Published at 21st of October 2021 10:58:55 AM

Chapter 127: 127

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The smoke of gunpowder during the day has just dissipated.

Li Xiao presses the samurai sword with Dao shengmeng. Shigang Yiyu and others patrol the night.

At present, although it is midsummer, the night in the mountains is cold, and the only houses on the mountain are for the wounded to rest. Therefore, most of the soldiers of the Takeda army snuggle together and sleep on the horse path.

After the fierce battle in recent days and another day of heavy rain yesterday, the clothes and armor of Takeda family soldiers were already full of soil, but they were worried that the Vietnamese army would attack at night at any time, so no one disarmed and rested.

After days of fierce fighting, the Takeda army was exhausted up and down, almost to the point where they could sleep standing with a long gun, and the key is to reduce the amount of drinking water. Each person drank less than half of the usual amount. Nevertheless, everyone has only two days to drink.

If this continues, what will we do in two days.

Fortunately, however, Takeda shenglai and Li Xiao had a high prestige in the army. On this first day, Takeda's army had not appeared any floating heart.

Li Xiao patrolled to a place, but saw Da Zang Chang'an and several warriors on duty, chatting while drinking water with bamboo tubes.

Li Xiao recognized that they were all samurai who were born near Takeda shenglai, such as Akiyama kinjiu, Xiaoyuan Jizhong and others.

When they saw it was Li Xiao, they hurriedly saluted and said, "see Lord Li Xiao."

Li Xiao nodded and first asked Da Zang Chang'an, "have all the drinking water been distributed today?"

Da Zang Chang'an nodded and said, "people's drinking water is divided, but the war horse can't help it."

Li Xiao nodded and said, "when there is really no water, we must kill the war horse and quench our thirst with horse blood."

Da Zang Chang'an bowed his head. Like samurai swords, war horses are another life of samurai.

Every warrior has at least one samurai sword, but the war horse is different. Being able to ride the war horse is the symbol of a senior warrior. At present, we are going to kill horses and drink blood to quench our thirst. We can see how dangerous the situation is.

"My Lord," Da Zang Chang'an hesitated for a while and asked, "Lord Li Xiao, can we make it through? Didn't we just win the Vietnam rear army war yesterday?"

Li Xiao turned his head and saw that Da Zang's words of Chang'an represented the wishes of Qiushan and Xiaoyuan Jizhong. I saw that these people were worried, and they were not low-level warriors. Their mentality was the same, not to mention the light under them.

Yes, Li Xiao is confident that he can win one war and two wars. Even if he continues to win, it will not play a decisive role in the whole war situation. The disadvantage of the whole military strength is not that many victories can be reversed.

Li Xiao is not optimistic. Under such a sharp offensive by the Vietnamese rear army, it is impossible for Yanbin city to support for a few more days. Coupled with the lack of water, this is even more deadly.

Li Xiaomei picked his head, looked at Da Zang Chang'an and asked, "are you worried that we can't support it?"

"No," Da Zang Chang'an shook his head and said as if to cheer himself up: "Lord Li Xiao, you have led us to create miracles many times. This time, you can do it."

At this time, the foot lighters who rested on one side also gathered around one after another.

They asked anxiously, "Lord Li Xiao, what strategies do you have to help us out of this dilemma?"

"Yes, Lord Li Xiao, say something!"

Li Xiao turned his head and saw that although everyone was worried, there was a kind of expectation in his eyes, as if he were their last expectation and could lead them to reverse the war with his own strength.

Li Xiao knew that they trusted themselves in the bottom of their hearts and looked forward to coming up with some tricks to help them out of this difficulty like baigenshan.

Facing the people's hope, Li Xiaopo smiled confidently and said, "don't look at me too high. I'm also an ordinary person. There's nothing special between two shoulders and one head."

Li Xiao said that everyone laughed.

The more he said this, the more people felt that he had no other tricks.

Only Li Xiao himself knew about his family. He looked at the lights at the foot of Yanbin mountain, and his eyes showed a worried look from the Vietnam rear army camp that could not see the end.

