Published at 30th of May 2022 06:04:51 AM

Chapter 35

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Bokuboy Almost 3,200 words this time (3195).

I ran up to Endeavor's office and stopped five feet from his secretary's desk. “Sorry to bother you so early. Here's my report for my shift yesterday.”

The secretary smiled knowingly and accepted it. “Did you enjoy your first night at the agency?”

“More than I thought I could and also not as much as I wanted to.” I said, a bit cryptically. I also noticed her hand twitch as if to grab something, even though she already had the report on the desk.

The secretary laughed softly. “Burnin is difficult to get close to. She has her ways. If you're smart, don't get hung up on her or try to make things out to be more than they are meant to be.”

I took a deep breath and let it out. “I have no problem with casual sex. It's the dismissal that bugs me.”

The secretary nodded. “I thought you would get to the heart of her personality right away. She really is completely boisterous and excitable. She also doesn't want anyone stopping her from being that way.”

“Which is why she was almost angry at me for staying until morning when I could have left when she fell asleep.” I said in understanding and stepped back.

Her hand twitched again and I slowed time down in my head and looked her over completely. I also used my various vision modes to check her over, and saw something like a power reserve. It was also quite low. I let time resume at its normal rate in my perception.

“Having you leave when she was done with you is something that a casual fling would almost demand.” The secretary said and smiled again. “You didn't take the hint at the time; but, I believe you have it now.”

“I do.” I said and stepped close as I took her hand. I bent over it to kiss it and vibrated my feet on the carpet a thousand times in a second, letting the energy flow through my body to my lips. “Thank you.”

The secretary blushed deeply and her hand glowed as I let it go. “How did you know?”

“Your hand kept twitching every time I moved on the carpet, as if to grab something. I didn't realize it was static charge you were collecting until just now.” I said and nodded at her hand with the glow fading. “Any time you want me to charge you up, let me know.”

The secretary gave me a curious look. “What do you want in exchange?”

I almost smiled at her immediate assumption that I would want something in exchange. “I want you to keep me busy on my off time so that Burnin has no reason to call me for more casual sex that is just a bit too casual for me to enjoy after the first time.”

“You want to do more hero work?” She asked, a little surprised.

“If that's not allowed, I can work for you or any other secretary as an assistant to stay busy. The receptionist at the front desk has a lot of papers and things to go through, so I can spend time there, too.”

The secretary nodded and held a hand out to me. “It's a deal.”

“I just charged you up, so don't shock me and waste it.” I said and she laughed softly as we shook hands.

“Grab the first stack of reports on the side desk over there and sort them by date, please.” The secretary said and pointed at a desk that had stacks and stacks of papers on it. “There are storage boxes in the supply closet at the end of the hall and folder dividers. I want them by day, week, month, and year. The dividers are on the middle shelf and the labels are here on my desk.”

“Do you have a specific numbering system or do I just mark on the boxes what's inside from date to date?” I asked.

The secretary smiled. “I am glad you asked.” She said and opened a drawer to take out a piece of paper filled with information. “Here's my filing system list and this is the numerical sequence for the proper format with dividing slashes.”

I glanced at it and memorized it.

“You can have half an hour to study it and then I expect you to get to work after breakfast.”

“All right.” I said and disappeared from her sight.

The secretary laughed softly again. “I didn't think he would be so quick to shirk new duties. He didn't even take the papers to look over.”

I moved at super-speed while also negating the air disturbance, because it was so handy to not have anyone be able to feel me moving around. I grabbed some of the storage boxes and folder dividers to bring a pile out to the desk, then set them up and got to work. I went through the papers and started sorting the years. I ended up with three years of different papers, so I further separated them by month.

When that was done and I had 36 stacks that would easily fit inside a box by themselves, I broke each stack down into days and added them to the boxes in the proper order. It left some boxes lighter than others, with vacations, hero additions, training, disasters, and everything else you could imagine increasing and decreasing the number of reports written for each day.

“How do you want these stacked?” I asked when I was done a minute later.

“Excuse me?” The secretary asked and looked up from her desk.

“I've got everything sorted and boxed. I just need to add the month and year labels to the front of the boxes and then they can be stored. I don't know where to do that or how you want them stacked. By year, from top to bottom by month, or what?”

The secretary blinked her eyes for nearly thirty seconds before her mind seemed to catch up to what I just said. She shot to her feet and looked over to where the stacks and stacks of reports had been and saw that the desk was completely empty with three groups of twelve boxes in front of it.

“Oh... oh, my god.” The secretary whispered and put a hand over her heart.

“Are you okay?” I asked and put a comforting arm around her to let her use me for balance.

“I'm... I'm fine. I just...” She looked back over at the packed boxes and then she looked up at my face. “I'm not married.”

I chuckled. “Didn't we just have a conversation about different people and their expectations about casual sex?”

