Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:20:39 AM

Chapter 338: - 三百三十六話 恐怖?

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When we called If and entered the boss room of the 100th layer, a light dragon and a dark dragon were waiting for us, If this labyrinth continues, we may be able to find dragons of all attributes at some point. Well, I am concerned about that too, but the situation at hand is more important.

"Hey Sylphy. Ifu's yelling that she'll think about it after she hits him. And the dragons are speaking your language..."

Sylphy lets us hear If's cries in the wind and the conversation of the dragons. I don't know, but it's kind of a strange turn of events, isn't it?

"I guess ifs got messy trying to figure out how to leave the material behind. Oh, and attribute dragons have the intelligence to talk, remember?"

"......I understand the iff situation. I'm a little worried about the material, but it's not a problem. But the fire dragon didn't talk."

"You killed the fire dragon before I could talk to you."

"...... I see."

Come to think of it, Sylphy lost his head pretty quick. I think he would have noticed if he had a chance to talk to her before the fight, but it would have been better if he had talked to her before the fight, since it would have made it harder for him to defeat her.

No, since they said in their conversation that killing me is a competition, it won't make it harder to beat them. I hope they'll be killed quietly.

"Oh, the dragons are still talking to each other and If sets them off. Is that possible?

While the dragons were arguing about whether I would win or not, If swooped in and punched the light dragon in the side.

"Of course it's okay! It's your fault for being so carefree in your conversation when the battle has already started. Besides, these dragons have almost no experience, so they are taking If for granted. They probably think they can't lose because their scales are only lightly scorched, but it's so unpleasant.

Sylphy looks at me with a warm look on her face. ...... I was kind of in the mood to watch Sunday morning special effects, so I was surprised at the attack during the dialogue, but now we are in the middle of a normal battle.

And Sylphy seems to be displeased with the attitude of the dragons who are being so careless. Well, it seems that they don't know that they're dealing with a great spirit, so it can't be helped.

"Hey, boys, it's time to train them! Come and get it!"

If, who has just punched a light dragon, speaks up as if to cut off his pretense. No, the light dragons can't hear If's words.

"You little bastards! ......"

...... attribute dragons can't hear you, but Bell and his friends can. Yes, ifs actions and attacks are cool and heroic, but their dialogues are not good for education. Especially when he says, with a twinkle in his eye, "This is awesome!" I'm sure that the little girl who is screaming, "I'm training you," is going to throw in the "I'm training you" line at the oddest moment. Just be prepared.

"Hmm, you're a pungent fly. Well, it's no fun to crush unprovoked prey. You'd do well to defend your master."

Light Dragon, who had been beaten up by If, makes a remark as if he were making fun of If.

"Well, it's no fun for me to settle things so quickly either. You just hang in there, spirit. If you're too warm, I'll use my power to control you.

The dark dragons have plenty of time. Come to think of it, dark dragons have powers related to the mind. The Dark Dragon's equipment that I gave to Gina should have had such an effect.

"Sylphy, do you think there's any chance that I could be manipulated? Can the wind wall also protect against magic related to the mind?"

If there is a possibility of being manipulated, I feel bad for Ifu who is having fun, but I hope you can take him down quickly.

"Don't worry. If the magic doesn't reach Yuta, he can't be manipulated. And a dark dragon is not strong enough to overcome my wind wall.

Sylphy says confidently. It seems to be all right for sure." I can control it, can't I?" They are trying to be cool, but it doesn't really work.

...... would be a total black mark if it turned out that way. If it were me, I'd be rolling around in agony, but since dark dragons are so kitchen geeky and have mind-related powers, I'm not sure I'd be okay with that.

At any rate, these dragons have plenty of time to spare. If is suppressing its power for the sake of materials, but it seems to think that this makes it no match for them. Maybe their extended noses will be smashed off. Perhaps the fire dragon was happier to be vanquished in an instant.

"Well, let's get started!"


The dragons flew up with flapping wings and attacked us. As if in a race, the light and dark dragons came at each other as if to push each other away.

"It's a race!"

If kicks the light dragon in the side and it falls to the ground, engulfing the dark dragon.

"Bah, no way!"

A light dragon makes a scowling sound. Ifu must have raised the temperature of the fire, for it has pierced one of the scales on its cheek, leaving a black hole. Thankfully, the burnt flesh does not bleed, which is not grotesque.

"Well, this much fire is enough to burn only a part of the flesh. Come on, boys, we've made our adjustments. Get fired up and get to work!

"...... Hey Sylphy. I feel like I'm talking to myself, should I translate ifs words?"

