Published at 30th of May 2022 06:05:03 AM

Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning to every man's dream. I had a beautiful blonde teenager going down on me and she was enjoying herself. She was so wrapped up in the act and playing with herself, that she didn't even realize that I was awake until I finished and she had swallowed it all. She sat up and appeared to be quite satisfied and a bit proud of herself, then she looked at my face and saw me staring at her.

“C-Conner!” Saida exclaimed. “I... um... I was just...”

“Enjoying yourself.” I sat up to cup the side of her face with my hand. “You looked quite happy and I didn't want to interrupt.”

Saida blushed and turned her head away. “I know I should have asked...”

I chuckled. “I don't mind. At all.” I said and motioned to myself. “You just fulfilled a dream of mine, so thank you.”

“I... I did?” Saida asked and looked back at me as if I was lying.

“I've never had it happen before and when I woke up, there you were having fun and also giving me one of the best sights in the world.” I said and she blushed again. “Did you get off, too?”

Saida nodded and didn't speak.

“Do you want to share a shower?” I asked and wagged my eyebrows at her.

Saida giggled and shook her head. “We would never get past my parents bedroom to the bathroom and then back again.” She said and saw my calculating look. “The window is only this big.” She held her hands up and it was a small window.

“Dammit.” I groused and she giggled again. “I'll just clean up as much as possible and get dressed.”

“Are you going home?” Saida asked.

“No time. I'll head to the school early and shower there.” I said and she nodded. I stood up and I could feel her eyes roaming over me. I turned back to let her look at me as much as she wanted. When I started to do some classic muscle poses that bodybuilders used, she started to laugh and smacked my leg to get me to stop.

“Get dressed and get out of here.” Saida said with a huge smile on her face.

I was dressed in less than a second.

“Connor!” Saida gasped. “How did you... wait, last night you...”

“I didn't want to disappoint you and undressed normally.” I said and bent down to look into her eyes. “I sincerely hope that I didn't disappoint you.”

“You... you didn't.” Saida whispered.

I smiled and lightly kissed her. “See you at school.”

“S-see you.” Saida said and watched me climb out of the window. “Connor?”

I stopped pulling the window closed and looked at her.

“Last night was wonderful. Thank you.”

I grinned at her. “Remember that feeling when Ming keeps complaining about the other girls giving me appraising looks during class yesterday.”

Saida huffed and then barked a laugh. “I think I can do that.”

I closed the window and took off running. I would need a few minutes to shower and to change from my dress clothes into a fresh uniform. I did that in the track locker room and then debated going out to the train station to wait for Izuku. I decided to do that and took out my phone to text him. What he sent back was a link to a video online.

I watched it and called him immediately. “Holy crap! That was real?”

“Good morning.” Izuku said with a laugh. “The USJ, or Universal Simulation Joint, was attacked by something called the League of Villains yesterday. The news had several students tell them everything.”

I let out a low whistle. “They must have had a jamming signal or one of the villains was doing it.”

“That's the speculation, because no one could call out of the place. The security cameras weren't working, either.” Izuku said. “They planned to capture and kill All Might.”

I let out a guttural growl. “Like he doesn't have enough to deal with these days.”

“Yeah, he's been swamped with teaching, even without his two prized students there.” Izuku huffed. “He wasn't there until the end of that attack, which meant he was off doing hero work again and couldn't get there right away.”

I sighed. “He's never going to learn, is he?”

“Nope.” Izuku said. “The net is going ballistic over this USJ thing. Several of the students were grievously hurt.”

“No deaths?” I asked.

“Not that they've admitted.” Izuku said, which meant that someone probably did die. “I talked to Mei last night, too.”

“Please tell me she wasn't there as a support tech!” I almost shouted.

“Thankfully, she wasn't. I don't know what I would have done if she was.” Izuku said, his voice low.

“What did she say?” I asked.

“Only that most of the teachers showed up to fight off the villains while All Might dealt with the main threat.”

“The news said it was called a Nomu.”

“It also has multiple quirks.” Izuku said and I sucked in a sharp breath.

“Dammit!” I said and started pacing on the train platform from one wall to the other. “Dammit, dammit, dammit!”

