Rise of Rurik - Chapter 682

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:46:48 AM

Chapter 682: Boyar Conference in Early Winter

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At the busiest period of surveying and mapping farmland, the Boyar nobles of the farms around the lake arrived in Novgorod, either in small boats or in carriages.

They all saw what happened in the farmland, and immediately understood that Prince Rose was actually implementing his decision personally.

I am currently measuring the acres of White Tree Manor, and sooner or later this matter will fall on me.

They had to bite the bullet and face it, not knowing that this happened from time to time, but it has already happened and they cannot change it.

When all the Boyars gathered, Liu Rick washed the dust off his body and put on gorgeous clothes to restore the nobility of the duke.

A wooden house was designed as a parliamentary place. It is currently quite simple, but as the highest noble, Rurik deliberately entertained these local nobles who had been delayed for a long time.

People like Uski and Tori who participated in the counter-insurgency war had high self-esteem and accepted the invitation very happily.

The other manor Boyars, they are still vigilant and jealous of the Conqueror of Ross.

A crowd of people gathered in this simple wooden house. They all wore fox furs and hats with fox fur. The hats had some holes, which could be decorated with mottled feathers.

Many Boyars have furs made of bearskins, obviously wearing them to the party is a kind of death-hunting.

Who can wear bearskin clothing? The Ross warrior has the right and deserves it.

Although the house is simple, there are a number of deerskin cushions and square tables are placed in front of the cushions. What does this mean? Does the prince have to arrange meals?

They chatted with each other when they were boring, and the boyars were the only one missing the old man Rigus, and they exchanged news they inquired about, and even some rumors.

"Hey, have you all heard of it? I heard that the prince brought all his women here this time, but I don't know if the young man's body can stand it. Haha, maybe he can."

"Of course he can. Friends, I heard that Rigus' little daughter is already pregnant. After a baby is born, that baby becomes our master."

"What can I do? Let me complain?" Someone murmured regretfully, "That guy Rigus is a conspirator, and he succeeded. My daughter is obviously more beautiful than his, but it's a pity..."

"Let's talk serious!" Usky interrupted the conversation of a group of old guys.

"What is serious business? Field business?"

"Exactly. I dare say that the prince summoned us to explain the matter. Have you thought about it? Then we will have to hand in wheat or other things according to this. I don't believe that the Ross people are really kind. The Pine Needle Manor is finished. , The rest of us are a group of poor cows, how much milk is squeezed, that is what the Ross people want."

The people looked at each other, and there was no one to stubborn.

Finally someone waited for the table in front of them and whispered: "In the past, Pine Needle Manor was our master. At that time, we had to pay tribute to them, but also to the Ross people. Now we only serve the Ross people. The situation will not be bad, right. They come now, and obviously they have defeated the enemies of the Great Northern Lake. You have all seen that the entire Pine Needle Manor is not alive! Let's not complain about it, worrying that it will anger the Ross people and suffer."

At the end of the talk, this person was already trembling, and many people's eyes were inadvertently Ning Wang Wusi and Tori, because they were also participants in the killing.

Tori was unhappy now, he raised his head: "What do you see me doing? That Vadim is a stupid, and following him is death. I follow Ross to have this day, you should touch your conscience, if you lead soldiers to follow The Russians can also be allocated acres. Are you afraid of the Russ' search? In my opinion, Duke Rurik is a good man."

They were talking again and again.

Finally, there was a commotion outdoors, and the sitting Boyars got up one after another.

I saw the young man who thought he was capable, with his head held high, a furry white bear fur robe, holding a sword hilt in his hand, and walking arrogantly.

Lord Rurik is here!

Numerous Ross warriors dressed in iron-reinforced chain armor guarded them. They no longer had to use their robes to cover their armor. They clearly proved to witnesses that they were indeed covered in iron and their power was beyond words.

There were also two people by his side. One of the tall and strong men was Governor Medvete. This guy had been close to Ross for many years, and the whole person became Ross's appearance.

The other boy was delicate and slender, dressed neatly and slightly close to the body, with a saber hanging from his waist and a woolen cap on his head. Who is he?

When the prince arrived, the people who were still crying just now smiled.

"Sit down, all of you." Rurik casually said in Cyrillic: "I called you all. I saw you are all here. Very good! I don't want to hear any polite words, you have no right to ask, only listen. The qualifications I preach, now sit down occasionally."

After taking a note of Mawei, the Boyars had to sit down obediently.

They all knew that the old Otto had been staying in this Novgorod city. When they entered the city for a meeting, everyone glanced at the pier and saw those familiar ships docked quietly. The Duke’s ship was actually firmly fixed? ! Obviously the Duke intends to winter here.

Leurik sat cross-legged, Medvedt sat down with a sullen face, but saw the beautiful young man next to him sitting sideways, rising up and slowly taking off his hat.

The braided braids drooped down, his face became clear, and Zhong Boyar was taken aback.

