Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:22:44 AM

Chapter 284: - 282 restaurants.

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Pre-opening of the village of spirits. After smoothly exchanging money at the money changer for the missing spirit stones, I headed for the cafeteria with an army of happy little kids in tow. It is a fast-food style diner, and Bell was able to place his order without incident. A few problems came to light, but it was an important part of the rehearsal. Let's make sure we understand the problems so we can take advantage of them in the future.

Belle has successfully completed her order and is happily looking at the number slip given to her after she came to report her order.

She is repeating "First come, first served" over and over again, so we can be sure that she will receive the food.

Following Bell, Rain and the others are listening to Onyx's story and are seriously observing the menu and choosing their dishes. Rain, too, seems to have decided on a menu and is excitedly tapping the menu picture with his fin.

"Hmm, the grilled fish set meal. I'll make it a one-plate set so that it's easier to eat. The bill is 500 elt.

Rain ...... was so excited about the grilled fish set meal. I serve grilled fish quite often at home, so the taste should be pretty much the same. ...... Well, I guess the environment changes, so does the taste.

Lane gave Onyx the whole bag of cloth. Onyx takes out the five coppers in a visible manner and gives them back to Rain. I wonder if the way of serving and receiving the money is different depending on the appearance of the spirits.

I have a lot of thoughts about this, but the order is proceeding smoothly ......, but then Dineh speaks up. I was a little worried because she was so nervous, but now she started to make a fuss.

"Yuta, we're out of alcohol! I'm so sad, Sis!"

I thought that's what you meant. But why are you saying it out loud to me? You have Onyx right in front of you. ...... even Deanne can't be selfish with her juniors? So, maybe Deane's standard is that contractors should have no problem with that. Also, Nomos and If, please don't be disappointed when you hear that there is no alcohol.

"It's a diner."

"But they serve alcohol in the town cafeteria. I know that!"

Dineh, who, like Belle, has a hard-working air about her. Have they learned that I'm weak against Belle and her friends? But if it's Dine, I think I'm more likely to lose if she comes on to me in a s*xy way.

"A town is a town, a village of spirits is a village of spirits. Let's wait until the bar is ready.


I sounded like a mother, which is just as well since Dine is puffing up her cheeks like a child.

"Look, if we don't order soon, the nomos won't be able to order. Hurry up!"

Dine reluctantly returns to order. Somehow I have a feeling that the construction of the bar will be accelerated.

"The oak bowl set meal is ready! Come and get it, Mr. Ichiban!"


Bell, who had been waiting to hear Ruby's voice, charges at high speed. It's okay since we're the only ones here today, but next time you'd better be careful to fly slowly inside the restaurant.

If you are carrying a dish or something, you might hit them without being able to avoid them even if you usually don't. A new problem, which I will propose to the meeting tonight. It may sound like "don't run in the hallway," but it is important.

"Yuta, it's coming!"

Oh, the sight of Bell carrying an oak-don set meal on a tray is unstable and makes me nervous. Was the fast-food style a bit of a failure? As we watched on with nervous anticipation, Bell finished carrying the oak-don set meal onto the table without incident.

Bell himself was probably nervous, as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm, showing that he had done his job. This kind of work could be a part of the fun.

"Belle, you can eat first."

"What's up, guys?"

Belle tilts her head and asks a question. I guess it's strange because we usually start eating at the same time.

"At a restaurant, the food comes out unevenly, so if you wait, it gets cold. If it gets cold, I feel bad for Ruby who made it hot, so you can eat it first.

Belle nodded in agreement. With a great man, we have to wait, but with a genie, we don't have to, so we may as well eat.

"Bel, eat well!"

Bell grasps his fork with a strong effort. Around her, the little ones are getting antsy, wanting to be called up as soon as possible. It's quite an interesting scene. Oops, I'm going to miss breakfast if I don't order something too.

The grilled fish set meal is ready! Come and get it, Mr. Niban!"

Rain charges in at Ruby's call. ...... Huh? How does Lane carry the set meal? Curious, I approach where Ruby and Rain are talking.

"If it's too hard for you to carry it by yourself, you can ask Onyx or use this kitchen wagon. What about Rain?"


Rain points with his right flipper at the kitchen wagon with a snap. You want to carry it yourself. But a kitchen wagon... ...... I'm surprised you came up with that idea. It's a combination of wood, or did Emme make it?

It is not painted, but looks like a wagon with wooden wheels, like those used in the West for tea ceremonies of aristocrats. Perhaps something similar is used in this world.

"We only have three of them, so I want you to return them to me when you're done with them.

Rain nods at Ruby's words and pushes the kitchen wagon with great enthusiasm. I feel uncomfortable that the kitchen wagon is carrying a set meal of grilled fish, but this is a different world, so I think there is no problem. It's a little too late for that now, since the one pushing the kitchen wagon is a flying dolphin.