“It wouldn't be that casual. Any friction can charge up my quirk.” The secretary said in a sultry voice, then she seemed to shake herself and laughed softly. “No wonder Burnin jumped on you right away.”

“Actually, she only saw me in my hero costume and liked all my muscles. She didn't see me use any powers until later.” I said and the secretary moved back from me.

“Did you submit your quirk assessment from the school?” The secretary asked.

I nodded. “Red Fury should have updated it recently, too.”

“Red Fury... Red Fury... oh! She's Mirko's cousin, isn't she? Long white hair and muscles and everything?”

I nodded again. “She has a body enhancement quirk to make herself larger into a more muscular form.”

The secretary smiled and sat down. “She should have the best observation skills for your own quirk.”

“Yeah. It's a long list.” I said with a smirk.

The secretary turned towards the filing cabinet behind her and it opened on its own and a file folder slipped out and flew over to her.

“You can use your energy to manipulate the static charge on anything and move it around?” I asked.

The secretary looked surprised for a moment, then she beamed a smile at me. “The larger the object, the more energy it needs to change its polarity.”

“Do you cheat and only change one object and not both to be opposites?” I asked and her eyebrows rose up. “I mean the floating thing. If you only charge the file folder to be the opposite of the carpet, rather than give a charge to the folder and the filing cabinet and the carpet, you can save at least half of the energy.”

The secretary's eyebrows nearly disappeared into her dark hair.

“Then again, if you make your own charge and that of the folder the same, you can attract it faster and you won't need to charge the carpet at all unless it's a longer distance away.” I said and thought about it. “You must increase the internal static on the folder as well, so it won't open when you move it around. That means you've got at least three to five different charges going during any time you use your quirk.” I gave her a smile. “Your brain must be something special to calculate all of that for just moving a folder from the cabinet to your desk.”

The secretary blushed and looked down at the open folder in her hands before she looked at me. “You're only a first year at Shiketsu?”

“Yes, ma'am.” I said. “I'll be sixteen next month, just after mid-term exams.”

The secretary's eyes went all over my muscular form and then she looked back at my face. “Did you know that Burnin is twenty-five?”

“She's only twenty-five?” I asked, which seemed to surprise her. “I honestly thought she was older with the way she handled the different situations at work yesterday.”

The secretary took a very deep breath, I assumed to make me look at her chest. I did, using my x-ray vision to see a provocative half-cup bra, and she smiled at catching me so easily with the trick.

“You're only a teenager and you're okay being with older women?” She asked.

“More than okay. I had a relationship with a woman that was in her late thirties and she didn't mind when we went at it like a newly married couple.”

The secretary blushed again and then she smiled. “You're lucky that this is only a hypothetical discussion and I can't in good conscience class what you've said as sexual harassment to be reported.”

“Hypothetical?” I asked and she nodded. I sat on the edge of her desk and filled out the labels for the boxes at a normal pace. “If that's the only kind of discussion we can have when speaking of personal things, then I can probably tell you about a hypothetical situation where an ex-girlfriend slandered me and told the other girls in my class I was only a horny teenager.”

The secretary looked intrigued. “Please do.”

I smiled and described my first encounter with Helen and her dust manipulation quirk after Ming spreading her lies about me, then I told her about the antics I had supposedly been up to at school. By the time I got to the part about offering a fair exchange to Helen in the library and under the desk, the secretary had licked her lips no less than ten times.

“T-tongue friction.” The secretary whispered and gave me a look that said she wanted to try it. “In public.”

“For about twenty minutes, then we had to get to class.” I said and added the last label to the top box, this month's box, and it was only half full. “Hypothetically, that is.”

“Y-yes, hypothetically.” The secretary said and she took several breaths before she smiled at me. “Thank you for this enlightening discussion, Mr. Kent.”

I glanced around with x-ray vision and saw another secretary before she entered the office. “You can use your quirk to feel anyone approaching?” I whispered and she nodded. “No wonder you never reacted to me when I just appeared here using super-speed.”

The secretary smiled and me and turned to the woman approaching us. “Is that the last of the morning paperwork?”

“Yes, finally!” The blonde woman said and handed over a two inch stack of papers. She wore a nice business suit and skirt combo and her skin was a caramel color. “Good luck adding it to the pile and...” She stopped talking when she saw the papers were gone and boxes were there on the floor instead.

I opened the top box and Endeavor's secretary dropped the papers into the partially occupied slot for that day.

“What the hell happened here?” The blonde woman asked.

“Mr. Kent was kind enough to sort everything and box them up for us.” Endeavor's secretary said.

“I could kiss you!” The blonde woman exclaimed.

“The only thing stopping you is professionalism and my own lacking experience with casual relationships.” I commented and Endeavor's secretary laughed softly.

