Rise of Rurik - Chapter 990

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:35:05 AM

Chapter 990: arctic storm

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Three hundred Frankish cavalry scouts ran across the snow, and they gradually saw the smoke rising from the south, and their hearts tightened. Suddenly, a lying human figure appeared on the road ahead, making the already nervous mood worse.

"Go and see what's ahead," ordered one of the captains.

The two riders rode away cautiously, and as expected, they saw that it was indeed a frozen corpse that fell to the ground. As they dismounted for inspection, more critical information had to be identified.

The deceased was clearly a Frankish warrior! He also had his own wide-bladed iron sword hanging from his waist.

The cavalry returned in a hurry and reported nervously: "My lord! It's our dead. It seems that Bremen has really been attacked again."

"Damn! Could it be true what the people who fled back said?!"

The cavalrymen looked up again, and it was true that the smoke and dust would not deceive people.

"Go ahead!" The captain raised his spear and ordered again, "Everyone act cautiously."

The further south you go down the Roman Avenue, the more you can find frozen dead bodies, none of which are Frankish soldiers.

When Bremen suffered a new disaster, only a few of those who fled in the chaos were able to turn against the king's army in the north. Most of the fugitives died mercilessly as the ice and snow turned into ice lumps on the roadside.

The cavalry became more and more frightened. Many people felt that the matter had been found out and planned to evacuate quickly. Unexpectedly, the captain ordered, "We must rush to Bremen, and those people will die before they die. We must look at the situation of the food. , do not let the enemy destroy it.”

That being said, everyone probably has an answer in their hearts.

The cavalry finally reached the source of the smoke, which was a mess. Some flames are still burning, and there are terrifying charred "dead branches" everywhere, which is incompatible with the surrounding silver-white scene.

"Is... the dead? Are all our wounded soldiers?"

The cavalry was in disarray in shock.

They lingered beside the ruins again, obscured by the smoke and dust, the ships displayed on the icy river were particularly eye-catching, and the flag pattern on the mast made them all see the true face of the enemy - the Rus.

"Damn. Didn't this group of people escape? Why did they come back? It's a trick!"

At this point, the captain of the cavalry can return to his life. The so-called Bremen is still in ruins. The naked eye can see that there are destroyed granaries and corpses covered with coke.

The traffic node in Bremen has collapsed, and all the crossbars on the bridge are missing.

Suddenly, they heard a horn in the distance.

The cavalry, who had been shocked by the sight in front of him, felt panic and anger in their hearts, and when they heard the sound of the horn, they knew that the Russ were going to challenge.

On the other side of the battlefield, the Ross army entrenched on the south bank of the Weser River finally waited for a "guest".

Arik was overjoyed: "Haha, brothers, those guys are here again. They are actually cavalry? Follow me to beat them!"

So, the soldiers who had been waiting impatiently for a long time began to row across the river. If it wasn't for a group of "guests", the army would have long since left with the spoils. For a time, they didn't want to wait any longer, and finally waited for the fat.

Arik took his subordinates almost in full force, whether they were Rusian sword and shield players, Finnish longbowmen, or berserkers in heavy armor. Even Saxon warriors in captured armor.

They floated across the Weser River as quickly as possible, and when they landed they could pounce on the Frankish cavalry.

The arrows of the longbowmen arrived before the soldiers, and there was a sharp whizzing sound in the air, and the Frankish scout was caught off guard and immediately injured.

"What's the matter! Quickly retreat!" The cavalry captain was hesitant to strike, but now the sudden arrow helped him make a choice.

The pointed arrows pierced deeply into the soldier's body, and the wounded soldier endured the pain, not wanting to pull out the arrows from his body and flee on the horse.

They were only light cavalry after all, fighting their own way against a staggering number of enemy infantry.

They still completed their mission, and went all the way north with the information they obtained. Now this evacuation is not honorable.

Looking at the backs of Frank's personal soldiers fleeing, he thought that he could hack and kill Aric, who would add new skills, but suddenly felt that his persistence these days was like a joke.

