Rise of Rurik - Chapter 855

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:40:23 AM

Chapter 855: 1 powerful kingdom of Ross was born

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As the sun rose, the entire Uppsala village was completely empty! At the same time, it was a group of outsiders who spontaneously heard the news yesterday to join in the fun.

   Uppsala has 4,000 inhabitants on weekdays, but the total number of people gathered here for various purposes has reached an astonishing 20,000. In fact, no one counts the specific number of people, but Birka Bazaar suddenly became a depression, and the hugely populated Mellaren tribe became deserted, and even the Tombstone Island stronghold of Ross, which was at the T-junction of the ocean, became deserted.

   Where is the person? Where did everything go?

  The so-called people who have the ability to row have all arrived. Uppsala Injurik, the culmination of prosperity for the first time in history.

   Now that the sun is getting closer and closer to the highest point of the dome, anyone who puts a stick on the ground can judge the length of the sun's shadow and determine the time. The length of the shadow continues to shorten, and people's moods become more and more excited.

More than 20,000 people were completely crowded in a small area centered on the sacred tree. There were almost more boats than fish in the small inner lake, as if a forest had grown on the lake, and it was full of large and small spreading masts. The Great Temple of Uppsala has never been so grand since it was built.

   More than a hundred male reindeer with big horns are strung together with twine. Although there are folk rumors that the new king's accession to the throne must be a human sacrifice in accordance with the Uppsala model, since the people saw a large number of reindeer walking through the arched passage among the crowd, they all understood what the Rus people thought.

  Ros’s characteristic sacrificial methods are also well known! For example, a wooden tower was erected on the lakeside. To be honest, it was so tall that it attracted a group of urchins to climb the tower and play. The Rose Standing Wooden Tower is for burning. The so-called Fire Tower respects Odin. Every Swedish merchant who has been to Shilla Fort is trying to describe the grand occasion of the Fire Tower.

  Obviously, this large herd of reindeer is a sacrifice to replace the human sacrifice. It is fair to say that Rurik is really generous, it is a huge herd of deer! At that time, Olegin became king, beheading ten slaves to sacrifice to the lake **** and Odin, which was called a masterpiece.

   The Ross people are too particular. One hundred and eleven bucks with big horns are sacrificed, redefining the grandeur.

   People sacrificed for the deer herd and there was a lot of noise, and as time approached, more and more people screamed.

   Until the dense horns shook the audience with a melodious and majestic tone, just like the revelation of the gods rushing to the beach with the long ship.

   The noise of the Great Temple of Uppsala came to an abrupt end, and tens of thousands of eyes turned to the main hall of the Great Temple. They had a strong hunch that Prince Ross and the entire priest team were about to appear.

   The horn sounded melodiously, followed by the more ethereal sound of the bone flute, and even the drumbeat that pierced the soul.

   This is a band trained by Nolan. All the young musicians ensemble to a vigorous hymn with Nordic characteristics.

   They dressed up very similar to priests, dressed in plain robes with corollas on their heads, playing their respective instruments, and slowly walked out of the temple hall.

   Noren is their leader, blowing the bone flute to lead the way. The musicians stood in rows along the wooden passage in the center. As people watched, they slowly approached the sacred tree and lined up again. The sound of flutes, horns and drums continued to be heard.

  Norren ignored the tens of thousands of onlookers, determined to his own performance.

   Thousands of people also have a tacit understanding of maintaining stability, or that they have long been attracted by the ceremony, and they are afraid to be the villain who destroys the beauty of the ceremony.

  The great king hasn't appeared yet, and musicians dressed like priests first stand at the altar. The female musician who took the lead seemed tireless, leading the whole band to play a number of tactful tunes alternately.

   Everything is in Rurik's control, he himself is standing in the temple in full costume.

After    Nolen’s team of musicians cycled the music suite three times, the ceremony was completely kicked off.

   Look! Look good!

Fifty berserkers dressed in bear leather suits with domineering bear head fangs, holding a shield in their left hand and a steel sword in their right hand, are still around the wooden passage around the center, and they are kicking at the front gate of the temple hall with very neat steps. Out.

  Since the heroic fighters suddenly appeared, the great King Kedang appeared?