Rumor has it that Rigus’ youngest daughter has become a big belly, and everything is a fallacy. She was sitting here, dressed up as a young Ross warrior. If it weren't for this face, no one would dare to say that she was Svetlana.

Seeing the eyes of the Boyars, Rurik was the only one who suffocated. My own time is very tight, and then I have to carry out surveying and mapping in the old pine needle manor, and I don't have time to spend time with these boyars.

"My order has been given, and you are too late. I know that the roads and waterways are not good, so I don’t blame you. You must have seen it when you came to my Novgorod, and I have begun to understand the land here. Carry out detailed measurements. To finish the call to you today, I just want to promote this."

He paused, and didn't give the Boyar a chance to interrupt at all, saying: "You'd better put your ears up like rabbits and listen. This is my order."

(Rurik repeated the things that Rigus had explained to the boyars again...)

"Now you all understand? The result of non-cooperation is very dangerous. You can rest assured that I am a just ruler. Whoever has more farmland and who has more livestock will have to pay more taxes. No matter you are If you live in a remote forest or around Novgorod, the tax laws are the same. Those who pay taxes will be protected by Ross, and those who don’t pay will be punished by Ross. As long as you pay taxes, you will be punished by Ross. New Ross people who are admitted can claim to be like this."

As long as you pay taxes, you will have the name of Ross? Zhong Boyar doesn't think this so-called honorary title actually has much effect.

Because they have been calling themselves Slavs, it is "Glory" itself, they have always called themselves the glorious family.

Boyars are also smart. They are the leaders in the community's competition, and they can control the identity of the manor. Land is their lifeblood, and all matters related to land will arouse their extreme vigilance. Rurik, the Prince of Ross, swears this time to Odin, the main **** of Varanga, and Peron, the great Slavic god, that the agricultural eleventh tax will be implemented and the tax rate will not be increased. The tax base for taxation is the area of ​​farmland. The princes also guarantee that only matured land that has been developed for at least one year will be counted. Wasteland and newly reclaimed land will not be counted, and the area of ​​farmland will be recalculated and revised every five years.

This time the prince clarified two major principles: fairness and contract.

This is a meeting of fairness and contract, but before they are actually implemented, Zhong Boyar can't really believe it, and now he can only face Rurik with a smile on his face.

Rurik just wouldn't let them in. He, as the highest nobleman, must act arbitrarily on this issue.

After all, these native Boyar nobles are a threat to the Ross Principality itself. They should be purged, and the Ross Principality should directly rule every family around Lake Ilmen. This is not to destroy the inherent farm system, on the contrary, it is to build a farm that can be directly controlled by the principality. For example, one hundred farmer's families are formed into a collective farm, and one person is elected as the village chief every few years, and then the duke will give him administrative power after review. This kind of village chief is different from the Boyar aristocracy in that he has no foundation and no shackles, and he must do well for the duke for his personal prosperity and wealth. Even if a few Linden Wan might pop up, it would be nothing more than a trifle. Unlike the collective rebellion of tens of thousands of people in Pine Needle Manor that happened just now, the preparations for the conquest of Karelia ended in anticipation of half a year. The counterinsurgency war delayed the financial and material resources is the biggest factor.

From this, Lurik concluded that even if the local Boyar nobles were very loyal, their descendants might rebel because they had enough resources to rebel.

The establishment of farms directly controlled by the duke relies on a layer of bureaucratic diminishing governance. This model is more advanced than entrusting the Boyar nobles to rule, but it is completely unsuitable for the current era.

Through several days of personal surveying and mapping activities at the grassroots level, Lurik has thoroughly felt the extreme backwardness of rural life in this era. Is this also a rural area? Living people are like "apes who can grow the land." There is no paper, and the information is recorded on processed wooden boards. As for the ink used, the Ross people use the techniques they learned from Rome a long time ago. Writing itself is not a problem, the carrier of writing is a big problem.

The carrier for recording information is a heavy wooden board, and there are only a handful of people in the Principality of Rus who can dance and use ink. The absolute lack of talents and information carriers makes it impossible for the Principality to accurately manage the people under its rule.

It is really impossible to entrust these native Boyar agents to manage them.

It is even a question mark whether Medved, the governor appointed by himself, has always been loyal. After all, this person is a very substantial foreign relative to the Principality.

At the end of the preaching, Rurik believed that they all understood. Due to the poor traffic conditions, although they are all residents around the lake, it is not easy for the Boyars to gather in Novgorod, the northernmost part of the lake. They should be treated.

The long-prepared meal is now being served!

The fine wheat flour collected by Rurik, mixed with butter and honey, is baked into an extremely fragrant, soft and waxy meal.

The bread was placed in front of the Boyars one after another, as long as the smell of this fragrant smell was smelled, the Harazi would be like a fountain.