He yelled at the fugitives and asked the enemy to return to fight for 300 rounds.

"Is this what you mean by waiting for a while and then doing battle?" Arik complained to the panting Grund.

The latter shrugged helplessly: "I'm afraid they will be scared by your burning masterpiece."

"Maybe. What's next? Are we still here?"

"Maybe you should leave, or you can make up your mind. I'm very worried that the river will gradually freeze, and our big ship will be unable to withdraw when it freezes." Grund said cautiously.

"Will it really freeze?"

"At least in many parts of Denmark the creeks must freeze in winter. You should ask the Saxons in the army about that."

"It's better to take a rest, I will decide for myself."

The army has plundered a lot, and there is no point in continuing to stay in Bremen, which has been scorched. In theory, placing an army here could prevent the enemy from retreating, but Arik was not ordered to do so, and neither of the brothers wanted to miss out on the battle to the north.

According to reports from the Saxons in the army, whether the Weser River freezes or not depends on the will of God.

The Weser River in this time and space may be frozen on a large scale in winter. First, the climate of the current era is gradually turning cold. Second, although the river channel is wider and more tortuous, it is difficult for the sea to flow back.

Since there is a risk of complete freezing, evacuation is very necessary.

The squadron will undoubtedly consume more time, they will eat another meal of boiled wheat and then walk away...

Calm was restored on both sides of the Weser, and the fire in the ruins of Bremen was completely extinguished. Is the world really returning to peace? No, that was just an illusion before the rampage.

The squadron drifted back into the Atlantic, where they were confronted by a storm caused by the cold of the Arctic.

The ship went up and down on the fierce sea, the clear sky disappeared, and the haze covered the sky. Soon, a large number of snow particles were like countless knives, giving the entire squadron a dangerous blow in the frigid wind.

As the five long boats with oars capsized, some of the people sitting on them, along with their loaded cargo, were thrown into the icy waters. The personnel were immediately engulfed by the sea!

"No!" Arik watched helplessly as his own people died in the ocean, where there were Rus, Finns, and many Saxons accompanying him.

Those big ships were stocky but still small in the waves.

The Atlantic Ocean in winter often encounters arctic storms, because the Rus people have never sailed the Atlantic in winter in the past, and they are completely ignorant of winter storms.

People hid in cabins full of loot, squeezed so that the cabins looked like huge cans of herring. They can only seek some safety here, while some brave sailors are struggling to rescue outside the cabin.

Sailors are just mortals, they are not fighting against the gods, they just hope that the ship will not be sunk by the waves.

The Baltic Sea does not have such bad sea conditions. The dark waves are like mountains, and the big ships are forced to rush against the wind and move against the waves.

Only large ships can withstand this ordeal, and all longboats with oars gradually sink into the ocean in the process.

At least Arik remained calm in the crisis.

The icy waves kept washing the deck, and Arik tied his waist with a rope and fixed himself on the boat, where he struggled to maintain the situation. His existence itself is to maintain the morale of the sailors, and this continues to seem to maintain the sailing of the ship.

The big ship tried its best to gather the people on the small ship, and the loot that was placed was also carried as far as possible. As for those who fell into the water, the ropes that were thrown did drag some brothers, and most of those who fell into the water have died in the ocean.

An unyielding man looked up at the dark clouds and shouted: "Odin! Am I not good enough? Are you accusing my withdrawal of cowardice? Do you need more blood sacrifices?" Arik's questioning is meaningless , the howling north wind continued, and the ocean was full of rage.

The people living in the cabin were tossed and vomited, and the people who stayed behind on the deck all fixed themselves with ropes.

The waves and wind seemed to never stop, but the wind was also a powerful force. After losing all the paddle boats, the Ross Squadron was still on its way back.

It was they who paid an unexpectedly high price, the terrible price of as many as 200 people of all colors being buried in the sea, in exchange for a new understanding of the Atlantic Ocean in winter.

Until, the fleet returned to the mouth of the Elbe.

The suffering is finally over, but the waters here are only without huge waves and waves due to inland rivers. They entered a natural haven, but lost all their towed oars, and sailed up the Elbe unsustainably.