  The nobles and people onlookers finally became noisy. At this moment, the Russ army holding the halberd against the adult wall was immediately alert. The human wall formed by them became airtight, which fully guaranteed that there was enough space at the ceremony site to carry out the following ceremony.

   Those bear-headed berserkers stood completely under the sacred tree, centered on the sacred tree, their round shields pointed inwards, and pointed their swords directly at the herd of deer who knew nothing about the future under the sacred tree.

   It was a quiet outdoor noise, pulling his father's old hand, Rurik was extremely excited.

   "They are waiting for us to show up."

   "I am waiting for you to show up." Otto said rightly.

   "So we have to do a good job." No matter what, Rurik raised his head and looked at Lumia, who has battled against the big scene: "My high priest, let's start!"

   Lumia with a huge antler helmet on her head nodded deeply, and patted her face again to make her spirits excited. Perhaps the lower-level priestesses will be a little timid because of the big scene, she encouraged: "Servants of the gods and kings, don't pay attention to the eyes of mortals, let us complete today's great sacrifice, and wish the king's birth. Now! Let's go! !"

   With both hands, she raised the high priest's staff that Rose has been passed down from generation to generation, and took a firm step towards the light gate of the main hall.

   Lumia’s boots stepped onto the sloping wooden path, walked out of the temple, and stood on the wooden path leading to the shrine under the tree with the attention of tens of thousands of eyes.

   The passage to the holy tree is not far away. All the priests seem to be walking on the runway, but it is more beautiful than the runway.

  The priestesses put their hands on their chests, and the corollas on their heads looked solemn. Listen carefully, the wind blowing on their clothes still makes a crisp sound.

   Until now, the king has not appeared, but he saw the small high priest Rose wearing an antler helmet standing in the shrine under the sacred tree.

   Under the tree is a wooden platform about one meter high on the ground, where the shrine where the golden bust of Odin is placed.

   Many priestesses knelt down to the shrine under the leadership of the high priest, and then accompanied the orchestra to sing a chorus of praise to Odin that the Rus had preserved for more than a century. The ethereal chorus soothed the restlessness of the people. It is indeed a pleasure to listen to the singing of a group of girls. The Swedish nobles who watched were all praised, and they also carefully watched the Moros sacrifices, thinking that they should also learn one.

   "Organize beautiful girls to be priests and sing together? You Ross people are really particular, but unfortunately, my Melaren tribe will learn soon." Bjorn thought.

   Finally, the ethereal hymn they sang ended with the sun rising to the highest point.

   The sun shone on the faces of tens of thousands of people, and people squinted their eyes and continued to wait.

   Lu Mia is waiting for the present moment. She is standing in the shade of a tree, suddenly and slowly raising her wooden staff with both hands, raising her chin to look up at the sky.

   She looked around again and shouted: "Odin! Rurik, who was ordered by you, finally ushered in his glory! Let him be the king of Sweden!"

   She shouted three times in succession, and her penetrating roar was inspiring.

   At this moment, the horns in the band received a clear signal, and they played the trumpet together.

  Perhaps such a scene should be complemented by the majestic sound of a giant copper qin, and the resonance of the ten horns is not bad.

  Lurik and Otto have been waiting for a long time, and two generations of Rose Princes stepped onto the wooden platform towards glory.

   is the way they appeared on the stage is surprising.

   This is the glory of my son, as well as my own glory. Otto was obviously decayed, and he refused to accept the old and forcibly put on a chain mail, but he did not have an iron helmet on his head. He showed his bald head and a flowing gray beard in public. Such an image is very attractive in the Nordic aesthetics, because some legends point out that Odin, the **** king, who lives in the Hall of Valor, always like this. Faces the heroic spirits.

   Lurik himself is exceptionally elegant.

  His golden beard has obviously been taken care of by a knife, his golden mustache is quite regular, and his most unique golden ponytail is still flying in the wind.

   Now the question is, two of Rose’s most nobles, don’t we wear hats today?

  Liu Rick gave his father enough honor, and Otto walked in front of his son, enjoying the attention of the people. Otto didn't feel that he was qualified to be a king again, and was respected as a king by his son, which was completely disapproved by other nobles.

  Everything is a drama.

   The father and son walked through a short passage, and they seemed to revisit the way of Rose's rise along the way.

