Published at 4th of May 2022 06:18:44 AM

Chapter 317: Blast the spaceship

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Lin Chen found the people who jumped off the spaceship, but he didn't take it to heart, but continued to quickly collect the food here.

He had planned it a long time ago, and this time he did not intend to keep a low profile. Lin Chen did this because he wanted to muddy the water, the more muddy the water, the better it would be for him.

The soldiers who got off the spaceship went straight to Lin Chen's location, and the security guards followed behind these soldiers, followed closely behind.

This granary is a private granary. Although the security personnel here are called security guards, they are basically retired soldiers, and many of them are retired from special forces. The combat effectiveness is not ordinary security guards. Comparable. Therefore, it is not surprising that they can keep up with the actions and steps of these soldiers.

The United States is a capital-based country, where capital has the final say. As the world's largest grain merchant group, the strength of the ADM Group is of course needless to say. The security guards on duty in this grain depot have better weapons and equipment than the regular army of ordinary countries.

"Quick, quick, keep up, surround here. Pay attention, the target is moving fast, you speed up your own speed."

"Damn it, the target is too fast."


The commander who remained on the spacecraft looked at the screen in front of him, and continuously issued instructions to the soldiers on the ground.

In the command cabin of the spacecraft, on a huge virtual screen, Lin Chen's position was changing rapidly. In front of the screen, a middle-aged man in his forties was cursing angrily at the moment.

"Damn, if this goes on, the target will quickly take away all the food. Once the food here is collected, the target person will definitely leave here and go to the next place. No, you can't be led by the target anymore. gone."

The middle-aged commander looked at the screen in front of him with anger and gloom, thinking in his heart.

In the United States, which government member has no capital behind him? Without capital support, it would be impossible to get to the position of parliamentarian.

Not only a congressman, just like the middle-aged commander in front of him, there is capital behind him. Without the support of capital power, how could he only be the newest spacecraft in the United States.

Not to mention that the length of these two spacecrafts is only 60 meters, but they are the latest battleship spacecraft developed by the United States. They have not been formally deployed for troops, as long as a few special departments are deployed.

The middle-aged man is supported by ADM behind him, so he can become the commander of these two warships.

Why is he sent? The purpose is naturally obvious.

The grain that Lin Chen stolen belongs to the ADM Group. The grain ADM Group does not care. What they care about is the power crystal nucleus in Lin Chen, especially Lin Chen is a space power attribute. The power crystal nucleus in his body is particularly important. .

With the power nucleus, the ADM Group can easily cultivate and create a powerful space power person that belongs to them only.

food? No amount of food is worth mentioning in front of the space supernatural power nucleus. If the middle-aged commander wants more support and wants to go to a higher position, then he must get the power crystal nucleus in Lin Chen's body.

"Naval gun ready! Aim at the target and prepare to shoot."

The middle-aged commander has given up his plan to recruit Lin Chen. It is Deant’s order and plan to recruit Lin Chen, and he does not intend to listen to Deant’s right now. Although Deant is the boss of the special department, as long as He can get the nucleus of space power, and even if Deant is energized, there is nothing he can do about it.

When the time comes, he will not care about Deant's autumn harvest at all, because at that time his status may not be lower than Deant's.

However, the premise of all this is that he can get the crystal nucleus of the spatial supernatural power in Lin Chen's body.

"Commander, our people are still below."

Hearing the order of the middle-aged man, the soldier who was operating the weapon said.

"Excuting an order."

The middle-aged man did not look at the talking soldier at all, his eyes remained on the virtual screen in front of him, because at this time Lin Chen had already collected the entire grain depot.

"All the soldiers, stop chasing and look for cover on the spot to conceal themselves."


After the middle-aged man reminded the soldiers on the ground, he immediately gave the order to fire.

Shoo, swoop, swoop...

Six bright and thick beams of light shot straight down from the spacecraft, aimed at Lin Chen and shot past.


On the ground, the commander of the American soldiers also ordered his men to hide themselves quickly, so as not to accidentally injure them in the next attack.

The security personnel of those grain depots saw the movements of the soldiers in front of them, and they were not fools, and they quickly concealed themselves one by one.

Boom, boom, boom...

Just as they had just hidden their bodies, a violent explosion sounded in their ears, and along with the violent explosion, a huge fire light rose into the sky, illuminating half of the sky.


The powerful shock wave swept everything around. Within a range of two hundred meters, no matter how strong the granary was, it was just as paperless and vulnerable to this shock wave.

Bang, bang, bang...

The wreckage of the vehicle and the broken concrete blocks kept hitting the granaries hundreds of meters away, smashing the granaries with bangs.

The security personnel and soldiers hiding behind these granaries felt a strong vibration from the ground. With this vibration, the granaries they used to hide and hide began to appear cracks, and these cracks were rapidly expanding. .

With the appearance of these cracks, this huge and sturdy grain storehouse began to shake, and it might collapse at any time.

Fortunately, as the shock wave passed, the granary finally persisted, which also made the soldiers hiding behind heave a sigh of relief.


"Report the situation of the target and see if the target is killed."

On the spacecraft, as the flames disappeared, the middle-aged commander ordered.

"Immediately rush to the explosion site and check the situation at the scene."


"Go, go, go."

The commander of the ground soldiers ordered his soldiers to brave the heat and burning flames, and quickly rush towards the explosion site.


The middle-aged commander had the purpose of letting the soldiers on the ground rush to the scene as soon as possible. On the one hand, it was to see if Lin Chen was killed, and on the other hand, it was also for the power crystal nucleus in Lin Chen's body.

If Lin Chen is killed, the first thing the ground soldiers must do is to collect the power crystal nuclei.

Drops, drops, drops...

While the middle-aged commander was waiting for the news, a harsh sirens suddenly sounded from the spacecraft.

"Alert, alert, powerful energy is attacking the spacecraft. The spacecraft has been damaged by 56.72%, and the spacecraft has been damaged."


As soon as the sirens on the spacecraft sounded, the huge vibration spread throughout the spacecraft. For a while, the people and objects in the entire spacecraft were stumbling, and some unlucky soldiers were knocked off their arms and legs, and their heads were battered.

"Oh, this spacecraft is pretty solid."

Outside the sky!

Lin Chen stood volley above the spaceship, looking at the spaceship that resisted his own blow, his face was also quite surprised.

As early as the moment the spacecraft launched the attack, he left the ground and came to the top of the spacecraft, and when the spacecraft finished attacking, Lin Chen started his own counterattack.

What he didn't expect was that the strength of the spaceship exceeded his estimate, and he couldn't crush the spaceship in front of him with a single palm.

But it doesn't matter. If one palm is not enough, then another palm will be used, and it will be fine to attack a few more times.


Before the middle-aged commander could react, Lin Chen's second attack came again, and he used 30% of his own power with this palm.

Bang, boom!

This time, the spacecraft did not resist Lin Chen's attack anymore, but was blown up by Lin Chen with a palm.

After blasting this spaceship, Lin Chen quickly destroyed another spaceship.

Although these two spaceships are the most advanced warships in the United States, their combat effectiveness is also very powerful, but it depends on who they are facing. Compared with Lin Chen, these two battleships were simply vulnerable.

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