Rise of Rurik - Chapter 685

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:46:37 AM

Chapter 685: Spraying new ambition

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Soon after the fleet arrived in Novgorod, a fateful snowfall finally fell.

The snow has been brewing for a few days, and the people who were prepared have been hiding in their houses, like hibernating bears.

Velika seldom had the opportunity to get close to her father. When she was picked up by Rurik, her immature hands would squeeze the soft beard of her father's chin, or grab her nose and pull her hair.

Rurik let her play around, and this is what he owes her.

The arrival of his granddaughter changed Otto's lack of fun life, and he and Niya continued to look after his granddaughter in Novgorod. And when he saw that the kidnapped British Isle princess had a huge belly, a grandchild of his was conceived in that belly. Out of the nature of a veteran, he hoped to give birth to a boy.

In the future, a large group of male grandchildren will be born, and they are destined to witness all this happen.

Otto is happy to see his Rurik mixing with a group of wives and concubines in the wind and snow. He even envied his son having so many opportunities, but unfortunately he was already old, so old that he basically lost the strength to fight as a soldier.

The girls gathered in Novgorod, although there were a few sisters, most of them were here.

With the wind and snow outdoors, the fertile fields have been covered by snow.

It is the first time that Nolen has grown to a pure plain area. Indeed, Novgorod is located in the huge Valdai hilly area. There are no mountains from Ilmen Lake all the way to the south, and there is even an area called "Central" in the south. The end of the journey is the shore of the Black Sea. To the southwest is the Carpathian Mountains, and a thousand kilometers to the east is the Ural Mountains.

It is a sea of ​​forests, and human settlements are near rivers and lakes, just like scattered islands scattered in the vast ocean.

This gave Nolen, who lives in the cramped, fierce Norwegian fjord, a huge shock.

But the feeling of the Queen Mary was exactly the opposite. On the last journey of the voyage, she had seen a large field on the riverside, and a city with wooden walls appeared in front of her eyes. All of these were surprisingly similar to the royal city of Tamworth in her hometown. Not only this Novgorod, but also Shilla Fortress, which is said to be the core of the Duchy of Ross, resembles Tamworth and surpasses Tamworth by a large margin.

Different people have different perceptions of the city of Ross, and now they can only stay in warm houses and wait for the snow to end.

Like a hibernating bear, Rurik was not stupid enough to waste time.

My own wives and concubines are indeed wives and concubines, and they are also children in nature, especially in terms of knowledge reserves that are equivalent to junior high school students. Of course, this far surpasses the fact that illiteracy is everywhere in this time and space, but is it worth boasting? To dominate the stupid people, the development space of the Ross Principality was restricted. Since it is impractical to educate 10,000 children at the moment, start with a small circle and continue to teach knowledge to a group of wives and concubines.

Now, they want to learn more about the world.

A matrix of oil lamps illuminates the house, and on a large wooden plank pieced together by multiple birch slats, Lurik outlines a map of Europe covering North Africa with charcoal.

Where is Scandinavia, where is the territory of the Frankish kingdom, where is the home of the Queen Mary, Britain, where is the Apennines in the ruined Western Rome, and where is the Balkans and Asia controlled by Eastern Rome...

There are some things in these places, such as Lake Mälaren, the Danish territories, and the British Isles. Everyone knows these geographical knowledge. It's just that Lord Duke easily outlines the outline of the territory, and the explanations on his lips are eloquent, which is too shocking.

Because John Invall was also among them, this bent rot was originally a man, he was forced to straighten it again by Leurik, and now the slave girl gave him a baby.

This person is a rare "person with knowledge" after all. He saw Hezeby, Schleswig, Hamburg and Bremen marked on the map by Rurik.

However, what I am now in is actually in the far east!

The location of Novgorod was inserted with a dagger by Rurik, and down the map are some supposedly large settlements.

"You all remembered. This place is called Smolensk, this is Bryansk, this is Pskov, this is Moscow, Ryazan, Kaluga, Velikiy, Lezhev, Mogilev , Pripet, Kiev, Chernigov, Sumy, Voronezh, Odessa, Sevastopol..."

This vote is for the Ross city of the present and future generations. As long as the population continues to expand, small settlements will be bigger and a number of new settlements will emerge. Some large settlements will stand out and become the new famous cities of Ross.

Rurik was actually training his wives this time. He didn't require his wives to be very virtuous. On the contrary, if they became the plan of the ignorant, they would suffer.

Regardless of their ethnicity, their unified identity is now Ross, a woman of Rurik, the prince of Ross, and their destiny is to have children for the prince.

The board is large enough, and Lurik relies on his knowledge to write the exact name of the city in Roman letters with charcoal pen.

It was really thanks to that world war, that he really knew many famous cities of Ross, and even large and small cities in Germany and Poland. Although some cities may not emerge until a long time later, some historical cities have already been born in the 9th century AD, or the prototype of her village has appeared.

If a dagger is inserted in the position of Novgorod, it is to let the wives and concubines realize their current position.

