Published at 31st of August 2022 07:34:36 AM

Chapter 256.1

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ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 256 Part 1


Translator: Kurehashi Aiko

Editor: ryunakama

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 256: Gathering of Guardians, the Snake of Vengence Coming from the Other Side Part 1


Saiga-0: Umm, good evening.


Saiga-0: I really had a lot of fun today.


Saiga-0: Umm


Saiga-0: This is……


Sanraku: Ah, sorry about that! I was looking at something else and I did not noticed your messages.


Saiga-0: Fuyaahaah……


Sanraku: Umm, excuse me?


Saiga-0: No, it’s nothing! It’s nothing!


Saiga-0: I Super Death!


Sanraku: …… You sure you’re feeling alright?


Saiga-0: …… Y-Yesh……


Sanraku: Oh well, if you say so. Anyways, I wanted to thank you for yesterday.


Saiga-0: No, no, no! There’s no need to thank me!


Saiga-0: Umm, this is…… I wanted to thank you as well, and apologize for all the troubles.


Saiga-0: I promise I will make it up to you, but right now money is a little bit…… Some other way! I shall pay you in some other way!


Saiga-0: Miuah!?


Sanraku: Alright, you need to chill! Calm down, calm down!


Sanraku: For the time being, take a deep breath and try to calm down, okay?


Sanraku: And I am truly grateful, since thanks to you I was able to collect lots of good items and materials.


Saiga-0: This is, umm…… It’s about the incoming duel with Black Wolves.


Saiga-0: About the thin we were talking about, I am truly sorry.


Sanraku: Okay, you can apologize to me and thank me once this whole matter is over.


Saiga-0: Y-Yesh……





「Maybe that was voice authentification?」


I throw my phone onto my bed, after confirming that the last couple of messages were displayed correctly. I mean, for me it was the first time ever that someone behaved like that during the conversation, and was so adamant about paying someone back. I was slightly weird, but not all that entirely unpleasant of a feeling.


「…… Kukukukuku.」


I cast a quick glance at the package with the VR Kendo Classroom that was resting on the shelf in my room. For some reason, in that moment the unpleasant smile bloomed on my lips.


Oh yeah, I do believe that I never mentioned that before, but that particular shelf is the shelf where I keep the games that I happened to clear. Which means that I have finally succeeded in defeating that blasted, broken and shitty AI Boss!


「…… Well, I know that I have won, but I still think that the way in which I managed to achieve that victory was not the clear and right one.」


I have won by using a certain trick that takes advantage of the way in which the game’s system registers things. It was surely not a clear and fair win, but in the end, a win is still a win, no matter how exactly it was achieved. Besides, the trophy for defeating Ryuuguin Fugaku was already registered on my VR Device’s memory, so that is all the proof that I need for my achievement.


「Now then…… Let’s get right to it!」


When I was fighting in Bakumatsu all that time last night, I was seriously prepared to lose the rare items that were in my possession at some point. However, apparently I still did not lose my edge and my skills combined with some excellent roleplaying were more than enough to keep me on the winning side. And not only I managed to get some nice items during the process, but I also happened to hear a whole lot of juicy information from a few other Rankers that I happened to come across.


「Let’s see my checklist real quick. Hydration? Check. Bathroom? Check. All the errands that I needed to do? Check.」


That was a few days ago. Today it just so happened that it was the exact date when the defense of Rabbitz was to take place. And since I managed to accomplish everything that I wanted to do in other games, right now I could go duke it out with Godulnine without worries and without reservations.


「Now then……」


I think it is safe to assume that this quest is going to be a genuine all-nighter, so if push comes to shove I will chug down on Riot Blood to give myself an advantage. But this time around I shall use the one that is sure to last throughout the night, so that I won’t burn out prematurely.


「Oooooohhhhhh!!! It’s coming I can sense the energy flowing through me!」


Alright, I am ready to do this thing! I have no idea if it’s a snake or not down there, but either way I am going to kick its ass and make myself some nice pair of boots out of its skin!







I could not stop myself from letting out a surprised voice like that after coming to the Break’s workshop. I thought I would pay her a visit before going to the tunnels, and the only thing I happened to witness there was a ball of fur wriggling on the ground and making strange noises. But upon hearing me enter the place, a pair of bunny ears grew up from the ball of fur…… Yup, it was Break alright.


「Ah…… It’s just you, lad……」


「What’s wrong with you? Having a stomach ache? Did you perhaps eat something expired?」


「I don’t know why, but I find those words to be extremely annoying for some reason…… And no, it’s just that I’m tired…… Are you participating in the defense as well, lad? If so, I have a weapon here just right for that……」


「Oh, I see.」


This mission is a defense operation on a large scale, so this means I am not alone in this battle. I am going to be working together with Vorpal Bunnies…… A whole squad of Rabbitz defenders…… Our goal is simple here: to push the frontline as far back as possible.


My role is this whole operation is clear as well: I am to infiltrate behind the enemy’s fortifications, find their generals and dispose of them as fast as possible. Then, once they are all dead, I am to return to Rabbitz.


「See, I happened to fix that wrecked gauntlets for you.」


「Ohh, as expected of a Grandmaster Blacksmith.」


Break handles me the repaired Scorpion Gauntlets and after seeing it for myself that they are indeed fixed, I put them back in my inventory where they belong. After that thing is taken care off, Break goes back to being a wriggling hairball.


「I need to catch some sleep…… See yourself out, why don’t you……?」


「Sure thing. Oh, and don’t worry about the defense…… I’m a big swordsman now, so this will be a piece of cake!」


「…… Yeah? Great. Now, go to sleep…… go to sleep……Guh」


No, for you to go to sleep in a moment like that…… Oh well, it’s not important right now, I guess. But you’re writhing on the ground so much, are you really sleepy in a state like that? But either way, once we get to the tunnels, I want to see how the new tricks that I learned work against the opponents here.


Haha! We shall see how the enemies here tremble in fear before the Ryuuguin Style!


「Alright, we got what we came here for, so let us go now!」

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!