The blonde woman laughed, too. “Hot guys with powers are a dime a dozen, so you've got no worries there.” She said and smirked. “Saving us weeks of work that the last secretary stuck us with before she quit? That's worth at least a kiss and a bit of a rub.”

“For you or for me?” I asked, which made both women exchange knowing looks. “I made the mistake of sleeping with Burnin last night and...”

“Oh, we know.” The blonde woman said. “You had completely protected sex and also knocked her out a dozen times from too many orgasms.”

“Jesus, it's gotten around already? I only just said that when breakfast started!” I said and both women let out laughs.

“Word spreads around at light speed in hero agencies.” The blonde woman said. “So, you didn't try it raw with her? Not even once to feel the difference?”

“Burnin asked me the same thing and wondered why I didn't try it when she was asleep.”

Both women laughed again.

“You are precious to be respectful of a woman when she was completely at your mercy.” The blonde woman said and looked at me like she wanted to try me out.

“He'll be sixteen at the start of summer.” Endeavor's secretary said. “We've been speaking hypothetically.”

“Hypothetically, he's six feet tall and looks fully grown to me.” The blonde woman countered.

“Actually, when I finish growing, I should be about six foot four.” I said and put my hand above my head to show where.

“Please tell me your muscles will get bigger, too.” The blonde woman whispered. “I don't like seeing lanky limbs on tall men.”

“I'm almost at my peak muscle mass now.” I said and flexed my arms in my t-shirt to do a double arm curl out to the sides.

“Oh, sweet mercy.” Endeavor's secretary whispered.

“What... what is that bicep? Twenty inches?” The blonde asked, her voice a little breathy.

“Twenty-two.” I said and turned around to let them see the back.

“Rachel, tell me when you're done with him and send him over to my office.” The blonde woman said. “I'll make sure to put him to work.”

“He's been disheartened over casual sex at work because of Burnin.” Endeavor's secretary warned her.

“So, he's not against having sex, as long as we don't kick him in the balls afterwards.” The blonde said as I turned back to see her admiring me. “That's not a problem.”

I thought I had better put a stop to this before it got too out of hand. “Um, my mother warned me about having sex with coworkers and that it will ruin any workplace camaraderie and create a bad or hostile work environment.”

Both secretaries smiled as Rachel spoke. “It's a good thing you're not actually working here or getting paid.”

“E-excuse me?” I asked, surprised.

“You're an intern and you're here on a temporary basis to see what Hero Agencies are like. You are not an employee.” The blonde woman said. “It's unfortunate that your first experience with an agency has started out the way it has, though.”

“I will fill you in on the ins and outs of the agency, like the receptionist should have when you arrived here yesterday.” Rachel offered. “Modified to your new social standard, of course.”

“I was going to ask the receptionist about that after breakfast.” I admitted.

“Then you're smart as well as handsome. That's good.” The blonde woman said as she stepped close to me. “Even casual relationships need some mental stimulation.” She whispered and her hand slid down to my crotch to rub it and then she gave me a quick kiss. “My name's Amanda and I certainly hope you are as good with your hands as I've heard.”

I blinked my eyes for a moment before thinking of a response. “I was told to not go all out, because there would be nothing to build up to later.”

Rachel let out a soft laugh and Amanda smirked at me.

“It's a good thing we're not going to hypothetically want a 'later' after your internship is over, isn't it?” Amanda asked and let my crotch go as she stepped back. “See you at lunch, Rachel.”

“Bye, Amanda.” Rachel said and we both watched her walk away. She had a nice ass in a red thong.

“Did that just happen?” I asked, a little confused. I knew a little flirting would be okay; but, that was a whole lot over the line that I thought a woman wouldn't normally cross, especially after my comments.

“She's a bit more forward when subjects like this come up.” Rachel said. “Now, I have some paperwork to do. If you want to keep busy...” She slid out from her desk a little and her skirt was already pulled up. “...I heard this intriguing hypothetical situation about a young woman in a library.”

I looked at her face and between her legs, then back at her face. She was leaving it up to me to chose it or not. Oh, why not. They already convinced me that I'm not actually working here. I thought and climbed under her desk and pulled her chair in to hide myself from sight, even if someone walked behind the desk.

I was sure that I could fight my urges and not have sex with her later. Well, reasonably sure. She was pretty sexy. Rachel handed me a box of tissues and I accepted them, knowing what they were for, then I started to 'work'. She kept me at it for nearly an hour before she had me run an errand for her. It was a delivery to another secretary on another floor, a returned progress report, and I did it instantly.

When I stood in front of her desk barely three seconds later, she gave me a sultry look before she pointed under the desk. I resumed my position and continued to work for the rest of the morning. She used her powers quite liberally because she said that her quirk had never been consistently charged before and she wasn't going to miss the opportunity that I had so graciously presented to her.

I couldn't even dispute that I had offered to charge her quirk whenever she wanted me to.

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