people are destined to leave. Today, they sent away the Ross people and the brothers who went to fight in the East. Soon they will also go straight to Britain with their family and friends, with all the delicate things, and rowing a long boat straight to Britain.

The wind is no longer like a knife, although it has only been cut for five days, the sled team once again ran wildly on the slender Lake Torna on the top of the mountain.

The reindeer kept advancing, the people on the sleigh talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was so lively.

But a snowfall came and the joyous atmosphere came to an abrupt end. People had to wrap up their leather blankets to gather together and pray that the sled shed that sheltered the wind would be strong enough.

The blizzard didn't make the road difficult, and the sudden drop in temperature really relieved Rurik.

What's the sudden cold? If the glacier quickly thaws due to the temperature rise, that would be the worst!

This blizzard is really a gift from the gods, and a miracle is presented on the glacier.

In the fine snow, a reindeer sleigh team lined up in two columns, speeding along the frozen Torna River.

How long it took when I came, maybe the same when I go back.

Time has entered May, and even with such a blizzard, the arrival of the warm season is unstoppable.

Finally, when the blizzard was over, and the sled team had entered the lower Torna River, everyone noticed the abnormality of the ice layer-it was clearly thinning.

Continuing to advance on the ice is fraught with danger. Rürik resolutely chooses to advance in the riverside forest that is still full of snow, but his chosen way home quickly drew everyone's astonishment.

He immediately explained his decision, and then the old mercenaries who had been placed as grass-roots officers gave the group of them the clearest explanation.

Because Rurik and a group of Ross people know the geography of this area, and there is another native Balmerk, Modgen, who knows geography and hydrology best.

The sled team turned all the way to the east. They were advancing in the pine forest, and the snow falling from the branches from time to time had clearly shown that the area was thawing rapidly.

Rurik is going to Elronburg, where he will obtain key supplies, and then recruit all the local longbowmen. At that time, the icy Gulf of Bothnia had better be thawed enough to sail, then Roseburg would be able to quickly get a big ship to easily transport the active force to Roseburg for the assembly of the army.

Do not see the majesty of the fourth flag team composed of Balmerks, their own weapons seemed to be nothing to Rurik. This group of people must completely change their outfits, such as replacing the slender and pointed spearheads made of stainless chrome iron on the spot in Fort Elon. He even gave them some bows.

In terms of fighting, Rurik didn't dare to neglect at all. He would rather spend a lot of money to arm his team, even if the Ross army is already very strong, he would not dare to rush into battle because of optimism.

For example, in the war against the Karelians in the warm season of this year, this war is not something that can be accomplished by sending troops to fight the enemy in a decisive battle.

"I'm afraid this war will start after the autumn harvest." Rurik thought in his heart.

The Principality of Ross is now extraordinary. He estimated that the Karelian war would not be able to get many captures immediately. The positive value of this battle was to completely wipe out the strategic threat of Fort Shilla on the Neva River. The huge Lake Ladoga could be The huge economic value for the Russ' wanton fishing, and even the wanton hunting in the surrounding areas, will only be revealed in the following years.

However, the results of the strategy of conquering Britain are still to be tasted this year. A small fleet must rush to the Viking Kingdom of York before the autumn harvest in Britain, seize the wheat tribute from the weak Northumbria Kingdom and return to sail. But Rurik's heart is not optimistic about the trip to Britain to fish for wheat. After all, Northumbria was very weak after the war, and the amount of tribute given to them was huge, and I was afraid it was Ernred with a broken arm Wang Fei had to smash the pot and sell the iron to get it all.

The self-sufficiency rate of grain in the core control area of ​​the Principality of Russ is too low, and it must be too wishful thinking to expect wheat from the British Isles to fill the vacancies in the Principality.

Desperately plundering the fish resources in the sea can basically sustain the people's livelihood, just like the way of the Rus people in the past hundreds of years, but the principality has become stronger and the people are still fed by growing wheat.

"When Karelia is conquered, I should also focus on the reclamation of the east."

There were no twists and turns on the final journey, and Liu Lique took advantage of the opportunity of passive leisure to seize the time to deduce a rich future in his mind.

The sled team found the Ailong (Kemi) River very smoothly, and to everyone's surprise, they heard the sound of the current!

The snow on the shore is still thick, but the snow melt has washed away the ice floes, and the flow is not serious, but there is no sleigh ride on the river, and even the boat can’t even go temporarily. Look at the blue sky, how warm the sun is, and the wind is no longer strong.

A lake lay in front of the sled team. From a distance, there were large and small ice blocks on the lake. They were even a little bluish.

In the distance, a village suddenly appeared, and now the old mercenaries of Rurik knew where this was-Fisk Castle.

The lake fishing season is coming again, and the people who pushed the boats on the shore down the lake while waiting for the ice to melt, were surprised by the sudden arrival of Rurik’s sled team.

How could Rurik not be surprised?

Because a man and his guys happened to be here.

With the rare opportunity to stop and rest, the Balmerk soldiers descended to the ground one after another. Now that everyone is from Ross, these guys immediately became brothers with the Ross fishermen who stayed in the area, exchanging things by the way and sharing some stories.