Izuku stayed quiet as I processed the information. What I came up with wasn't going to be good for anyone if it was true.

“Did you make any inquiries?” I asked when I was done cursing inside my head. “If he escaped, someone would have told us, right?”

Izuku sighed and didn't speak.

“DAMMIT!” I said and punched the wall I was walking towards. There were several yells from the others waiting for the train as a good part of the wall was blasted apart. I glanced around with my x-ray vision. No one was hurt. “I'm sorry! I just found out about the USJ!”

Nearly all of them nodded and gave me some space. The train station security guards came over to me.

“I'll call you back, Izuku. I just punched a wall.” I said.

Izuku chuckled. “I'll be there in about twenty minutes.”

We hung up and after I told them my name and student ID number, I gave them the same excuse about just finding out about the USJ. I also added in that I had been a student there and had transferred to Shiketsu Academy. The two guards exchanged looks for a moment and one went back to his post.

“We'll have to write this up.” The second guard said.

“I'll help rebuild it with the work crew as penance.” I offered and he looked surprised. “I really didn't mean to punch the wall that hard. I only meant to pound on it like a normal person.”

The guard barked a laugh as he took out a notepad. “What's your quirk?”

“Molecular density and it's a physical manifestation quirk. It's not one that I can call up because I was born with it. It's passive and is on all the time.”

The guard whistled. “How much can you lift?”

“Dead lift or bench?” I asked.

The man smiled. “Bench.”

“About forty-five hundred pounds.” I said and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “I've been a little slack in my weight training for the last month because I've been getting intense professional fight training instead.”

The guard wrote it all down. “Do I even want to ask what your arm size is?”

I chuckled. “Twenty-two inches.”

“Damn, kid! How the hell can you wear shirts with arms that big?” The guard asked, shocked.

“I buy two sizes bigger than my neck.” I said and showed him how much space I had between my shirt collar and neck.

The guard shook his head at the simple solution. “Homeroom teacher?”

“Miss Aiga.” I said and he nodded as he wrote it down. I assumed he was only confirming I actually went to the local Hero Academy.

“And why are you here?” He asked.

“I was waiting for my best friend to arrive on the train. We usually ride together; but, I was already in the area and rather than go all the way to where he lives and come back, I stayed here and waited.”

“Sensible.” The guard said. “Were any of your friends hurt yesterday?”

I opened my mouth to respond that I didn't know anyone there, then sighed. I needed to play up my connection there or I could be in real trouble for the wall. “I don't know. I just know there were horrible injuries and that if there was a death, they are covering it up.”

It was the guard's turn to open his mouth and then sigh. “I'm sorry, kid. Even if I knew, I wouldn't be allowed to tell you.”

I nodded. “I wouldn't ask you to break your oaths just for my own peace of mind.”

The guard reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Rest assured that things will work out.”

I couldn't do anything except nod and the man let his hand drop.

“I'll send a note to the school when the paperwork goes through.” The guard said and walked away.

I sent a text to my mother about the masked villain possibly escaping and she sent me back a stream of curses and promises to check personally and to then ream out any police officers or higher ups that have kept quiet about it and didn't tell her that her husband's killer was out of prison.

I texted her back that I loved her and that I would hold everyone down for her reaming. I was sure that I heard her laugh from her office halfway across town and she sent me a heart and kiss emoji back.

The train with Izuku arrived shortly after that and he showed me everything he had found out from searching the net and from talking to Mei. I wasn't surprised that it was a lot. He had somehow gotten a near play-by-play of all the action, which was brutal in most cases.

“They tore the students apart.” I commented as we walked towards the school. “If no one died, then they were either taking it easy on them because they were kids...”

“...or they had no clue what their quirks were.” Izuku said with a nod. “That's my thought as well.”

“I bet that ice flow guy gave them a shock.” I chuckled.

“Todoroki. He's Endeavor's youngest son.” Izuku told me as we walked through the school gates. “Also, Bakugo gave them a good go as well.”

I chuckled. “How much do you think he enjoyed blasting apart real villains instead of little kids?”