Then inserting a dagger in the position of Constantinople is to give them a huge ambition.

"This is Constantinople, the capital of Rome. It is the greatest city in the world you know. There are a million people living here, and there are nobles in gold and silver everywhere. Their army is very powerful. The nobles are very noble..." Rurik gave no hesitation, describing Constantinople as a city built of gold.

They were stunned to hear. First they believed that Rurik’s words were true, but Master Rurik would praise a city far away in the sky, so that it would dwarf the prosperous Duchy of Ross. So how prosperous is Rome?

The words of praise ended here, and Rurik showed his fangs: "However, the Romans despise us. They regard us as wolves and bears. Anyway, they are not humans. This is the nobility of their civilization. , Then what about us?"

"Beat them!" When the women were instilled crazy knowledge for a while, Nolen suddenly raised his fist and shouted.

"Oh? Noren, are you brave!" Rurik looked at her with ecstasy in his heart.

Noren still put on an unruly face: "What I understand is that if the map you draw is real, then the entire northern world our Ross has no rivals! We want to defeat Rome, we should let them unprovoked Arrogance pays the price. By the way, we made a fortune."

What Noren said fully demonstrated the style of a pure Viking woman. She is now just like a virtuous canary. As long as time goes by, this woman must be a blonde lioness.

Although Constantinople is no longer the Constantinople of Justinian and Belisarius, the population of Eastern Rome has been cut in half since the rat epidemic in the sixth century, and the current empire 200 years later is still rich, no matter how powerful it is. It has shrunk severely, Yugoslavian immigrants have penetrated the empire’s countryside like a sieve, and the Bolgarians have expanded to Thrace.

When a wife and concubine thought about war, Rurik began to further his fire: "You have all seen this map. If we can organize a huge army, we only need to go all the way south, starting from Smolensk, along Going south on the Dnieper River, you can hit their Constantinople, and our army will make a fortune. Then for this goal, we must conquer Smolensk. You should all know your mission clearly. Although the real time is not ripe, you all have to give birth to a son for me."

Here Rurik emphasizes the word "son" in particular, and the geographical term he just mentioned is not to show off his wisdom.

A geographical term is bound to a son.

"Your son will become the duke of the place, and I will advance to the emperor of Ross (Augustus). Your son will govern these places, dominate the local people, and train the army to accept my call. The starting point of our expansion in the East is Novgorod. You see this map. I want you to remember it forever and tell all your sons that this is an order from their father to conquer the map. Use our Ross swords and boats to provide our Ross fishing grounds, fertile fields, and endless gold and silver."

Even if they are children, when they are far above others in terms of identity, a strong desire will germinate in their hearts, and Rurik is inducing them and inducing their desire to explore the world.

Supplementing the knowledge on this map is only an appetizer, and Lurik has time to continue doing science to them, which happens to be this winter.

He ordered the wives and concubines to keep this knowledge in mind, and then directly educate their sons.

And this education really made Rurik's past promises true, and all his wives and concubines' heirs would be divided. Where is the entrustment? Girls can't guess geographical terms that they have never heard of before, and their knowledge of geography is limited to a small area centered on Scandinavia.

Unreal things have realistic eyebrows. There are a lot of black dots on the map. There are phrases on the black dots that can be easily spelled. One of them is the fief of his future son.

John Invall had been sitting dumbfounded. He was too scared to speak because he knew something about Eastern Rome.

Prince Rurik of Rose, didn't his Rose have a very harmonious exchange with Rome? He was sharpening his knife secretly...

As many days as the blizzard lasts, the geography class of Liurik lasts for as many days. He stayed in the house with his wives and concubines all the time, and they and the children seemed to have disappeared during the meal time.

Otto and Niya are busy taking care of their granddaughter Velika, and they are also very leisurely to tease the elderly Rigus. The old fellow Rigus said flattery, saying that Velika was more beautiful than Svetlana when he was a child.

But this kind of flattery is pure flattery on the hooves.

Otto is happy and happy, the old man will always dote on his first grandchild, but Otto is also Rose's generation of heroes, and he has a clear picture of the issues of right and wrong.

"Svetlana's heirs are orthodox. Velika is a hereditary high priest, and her parents have been blessed by Odin. I watched her grow up and let her be my son. His wife is just because she is beautiful?"

Rigus was choked so much that he didn't know what to say, but Otto did not continue to croak.

While eating, Velika kept burrowing into his father's arms. She curiously went to grab the bread from her father's dinner plate, and Rurik was also very intimate to feed her daughter with a spoon.

The child's innocent smile is the harsh winter sun, she looks cute like a cat while drinking oatmeal with her big eyes open.

"When I give birth, he will take care of my child so intimately. Alas, Lumia is his first woman..." Svetlana liked the child Velika very much, and she also thought Very disappointed, is it really just because of my age or too young to be a mother?

What is even more disappointing is Carlotta. During this time, she was most excited about the news from Shilla Fort. The immigrants who were co-authored with the Ostala refugees finally left Sweden.

