Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:27:35 AM

Chapter 172: - Episode 170 Please

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I met up with Gina and arrived at the Adventurers' Guild. As we entered the guild, we were met with a lot of stares, but it was much better than when we were in the previous guild. Just the fact that there were fewer contemptuous and resentful stares made a big difference.

"They're staring at me like crazy, aren't they?"

Gina wonders at the gathering gazes. Sarah and the others are very proud. Kikka and Gina are also asking, "What's wrong, Gina-chan? He tilts his head.

The kids are getting a lot more brazen. I've tried to keep them out of harm's way as much as possible, but now that they don't fight anymore, was it a bad idea to bring them to the Adventurers' Guild? I thought it was a social lesson to some extent, but it's hard.

"Well, I've been through a lot."

When I answered him, he thought for a moment whether he remembered the rumor about me or not, and then nodded his head in agreement. It was sad to hear that he could easily recognize me.

"Don't worry, I won't get into a fight with you. I'll register Gina in the guild first.


He takes Gina to the counter with him, who answers lightly, as if she has some guts.

Excuse me, I need you to register her. Also, I'd like to talk to Guillmas for a moment, could you see if you can get me some time?"

"Awe, sir."

The receptionist accepts with a smile. Yes, that's how it's usually done. I missed Ertina's expressionless face a little, but I was glad to see her smile. The receptionist sends the staff behind her to Gilmas. Quick response.

Gina's registration process begins. Her job title is, of course, a psychic. The receptionist is a bit jumpy, but registers Gina without saying a word. 

"Gina-san, are you sure that you are going to join Yuta-san's party, the best spiritist party?

Gina looked back at me and said, "Seriously? He has a look on his face.

"What kind of party name is that?

He put my feelings into words. It's a little hurtful, but I understand how he feels.

"Well, I gave it to them in the heat of the moment when I got into trouble with the guild, but it's easy to understand, isn't it? Let's do our best to spread the word to the cold world that the necromancer is the most powerful."

"...... No, I know what you mean, but isn't that too direct?"

"What are you talking about, Gina? What are you talking about, Gina? Right, master?

Marco follows up, but I'm at a loss for a response since I didn't put it on because I thought it was cool myself.

"Oh, yeah, well, that's what it means, so bear with me."

"Oh, yeah, okay."

Gina read the air and agreed with me. Thank God.

I'll take care of it.

The receptionist, a young woman, takes care of the procedure. It is now decided that Gina will join the strongest of the spiritists. While I was watching the procedure, a lady who looked like Gilmas's secretary came toward me.

Yuta-san, it's been a while. The master would like to meet you. We can arrange a seat for you in the hall, but where would you like to meet?

Ah, I see. ...... I told you I don't like to discuss things behind closed doors. But I don't want to have a normal discussion in the hall of the Adventurers' Guild every time, and since we're asking for an escort this time, it would be better if other people don't know about it.

No, I'm going to talk to Guillmas as usual. Can you show me the way?

"Yes, sir, this way, please."

The secretary-like lady looked a little surprised. She didn't expect me to talk to her normally, treating me like a tumor.

"Oh, wait a minute."

I put down the guild registration fee and tell Gina, Sara, and the others that after they finish the formalities, they should go to the store to see if they can find any swimsuits or anything else they want and kill some time. There is no danger that they might make a few extra moves, but with Dolly around, I think they'll be fine. I smile and nod at Dolly, which reassures me.

"Thank you for waiting. Please come in."

A secretary-like lady leads me to the back with Sylphy. ......This is the place where we had a trouble with the former Guilmouth last time. The new Guilmouth seems to be using the same room.


"Yuta-dono, the wings of the labyrinth and Muscle Star returned last night."

Guilmouth greeted me in a good mood. It was only natural, since we were now on the verge of obtaining the materials for the 50th layer and beyond.

"Did you have any problems?"

"Yes, the report said that there are many demons in the mountains from the 56th layer and it takes time to move around, but the search itself is not a problem.

Numbers are strength. Once they find you, they come out in droves, so it will certainly be difficult.

"I see. Then I guess I've fulfilled my promise, haven't I?

If they say no, I'm not convinced, but I'll check.

"Yes, no problem. So, I remember your promise that the Adventurers' Guild will not make a request to Yuta, but ...... are you in the mood to take a few more adventurers to the 50th level and beyond? Of course, the rewards are bountiful. Also, I have received reports that you can fly, and there are good jobs for you with that ability. I would appreciate it if you would keep that in mind.

...... not requested, but asked me how I was feeling. I guess this is not a breach of promise ....... It's just forced. And I'm not happy that my uncle is happy.

"I'm not in the mood. So, you see, I'm here today because I have a new apprentice, and she has a relative in the labyrinth city. I thought I'd let you know.

"...... That's what you want me to do, escort your family to the Adventurers' Guild?"

Guilmouth looks a bit troubled. You were with me at the signing, you know that, don't you? Acting?

