Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:29:12 AM

Chapter 119: - Episode 117 Battle Part 2

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After destroying all of Gilmas's plans, he said, "You are going to refuse the guildmaster's request for an appointment without asking him about the details. You'll make enemies of the guild!" Guilmouth said something crazy.

You can see that he is in a hurry because of all the things that have been going on. His expression is clearly losing its composure after the trap against me failed.

Well, I'm wondering whether I should keep on trying or not... ......Gilmouth's eyes have gone dead, so I should fold. I'm sure he's going to destroy himself sooner or later, but it doesn't feel bad to hasten the end with my own hands. I'm going to reveal some things with a little provocation.

"Suit yourself. Just what can you do against me? Do you really think you can do anything to me if you're cringing at the thought of not being able to defeat a fire dragon?"

My words drew angry shouts from the adventurers around me. Well, my words were certainly disrespectful to the adventurers around me.

"You, you, you... ......"

Gilmas's face turned bright red, like a red devil. His blood is rushing to his head, and the blood vessels in his brain look like they are in trouble. The adventurers around him are getting quieter and quieter. But I'm not done yet!

"In the first place, this travesty is because you found out that I had defeated the fire dragon and was wholesaling the materials, isn't it? The manager of the wholesale store came to me to tell me that the information had spread. Gilmas found out and pretended he didn't know and planned to repair the relationship and take advantage of me, right?

I feel like the hero of a mystery. In my case, it's a cheat, so I can't be proud of it, but it feels really good. I now understand why the great detectives in cartoons are so proud of their deductions. I feel like smiling. As I was enjoying myself, the adventurers around me started to shout in bewilderment at my story.

The adventurers know that the Fire Dragon's materials are flowing. But they can't believe that I have defeated the Fire Dragon, which is probably why they are puzzled.

That's not true.

Guillmouth squeezes out the words with a surprised look on his face. You didn't expect me to tell you about the fire dragon myself, when I had been hiding the fact that I had killed it. You can tell us now, since your goal is to harass the Adventurers' Guild.

"It's no use trying to hide it now, with all these funny contracts you've prepared. You worked so hard to come up with a plan to set me up. Forcing me to move up in rank. Put me in the Valkyrie and control me. Take away my freedom with a contract. You even prepared allies among the adventurers to bring the flow of events to you, and you worked hard to prepare. It must have been hard work, I'm sorry to hear that.

I ask softly.


Guilmouth, you've gone quiet. That's fun!

"Besides, do you really think I'm going to do anything useful for this guild? ............ Huh? Gilmouth, you're not going to answer me? Then let's ask others what they think. What do you think of Mr. Seil, who harassed me at the beginner's class?"

"No, no, I was just asked to ......"

Mr. Seil shakes his head with a pale face. Apparently, he had not been told that I had defeated the fire dragon. Is he just using me for convenience?

"What do you think of the woman who sold me the potion in disgust?"

The sister shakes her head, buzzing silently.

"And what about those adventurers over there who were talking shit so that I could hear them?"

Everyone looked away at once. Too many of you know what I'm talking about. I mean, even Yunis looks surprised and her mouth is agape. Don't worry, we won't ask Mel's childhood friend.

"Hmmm... I remember most of them giving me a bad time, if you look closely. If I kill them all, they will be angry with me, and if I challenge them all to a duel, will that not be a problem? What do you think, Eltina, who was watching me being harassed the closest? Should I put up with the duel challenge and work for the adventurers' guild that harassed me and tried to trap me?"

I'm probably laughing like I'm having a great time. I'm actually having a hell of a good time, but I can't let Belle and Sara see it. But maybe I'm a little too aggressive, I got carried away and lost my landing spot. I can't stop now, so I'll just have to go as far as I can go, right?


"Are you going to keep your mouth shut too, Mr. Eltina? If you don't mind either way, you can challenge me to a duel to vent your pent-up frustration. There is no way there are shameless adventurers in the labyrinth city who would refuse to fight a duel after cursing me so much, is there?"

I don't mean to actually do such a thing, but you know, what I'm saying sounds a lot like a dangerous profession. You're declaring that I'm obstructing your business.

"No, no, it's not good for the reputation of the one who can defeat the fire dragon to do such a thing. We apologize for any disrespect to the guild, and we ask that you please be gentle."

"Ha-ha-ha, no, no, no, fame is a strange thing to say, Eltina. There's no such thing as a lowered prestige for me. My fame has been ruined since the Adventurers' Guild has been spreading rumors about me.

I told her smilingly and with a smile, and Eltina fell silent. Guilmas, on the other hand, spoke in a voice that sounded like it was roaring from the ground.

"Even if you are stronger than the Fire Dragon, do you think you can stand against the organization? If you work for the guild, I will make no apology for your past disrespect. You will do as I tell you."

They don't seem to care about appearances anymore. The adventurers are surprised to see you. Are you sure?


I told him with a smile and my best smile. Maybe, but I think my smile is the brightest.

"You're really going against the guild, aren't you?"

"I don't want you to be mistaken, but it is you who have been hostile to us. I don't know why you want to make me an enemy of your organization, since I have not committed any crime, but if you want to come, be my guest. I will show you the power of a true spiritualist.

I said something cool! I feel like I'm the one who made things worse, but let's not dwell on that. I wonder if this is going to be an all-out confrontation?

".................. that statement. You're going to regret it."

Guillmas, his blood having drained from his veins and his face expressionless with anger, lightly tapped the table with his left hand. At that moment, the wind swirled around me, knocking something out of the air. Then men from the group of adventurers leap at me ......, but they are entangled in the plants that have grown up through the stone floor.

