Rise of Rurik - Chapter 926

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:37:35 AM

Chapter 926: Battle of Lindholm Isthmus

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Today, the waters near Zeeland are clear and windy, and it is really a good time to launch a beach landing.

Although the vast army is not all his own, Ragnar has never been in a better mood than today.

He had suffered heavy defeats, his father had died, and a large number of his people had died. For a time, he was reduced to relying on others, and even living as a pirate. How can such a flies and dog gou be worthy of the name of a hero.

Now everything has changed.

Although the huge army behind him is not all his own, the New Kingdom of Denmark, which believes in Odin, still pulls up a huge army.

The men of all tribes living in Zealand actively joined the army, and the tribes who came to flee were even more soldiers. The Danes who adhere to Odin's beliefs want to retake the Jutland peninsula they lost, and now they have joined forces with the Rus in a historic way, marching under the banner of "restoring Odin's glory".

Therefore, as a partial division of the huge coalition army, Ragnar has his own strong self-esteem. Of course, he is united with Ross and the army on the north side of the east. The first feat of seizing the Isthmus of Lindholm must be won by himself.

What's more, none of the Lindholm people who were forced to take refuge in Zealand, the real owners of Lindholm, were more welcoming and eager to the raid.

A raven flag on a white background fluttered on the flagship, and Ragnar took control of the flag very arrogantly. He stood at the bow of the leading warship and led the entire fleet forward.

So much that those Ross ships, which were originally very fast, were in the middle and rear of the fleet, which became his footnotes.

In this regard, Spuut and Fisk are very happy.

But this advance was destined to be slower than Rurik's main force.

Partial divisions set off from the assembly point in the waters of Mahaube (near Copenhagen today), entered the wide Kattegat Strait through the Øresund Strait, and continued to move northeast.

This heading can make good use of the warm southerly wind, so that the ships of the fleet do not need to paddle, as long as they control the rudder, they can sail day and night by relying on the wind.

There are two small sandbar islands in the Kattegat Strait. After sailing for a day, the fleet rests on the sandbar island in the south.

The island doesn't even have springs, so don't expect extra fresh water supplies here.

Considering the need to arrive at the battlefield as soon as possible to complete the beach landing, the fleet almost did not arrange for landing, but only used the sandbar island as a sailing node, anchored and reeled at the shore, or connected the long ships with cables to avoid being washed by the tide. scattered.

They spent the night on the ship, and even the horses in the armed cargo ship slept in the cramped place.

Sailing like this, there was no problem with the real Vikings.

For the Pecheneg warriors in the Rus army, especially Bejahir, it is undoubtedly a serious challenge.

Her, seriously pregnant belly is not conducive to the war.

For the Pecheneg tribal alliance galloping on the grasslands, all tribes are men and women, and there is really a large-scale war. Even pregnant women have to pick up recurve bows and ride horses to participate in the war. This is very anti-human, but for the prairie people who have always been in a harsh living situation, they often have many helpless and forced actions.

Will there be more incredible ways to fight? !

She looked around the vast waters, and floating on the sea were countless boats full of people, and the sails raised during the day were like a gray-white forest.

"I can't give up, I'm a warrior, I can't disgrace my honor..."

Such a wild woman is worthy of the name of Valkyrie, but she is the king's woman after all, and now Fisk really can't bear the seventeen-year-old prairie warrior to take risks again.

That night, along with the snoring of the cavalry soldiers in the cabin, Fisk had a good talk with her.

"Don't rush to the front line in the next war, we suspend cooperation, and your work has to be handed over to another person."

"Why?!" she asked in surprise.

"You... always don't want to lose your child."

"But this is the test my child has to go through. Besides, I have to fight."

"Enough is enough, Bejahir. This is war! You have proved yourself, and the next is the men's battle. I will arrange everything, and you will not refute this matter. I am the commander of the cavalry, and the next I have already made a plan for the battle."

"Bald" Fisk is even stronger than Rurik in terms of physique. After all, this guy is a little older, and he trains almost every day on weekdays. No matter how delicious he is, he is really a good warrior.

