Published at 21st of October 2021 10:58:15 AM

Chapter 148: 148

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A woman's intuition is very sensitive. Xiaofan Youmei is silent when she sees Li Xiao, and then she doesn't continue to ask.

Just then, a warrior ran upstairs and said, "Lord, your highness Suwa, a secret letter has been sent."

This samurai is the brother of my wife's tolerance leader Yukio yokoya. His ninja and assassination skills are very powerful, so Li Xiao gave him the samurai identity and left him close to him to be specially responsible for intelligence and information.

Yokotani Yukishi's letter was received. At first, Li Xiao thought Takeda Katsuyori had what urgent matter, and then opened it up. Takeda Katsuyori make complaints about it.

The letter was written by Takeda shenglai before he went to battle in Songshan city. Li Xiao smiled. The reason for the matter was very simple.

It turned out that after Li Xiao left, great changes had taken place in the structure of Takeda shenglai's family secretary group.

With his qualifications, jiangge and official position, bear Chaoxiu deserves to be the pen head of Takeda shenglai's immediate family officials. Big bear shows his temper in the morning. Li Xiao always knows that the fighter in the rooster is the poisonous tongue in the poisonous tongue.

When Li Xiao was there, he could still crush Xiong Chaoxiu. Now as soon as Li Xiao leaves, Takeda shenglai can only hand over most military and government affairs to Xiong Chaoxiu.

The bad temper of big bear zhaoxiu broke out and contradicted Takeda shenglai. Now he dare not, but because of the disputes in affairs, he scolded other family ministers, including masata Changxing, Baoke brothers, Tanbu Changzhong, Akiyama Pro Jiu, Abe Zongzhen and others.

So the family officials had great opinions on big bear Chaoxiu, so Takeda shenglai wrote to ask Li Xiao how to deal with it.

Li Xiao shook his head when he saw this. Big bear Chaoxiu's temper is really choking. With him, he will never be able to rise to the top and become an important minister that Takeda Shengli really depends on.

Bear Chaoxiu is a useful talent, and there is no doubt about his loyalty to Takeda shenglai. When Takeda's family was declining, when a series of important officials of the generation abandoned Takeda's family, such as shinjun Kayama, Yichang muzeng and SHINMAO xiaoyamada, he stayed and died with Takeda shenglai.

Li Xiao thought about it and immediately picked up his pen and decided to reply to Takeda shenglai.

Li Xiao didn't protect his pen, so he had to write a letter by himself. The letter means that there is no doubt about Da Xiong Chaoxiu's loyalty. You know his temper, your highness. At present, this situation is not so much the fault of Da Xiong Chaoxiu as your Highness's inability to know how to make good use of it.

Put big bear zhaoxiu in this inappropriate position.

Big bear Chaoxiu is talented, but he can't handle interpersonal affairs. He can only screw up the task of scheduling and overall planning. Therefore, we can only ask Takeda shenglai to remove him from his post and replace him with someone else.

As for changing anyone, Li Xiao thought about it. In fact, there was only one answer, but Li Xiao didn't want it.

The only candidate is Yukio Zhentian.

There is no doubt that Yoshiro Shinda's talent does not lie with the help of Yamamoto's survey. Regardless of his qualifications and prestige, he can surpass big Xiong Chaoxiu. His words make big Xiong Chaoxiu have to listen. It is just right for him to be Takeda shenglai's pen minister.

Others, such as Kofan Xianzhong and Takeda Xinfeng, are far less than shintaka Zhentian in these points.

However, what Li Xiao doesn't want to see is that if Yoshiro Zhentian takes over the central decision-making power of Yoshiro Takeda after Yoshiro Zhentian, the influence of the Yoshiro Zhentian family on Yoshiro Takeda in the future will reach a crucial level.

The relationship between the ministers and the Lord is usually mutual dependence, but so are some ministers who rely too much on the Lord, or the Lord relies too much on the ministers.

The former is still normal. If the latter occurs, it will be terrible for the Lord.

