Published at 16th of February 2023 05:34:47 PM

Chapter 94

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Zhang Tuohai leisurely lying on the seat, selling ice, receiving supplies, from time to time to take a breath of ice sand, this feeling is not to mention how beautiful.

Sometimes, he even felt that such a life was very good, and he earned money by lying down.

If only these days could last like this.

However, the game system does not seem to want him to be too leisurely.

A system announcement pops up.

[warning: due to the high temperature, some roads of the highway break down, and staying in one place for a long time will lead to landslides. Please leave the place as soon as possible. Please leave the place as soon as possible.]

"What?" Zhang Tuohai stood up fiercely.

He just wanted to confirm the situation, Xiao AI issued a warning.

"Commander, there is a crack in the road below us, and it is sinking. Would you like to leave immediately?"

Zhang Tuohai looked down and saw that there were radioactive cracks on the road near the car, and they were constantly extending towards the distance.

"Start right now, get out of here and find a safe place."

Zhang Tuohai roared.

"Yes, sir."


The engine gave out a dull roar, and the six wheels worked together. The six wheeled SUV rushed out and left the original place.

As soon as the car left, the place where he was before collapsed.

A huge pit was formed.

The pit is about ten meters in diameter and seven or eight meters in depth.

If Zhang Tuohai had not let the car leave decisively just now, he would have fallen down.

The consequences are unimaginable.

Zhang Tuohai really couldn't understand why such a big pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and he was just below where he stayed.

There is no game system behind this. He doesn't believe it.

And it's not the most terrible.

What's worse, the road behind the car is collapsing like dominoes.

It seems that the collapse speed is not slow, and it is about to catch up with him.

"Grass, what are you doing? To kill everyone? Play a run in the sun Zhang Tuohai cursed in the dark and let Xiao AI speed up.

The speed of the car instantly increased to 100 miles.

In the blink of an eye, the collapsed road was thrown out of sight.

Just as Zhang Tuohai was relieved, a deafening roar came up from behind.

Zhang Tuohai looked back and found that the speed of road collapse had increased.

The collapsed road caught up with him.

"Speed up, madder, to 200!" Zhang Tuohai shouts to Xiao AI.

"Yes, commander."

The engine roared and the speed of the six wheeled SUV increased to 200 mph.

The collapsed road is gone again.

Zhang Tuohai was slightly relieved, but within 10 seconds, the collapsed road caught up with him again.

"Xiao AI, add... And so on!"

Zhang Tuohai just wanted to subconsciously let Xiao AI speed up again, but when the words came to his mouth, he stopped.

"Commander, what can I do for you?" Xiao AI asked.

"Keep this speed all the time, not fast or slow. I want to prove something." Zhang Tuohai stares at the collapsing road behind him.

He has a doubt, that is, his car is high-grade, and has a supercharged engine, the limit speed can reach 400 miles.

But other players don't.

Many players are still level 1 cars, and more than a dozen lucky players have level 2 cars.

According to Zhang Tuohai's observation, the class 3 car seems to be owned only by himself.

So, class 1 cars are the absolute mainstream.

Even if the modified engine is installed, the limit speed is only about 200 miles.

The collapse speed of this road has absolutely reached 200 miles, which is far more than the limit speed of mainstream players.

If the collapse speed of all roads is like this, most players will die on the spot except him and a few top players who have been refitted several times.

However, this is not consistent with the habit of the game system.

According to Zhang Tuohai's observation, although the death rate of various tasks set by the game system is very high, as long as we work hard and have a little luck, we can still survive.

However, this task is obviously beyond the ability of most players.

Zhang Tuohai felt something was wrong.

He looked back at the collapsed road and found that it had been following him slowly.

Although it's huge and looks terrible, it keeps the same speed as itself.

Neither close nor far away.

That's a little strange.

"Xiao AI, step up 10, and then keep the pace." Zhang Tuohai said.

"Yes, commander." Xiao AI raised the speed to 210 mph.

Zhang Tuohai stares at the collapsed road behind him.

He found that the collapsed road had been dropped for a while, but it soon caught up with him.

The speed is very short. If Zhang Tuohai hadn't been staring, I'm afraid he would have missed it.

"Xiao AI, drop the car speed back to 200." Zhang Tuohai continued to order.


The collapsed road quickly caught up.

"Up to 210!" Zhang Tuohai roared.

The collapsed road and Zhang Tuohai's car kept the current distance.

No increase, no decrease.

"Up to 220!" Zhang Tuohai said.

The distance from the collapsed road has been lengthened to the previous distance, but it can not be further lengthened.

After some experiments, Zhang Tuohai found out a rule that as long as the car can keep a constant speed, then the distance between the car and the collapsed road is fixed.

If you want to change the speed, you can only increase it, not decrease it.

Otherwise, it will be swallowed by the collapsed road.

But who can keep the car at a constant speed?

In addition to Zhang Tuohai's little love classmates who can keep the car at a constant speed, most people keep the car's speed in a relative range of dynamic balance.

But here comes the problem.

The road collapse just now is really frightening. How many people have enough mentality to keep driving at a constant speed and have room to accelerate?

It must be the accelerator.

Then it broke.

They were driven to a high position by the collapsed road.

You can only step on the accelerator all the time to keep the car at the highest speed.

Otherwise, it will be engulfed by collapsed roads.

Even those players who have refitted their cars have a higher upper speed limit.

However, the speed change will shorten the distance between the vehicle and the collapsed road.

In order to get rid of the collapsed Road, they have to keep accelerating, accelerating and accelerating.

Then, he was forced to a high position.

Worst of all, the ultimate speed of a class 2 or modified car is 200 mph or more.

However, the problem is, normal people, who will drive the car to more than 200 miles?

A family car can't reach this speed at all, OK?

If you don't drive at this speed, you will panic and make mistakes.

In this case, making a mistake is equal to a car accident and death.

At this time, the high-speed has become their life-threatening charm.

They don't even have as much chance of survival as players with a 100 mile cap.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!