Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:21:46 AM

Chapter 314: - 三百十二話 ベリルの宝石

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After the war at Mr. Blast's place was over and the injured man's treatment was finished, I declined the invitation to the banquet and went straight to the clothing store. The manager said I should pay more attention to accessories. I want to be popular.

"Is this too flashy?"

I show the manager my bracelet, which looks like a bracelet with large gemstones in gold or a bracelet that might be effective for muscle training.

"I don't think it's flashy, or something that looks like it belongs in the treasury of a royal palace. ......"

I thought it was pretty fancy, but it's a royal treasury class item. Well, it's a treasure from the depths of the labyrinth, so it's not surprising that it's worth that much. It's too valuable to be useful, though.

How about this necklace with a big jewel on it?

That's for women. And the gems on it are too big.

Hmm, it's difficult. What am I supposed to do? Jewelry that can't be worn to the best clubs in King's Landing doesn't make sense. Is it for royalty or aristocrats' parties or something?

"In the meantime, please put these items back in your bags. They are too expensive to use. These are items that royalty and the highest nobility wear on their big day. You'll be rather noticed if you wear them in your daily life. I mean, why do you really have so many of these things?

The treasures are selected and shaved off by the manager, who looks half mad. The majority of the treasures taken out with great enthusiasm were apparently unusable. I had heard that in Japan, wearing a luxury watch to a bar makes you more popular, but in the case of jewelry, you have to consider TPO.

"For now, please don't worry about my status or anything like that. So, about the ornaments, which ones are okay in the end? Every single one that's left now?"

I don't mind being called a rich man if it makes me popular.

"No, the women who work at Beryl's Jewelry are first-class connoisseurs, but they are also intellectuals with a variety of insights. Having money is an important part of the charm, but it is not considered vulgar to show off your money in such a blatant manner. In Beryl's jewelry store, it is natural to have money, but it is also important to be chic and to be able to carry on a good conversation.

......What's that? It's hard to tell. It's not what I imagined a bar to be like. Probably, it's not the kind of place where you are entertained in a luxurious room.

What do you mean by "stylishly mellow conversation"? It's not just a matter of talking about economics like an intellectual, is it? I am a little down, but I have no choice but not to go there. I'll just go and have fun and see if it fits my skin or not.

"I don't know anymore, so just pick the right one."

Maybe it's a world of shame for me, a fashion-weak guy, to put so much effort into it. I'll leave it to the professionals.


"Hello. I'm sure this won't be a problem!"

Me proudly talking to the guard of Beryl's Jewelry. Yesterday he stopped me and thought I was here looking for a job, but today I'm fully dressed and have an appointment. Perfect.

"Yes, yes, you look regal. But ......"

Huh? The guard looks at me like he's having a hard time saying something. Is there something wrong with the coordination of the manager of the clothing store?

"Um, did I do something wrong?"

"I see you're not familiar with this kind of store ....... I don't mean to be rude, but may I give you a heads up?"

A guard makes a statement with a sense of trepidation. He stopped me yesterday, but he seemed to be a nice guy. If you have any advice, I'd like to hear it.


"Yes, sir. Well, if you're going to use an upscale restaurant in such a manner, you'll need a carriage."

...... I see, you are right. I've been on foot basically since I came to the other world, except for when Sylphy carries me, so it had slipped my mind.

"Thank you for your advice. Anyway, may I come in today?"

When I saw the horse-drawn carriages running around, I never thought of using them myself. Where would I rent a carriage in the first place? Before that, the people who come to these stores seem to have their own horse-drawn carriages. It would be hard for them to rent or buy a carriage now.

Please come in.

A guard opens the door. Thank God we weren't turned away. Once inside, I was greeted by the manager, Mr. Giannino. ...... Am I the only one who feels more like a guard than a welcome?

"Come on in."

After saying hello, Mr. Jannino leads us through the store.

"...... Um, why haven't I seen anyone? Any other customers?"

"Our private rooms are designed so that you don't have to worry about being seen by other customers.

I wonder people in positions of power come here to play in secret. And I'm isolated because I have a dagger that's too dangerous to ignore, even though I'm not entirely trustworthy. That makes sense. I would say that it doesn't matter what I'm wearing if I'm quarantined, but I know how Mr. Jannino feels, so I'll just shut up and obey him.


"Oh, are you nervous?"

"Yeah, yeah, well, a little bit?"