Seeing the coastline is seeing hope, and the dark world can't hide their big camp at the mouth of the river.

Due to the arrival of the Russ-Danish coalition forces, a village suddenly emerged at the mouth of the Elbe River. However, the buildings of the village were blown up and down by the strong wind, and even those who stayed behind all hid in the houses that were still available.

At least it's a haven, there are no big waves, and there are rowboats piled up on the shore.

The north wind was still stern, and it was no longer deadly. At this point, Arik could finally settle down and gather his people to start landing on the shore for refuge.

The entire squadron floated at sea for two days and one night, and the entire army stayed up all night. Arik's eyes were bloodshot, and he dragged his extremely tired body to continue to hold on, which made the already highly tense nerves continue to tense.

The rowing boats on the shore are like fetishes. Those who endured the cold and waded ashore first, hurriedly cut off the ropes that fixed the rowing boats with an axe, and used these small boats as barges to transport all the people ashore.

It was not safe to go ashore just now, and they were greatly aggrieved and regretted when they saw that the camp buildings they had set out from were completely absent.

The snow is still falling, the north wind is still whistling, and if you can't dodge on the shore, you will still freeze to death.

The people who had just escaped had no regard for their decency. They rushed into the woodlands with high spirits, like gophers into the houses that were still usable.

Undoubtedly, this kind of behavior made people who were hiding here screaming grotesquely. After learning that all the troops who returned were troops fighting south, the guards responded with sympathy for their miserable experience.

Some wooden sheds were erected immediately, and the heat used the snow to make windbreaks.

Sincerely, someone pushed down the well-fixed paddle boat on the shore, and quickly covered it with some wood, covered it with sails, and reinforced it with snow.

When someone does this and does it well, all the longboats visible to the naked eye in the camp suffer.

It is no longer necessary to consider that doing so is destroying the ship, brothers just want to save lives!

This is an arctic cold snap that is sweeping across Europe. In the west, its power will stop at the Alps. In the east, it will cause blizzards in Sevastopol, Eastern Rome in the Black Sea region, and give protection to the distant Caspian Sea. A heavy snowfall at the Chernegger camp.

Large-scale snowfall has begun in the hometown of the Rus, and the Novgorod region has also experienced a new round of snowfall.

The mountains and rivers have greatly weakened the power of the cold current, and it only showed its full power in the endless Atlantic Ocean.

The squadrons were lucky enough to capsize the Avrolla-class galleons, including the fleet, had they not been sailing close to the coastline.

The eight large sailboats currently in service in the Kingdom of Ross are essentially imitation Caravel sailboats with a maximum displacement of 300 tons. They have good resistance to ocean storms, but when they encounter stronger storms, they have no resistance at all. significance.

Arik boasted that he had saved his life, and when the tense nerves were relieved, the spirit that was strongly supported by endless adrenaline collapsed in an instant.

Like Arik, many warriors fell into coma one after another after burrowing into various shacks like gophers.

Everyone is so tired. This kind of exhaustion from the bone marrow is better than three days and three nights of **** battle with the enemy. It was the first time that Grund, a veteran soldier in the team, encountered such a thing. He also fell into a coma caused by extreme exhaustion.

The ships were anchored one after another, and they were set at the mouth of the Elbe. The ships were left unattended, and indeed they did not drift away.

Because the river is freezing fast!

Although it is freezing three feet and not a day's cold, in the previous days, the ice layer of the Elbe River has been expanding slowly due to the daily maximum temperature moving around the freezing point. This is very obvious in the internal channel, and less obvious in the estuary area due to ocean salt water.

Affected by the thickening of the ice upstream, the runoff of the Elbe continues to decrease, and the river is rapidly reaching its very low value.

But all this means nothing to Arik and his army. The brothers who have suffered heavy losses just want to rest as hibernating animals escape the extreme cold.


If he had known this, Arik would not have left the ruins of Bremen if he was killed. He would rather build a wooden shed in the woods to survive the cold snap. As soon as they entered the sea, they encountered a sudden change in climate and suffered unexpected and terrifying losses.