If we carry it to the table, the spirits around us will put the food on the table. Oh, the table and the kitchen wagon seem to be at the same height, which means that the trays can be pushed out and the food can be placed on the table. ...... Well thought out. My impression of Ruby and her friends has changed drastically in this diner. They are indeed advanced spirits.

As I was looking at them with admiration, Flair was glued to the kitchen wagon that Rain was pushing. Flare is observing the kitchen wagon while flitting around Rain enviously. At this rate, Flare will probably use the kitchen wagon even if he can carry the food by himself.

Oh no, I have to order breakfast. Everyone has a number tag except me, which means I'm the only one who hasn't ordered. I rush to the counter and ask Onyx to show me the menu.

......They are much better drawings than I had imagined. I guess Saffy painted this picture, but it is realistic and captures the characteristics of the food well. It's a pity that it's in black and white. I wonder where she got this skill. ...... I'll ask Saffie later.

"Yuta's brother?"

"Oh, sorry. I was just admiring your drawings."

"Oh, my God, Saffy will be so happy."

Onyx, please don't say "oh my God" when you look like you're in middle school. You're making me nervous. Let's just decide what we're going to eat. I'm not in the mood for meat today. I'll have the same grilled fish set meal as Rain.

...... I'm craving natto. I have soybeans and if Vita knows how to make natto, she can make it. But without soy sauce, I can't enjoy the taste of natto perfectly. If possible, I'd like to add some mustard and green onions too. ...... Like the tofu, this will have to wait until the soy sauce is ready.

I order the grilled fish set meal at Onyx, pay for it, and receive a number tag. This process is smooth. When there are no more customers to order, Onyx helps in the kitchen and serves the food. ...... Do you think the two of them can manage to run the cafeteria?

Emme and the others may be able to help out depending on the number of customers, but we have to think about the time of the shift. It might be a good idea to stagger the hours to reduce the number of customers coming to the cafeteria all at once, or to close the other restaurants temporarily during meal times.


"I ate at the store..." "Cue" "It was delicious" "Cooooo" "Next time I'm going to eat some fish!" ............"

"It's fun to pay to eat. If the restaurant is open and you have money, you can come and eat whenever you feel like it. If there was alcohol, it would be great. We must hurry up and build a bar!

Yes, let's increase the number of people in the bars. If the bar is open all day long, we can have a drink whenever we have time.

"Of course, I can be the owner if you want!

"I'm all for it, sister!"

The smiling Belle and her friends are already shifting their attention from the diner to the bar, and Nomos, Sylphy, If, and Dine are already there. Dolly and Vita are nodding their heads, so I guess they are of the same opinion. If we let the spirits have their way, the bar will become a hangout.

I feel that it is okay to leave them alone since they are not going to get sick, but I have a feeling that it would be a terrible thing if we did that. Spirits will gather without knowing and the bar will be expanded, or the office of the spirit kings will be built. .......

I suggest that we set a limit on the amount of money that can be exchanged at the exchange booths. There seems to be a lot of resistance in this area, but we should challenge them with dignity as the lord of paradise.

I feel slightly tired, so I watch the exchange between Gina and Fukuchan to relieve my mind. Fukuchan are trying their best to make appeals with their squeals and body language, and Gina and Gina are listening to Fukuchan with smiles on their faces.

Kikka also accepts Mame-chan's pampering behavior with kind eyes, and she seems to be feeling like a big sister. By the way, Sara seems to be having a hard time listening to FUKU-chan and PURU-chan from both sides.

But that's how much fun it was to have dinner at the cafeteria. Belle and Fukuchan, who are used to eating meals, are that excited. I'm sure the kids who come to play will be happy too. ...... I'm a little afraid to imagine what will happen. ...... I think it's time to go to the next store.

"Maybe a grocery store next."

"You should probably go to the inn first before you go to the general store."

I mumbled something and Onyx spoke to me, as if she could hear me.

"The inn first? Why?"

"Hmm, we'll see when we get there."

...... says Onyx with a mischievous look on her face. I don't know about you, but Ruby and the boys are taking care of the store. I'll do as you say.

"Next," Onyx says, "I'll go to the inn and rent a room like Onyx said ...... and rent a bed for Belle and Fuchu and the kids.

There was no room at the children's inn, was there? But Saffy said he had worked on the inn, and Onyx seems to be confident about it. Let's hope.

Belle and Fuchu are happy to stay at the inn on their own, and are making a fuss. Maybe it's not quite the same, but maybe it's like going to a friend's house to stay over when you were a kid.

When I was in elementary and junior high school, it was a very exciting event for me. As I grew up, going to a friend's house for a sleepover was not such a big event ...... and I strongly recognized that I was getting old. I'll have fun with the belles and keep my mind young.

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