Published at 16th of February 2023 05:08:25 PM

Chapter 1088

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Zhang Tuohai: "
"The mana replenishment you mentioned, is it the mana replenishment I thought of?"

"Hurry up, the matter is urgent, if the magic power is not enough, both of us will be finished." While talking, Liuli stood up from the chair and bent down.

"It's just a mouthful."

Zhang Tuohai walked over and helped Liuli heal the demon from behind.

Received the infusion of Zhang Tuohai's sufficient magic power, the somewhat dry magic power of Liuli was filled again, the crystal ball emitted a bright light, and the castle emitted a bright light.

A series of electric arcs were transmitted from the castle, along the huge tentacles and transmitted to the whole body of the giant sea monster.

There was even an azure blue electric light on the surface of the sea, and a large amount of seawater was directly decomposed into a gaseous state by the high-voltage electricity, and the water vapor on the sea surface was transpiring.

The sea water was decomposed, and the tentacles of the North Sea giant monster were even more horrible, turned into coke by the ultra-high voltage current.

The tentacles broke and fell into the sea.

The giant monster lost its ability to attack and sank into the deep sea.

"It's finally resolved." Zhang Tuohai let out a long breath, his back sore.

After all, this is a forced mana replenishment, without prior preparation, it always feels wrong.

"Okay, you're not happy anymore, you've taken advantage of all the advantages, how about this, I'll reward you with something special." Liuli opened the closet and took out a set of bunny girl clothes.

Lightning flashed outside the palace again, this time it lasted for an hour.

After the lightning stopped, there were a large number of dead fish floating on the sea surface.

Zhang Tuohai rubbed his waist and got out of bed, and came to the window sill, wanting to see the situation outside.

I found a ghost ship parked outside the window, and the ship was full of bones.

"What happened here?"

Zhang Tuohai asked while pulling a Pippi Shrimp.

"About an hour ago, this ghost ship wanted to sneak attack on the castle, but was paralyzed by the sudden appearance of the electric light, and then was continuously shocked by the electric light. All the members were ablated by high temperature and turned into ashes, and then stopped here."

Hearing Pippi Shrimp's words, Zhang Tuohai was dumbfounded.

"Can it still be like this?"

He looked at the ghost ship below and couldn't help but feel a little speechless.

I didn't expect to kill a ghost ship in this way.

He just wanted to play some new games with Liuli.

However, this ghost ship is also to blame, and it will not end well if it listens to the wall.

Zhang Tuohai put on his equipment and boarded the ghost ship, ready to see if there was anything left on the ship.

After all, this was the first time he had seen a ghost ship and wanted to see what would be inside.

Zhang Tuohai jumped onto the ghost ship, stepping on thick bones.

The surface of the ghost ship is full of scorched marks. The scallops crawling on the deck have all turned into charcoal-grilled scallops, and the inside has turned into carbon. are likely to break.

After wandering around on the deck without finding anything of value, Zhang Tuohai walked into the cabin, wanting to see if there was anything to gain.

The cabin was small, dark, damp and filthy.

Broken bottles are everywhere, and several iron cannons are rusted and unusable.

Zhang Tuohai came to the bottom warehouse. There are some goods piled up here, but they have been soaked by sea water and have begun to rot, without any value.

Zhang Tuohai shook his head, turned around and walked towards the poop, where the captain's cabin is. If there is anything good, it must be there.

Going up the stairs to the captain's room, pushing open the dilapidated wooden door, Zhang Tuohai walked into the room.

Compared with the small crew room, the captain's cabin is very spacious, with huge carved glass windows, a long walnut table, and a large number of charts and captain's diaries on it, but these were all burned by the high voltage just now. There are fragments left, and no useful information can be seen.

Zhang Tuohai was rummaging in the captain's cabin, and suddenly he was attracted by a stone at the corner of the table.

The stone looked unremarkable, just like an ordinary stone.

But Zhang Tuohai felt that such a stone should not be placed casually in such a captain's cabin. There might be something wrong with this stone.

Zhang Tuohai put his hand on the stone, trying to pick it up.

However, when his hand was just placed on the stone.

A line of information pops up in the game.

[Finding the Sea God's Illusion Stone, you will complete a bet with the Sea God. If you win, you will be rewarded by the Sea God. If you fail, you will need to sell your soul to the Sea God and work for the Sea God for a hundred years. The bet begins. 】

Then a white vortex appeared, sucking Zhang Tuohai into it.

When Zhang Tuohai was able to see the scene clearly again, he found that he appeared on a calm sea level, with more than a dozen boats of various kinds floating on the sea, including small rowing boats, single-person sailboats, and There were galleys like the Vikings.

These boats were parked in the sea a hundred meters away from them, floating on the sea, while he and a dozen others stood on a white sandbar.

[Racing Competition: The first person to reach the finish line will win and be rewarded by the Sea God, and the rest will become Sea God's slaves. The game will start in a minute, everyone get ready. 】

When a dozen people heard the words, they immediately looked at the ships in the sea and selected them.

After all, staying for a while is a racing competition, and you must choose the fastest one.

This is a bearded man saying to a man wearing a blindfold: "Barbosa, how about we cooperate later, the fastest here is the sailboat, but I can't steer it alone, how about our cooperation? "

"How do you divide the prizes?" The man wearing the blindfold asked with a smile.

"It doesn't say that there is only one champion, and each will depend on his own ability."

"very fair."

The two made a decision.

The rest of the people seemed to be very afraid of those two people, and they dared not speak out to snatch the sailing boat, and a small man stood up.

"We choose that galley, and we paddle together. There are many of us, so we may not be slower than them! When the time comes, we will get rewards and everyone will share them equally. Which of you wants to be with me?"

A few people stood up, and a few stood still and hesitated.

After all, the bearded man and the blindfolded man are well-known great pirates. If they offend each other, they will be very sad in the future.

Just when a group of people were thinking about each other, a Thunder Titan suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

A chain of lightning was released, knocking down a large area.

"Do you dare?" The bearded man took a step back, just not being hit by the lightning. Just as he was about to take the gun, the Thunder Titan caught up with him and punched him into a meatloaf.

After killing the people on the island one by one, Zhang Tuohai leisurely jumped on a sailboat and sat on it. Which idiot will compete with you and kill you all, and I will be the champion.


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