Even if there were thousands of people who disagreed with Bejahir, in the face of absolute coercion, he could only bow down.

After all, Fisk is a cavalry commander, and all cavalry warriors and horses are the treasures of the kingdom.

Happily, until now the war has been fought, except for some of the horses with non-fatal skin injuries, which caused ten horses to be temporarily incapacitated (still able to be led), the rest of the horses are all fine.

Even so, landing on the beach is a risk, especially when the beach is chaotic, and the horses that wading and landing may drown in the sea.

He was determined to do things prudently, so that the Russ army, including the Slavic army, was generous on the surface, but in fact it was very thief in the rear of the fleet.

In this way, if the Danes made a mess on the beach when they landed, the Rus troops in the rear could wait for order to be restored before landing.

This is a war, and I think the worst possibility is that the army will be attacked by the enemy before landing. If the Rus-Danish coalition is attacked, the first casualties will be the Danes.

Both parties have their own needs, and their needs do not conflict with each other.

After the rest of the night, the fleet resumed sailing after the short night.

And this is the last voyage.


Contiguous dark green shadows appeared in the sea area ahead.

Ragnar, who was still holding the flag on purpose, was overjoyed!

His face was so blue that his beard trembled with excitement, then he turned around and pulled out his steel sword, turning the sword's edge to point directly at the shadow!

"Rush toward the shadowy bulge on the shore! Retake Lindholm! Kill the thief! The Danes! Paddle!"

With such an order, the flagship first unfolded the retracted oars, so that the leading warship used both wind and manpower, and the speed of the flagship had soared to a high speed equivalent to eight knots.

The flagship set an example through and through, and the nearby Danish ships followed suit.

The fleet was split, and the three hundred Danish ships were completely disconnected from the ships behind, and the distance was getting wider and wider.

Witnessing this scene, Speuter, who was sitting on the sail cruiser, held his breath.

An old soldier asked: "Boss, do these Danes want to enjoy their own glory?! That shadow is actually a mountain, and they want to occupy it by themselves."

"So, you suggest we rob them?"

"Maybe, brothers long for glory."

"Let it go to them!" Speuter shook his head: "Ragnar is now the recognized king of Denmark, so give him glory."

More than 300 leading warships launched a surprise attack, with at least 20 people on each boat, and even 40 people on some ships.

The main strength of Ragnar's army lay here, and he was delighted to see the Danes who believed in Odin united in his hands, and war followed.

The blurry scene ahead is clearly visible. The reality is already in the afternoon, and the sunset is approaching. The fleet must hurry up and land on the beach.

Now, the outrageous scene is also fully unfolded.

The port and fishing village left by the Lindholm tribe have been stolen!

What happened to the mountain on which the village rests? How did the apparent wall appear?

What happened on the top of the mountain? Isn't that a fortress? There are many towers near the fort, and every tower is flying a flag, especially the largest flag is flying at the top of the mountain.

Most warriors of this era had good eyesight, and people were keen to see the patterns of those flags flying.

The pattern is extremely simple, with a cross drawn in the middle of the flag on a white background.

This is an important symbol of the Franks and a symbol of their faith.

The cross of God is erected in the northern part of Jutland, it is as if the enemy is riding **** on his head!

The onlookers were all furious, shouting loudly as they rowed hard, and many vowed to vent their anger by killing a few invading Frankish soldiers when they landed.

After all, nothing like this ever happened in the past. The Franks erected flags and built castles, making the building of stone walls by Danish ancestors a joke.

Undoubtedly, this gave Ragnar a worse blow, because the ancestors of his tribe were the main force in building the "Great Wall of Schleswig". Such a **** history has proved that such passive defense measures cannot stop strong enemies at all. Didn't the Danes rally their forces to launch a military counteroffensive? !

There was a roar from the ocean, and the people here had begun to look out for the wind.