This storm is fair to all, and it is a major test that must be considered by generals fighting in winter.

The cold snap hits the Hamburg region, home to tens of thousands of Saxony populations, which is the core area of ​​today's Saxony Principality.

The main force of Rurik and his Rus army is the guest army. Due to the preparations for winter, they really encountered large-scale snowfall and did not suffer much loss.

Conditions for the Saxons began to deteriorate, and as the cold snap hit, a group of people who had frozen to death were carried out of their shacks the next day.

They were refugees fleeing the revenge of the Frankish army. They left their hometowns and took refuge in the northern Elbe River. They wanted to escape the Frankish butcher's knife, or they suffered a huge loss from the cold attack.

The dead were mainly children and the elderly, who were frozen to death because of their weak constitution.

Every winter is a screening for everyone, even in a peaceful state, whether it is Saxons or French, ordinary peasant families are at risk of freezing to death. Young children are the most dangerous group, and a large number of children freeze to death every year. For this reason, families have to do everything they can to give birth to hedge against such premature deaths.

Is this God's punishment? The priests pointed out that it was.

Some children were frozen to death, indicating that this was a conspiracy of Satan. Some old people were frozen to death, and it was also a conspiracy of Satan.

It's good to put all death on the evil spirits. Even though everyone knows that as long as they try their best to keep warm, they can avoid freezing to a great extent. Unfortunately, ordinary peasant families do not even have enough cloth and leather.

Most of the wrongful deaths can be avoided by being rich, so in Hamburg, the Russ-Danish camp, and the Saxon settlement, it presents two worlds entirely.

The Russ don't have to worry about freezing to death and frostbite at all, and they can rely on their Danish army to provide supplies.

Rurik incorporated more materials and distributed them to the large population of Saxons. It was a love to help some, and a duty not to give.

Unless Ludov would sell out some of the interests of the Duchy of Saxony for his people.

Liudov would never do this. He couldn't do the deeds of saints described in the scriptures such as Moses and Jesus. He didn't care if the people were frozen to death on a large scale. After all, it was a matter of course that people would freeze to death every winter.

What he cares most about now is to count his spoils, to preside over the burial of the Saxons' war dead, and to select the brave among the peasant soldiers as the elite troops.

The cold wind and snow forced the battlefield to stagnate, the coalition forces were unable to pursue, the enemy was unable to retreat, and everyone was avoiding the cold.

Liudov felt that he was given a valuable strategic respite. He took the time to select and organize his own elite troops, arm them with the captured Frankish weapons, and wait for a new war after the wind and snow is over.

Because he knew that the arrogant Ludwig would not be defeated lightly. If this prince was a counselor, he would not have done the bad thing of imprisoning his father, the devout Louis, and he would not have directly launched a civil war.

Negotiations are only possible if Ludwig is truly defeated.

Ludov didn't want to completely tear his face off with Ludwig, he hoped to make peace through war. Yes, the Duchy of Saxony could restore the inherent peace. He even hoped to send someone to negotiate with Ludwig after the snowstorm. If the other party admits that all his demands are fine, otherwise he will continue to fight.

Liudov knew very well that this was wishful thinking, and also knew that Rurik, the King of Ross, did not really want to kill Ludwig.

So, is it possible that the thirty-something East Frankish king accepts that he is inferior?

On Liudov’s side, he was Rurik’s side was doting on his wife and children and sleeping peacefully.

The coalition forces stood firm in the Hamburg area and waited in the cold wind, and Ludwig and his Frankish army also stood firm in the forest. It's just that because the latter received a terrifying report from the scout cavalry, he realized that his escape route had been cut off, and the entire army was really in a very passive situation.

"Am I going to die here? God! Am I a fool? No! I can still fight! Those savages and traitors must die! God, if you pity your people, drop your divine power Freeze the North River!"

Ludwig prayed silently, and the Archbishop of Cologne did his best to appease the army.

Waiting for the wind and snow to end...


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