Mr. Jannino led me into a luxurious room where I was greeted by two beautiful women. But I shouldn't have been so nervous, since I am used to our great spirits when it comes to beautiful women. I shouldn't be nervous, but as expected of the ladies of the finest club in the city,......, I felt a raw s*xuality that I had never felt from Sylphy and the others.

The room is gorgeous but without a trace of vulgarity. They are dressed in sparkling dresses, and their grooming is impeccable. A faint scent of perfume. Two beautiful women smiling gracefully. I'm fine sitting down, but if I had stood up, my legs would have been shaking like a fawn. ...... Yes, I'm nervous to the max.

Jannino told me that it would be just the two of us but he could add more girls. For a moment I wanted to be pampered by a big group of girls, but considering where I am now, I would have been too scared to do that.

"Well, would you like something to drink to help you relax?"

Yes, you're right. I'm so nervous that I know I'm nervous, so let's have a drink to release the tension. A toast with ale is not the way to go in a place like this.

"Well, a glass of white wine, please.

Floating in the air as if in a fever, I order my drink and chug it down in one gulp. I know that chugging is not really in keeping with the atmosphere of the restaurant, but I ask for forgiveness because I'm trying to relax.

Whew, I feel a little more relaxed now that I've had some alcohol. On second thought, getting banned from this place is not going to kill me. It's just that the exclusive clubs don't suit my skin. Let's just have a good time.

Thinking of this, my fluffy feeling calmed down, and my hazy vision became clearer. I feel a little desperate, but it's better than being nervous all the time.

"I've calmed down. I'm sorry I'm the only one drinking. You two are free to drink as you please.

"Yes, I'll take it."

"Please, come in, um, ......"

"You can call me Chris."

Chris smiles gracefully and tells me his name. She is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and s*xy lady with crying brow. I'm probably older than her. After Chris-san introduces herself, another person introduces herself.

Romina, they say. Long silver hair and silver eyes. She's a cool beauty, like a queen of ice. She's kind of a stylish Scandinavian beauty. I don't think she's human. She looks different from her succubus sister, but she might be a demon. She is a beautiful woman of the other world.

Both of them work in the best club in the city, and they are attractive in their own ways, but maybe because I went to a place where size is justice last night, I feel that the symbolic part of motherhood is lacking. They both seem to be big enough, so the aftereffects are showing up in strange places.

"Call me Taro. I've never been to an upscale restaurant before, so if I do anything strange, you'll have to warn me.

I was completely taken aback by the atmosphere right from the start, so I decided not to play it cool. And let's not use honorifics either. I have a feeling that if I use honorifics with these people, I'm going to be too much of a loser and embarrass myself even more.


For some reason, Romina, a cool beauty with silver hair, laughed at me when I told the truth. Did I say something funny right away? I look at Ms. Romina curiously.

"Ha-ha-ha, yes, I'm sorry, Taro-sama."

Like what? ......I remember that many important people come to this restaurant. So, maybe "like" is the default.

"I don't mind if you laugh, but what's so funny?"

The fact that the calm Romina-san laughed made me feel more at ease, and I really don't mind, but I am curious about the reason why she laughed.

"Hmmm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make fun of you, Taro-sama. But your first time at a fancy restaurant alone at Beryl's Jewelry ......, I wonder how that happened?"

Ah, I see...... normally you can't come to Beryl's Jewel, and when you come to this store for the first time, you usually come with someone because they introduced you. Well, I can't talk about all the highbrow stuff in this world, so I guess I'm lucky to have something to talk about.

"Ha-ha-ha, well, I wanted to have a drink at a nice place anyway, so I jumped into this place yesterday. But Mr. Jannino said I shouldn't be dressed like that, so I quickly tailored an outfit and did my best."

I'll talk about my hardships with a smug look on my face. It's definitely not the kind of story you'd tell in a fancy restaurant, but I'll try my best if you laugh at me. I feel like I'm being laughed at more than I'm making them laugh, but I don't care about that.

"Pfft, I can't do it anymore. That's why the manager looked so annoyed. It's a big deal to embarrass him.

I don't think it was that funny, but Ms. Romina started laughing hard. It seems that she has hit the nail on the head. She is laughing more than you would imagine from her cool appearance.

"Romina, calm down!

Chris seemed to think this was a bad idea and tried to calm Romina down. Hmmm, surely this kind of laughter is not allowed in a high-class restaurant? But in Japan, I imagine that they make you feel good by laughing with you at your uncle's silly stories. Well, it's not what I had imagined, but let's enjoy it.

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