The first to notice that the huge fleet was approaching were the fishing boats of the guest Saxons. They all fled back to the fishing village of Lindholm, but they dragged their wives and children and ran towards the fortress like crazy.

Now, the yet-to-be-built Aleb fort is suddenly under threat of death.

The descendant of the ancient barbarian Duke of Saxony, Ludov, a serious vassal of the Frankish kingdom, never thought that the so-called "Norman Civil War" he estimated would unfold like this.

He estimated that the war was at most a thousand-man combat. If necessary, he would lead the cavalry to attack and win it easily in one round.

But looking at the current situation, no matter how you think about it, it can't be solved by cavalry shock!

Liudov panicked!

He was shaking with panic!

The idle cavalry warriors stood on the stone-piled fortress walls one after another, nervously watching the fleet approaching and the people fleeing with their families.

This is the inner fort, with better defense, and even a wooden door with a winch that opens and closes up and down.

Now that the wooden door is open, Ludov, as the de facto ruler of the region, could not allow the barbarians who came across the sea to kill his Saxons and allied Danes who had converted to God. Especially because of his devout beliefs, he decided not to abandon those "poor lambs".

Even Liudov didn’t have the right to choose at all. The northern sage Eskil was in the fortress. This name was canonized by the Holy See. The little old man was here. He was the center of the faith. The old man asked the people to come. Asylum, the fort must carry many refugees.

The stone wall may protect the people, but a large number of Saxons and Danes have gathered nearby, and thousands of people have poured into Aleb Castle, which undoubtedly brings great risks.

Risk matters are not on Liudov's mind now.

If you are an absolutely rational person, the best choice now is to take the cavalry and run away from the city.

Ludov is not qualified to do so, he is now the leader of a large number of Saxons, and he will need the support of these people in the future to make political speculations with Prince Ludwig.

A large number of Saxons could not die, a large number of Christian Danes could not die, and even less could Eskil and his retinue of priests.

"Prepare for battle! Hurry up and prepare for battle!" He shouted hoarsely at his subordinates.

The soldiers were taken aback, and someone asked, "My lord, do we have to prepare horses to attack?"

The devastated Liudov was greatly surprised to hear it. He didn't have time to think deeply. His subordinate's remark was a major reminder.

After all, what Liudov was proud of was the "Frankian cavalry" of five hundred cavalry under his command.

"Then prepare the horses! After the Norman pirates land, we will rush to attack! We must kill and frustrate their spirits."

It was about to be a battle with fewer enemies and more enemies. When a large number of people poured into the fortress, the Frankish cavalry had already assembled their cavalry on the hillside and flat ground opened up in the fortress.

The spears shone orange in the sunset, and the cavalry warriors kissed the cross on their chests. They wore mail, and iron helmets on their heads, and even their faces were covered with mail. They wear the same armor as their war horses, especially the armor with leather riveted iron pieces on the chest that is easily injured, and the pier is also covered with iron piece leather armor.

Such a cavalry team is already the top cavalry of the Frankish kingdom, and Ludov is very qualified to be proud of it.

And the warriors were almost all Saxons, and for the first time they could fight for their Saxon kin who had been separated for decades, and for their faith in God.

Even if they hit more with less, the soldiers felt that the battle was the honor of their lifetime.

For, the saint of the north, Esquier, the most noble priest, is blessing everyone himself with the oil-saving cypress juice.

The sage's muttering is all in Latin, and the meaning is understood by everyone.

"The Lord forgives your sins... This battle is for the holy faith... Against the barbarians, your souls will be redeemed..."

They got a strong spiritual inspiration, and Liudov felt that he was invulnerable, at least he was now wearing two layers of chain mail, and he really couldn't be smashed or pierced.

the other side of the battlefield.

Ragnar, who holds the flag high, must be the first person to land. His flagship directly washed the beach, and he was indeed the first one on the land of Jutland, thus officially starting his road of revenge.

"Look here, brothers! I've landed!" He bravely waved the flag, and the whole army shook his head.

The long ships washed the beach one after another, and the hard oak keels gnawed at the sandy beach, and many soldiers landed without getting their boots wet.