   The remote tribes who used to live in the fjords have finally become kings.

  The more he thought about it, Otto's willpower finally couldn't restrain the sorrow of the tear sac. He walked up to the sacred tree with clearly visible tear marks and stood in front of the Odinkin statue. Valley

   At this moment, Lu Mia has a wooden stick in her right hand and a wooden box in her left hand.

   The two generations of princes of the Rus Principality half kneeled toward the idol and the high priest with luggage.

   Now, let’s look at High Priest Lumia. She handed the stick to her temporary deputy Svetlana, and then ordered all priests to kneel down towards the idol regardless of their rank.

   Facing the idol, she held the wooden box high and slowly opened it, and then slowly took out the golden laurel crown inside.

   Like holding a priceless treasure, he slowly turned around and put it on Otto's bald head preciously.

   Anyone who saw the golden dazzling object held by the high priest would know that it was a crown, but the crown was actually worn on Old Otto's head?

   This action has never before given life to the Swedish nobles, and it has undoubtedly caused an uproar. It was said that Rurik was the king, and then Otto became the king of Sweden?

   But something dramatic happened.

Otto, wearing a golden laurel crown, stood up, deliberately showed his golden crown in public, and declared as loudly as possible: "I! Otto! I am not qualified to carry the weight of this golden crown! I am the first Duke of Ross. Now, it is up to you. I will put this golden crown symbolizing the King of Sweden on Rurik's head!"

   Otto, took off the laurel crown and put it exactly on the kneeling son's head.

   This moment is the highlight moment of the whole ceremony.

Rurik put on the golden crown and went through the above process, he was swearing to all Ross and the nobility of Sweden. The king of the new kingdom of Sweden comes from the lineage of the Princes of Rose. It is definitely not right. The lineage of Mälaren Succession of the king.

This is a very strong political performance. The clever Swedish nobles feel the subtle atmosphere, especially Bjorn. He is completely abdicated now. He has not announced publicly that he has given up the kingship to be considered as a great honor for him, but the Rus people do it. With this trick, it is obvious that the king's enthronement ceremony really has nothing to do with him.

   Rurik of Ross became king and has no relationship with the previous king. The Swedish throne held by the Rus was not inherited from the Mälaren. It is true that Rus was born in Sweden, but the performance of the Rus today is like an outsider's annexation of Sweden.

The uncomfortable emotion was deeply pressed by Bjorn. After he went to the king, he was still the leader of the Mellaren people, at least he had the title of Duke, and there were more than 20,000 men under him, although his strength was far inferior to Ross. The duchy is also much stronger than other Swedish tribes.

   Lurik, who put on the golden laurel crown, looked around and stretched out his right arm to insist on the people.

"All the Swedes!" he said, "Thanks to the love of the king Odin! I! Rurik Ottosson, become the king of all Sweden! Now, I announce! Sweden and Ross merged, a powerful kingdom of Ross born!"

   He said it many times in succession, emphasizing the national title.

  The Swedish nobles heard it very well, and Rurik, who became the king, has been emphasizing that his kingdom name is the Kingdom of Ross.

   A huge stone was pressed in my heart, and Bjorn was taken aback. In the end, the Mellaren people lost their kingship, and finally they could not even keep the concept of Sweden?

   Bjorn paid close attention to the attitudes of the other nobles, but saw them all smiling. Didn't they never care about the concept of "Sweden"? Could it be that from beginning to end, only the Mälaren people insisted on the Swedish concept.

   Family and country feelings? Talking about a unified Swedish concept with a group of Swedish aristocrats who still retain a lot of blood tribal heritage is too advanced.

   The original meaning of Sweden is "a sanctuary under the rule of the gods", which is the proud claim of the ancestors of North Germany to the place where they lived. The tribes large and small in Sweden have their own names, but Olekin from Mälaren was the first to use Sweden as the name of the country.

  Lurik is the actual king of Sweden, and the country’s name is not Sweden. Many Swedish nobles don’t care at all.

  Other nobles don’t entangle this, what if Bjorn feels unwilling? He is not a person who is struggling with face, his family strength is also weak, and the future will still need the help of the Rose nobles, so he can bear it down.

   The King of Sweden is born! It's Rurik!