At night, within a slightly crude but warm woodcut, the stubble-faced explorer Spuyut sits casually cross-legged, opposite to Rurik himself.

A piece of leather was placed on the ground, some dried meat was placed on a glass plate, and two glasses of ordinary ale.

"Spuyute, I can hardly recognize you. Let's drink a little wine and pay tribute to our chance encounter." As he spoke, Rurik had already raised his glass.

This is the toast of the Duke himself, it is really an honor.

Thinking of his work in Murmansk, the northernmost place, Spuyut's nose sore, tears still suffocated. He raised his glass and drank half of it at once.

"My lord, I know you want me to talk about things in Murmansk. Okay, I'm looking for a chance to report to you."

"Say it now."


Spuyute was eloquent, and what he said was within Rurik's expectation. The construction speed of Murmansk is still slow. The current position there is based on the current strength of the Rus Principality. It is extremely difficult to maintain at most one hunter's stronghold and maintain the settlement of fifty people.

The warm season means comfort for the people in most areas, but for those who go to Murmansk, it is a trip to struggle with the mud. Summer is not a good opportunity to go to Murmansk, but summer is the breeding season of elephant seals and seals. The local leather and grease resources have reached the peak period. The chance of hunting wildly meets the terrible mud. Murmansk is away from Ross. The fort is so far away, the people who stay behind feel that each other is already in two worlds.

His words made Rick's heart itch, but the mud that hadn't reached his knees after the frozen ground had melted was dying. Both the Elon River and the Murman River come from the same swamp. In this warm period, there will soon turn into deadly mud. I am afraid that the only way to go to Murmansk is by sea.

Wait a minute! Sea way!

Rurik giggled.

"My lord... have you thought of any decision? Then the seals are everywhere, we..."

"Of course you must try to catch it." Rurik said with an open mind: "Did you see the Balmerk fighter I brought back?"

"I see. They look so much like us."

"Of course. There will be no Balmerk in the future, or Balmerk will be us. The western harbor is already our Ross territory, and these brothers are also our Ross people. Soon Balmerk will get in touch with Murmansk. We will not When you walk in the mud, you will use the sea to make contact."

"Huh?" Spuyute was taken aback: "Is the sea connected?"

"Of course. Huh? You are actually suspecting that you are a good explorer and don't know this?"

"I'm sorry, if I took a long boat, I should be able to detect this. There is a sea connection between the two locations, which is really a gift from Odin to us."

"It's a gift." Rurik exclaimed: "Soon, I will focus on Narvik, and I will build a new fleet there."

"The new fleet? Is the current fleet not enough for you... Oh no! My vision is too small. Our Ross fleet must be huge."

Rurik nodded, thinking that this guy was very smart.

"Yes, what we have now is the Baltic Fleet. She is already invincible. Next, I will build an Atlantic Fleet, with my home port in Narvik. In this way, the Atlantic Fleet may go to Murmansk to catch seals. , Or going to Britain to get wheat tribute will become smooth. Oh, and the miraculous western ocean. Believe me, the West does not have sea monsters, but a land of miracles. At that time, I may send you to explore ."

This was the Duke’s promotion. Spuyute did his part. He slapped his chest and screamed, "Even if you let me go to the end of the world, I will go too. Then the children of Ross will know that there is a Spuyute. The guy who has been to the farthest place is a hero."

"To you." Rurik raised the glass.

Both sides respected each other and drank the last ale.

Spuyute didn't just report some information, he returned with a batch of precious goods!

It is the leather of the seal, the big teeth of the elephant seal, and the white seal gel that is slightly hard and frozen. The total number of leather alone is 1,000. When Rurik saw the bundles of seal skins, he personally touched the smooth texture, and his face was overflowing with more than just the joy of harvest.

This is the output of Murmansk hunters. Rurik did not ask them to hand over some leather as tax in kind. Instead, the leather that should have arrived at the Roseburg bazaar was put on the market in winter according to the market price. Buy all the This is a price that everyone is willing to accept. As for these leathers in Rurik’s hands, they are processed and sold at a higher price. That is Spuyute and his buddies. We don't care anymore.

The sled team has become larger, and the snow on the land is melting faster. Fortunately, Fort Fisk was very close to Fort Elon. Soon, a huge city wall standing on the river lay in front of everyone.

Many Balmerks who came here for the first time opened their mouths in surprise, calling out to witness the majestic and true nature of Roseburg.

But the reality made them even more astonished, who were rare and weird, and it was only because of Aron Orava Fort, and the majestic was only the northern iron smelting center of the Duchy of Ross. And as far as iron smelting is concerned, the iron smelting industry in Roseburg is clearly more evil. When they learned that Roseburg was more alarming, they could only take a good rest for the time being.

The Gulf of Bothnia has melted all over the sea. Although there are floating ice everywhere on the sea, there are also amazing giant ice lumps. These obstacles have been unable to affect the navigation of the boat. A group of bold fishermen have begun offshore fishing operations. Up.

Another ship hurriedly rushed to Roseburg to report, so before the big ship arrived, Ruriek had to wait at Fort Elon. Taking this opportunity, just to give the novice a big change, become more virtuous.

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