In front of him was a fishing village with nothing to lose. The warriors eager to get some booty completely ignored the so-called discipline of existence, holding a shield in the left arm and an axe and a sword in the right, rushing towards the village.

This is the village of the Lindholm tribe, and the genuine Lindholm people who have returned now have to face such a miserable situation.

His own village was robbed once by Horrick the "overreacher", once by the Franks, and now it will be robbed again by the Danish compatriots from Zeeland who believe in Odin.

In this regard, we can only hope that these "good brothers" will not be wild enough to demolish everyone's old houses.

What is foresight?

After spending time with many Danes on Bornholm, Speuter, who was still on the big ship, knew that the Danish world was never monolithic. In the past, the Rus and Swedes thought that they were a whole. mistake. Just like the current scene, the Danish army of Ragnar who landed first, the troops of various tribes began to try to loot when they landed. They didn't even think about setting up a landing site, and what's worse, they didn't even move the ships that washed the beach away, giving the rear troops no space to land at all.

The latter had the most serious problem. The cramped beaches lacked sufficient landing space. The Rus and Slavs could only continue to float in the sea, waiting for the chaotic scene to end a little before landing.

If you wait until the sun is going to completely set, the subsequent fleets can only choose to land at a farther place before that.

The fortress built by the Franks pointed out by the intelligence is in front of you, and its appearance is the target that the army must conquer. This is clear to the Rus Army, Medvet's Slav Army.

Looking at the situation on Ragnar's side, he led his Stonewall tribe's veteran soldiers who survived the disaster, and a group of pirate cronies he gathered later.

He is the new king of Denmark, but the spontaneous looting of villages and surrounding areas by tribes cannot be stopped by verbal beards. Unable to stop the chaos, Ragnar simply joined it. After all, looting is also a part of war, and looting is also a blow to the enemy.

In this way, the tribal armies of Zealandia, as well as Ragnar's cronies, completely ignored the sharp knives that they had shown their soft abdomens to the Franks.

Liudov didn't know mediocrity at all, and he was overjoyed when he noticed the flaws of the lander keenly.

The essence of Aleb Fortress includes above the middle of the entire hill. After all, this hill is not big. The people built two circular stone walls for it to form the inner city and the outer city. The crowd was concentrated in the outer city, and men over twelve years of age were ordered to take up arms. even women! Even if a woman who has converted to God goes to fight again, it would be impolite, but now is the moment of life and death, and female warriors still emerge as the times require.

A large number of militias were born in an instant, which is not difficult for those who still retain a lot of Viking customs.

Liudov saw the determination of these people to fight. They were guarding the fortress for their own lives, and the situation was not bad.

The mighty Frankish cavalry marched out, and the people cheered them.

The drawbridge of the outer city was lowered, and the winch wooden door was pulled up.

Ludov's lance moved forward and ordered his men in Saxon: "Warriors! Those Norman savages are robbers busy with looting, let's break them! Go!"

If these well-trained Frankish cavalry were kept by Ludwig, they would be considered strong soldiers, but after all, this was an army composed of a large group of Saxons, and the existence of this army was also a threat to Ludwig. The so-called bad Lothair used his signature as a bait, or promised a more advanced title, and the Saxons in the entire Westphalian counties turned their lives for Lothair and became a powerful army under the "legal Frankish king". .

Although this is a strong army, Ludwig still wants to "exile" this group of people to the Danish world. But he has no idea that there is still a large group of Saxons in the Danish world, and this move is undoubtedly another way of returning to the mountains.

Liudov immediately led the cavalry to form a cavalry wall, very rarely changing the classic "spear-in-turn thrusting tactics", but insisted on playing "one wave".

A small number of Danish fighters in Zealand in the rioting saw that "a wall" was approaching, and when they saw the clues, it was too late.

Because many people only learned about the cavalry after seeing the Ross cavalry for the first time.

Only the Danes who fled to Zealand knew how powerful the cavalry was.