“If he's not in the hospital, he probably jerked off as soon as he was alone.” Izuku laughed.

“Even if he is in the hospital.” I corrected and we both laughed.

“What's so funny?” Ming asked as we approached the school's front doors. Saida was there, as was Helen and another girl that I couldn't remember the name of.

“Good morning, ladies.” I said and looked at Ming. “We were laughing about how much one of our old bullies named Bakugo would have enjoyed blasting the villains in yesterday's attack.”

Ming frowned and glared at me. “That is NOTHING to laugh about!”

“You don't know Bakugo.” Isuku said.

“He's spent years getting off on bullying kids with his quirk. Can you imagine what he would be like when he was let loose on dozens of villains that he doesn't have to be careful that he doesn't kill?” I asked and Ming lost the glare.

“You still shouldn't laugh at the tragedy.” Ming said.

“We weren't. It was a horrible thing to have happen and we are both sad about the students that were hurt during it.” I said and she nodded. “However, Bakugo is an undeniable asshole that tried to torture us for years. Izuku and I have no problem laughing at him, no matter the circumstances.”

“Oh, yeah? What if he's one of the hurt students? Would you laugh at him then?” Ming asked, accusingly.

“Yep.” I said immediately and Izuku nodded agreement, to the surprise of the girls. “He would hate getting hurt and us making fun of him for it would spur him on to do better.”

“It really would.” Izuku said. “I can only imagine how he would be treating us if we were there and didn't do as well as him.”

“He would love that.” I said with a shake of my head. “If we did better than him, though... we would have a huge problem with him.”

“I agree. He would hound us for our training schedules and demand his own weighted backpack.”

“At least.” I said. “He would want to join in on our training sessions, too.”

Izuku smiled. “He wouldn't last two sessions with Red Fury.”

“I don't know. She does like to play with her food before she chews it up and spits it out.”

“HA!” Izuku barked the laugh. “I forgot about our first few classes with her when she pretty much just tossed us around like rag dolls.”

“I didn't. That was ego crushing.” I said and shivered slightly from the remembered humbling. “Come on, we better get inside before the bell.”

We all went inside and to our lockers to get our books for first class.

“How did your date go last night?” Izuku asked as we entered the math classroom. Everyone seemed to perk up to listen, especially Ming.

“Saida and I are still friends, if that's what you mean.” I said and a couple of the girls seemed pleased with that. “She stopped me before I made things awkward near the end of the date.”

“You were going to say something stupid, weren't you?” Izuku asked with a grin.

“Yeah. She saved me from embarrassment by kissing my face off.” I said with an answering grin and glanced over to see Saida blushing and Ming glaring at her. “It was great to let her control things and tell me what she wanted me to do. It stopped me from overthinking things and trying to manipulate things to go a certain way.”

Izuku shook his head, unwilling to ask what I meant. Others were not so self-restraining.

“What way was that?” Ming asked, pointedly.

“I wanted to get in her pants, of course. She has nice pants.” I said and Ming scowled. “I'm a horny teenager, after all. It's all I really think about, right?”

Ming couldn't counter my words without countering her lies, so she stayed silent.

“Did it work?” Helen asked, more than a little curious.

“Nope. She wasn't wearing pants and I was out of luck as my plans went right out the window.” I said and that made a few of the guys laugh.

“Poor bastard.” One of them whispered.

“I enjoyed the date, though. I even met her parents for about a hour as they watched Tower Climb.”

“That was a great episode!” Lino said and leaned across the aisle. “I was really hoping that one guy would have fallen when he lost one of his handholds.”

I chuckled. “You just wanted to see him get pummelled by dolphins.”

“Of course! It's the best part of the show!” Lino said with a laugh.

“Remember that one guy that got tossed around like a beach ball last week? That was hilarious.” Bosco said with his gruff voice.

“It's on the net!” Lino said and took out his phone just as the bell rang. “I'll show you after class.”

Ghost, our teacher for Math, had watched us the whole time and she smiled at the interactions before she turned to the chalkboard to write out the equation example for the day. Izuku and I had kept our word to her since the first day and neither of us offered to answer nor did we disrupt the class.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!