In the past years, there was no pure-blooded Ostala tribe. The tribes in Sweden intermarried with each other.

The bull head flag on the white background was flying in Shilla Fort. Legally, the Principality of Ostara and the Principality of Ross formed a blood alliance, and the relationship between them was equal. Of course, this is not the case. The Principality of Ostara only exists in name and does not have its own territory. It is essentially part of the Duchy of Ross. Maybe things need to change. You can get some acres of land from Rurik, and then breed cattle, sheep, and deer. Ostara will be completely resurrected in the new world. As long as the people can live a stable life, they can give up everything, although that is impossible.

Carlotta felt uncomfortable seeing the child Velika, she just wanted to have a child of her own!

The outdoor snowfall is still continuing. It is not like the harsh and violent ones in the Nordic hometown. Even people who keep snowing do not dare to go outdoors to start winter work.

At the end of each lunch, Lurik was not busy continuing to instill knowledge in his wives and concubines. His energy is very vigorous, and the lunch break is not necessary, but it is very interesting to play with his daughter.

Education should start with the baby. For this future hereditary high priest, Rurik is in charge of her at two and three years old, and he personally instills knowledge of cosmology into his daughter's mind!

The Big Bang? This is of course to be described, but based on this era, it belongs to "Odin's supernatural power".

Then there is the "atomic theory" that has been formed and used, and even the Milky Way, the solar system, and finally the earth. The latter knowledge will be instilled in her when she grows up. Now Rurik wants to imprint in her mind. A sacred place-Odin.

This Odin is no longer Biodin. The Viking tribes have different understandings of the gods such as Odin, Thor, and Freya. The Rus tribe has its own set of explanations. Odin was appointed by Rurik as the head of the gods, and the deity will be further sacred. One day, the three deities of GOD, ODIN, and PERON will become one, that is, The "first driving force" that Newton believed in.

From a long-term perspective, Rose can one day continue to beat the weak East Rome, but the other party's culture is too splendid. The black travellers in Rome can and will further seduce the people of Rose to convert to the sacred. The reality is like this. East Rome has not done it yet, Frank has done it first, John Invall and Eskil are a living example!

If you can't beat them in terms of culture, join them first and then transform them. What Rurik knew was that all the great gods of the Indo-Europeans came from the same **** of war, and the main gods of all tribes were him. His servants were the fairies of the Slavic faith, the Valkyrie of the Rus, and John Invar. The vote angel who believes.

Velika must grasp the power of interpretation of beliefs, and one of the most core ideas must be inherited forever by the descendants of Rose-the great **** sows the wisdom of the earth, and mortals should actively explore this wisdom for human use.

That is the enlightenment of science.

Velika is just a blank child. She currently doesn't see premature wisdom, but naughty is really naughty.

The other wives and concubines are completely different. It is meaningless to talk to them about the fairy system. The elites of their principality should contribute their strength to the expansion of the principality while they are alive.

When the Principality had a seemingly remote goal that would be brilliant once it succeeded, it was attacking and plundering Constantinople, just as the Prince Igor and the Queen Mother Oleg had done in history. Rurik can’t wait for his younger son and daughter-in-law’s generation to perform such a feat, just as he has done it in the Karelians who have been hit hard this year and his son’s generation has done it, and Rurik also wants to see it during his lifetime. Look at the magnificent Theodosius wall and the majestic Hagia Sophia.

At present, it is still an extravagant hope, and the career has to come step by step.

It is possible to have a peaceful trade contact with King Castle, then a stable trade line must be opened up. Although the "Road of Gems and Leather" has been born since the time of the Roman Republic, it was just a relay trade of free merchants. The second dealers of all ethnic groups turned Baltic amber into a king's fort, a high-priced item on the Egyptian market, the same Eastern The lapis lazuli was also operated by various dealers and became a sky-high price in the Viking world.

The Ross people must have a trade line they operate which is firmly controlled by the Ross army, and the trade volume is rising.

After all, after the rise of the Novgorod region, the markets outside the region need to consume Ross products. The Swedes and Danes are unbearable, the population is small and the economic foundation is poor, and the Franks are not so. Although the millennium empire Rome has been mixed up to the present, she is a thin camel, and her body is still huge. Only by doing business with Eastern Rome can she make a long-lasting fortune.

Then, the inherent economic contradiction between the Ilmenslavs of Novgorod and the Klivich people of Smolensk, it is time to usher in an end!

The Karelians have to crusade at any time, but the facts have proved that they are so weak and decisive to escape, and they are not worthy of Ross to mobilize all their troops to crusade against them.

The rosin city Smolensk, which stands on the upper reaches of the Dnieper River, is the focus of the future expansion of Ross's southward. From at least two years to five years, Novgorod and the Nordic hometowns should train an army full of military virtues to directly conquer the city. Rurik really had an ominous premonition that Smolensk could not be defeated without fighting. There would be a fierce battle to conquer the city, but as long as victory, there would be no road to the Black Sea along the Dnieper. Obstacles.

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