Now, everything is too late.

The fast advancing Liudov made a perfect surprise attack. His subordinates fought bravely to kill the enemy, stabbed ruthlessly with the spear, and often gave up riding the spear after stabbing one person. The Viking Danish warriors of Zeeland slashed at the bewildered.

The already chaotic landing field is even more chaotic, and Liudov's cavalry is already killing the Quartet.

The cavalry did not fight individually, and Liudov always tried to maintain a dense formation. His adjutant held the Frankish "Three Lions of Charlemagne", the adjutant followed Liudov, and the cavalry looked at the flag.

Such cavalry stomped, rammed, stabbed, and slashed among the unsuspecting warriors.

Ragnar was suddenly dumbfounded, and his hoarse roar asked everyone to stay rational and build a shield wall. However, his roar had long been obscured by the panic screams of the people.

People scrambled to return to the sea, busy jumping on boats and returning to the sea to avoid the edge.

And this became another mess. Many people fell into the sea in a panic, and even when they climbed back to the boat, they still became wet.

Such an embarrassing battle situation made people speechless, and Speuter could not have imagined that a group of cavalrymen was wreaking havoc. Obviously, this is a good show that only Ross cavalry can have. Those who carried the cross flag and three black lines (the twilight light was dim and could not be seen clearly). Why are the Franks of the Three Lions flag?

Ragnar and his Zeeland Danish army were forced to the seaside, and thanks to this passive last stand, the terrified people cheered up.

The sea was a major threat to the cavalry, and Ludov's horses were stained with the blood of the enemy, and his warriors were bloodthirsty beasts.

The Frankish cavalry had no superpower to chase down to the sea, so they sneered with their swords and battle axes.

The cavalry did not act rashly. Taking this opportunity, Ragnar also organized the shield wall.

At this moment, there are a large number of corpses lying on the ground, as well as many wriggling wounded.

Look again, there are cavalrymen armed with cavalry spears, stabbed to kill the wriggling wounded one by one, and there are also people who dismount in a surprise attack, cut off the head of the deceased and wear it on the edge of the sword to provoke.

This was angering everyone, and immediately a group of people couldn't stand the provocation, and forty or fifty people rushed forward.

This is what Liudov was waiting for, and his cavalry immediately dispatched to perform a battle of annihilation in public.

This time Ragnar was even more afraid to act rashly.

Now that the twilight is getting darker and the stars are showing in the sky, the night is not good for the battle. Liudov's cavalry counterattack has made a big killing. He is determined to quickly withdraw to the fortress to rest, and to beat this group of stupid barbarians tomorrow morning.

However, there was a sudden swish in the air.

It was actually a javelin thrown with a torsion slingshot after the large Ross ship in the rear forcibly drove to the shore.

The distance is still too far, especially in dim light, and the accuracy of the javelin has been greatly reduced. It is also thanks to the fact that the Frankish cavalry is now in a dense formation, which is conducive to the probability of hitting the javelin.

It is the most timely support that Speuter can do!

All of a sudden, a soldier with a horse was impaled by Liudov's side, and suddenly fell to the ground and died.

As many as three soldiers died in an instant, even if everyone was wearing chain mail, it was useless! Multiple javelins smashed deeply in front of him. Even if the light was dim, Liudov knew what it was, even if he didn't know it was fired from a torsion slingshot.

"Ah! There are people in the Normans who are good at gun tenders! Let's go! Take the's go!"

As if the cavalry had suddenly appeared, they fled as quickly now, even though their horses were quite tired...

The Frankish cavalry retreated to the fort, leaving a mess.

Like a brick on the forehead, Ragnar's arrogance was awakened in the face of the current mess.

The troops landed, but not fully. The war broke out upon landing, and he could only console himself: "My kingdom of Denmark has not lost the battle, but the cost of casualties is high."

Even so, the nightmare in his heart was sprouting again.

Voila! This scene is exactly the same as when the Frankish cavalry and Horrick's cavalry slaughtered the Stonewall tribe where they belonged.

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