After a while, the aroma of wine is permeated, the exquisite crystal glass is bizarre in shape, and the ultimate aroma of wine is overflowing when the cork is removed.

This two-flavored meal makes the new barbecue no longer a delicacy. In fact, this is not the case. The Boyars have seen that all the plates provided by Duke Rurik are crystal plates!

The tableware is actually glassware, and the wine bottles are also blow-molded goods. These utensils are now mass-produced.

Rigus came on crutches, and his son-in-law preached loudly that he was silent. Now that the group of Boyars were studying the glassware for a long time, their scornful eyes glanced over.

Because Rigus already knew the whole truth, although he didn't understand the principle, it was certain that most of the glassware on the scene was actually made by Rose's eldest daughter. The eldest daughter Lilia must have mastered magic, or the wisdom bestowed by Odin.

The boys didn't go back empty-handed. They all drank a bottle of vodka, and half a pound of spirits fell on their stomachs. Many of them were dangling and being helped away by their entourage. They ate the sweet and pastry-like bread, and then licked the glass bottle clean with their tongues. The barbecue was also finished, and Rurik ordered his subordinates to add more salt to the meat. He could have seen how uncomfortable the group of people eating salty food was. This was a prank for fun, but unexpectedly, this group of guys ate them all. It's clean.

How sodium deficient in their bodies? !

Rurik could understand at a second thought that the salt sold to them before was too small. Faced with the large market around Ilmen Lake, it was a huge market for the unconquered free farms in the surrounding forests. , Salt and iron are a kind of hard currency.

They took away the glassware, it is conceivable that these things will become the exclusive treasures of the Boyars.

This is the all-Novgorod Boyar aristocracy meeting in early winter. It is also the second meeting of all Boyar aristocrats after the suppression of the rebellion. From now on, life will be on the right track, and the autumn harvest season next year will be won in accordance with the rules of the principality. Grain taxes, a new peaceful life under Roth’s rule has only come.

Just after the meeting, Rurik threw away his gorgeous robe and revealed the frugal and capable linen clothes that were convenient for Shimoda's work.

The Boyars all covered in fur had already left, and he casually beckoned Medved to come to his side.

"My lord, do you have a major order?"

"Yes. My mother and daughter are coming. These days, you will organize the flag team so that the soldiers will dress up more vigorously. You must dress up like real Varangal fighters. The old lady wants to see a mighty force. Army."

"Yes." Medvedt smiled.

"Oh, one more thing. Send me someone to cut down five hundred birch trees. Remember, don't cut down small trees. I will peel off the bark afterwards."

"Peel the bark?" Medvedt heard too freshly.

"You must be questioning something. Don't question it, just ask me to do it. Also, try to find the birch trees as far away as possible. I don't want to cut down the birch forest outside the city in a short time. "

The only thing that Gus had to say about this matter was that the old guy coughed twice and interjected: "My lord, those birches were planted by our generations. There is no need to worry about the birch forest disappearing. If you cut down a tree, We will replant one. The birch tree (white tree) is the symbol of our farm. We need these high-quality woods to live our lives. We are good at carrying these trees."

Rurik didn't know these things, and Rigus surprised him by what he said: "That's great."

"So my lord, can you tell me why you need those bark? Five hundred trees, you will get a lot of bark. What is this for?"

Now that Rigus asked, Rurik might as well speak out the decision he had held for a long time: "I will make a very soft wood board (referring to paper), which is as thin as cloth, can be folded like cloth, and can be used. The ink is written with eternal words. But it is also a special kind of wood board, and it needs bark to make it. Since you like the daily use of birch trees, birch bark will be the best cork board."

How can Rigus and Medvedt understand things they haven't seen in the abstract? Svetlana, dressed as a warrior, cheered, and enthusiastically embraced her husband's neck: "Those heavy wooden boards are too annoying. If they are as thin as cloth...cork boards. Can we write a lot of things?" In this way, your carriage does not have to pull a lot of wooden small box can hold these writing records."

"Of course." Rurik laughed. He has decided to make paper!

He believes that Medved's action is the most readily available raw material for papermaking, and the Governor of Novgorod is about to do it for himself.

Just before that, and before the first snowfall, Rurik also decided to convene all the surveying and mapping teams, concentrate manpower and material resources, and win a "tough battle against the surveying and mapping of the old pine needle manor."

Rurik and his men are already doing their best.

And Medvedt took his subordinates, and has also received the order, carrying a double saw and a large axe, deep into the forest to cut the birch in the red pine targeted, and the bark began to pile up continuously. As for the trunk after peeling, there is no waste. The charcoal craftsmen in the city started to take action. The people of White Tree Farm are already making and storing charcoal blocks for heating in winter.

So their actions also explain why this farm favors birch trees. The obvious reason is that the burning of pine trees and pine charcoal is accompanied by a very pungent smell. Who would like this? Then the birch trees, which are already numerous and have low burning odor, have become the most cost-effective material for heating.

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