Published at 4th of May 2022 06:17:57 AM

Chapter 347: All forces are on the stage (1)

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Just when Lin Chen's cultivation base broke through to the galaxy level, something that shocked everyone in the star happened.

The satellites of human beings discovered that a super large island suddenly appeared in the Pacific Ocean. The area of ​​this island exceeds 6 million square kilometers. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a continent with such a large area.

The point is not how big the island is, but on this island, it is full of various sci-fi buildings, there are intelligent creatures living on it, and these intelligent creatures have also sent messages to the countries of the earth and stars. It is synchronized globally, and almost all people on Earth and Planet have seen this information.

The content of the message is very simple, that is, the Atlanteans have returned.

This news immediately set off an eighteenth-degree typhoon on the earth star, and the whole earth star fell into a boil.

The legendary Atlanteans actually exist, and they live in the Pacific Ocean.

For a while, governments, non-governmental news media, and Internet celebrities all went to the sea where the Atlanteans lived to find out.

The news media used to be for traffic, as are the Internet celebrities. The development of technology in this world is much faster than that of the earth. Although it is only around 2011, smart phones and various network platforms have been fully developed, especially That kind of live broadcast platform is in full swing.

In order to attract fans, those internet celebrities don’t care about anything. They rent a boat and head for the Pacific Ocean.

But these platforms and internet celebrities simply think about things simply. They just think about red, but they don’t think about the specific situation of the ocean.

When the meteorite struck, many meteorite fragments fell into the ocean. These meteorite fragments that fell into the ocean also caused the creatures in the ocean to evolve rapidly.

Now the ocean of the earth and stars, not to mention that there are all kinds of huge sea monsters everywhere, but there are also many marine creatures that have completed their evolution.

These evolved marine creatures can easily destroy even 10,000-ton ships, let alone net celebrity boats.

Without warship escort, freighters dare not go out to sea easily. I don't know who gave the courage of those Internet celebrities, so that they dare to head towards the Pacific Ocean with a rented boat.

is really to attract fans, not even my own life.

Don’t they watch the news? The news has reported that sea monsters frequently attacked ships, but why do you still take your own life improperly?

It's hard to persuade the **** ghost.

The development of the incident is as expected. These ships going out to sea are frequently attacked by marine life.

If you are lucky, you can get away with it. If you are unlucky, it will directly become food for those marine creatures.

But even so, these platforms, media, and Internet celebrities still didn't back down, but became more excited. This time they rented larger ships, even hired some security personnel at high prices, and went out to sea with weapons.

Even some Internet celebrities also play the gimmick of hunting sea monsters to attract fans.

Don't say it, this trick is quite useful. For a while, the fans of this internet celebrity have doubled, but this internet celebrity's fun is broken.

The joy is extremely sad, and the good times don't last long.

In the first live broadcast of hunting sea monsters, this internet celebrity became food for sea monsters. Even the security personnel hired by the platform to help him were the same. It's sinking.

Now, the internet celebrities and webcasting platforms have calmed down. They dare not go out to sea easily.

Although name and money are important, life is more important.

Although Internet celebrities stopped going to sea, the international news media and people from various governments did not. Under the **** of warships, they sailed towards the islands where the Atlanteans lived.

The sudden appearance of the Atlanteans has made the hearts of governments all over the world. After all, if you don’t figure out the true situation of the Atlanteans, no governments will be at ease.

Moreover, the science and technology that the Atlanteans present in the medical treatment is obviously higher than that of the countries of the Earth planet. If there is a war, it is still two if the humans of the Earth planet can beat the Atlanteans. Woolen cloth.


A wave has not settled, and a wave has risen again.

Just as the governments of various countries were busy investigating the reality of the Atlanteans, another news that shocked the world appeared.

In the Amazon rainforest, a mysterious beast cult appeared in front of the world. Although the members of this Beast God Cult are basically primitive people who live in the rain forest all year round, the strength of the Beast God Cult is extremely powerful because they have their own dedicated battleship.

This warship is not the kind of warship in the sea, but a space warship that can sail in space, and there is more than one such warship.

Beast Gods believe in monsters with peculiar looks. What their church members convey to the world is that believing in Beast Gods can not only gain powerful power, but also immortality.

An oppressed desperate man ran to the Beast God Sect with the attitude of giving it a try, saying that he wanted to believe in the Beast God, and he really gained a powerful force. UU reading

After gaining a powerful force, this poor man returned to his country as soon as possible, killing all the powerful figures who oppressed him, and still in the form of live broadcast.

In the screen, the shots of guns and bullets on this person will not hurt him at all, even the 120mm armor-piercing shells fired by the tank. The most important thing is that in the live broadcast, he also preached the Beast God religion, saying that if he believed in the Beast God in the past, he would get the same power as him.

All of a sudden, countless people flooded into the Amazon rainforest to join the Beast God Cult.

Especially those drug dealers and criminals, they are the most active. The purpose of these people is very simple. They don't believe in any animal gods at all, but just to gain powerful power.

The facts have not disappointed these people, they have indeed gained a powerful force. After the drug dealers gained a powerful force, they went back and beat the government forces that encircled them. If it weren't for the intervention of the US army, they might have killed the president.

At this moment, all countries in the world are not calm, and the behavior of the Beast God Sect is completely undermining the stability of the planet.

For a time, Western countries headed by the United States began to get in close contact with each other.


Just as the Western countries headed by the United States were discussing how to deal with the Beasts, in the mountains of South America, the temple worship of the Maya civilization that had left the United States reappeared.

But it was not him who appeared this time. By his side, there were many Mayans following.

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