On the fourth day of the battle between Yanbiao city and Longcheng City, Zhijiang Shigang continued to spend time with the Takeda family. The two sides still fought fiercely for one day and ended in equal shares.

The only remaining water source of the Takeda army finally dried up, and Da Zang Chang'an did not know how to support tomorrow.

But tomorrow will come after all.

The fifth day of the battle of Yancheng and Longcheng.

After the Vietnamese army attacked the city, the master general changed people again, Zhijiang Shigang, and the fixed long team of Yamamoto temple was replaced at the foot of the mountain.

Countless Vietnamese soldiers in black armour at the foot of the mountain came forward to take over the tiangouwan position.

Saito Chaoxin's face was heavy and solemn. He put his helmet through the armor and rode on the horse. The horse path beside him was like a torrent of Vietnamese soldiers and soldiers. The sound of dull footsteps on the ground and the orderly collision of armor sounded.

Saito Chaoxin drove his horse to the samurai house of Tiangou pill. He nodded to Shigang Zhijiang, who was waiting to stand under the house, and said, "if the attack is imminent, don't get off your horse and salute the two adults."

Zhijiang Shigang raised his head, looked at Saito Chaoxin on the horse and said, "Lord Saito, have you figured out how to attack the second pill of Takeda army?"

Saito Chaoxin refused to comment and asked, "did Lord Zhijiang think I would lose under Li Xiao for the second time?"

Zhijiang Shigang laughed: "Lord Saito, I'm worried. I wish you a long martial arts career."

With that, a little surname led the horse. Zhijiang Shigang turned over and got on the horse. He said goodbye to Saito Chaoxin. Then he stationed in Zhijiang Shigang of Tiangou pill. Yamamoto Temple set a long queue and slowly retreated down the mountain.

Saito Chaoxin, holding a whip and staring at Yanbin City, said in a deep voice: "this time, I want a snow in the shame of the war in Baigen mountain."

The general who took over Zhijiang Shigang's attack on Erzhiwan by the Vietnamese rear army is Li Xiao's old opponent, the city master of Chitian City, Saito Chaoxin, known as Zhong Kui, and the city master of takemata City, takemata Qinggang.

In front of the second pill of Yanbiao city.

The iron cannons of the Vietnamese rear army were fired in unison, and the rounds of shooting hit the wooden curved wheel on the second pill of Yanbiao City, and the sawdust flew disorderly. From time to time, the iron gun foot of the Takeda army hiding behind was lightly wounded by jumping bullets.

The loud roar was deafening.

Li Xiaogan cracked his lips and stood on the curved wheel of Erzhiwan watching the war.

The Vietnamese rear army still mobilized 200 iron guns to shoot continuously at the main gate of Erzhiwan.

Due to the shortage of ammunition, the iron gun of the Takeda army was light enough and failed to shoot with all its strength, so its firepower has been suppressed by the Vietnamese rear army.

Li Xiao couldn't stand in the arrow rowing to watch the battle with the crazy shooting of 200 iron guns of the Vietnamese rear army. In case he was shot by the Vietnamese rear army, his dignified senior general of the Takeda family would hang up in such a cowardly way.

The offensive of the Vietnamese rear army was hasty for a while.

Saito Chaoxin's tactics are Xiao Guicao's following. He still adopts the same tactics as Zhijiang's practical outline, such as iron gun suppression, light attack and main standby.

Saito Chaoxin is worthy of being a famous general of the empress of Vietnam. Although his offensive is not sharp enough, he is old and prudent, and Ruth has no flaws.

He wanted to drag the war into the war of attrition, so as to kill the morale, strength and ammunition of the Takeda army.

And Takeda army had nothing to do with his tactics.

At noon, Saito Chaoxin finally seized the opportunity and attacked Erzhi Pill in one breath.

Takeda's army fought back against Saito's army who broke into Erzhi Pill. The two armies fought relentlessly, and the blood flowed again in Erzhi Pill.


National Day is coming, all book friends have a good time and have a good time!

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