"I don't know what the Adventurers' Guild would think, but you have a contract with them that they will send a skilled escort for you. I came to tell them that if they didn't know, they wouldn't be able to take any countermeasures. Or do you think that now that the wings of the labyrinth and Muscle Star have broken through the fifty layers, you don't need to keep your contract?"

I shake my head from side to side. I want to lightly spread my hands and shrug my shoulders, but that seems like overkill.

"Hmmm, Yuta, you sound sarcastic. But the way you're talking so strong is a little too forced and awkward. You were a little better at this when you were with Guillmas before, what's wrong?"

Sylphy gives me a shove. She seems to be having a good time. In the last Guilmas, I didn't like my opponent, so I just came on strong. Now Gilmas, it's hard for me to be bossy because I didn't have any trouble with him.

"No, no, but the Adventurers' Guild has a limited number of staff, so if you keep adding apprentices, it will become difficult to deal with them. ......"

Gilmouth says, wiping sweat from his face. Well, I guess he knows what he's doing and is pretending to be confused. He seems to be thinking that if he accepts the job casually, he might have a problem.

"Don't worry about that. I don't plan to increase the number of disciples rapidly, and I'm not that popular.

Sad to say it myself, but I'm not the type to aim for a hundred friends. I do intend to increase the number of proper spiritists, but there are not many people with the right qualifications, and unless we start a school, the number will not increase all at once.

If that's the case, the Adventurers' Guild can handle it.

Now that we have signed the contract, we should use what we can. We have to draw a line between the two, because it would be troublesome to go too far and return to a bad relationship.

I see. Thank you very much. Well, now that I'm done, I'll leave you to it.

"Oh, Yuta, please wait a moment. I reported Viscount Galli to the Grand Master and protested to the kingdom. I'm sure he will be punished in some way, but please take care of yourself for the time being.

Come to think of it, there was a father-son problem with Gulli. I guess we haven't heard anything about the Marquis and the Viscount going missing yet. Will we get it today? They will almost certainly suspect me, but I guess it will depend on what the Adventurers Guild does with me.

If they choose to be hostile to me, they will make a fuss about my suspicions, and if they choose not to be hostile, they will remain silent. Well, it's an organization, so I guess they'll take measures so that they can turn either way without going to the extremes.

Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you very much. Now if you'll excuse me."

He bows to Guilmouth and leaves the room. The secretary-like lady takes me back to the hall. The guild seemed to want a bit of cooperation from the Adventurers' Guild, but for the most part, everything went smoothly. I guess I can rest at least a little easier now.

The hard part is that Pete and Daniela might think that I'm valuable as a hostage by asking them to escort me, but it's hard to do nothing because it's also a problem.

Now, if you'll excuse me."

"Oh, thank you very much for the tour."

I say goodbye to the secretary-like lady, and head for the concession stand under her watchful eye. What kind of swimsuits do they have?

"Did you find any good swimsuits?"

I find Sara and her friends standing around talking to each other and call out to them.

"Master, I found some swimsuits, but they only have adult sizes, so if you want to buy one, you have to have it sized.

Sarah reports back to me. It's the Adventurer's Guild store, and she said the clothes were for exploring the watery area. They certainly don't have children's sizes.

"Does it take time to get them sized?"

"No, they are of simple construction, so it shouldn't take too long."

"Then there is no problem. If you find a swimsuit you like, I'll buy it. I'll pick out a bathing suit too, so you guys can get it sized up first.

At my words, each of them picks up a swimsuit and heads for the counter. The swimsuit section is for exploration only, and I am disappointed to find that there is not a single revealing swimsuit in the section. I wouldn't call them bikinis, but I would have liked something a little more revealing.

We see men's swimsuits. What kind of material is it? It's shiny and rubbery. Is there rubber in this world?

"Master, what's wrong?"

As I was wondering, Marco approached me.

"Oh, Marco, did you get it sized yet?"

"Yeah, I'm only wearing pants, so it didn't take long. So what was your teacher worried about?"

It looks like he chose a simple shorts-type swimsuit, so it will certainly be quicker.

"I was wondering what the fabric of this swimsuit is, since it has a strange texture. Does Marco know?"

"He said he was trying to cover the skin of a giant toad. He said it's perfect for a swimsuit because it repels water and has elasticity. He said he wanted it a little smaller.

"Oh, I see. Thank you, Marco."

He thanks Marco, patting him on the head. I kinda hate that giant frog skin or ...... something. Do I have to use my trunks? I'm not sure if I should wear normal pants when Gina is here too, or if it would be a case of s*xual harassment.

I'll just give up and choose a regular knee-length swimsuit like a pair of spats. I don't like the way it feels, like it's going to stick to my skin, but I'll just have to live with it at this point.

When I pay the bill, I find that the price is surprisingly high because of the material of the demon. Especially women's swimsuits are three times as expensive as men's ones because of the amount of cloth used and the many processes involved. I'm a bit intimidated by the price of 30,000 yen for a swimsuit, even if it is not a brand name one.

All that's left to do in the labyrinth city is to meet up with Belle and the others, and stop by the general store and the weapons shop. Let's make it quick and go to the village to buy some birds.

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