They check for fallen knives and what seems to be magic residue. If they were attacked, they were attacked. It's a bit unexpected to be attacked out of the blue in public. I look around and see six adventurous-looking men struggling in the air, entangled in the plants.

These guys must be some kind of specialized anti-personnel punishment squad. I heard they were supposed to be deployed as a precaution, but they used them.

I thank Sylphy and Dolly with my eyes. I really want to thank them out loud, but now is the time to be cool.

"Guilmas. Is this what I'm going to regret? You think you can kill me with a little fish like this, you've been underestimated."

He makes a mocking expression with plenty of time to spare and asks Guillmas. In reality, his heart is racing. Sylphy, Dolly, thank you so much.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Your behavior was so rude that the adventurers decided to sanction you voluntarily, didn't they?"

No, if you look so contrite, they'll know.

"They spontaneously throw their weapons from all directions at the same time! That's very convenient. Since I'm the one whose life was threatened, you don't mind if I get rid of him, do you?

I ask Guilmouth, and Dolly takes care of it, and the men who attacked us are tightened up by the plant. I hear a dull thud, is that a broken bone?

"Wait! You have no right to do this. I'm going to have to ask you to turn yourself over to us."

"Ha-ha-ha, you're talking about authority over your adversary. Well, that's all right. Even a small fish like this is an important pawn for Guilmouth, so I'll give him back to him.

The men who attacked with a thud are thrown out. Yeah, Dory's pretty rad. His arms and legs are bent in directions they shouldn't be. Guilmouth gives the order and the men who attacked me are carried away, and at the same time, men with strange atmospheres surround Guilmouth. You're giving me an escort now?

"What did you do just now?"

"I'm a spiritualist, so of course I used spiritual magic, right?

"Are you going to tell me you moved a genie without chanting?"

Huh? You don't believe me? It's normal for a spirit to protect a genie to protect a genie, hmmm, what do you mean? Do prestigious genie magicians keep their contents that secret? I feel there is quite a gap between the public's perception and that of the genie surgeon.

"What do you think? Well, good luck with your thinking. Well, now that the discussion has broken down, I think it's time for me to leave.

The men surrounding Gilmas don't seem to be planning to attack. I was worried myself about what would happen in the middle of the meeting, but I'm glad things didn't turn out to be that serious. I have to say one last thing to the adventurers.

"Adventurers, I'm a vindictive person, and I will not hesitate to join the Adventurers' Guild if you are hostile to me. If you see me in the labyrinth, please be careful.

He looks around at the adventurers. I don't mean to do anything, but I'm sure that some of the adventurers will be in trouble if they know where I am. In fact, they are trying very hard not to make eye contact with me.

Well, I guess I'd better go home....... Well, I wonder if I should just go home now, after they tried to kill me....... I'd like to cause a little more trouble. If I ask Sylphy, the Adventurers' Guild will be blown to pieces, so I'll ask Dolly.

(Dolly. Can you fill the Adventurers' Guild with plants so people don't die?)

"Yes, you can. Which do you prefer, regular plants or plants with spikes?"

Dolly smiles and says scary things. I feel like I've seen a new side of Dolly today.

(...... with spikes, please. (Oh, and Guilmas and Ertina, please be sure to get them separately.)

"Yes, sir."

Dolly waved her hand and plants sprouted from everywhere in the Adventurers' Guild. We leave the Adventurers' Guild with screams and angry voices at our backs. I can hear Gilmas and Eltina's voices. It seems I've been stung by a thorn.

Oh, .................. Eunice was in the Adventurers' Guild, too. Is that bad? Well, it's a little late for that. Good luck to Yunis. 

But ...... pfft, that many adventurers were watching. Word of today will spread fast. You can stay in the labyrinth city if you want, but it would be more interesting if you disappear.

The reason for my disappearance and the plans of the Adventurers' Guild. The anger of those who wanted the materials after the 50th layer. The Adventurers' Guild may be in turmoil. Or maybe they're already in turmoil. With all this commotion, Guillmas will not get away with it. If Guillmas gets mad and sends assassins or something, we'll have a hard time finding them.

But since you're no longer an adventurer, you'll need a new identity. Hmm? Am I now a criminal? Well, I guess it's a bit tricky to determine if you are a criminal if you are hostile to the Adventurers' Guild.

Except for the last plant, there is no reason to be a criminal, but I wonder if it was unnecessary to fill the Adventurers' Guild with plants. I was feeling good, so I may have gotten a little carried away.

...... should have at least chosen one without spikes. I don't want to be wanted all over the country. At worst, I can get into the city by flying even if I don't have an ID card, and it's only a problem if I can't get into the labyrinth, but it doesn't make me feel comfortable. I'll talk to Marie about it before I go to pick up the others.

(Sylphy, Dolly. Thanks for today. I had a good time, but maybe I overdid it a bit.)

"Well, I'd say I had a good time too, but can't you just make Yuta look like the villain?"

It's true that I was more of a villain in today's discussion. I have a longing to be on the side of justice, but my personality gets worse when I'm dealing with the Adventurers Guild. I'll just reflect on that. I don't know if I'll ever get better. 

"It was quite a spectacular comedy. They attacked us, so I don't mind that they attacked us."

Dolly's still bitter.

"Ha, well, since things turned out this way, I just wanted to go talk to Marie before I leave. Is everything okay?"

He smiles and fakes it, and changes the subject to something else.

"Fine. We don't know a lot about people's rules, and we need to."

Sylphy and Dolly nodded, so we changed our destination and went to see Marie. I hope she will give us some good ideas. But it's no good to get carried away. If we had pulled out when Gilmas's plan was defeated, we wouldn't have lost our adventurer status. ...... I still think we went a little too far.

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