  The name of the new country was born, the Kingdom of Ross! Of course, the name "Kingdom of Sweden" is also an informal country name.

   People were cheering, and Rurik’s shouts were completely submerged by the ocean of happiness.

The    ceremony has finally reached its peak, and now it is only necessary to push the ceremony to the extreme.

  Rulik who became the king resolutely drew out his steel sword and pointed it straight at the herd of deer under the foundation.

   His command words were overwhelmed by the cheers of the people, and those bear-headed berserkers had confessed their tasks, and many berserkers rushed to the herd to begin the last remaining sacrifice.

   The next scene is quite bloody...

  Speaking of Swinned, the former Duke of Uppsala and the Governor, because of his noble status, he can come to the front line of sacrifice. Bring all his family members, especially by personally holding down the shoulders of his son Hergon, forcing the cowardly young man to see the entire process of the ceremony.

  Hergon was not born cowardly, he had witnessed sacrifices when he was young, and the terrible scenes frightened his soul.

   Now, one hundred and eleven reindeer were pressed on the ground by the Ross Berserker and cut their throats one by one, and watered the sacred tree with scarlet deer blood. He was shaking again with fright.

   To be honest, the entire scene of deer slaughter was too cruel. Today's reindeer sacrifice has created a history. After all, Rose has been upgraded to a kingdom. The biggest sacrifice of reindeer in the past was ten, and today it has increased by more than ten times.

  Why hold onto one hundred and eleven reindeer? This is very particular.

   There is sufficient information to prove that Hafgen, the former king of Denmark, who was killed by Rurik himself, killed 111 slaves to sacrifice Odin when he claimed to be the king of Denmark. Ross doesn't need to sacrifice such a savage ritual, so he will replace it with an equal amount of reindeer, and must not be overwhelmed by the defeated kingdom of Denmark on the scale of the ritual.

   At this point, the Danish hero Ragnar, who came here to participate in the ceremony of Rurik’s kingship, realized the reason.

Ragnar didn’t come in vain this time. His two sons, Ival and Bjorn, were there. Both children watched the huge deer festival with their own eyes. They didn’t have the slightest fear. On the contrary, they felt that King Rurik. Really respect God Odin.

   The circular trenches surrounding the holy tree were filled with deer blood, and the deer corpses were carried away by Ross soldiers in public. There is enough news to point out that not only will there be a fire dance festival surrounding the burning wooden tower tonight, all the reindeer meat used in the sacrifice at noon is turned into a delicious meal for the participants.

The    ditch formed a scarlet paste, and the blood of the deer was solidifying rapidly. The spectacular deer festival opened everyone's eyes.

   But the ceremony is still not over.

   Lurik still needs the final treatment. He drew out his meat-cutting knife and gently pressed it against his left index finger. His **** fingers became black and red blood on the statue of Odin.

  He jumped off the wooden base He held a special long-handled water scoop, scooped the deer blood in the trench, and splashed it on the trunk of the sacred tree.

In the end, his blood-stained fingers were meaningfully pressed on the trunk full of deer blood, representing a strong symbolic meaning. The so-called lord of the world relies on this "human Yggdrasil", and the world The trees are connected and directly declare the king's will to Odin, the king of the gods.

   The ritual of proclaiming the king's enthronement is coming to an end, and that is only the end of the ceremony.

   The 20,000 people entrenched in Uppsala are about to start a carnival.

  Because of the ceremony, Odin has recognized Rurik's throne. He is a generous king, a hero who has given glory and successful revenge to all the Swedish tribes. People need a carnival.

   No, under the sunset, the prepared wooden tower is burning!

   The empty field is full of barbecue stalls. All the sacrificial deer are skinned by the Ross people. The venison is shared by everyone, even if the people present are only given a tiny piece of venison.

   They started the carnival, and Rurik, wearing a golden laurel crown, could finally claim to be king.

   He was finally satisfied, but it was only temporarily satisfied.

  The real king would not be satisfied with the achievements in front of him. Rurik's eyes looked toward the west, the east, and even the south.

   Ross merged with Sweden, and a brand new Kingdom of Sweden, or the Ross dynasty of Sweden, was born.

  Today’s grand ceremony is obviously just the prelude to future brilliant music...

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