It's a waste of time to provoke people who don't get it.

"If is not trying to tell you anything, so you don't have to. He's just trying to make himself feel better."

In that case, I'm not sure if it would dampen the mood if I interrupted you to translate.

Don't you dare!

Oh, with a word, the dark dragon unleashed a black breath on If. It looks cool, like a black beam, not spreading over the whole area but converging.

Ifu turns his right hand to the black beam and intercepts it with a similar beam of fire. The black beam should not do any damage, but IF seems to be enjoying it as much as possible.

The black beam and the red beam push against each other and explode. I and Bell and the others are excited by this spectacular battle. I don't know if If is aware of it, but he knows how to show off his fighting skills.

Dark Dragon is stunned when his black beam is canceled out. I guess it's his lack of experience in battle that he is stunned by such an unexpected result. The comfort of a spectator allows him to think like a commentator.

"Don't just stand there!"

If drops a fistbone on the dark dragon's head. Well, "fistbone" is a bit of a lukewarm word. I mean, don't the scales go right through the skull? You're usually dead, aren't you? And if you are a light dragon, you can also drop a fistbone on a light dragon who was stunned together with you. A dark dragon and a light dragon flailing in pain.

It's like bullying the weak at this point. is this? They are the enemy, the boss of the labyrinth, so defeating them is not a problem. However, it may seem cruel because it is like a cat lashing a mouse.

Or maybe they forget that they have to aim at me to win. You said yourself that the attack won't work on a genie. You knew that defeating me, the contractor, was the only way to win. You can't be distracted by ifs just because you're being attacked.

I'm not happy that I'm being attacked, but it's also sad when a dragon is about to destroy itself. I hope that they will have a meaningful defeat, not a meaningless one.

I can't beat this dragon, so please be cool about it! I believe that Sylphy will definitely protect them, so I irresponsibly support them.

"Kuh, dark, match!"

"Oh, oh."

The light dragon calls out to the dark dragon, and a white beam and a black beam strike IF.

"Ame yo!"

If also produces two red beams from both hands to counter the two black and white beams.

"You idiot!"

Oops! The dark dragon stops his breath and jumps at us. I was a feint to match the light dragon's breath.

With a reptilian face, but with a face that surely shows its delight, the dark dragon swings its huge right hand at me. I swung my right hand out and it bounced off Sylphy's wall of wind.

"If, I understand that you are enjoying your first battle in a long time, but what about letting your guard down and being outclassed by the enemy? If you want to limit your power and fight as equals to some extent, that's fine, but at the very least, fight seriously as a matter of courtesy."

Sylphy's calm voice echoed through the arena in the sky. Although she does not raise her voice, her voice is powerful enough to make us say whether or not we want to hear her voice.

"Yuta ......"

Belles are clinging to my back. Yeah, now Sylphy is super scary. Mentally, I want to stroke them and calm down, but I'm not in the mood for that right now, so I turn off my attention and become nothing. I'm also concerned about the dark dragon who is surprised to see his right hand bouncing off the wind wall, but I can't get involved in that right now. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'll fight you."

If is also intimidated by Sylphy's power. His usual confident predator power is gone, and I can see a small animal behind him. I think that the opponent was so careless that it's okay for Ifu to play with him, but I can't say anything. Good luck, IF.


"Well, I'm going back."

When the battle was over, If asked me to repatriate him and he quickly returned to paradise.

"You know, iff's fault is that he enjoys fighting too much, even though he can do it properly. Yuta, the next time If gets careless, you can deport him without any questions.

"Yes, sir."

I reflexively salute. Please don't direct that calm intensity at me. But I understand a little of what Sylphy is trying to say.

After Sylphy's sermon, If's fight was really cool. It was a perfect fight where he thoroughly crushed the attacks and feints of the two dragons, who were never caught off-guard and never had a chance.

Well, the faces of the light and dark dragons were dyed with despair, and in the end, they broke down and mumbled "this is a dream". ...... Sylphy's sermon is about showing courtesy to the light and dark dragons, but it ends up knocking them down into despair, doesn't it? What about that part?

"What's wrong?"

Sylphy asks me if my doubts are showing on her face.

"No, no, you see, that's it... oh, before you know it, the first clear bonus treasure has appeared. You missed the scene where it appears this time, too, didn't you?

"Oh, yeah."

...... clear bonus, which is a shame because I was going to make sure to see a scene that would appear next time, but in a way it helped because I was able to divert the conversation. I was disappointed to see the next sure to appear scene, but it helped me in a way that I was able to divert from the story. Let's not be scared and get excited.

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