Not only that, at present, for Li Xiao, it is also related to who can become the first minister of the Takeda family in the future after Takeda shenglai officially takes charge of the Takeda family supervisor!

Because of the great achievements in attacking my wife's county and the battle of yanjucheng and Longcheng, Shinda Changxing has been promoted to a senior general by Takeda shenglai and led my wife's county to 3000 stone high.

Masata Changxing is only 16 years old. He has reached the same starting line with Li Xiao. What's more terrible is the real Tian family behind Masada Changxing.

In terms of strength, the real Tian family wants money, food and territory. In terms of talent reserve, there are many elites in the family secretary group.

Yoshiro Shinda, Yoshiyuki Shinda and his son are the talents of heaven and earth, and Yoshiyuki Shinda and the two brothers of Yoshiyuki Shinda can also be called pillars. The younger brothers of Shinda Xinglong, Yazawa Lai gang and Yazawa Lai Kang, will tell you how strong they are.

Finally, not counting the two sons who have not yet been launched, shinyuki Shinda, and shinfan shinichida, Japan's top soldier.

Looking at the strength of Zhentian family, it is difficult for Li Xiao to beat his horse at present.

If it continues, the real Tian family can only dominate. Even if Takeda shenglai trusts Li Xiao again in the future, the family affairs still need to be decided by the real Tian family. At that time, Li Xiao will always be pressed by Zhentian Jiali.

Now it is a foregone conclusion that Yoshiro Shinda has become Takeda shenglai's pen minister.

It can be imagined that the reason why he didn't come forward before was to wait for Takeda shenglai to follow the example of Sangu Maolu and go to Songwei city in person to invite him out of the mountain and rectify the mess.

When the old fox thought of this, Li Xiao scolded him.

He knew every step of his plan and calculation, but he had no choice.

This is where strength is placed, forcing Takeda shenglai to submit.

After writing the letter, Li Xiao ordered Yokota to send it out, went to the pane and looked at the heavy snow outside the window.

After he left Takeda shenglai, Yoshiro Shinda took over, and the first written minister under Takeda shenglai has become a resident. If he can't improve his strength now, he can only make a good situation for Takeda shenglai's old and young foxes cheaper in the end.

Although he has a good relationship with masata Changxing at present, there is always a conflict of interest or even a turning point in the political situation.

If there is such a day, I can only swallow it, or I will be pushed to the edge of Takeda's house, or the well water will not invade the river and guard my one-third of an mu of land.

Li Xiao took a heavy breath and closed the pane. After taking today's step, he had no way to go back. He had to hold his head high.

Flying country, flying country.

Take you as the first step of Li Xiao's future foundation.

Li Xiao looked at Youmei, a small flag sitting on one side, and suddenly said, "Youmei, will you marry me, Li Xiao?"

"What?" Xiaofan was shocked by beauty. "What are you talking about, my lord?"

Li Xiao repeated it and said, "yes, Youmei, I'm proposing to you. In our Ming country, when a boy likes a girl and wants to be with him all his life, he has to have a proposal ceremony? And I Li Xiao is proposing to you."

Xiaofan Youmei took a step back.

Li Xiao's mind is full of thoughts. His proposal to Xiaofan Youmei is to break Takeda Xinxuan's concerns about himself.

The reason why he has not been trusted by Takeda Xinxuan is that he is a foreigner. He has no fetters at Takeda's house and has no wife and children. At that time, it is easy to be solicited by other families and be turned upside down.

According to common sense, Takeda Xinxuan will personally appoint the children of a senior Takeda minister to Li Xiao as his wife. Then the two families became in laws, so Li Xiao strengthened the ties between the Takeda family, and his wife or future son was taken hostage.

But Li Xiao doesn't want to. As a modern man, how can he accept such a marriage he hasn't seen before.

Although Xiaofan Youmei is not a famous family, and her family has declined, she is always a descendant of the Wu family. More importantly, she likes her.

And that's enough.

The strength is not enough. You can fight for it by yourself. There is no need to get it through marriage.

Li Xiao made up his mind and looked at Xiaofan Youmei, waiting for her final decision. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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