Sign In To Become a God - Chapter 429

Published at 23rd of May 2023 04:58:39 PM

Chapter 429

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Earth, a special space, Dragon Nest world.

This is a vast and incomparably vast world, with towering and huge land, stars, sun and moon, vast void outside, and even dense cosmic energy like fog. Like some secret places for human groups to cultivate talents, even the most ordinary people on earth can easily become a planet as long as they live here for a few years.

With Wang Yi's current resources and means, it is very easy to create such a secret place at a great cost.

However, resources are always limited. Ordinary people are not qualified to come in. The limited valuable resources need to cultivate real talents in order to make the ethnic group produce more strong people.

Human talents with excellent qualifications were selected, joined here and trained.

There are star level, universe level, domain level and boundary level.

It is divided into four areas: Heaven, earth, Xuan and Huang.

In the future, it may be divided into four areas: universe (the Lord of the universe), universe (the overlord of the universe), Hong (the Supreme Master of the universe) and famine (immortality).

Just like Yuxiang mountain and thunder Island, one is a place to cultivate talents and the other is a gathering place for the strong.

But I don't know how long it will take to get there.

It is obvious that the cultivation of the new generation is very important for the rise of the human vein on earth.

In fact, many training modes are similar to the mechanism of virtual universe company and other masters of the universe to cultivate family talents. It is normal to learn from the mature and perfect training system of virtual universe company soon after the rise of the earth.

There is no reason to cultivate civilization. The system people on earth think of for more than 10000 years is better than the experience summed up by many great beings in the universe standing at the peak for countless years.

That's unrealistic. That's self righteous.

Moreover, generally speaking, the current strength of Wang Yi and Luo Feng alone is difficult to compare with the resources of the whole human group, so we have to rely on the strength of the human group to develop.

Just as the earth people have the earth, they can breed special souls and let the younger generation of other races come in and have children.

The human race also has places such as "xueluo world" to train talents. With Wang Yi's current status, some earth talents can be sent in at some cost.

In addition, Wang Yi also has his own special details. The strong will be born in a continuous stream soon.

Dragon Nest world, the highest peak of a towering mountain in the middle of the mainland, has a continuous palace group. Outside the palace, there are more World Masters than immortal guards.

In addition to their own family, earthman forces now have a large number of other famous strong people who have come to take refuge in the past years, including a large number of World Masters and some immortality. However, they can join the earth after screening, and only earthmen can enter the Dragon Nest world now.

An avatar of Wang Yi stands at the highest main hall, overlooking everything here.

As the overlord of the universe, it is easy to maintain the strength of the overlord by hosting an energy incarnation of a trace of consciousness.

Moreover, what really dominates the earth is the secluded sea separation in the palace of the solar system.

"Ten million years is a reincarnation. I don't know when it will blossom and bear fruit." Wang Yi whispered softly.

Perhaps he has been in the time world for too long. I don't know when the concept of time has become very weak here.

Thousands of years, the life of a world Lord is just a stage in his eyes.

In the past, just out of the earth, a world Lord, has been the top figure in the star domain of Heilongshan.

After all, there are only two immortals in the star domain of Heilongshan, the God of Heilongshan and the God of ice sea.

Now, let alone the Heilong mountain star territory, not long after the news of Wang Yi's breakthrough of the venerable came the news from the Qianwu universe country. In order to congratulate Wang Yi on his breakthrough, he presented a large number of territories centered on the Heilong mountain star territory as his permanent private territory.

Lord Qianwu also visited the earth in person and talked with Wang Yi for a long time.

"Lord Qianwu... Still so poor!" Wang Yi sighed.

Although some unkind, he still wanted to say that the dry witch venerable is really poor.

The last time he came back as a ganwute envoy, he sent a Black Dragon Star domain to let the Black Dragon Mountain God's nest move away.

Breaking through immortality, he sent some star regions.

This time he broke through the venerable one, he still sent it to the star domain.

Feelings he has been poor, only the site to send, or can't take other things, too shabby?

Moreover, he not only flattered Wang Yi, but also sent gifts to Luo Feng, Hong, Thor and other talents at the core of the human race.

After all, Luo Feng is also a peerless genius of this generation of human group. Although it is not as dazzling as Wang Yi, it is also comparable to Kedi.

Hong, Thor, is also a registered disciple of the founder of the giant axe and taught by the Lord of the universe.

Needless to say, Wang Yi is said to be comparable to the immortal. He is offered a reward by the three peak groups. Now he breaks through the immortal. I don't know how strong he is. He was born on earth and is still a place in the dry witch universe. The nest of the dry witch is above the dry witch... The dry witch may have to look at Wang Yi's life after the dry witch.

Wang Yi couldn't help laughing when he thought of the expression of the dry witch venerable on that day. "Few of these venerable are fuel-efficient lamps."

"However, I also helped him a little, which can be regarded as repaying some human favor." Wang Yi whispered.

At the beginning, because of a moment of greed, the dry witch venerable fell on the primitive star three times in succession, and owed a large amount of debt to the ethnic group and other friends. The price of the three resurrection was great. Coupled with the lost treasure, the dry witch venerable was heavily in debt! I don't know which era can be returned in full.

Wang Yi sees that in his past love and the help of Qianwu universe kingdom to the earth, he used the most precious points to help the Lord of Qianwu Kingdom repay those debts owed to his friends.

As for those who owe insult to the ethnic group, let the dry witch venerable slowly return.

In this way, the Lord of the dry witch kingdom is very grateful.

"The dry witch venerable is greedy and blind, and finally ends up almost unable to turn over. I can't learn from him. I have to be careful at every step." Wang Yi whispered.

Even if you travel through the universe, you have to be sure and act carefully.

"Tongtian tower, I can only be driven by the Lord of the universe. The colorful Aurora lake can't be used."

"What I really use now is three top treasures, including looting armor, original soul and hell knife. There are other treasures such as chaos divine wing and Huoluo palace."

Wang Yi nodded. "It should be enough to supply one part as the strongest main combat power. Other parts are matched with some treasures. There are also top overlords in the universe and even comparable to the combat power of the Lord of the universe."

"Now, it's time to take the next step and start looking for the blood cloud hall." Wang Yi's eyes lit up.

"This is my first step out of the universe."

Like before, going to foreign battlefields is just a stage of honing by the world Lord.

Only those who become venerable can have the capital of the universe!

Earth, solar system, towering fiery red, unique palace suddenly shrunk and replaced with another palace.

"Huoluo palace is still useful. I'll take it away first this time." Wang Yi's human statue stood in the void and smiled at the extremely reduced Huoluo palace.

"This time, the void Zerg will act together with the earth's human self."

"Youhai sits on the earth separately, the burning star giant beast sits on the Tongtian tower separately, and then leaves an incarnation to accept inheritance in the ancestral cult."

"I hope you can do what I want this time."


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