Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:20:29 AM

Chapter 345: - Episode 343 Departure

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After having Mr. Toruku cook for us, we say hello to Martha and leave the inn. I should go pick up Mer and Meral right away.

"Gina, can we not visit your parents before we leave?"

"I showed up yesterday with some orc meat and rough bird meat, so I'm fine. And I didn't even tell them I was leaving because I didn't want them to have to say goodbye. If I show up now, I probably won't make it home today.

You didn't even tell him you were coming home. I feel like I have no filial piety, but that dad's love seems heavy. I can't help it.

From my point of view and Sara's point of view, seeing my family is something to be envied, but it's strange that it seems like a lot of work instead of envy. It doesn't help that even Sarah and the others agree with me.

"Well, good luck with ......."

Gina nodded her head and said she would do her best. It must be hard to be Gina's husband.

"Osho-sama! You and Meru are going back together, aren't you!"

Kikka asks as she hops around me. It's the perfect mood when a friend comes to stay at your house.

"Yeah, we're going to paradise together now. We're going to live together and you're going to have lots of fun. But Mel wants to meet Meral, so don't interrupt them when they're talking about something."

"Yeah. Kikka was so happy when she met Mame. Mel-chan can finally meet Mearal-sama too, so Kikka don't bother her!"

Oh, a mature opinion from a little girl. This is what growing up is all about, isn't it? Marco is also impressed and praises Kikka a lot.

"Hmm, the way Marco praises Kikka is just like the way Yuta praises Belle and the others. I could really feel the saying that an apprentice is just like his master."

"...... Sylphy, am I like that?"

I'm just kind of loose all over my face, and I'm just kind of waddling around like I don't even care what people think. .......

"Marco's more of a kid, so that makes me smile. Yuta's is like that, if a stranger saw it, I think he would call the security guard."

This is the most shocking thing I've ever seen and it's tearing me up inside. I thought my image of him was that of a big brother who gently plays with children on holidays,...... or at least a father figure, but I never imagined he was at the level of being reported,...... that? Maybe the belles don't like it or something?

"Ha-ha-ha, don't be so down. It looks like a crime, but I know Yuta doesn't mean it. Bells are always coming to Yuta to praise him. They love you.

"Yes, that's right. I have nothing to be guilty of.

I'm relieved. I'm so relieved. Sylphy, thanks. ......? I think there's a technique of hitting the bottom and then saying kind words ...... like brainwashing or something like that. I wonder what Sylphy is trying to do to me?

"But we won't know for sure when Belle and the others grow up. You'll have to wait and see how they grow up, or they won't like you if you keep pampering them."

Does that mean rebellion is in the genie too? Don't do the laundry with them ...... No, there's cleaning magic, and they don't wash their clothes in the first place. You should not have to hear such a gut-wrenching line.

"Um, Sylphie. When do you think the timing is right for them to grow up? Do you still feel like you're in trouble now?"

"No, as long as you're a lower level spirit, you'll be fine as you are now. When you become a middle level spirit, you should treat them like adults.

I see, I wonder why ...... when you become a middle class spirit. I think it's because children's growth is supposed to be a joy, but I also want them to stay small forever.

"Do you know when Belle and the others will become intermediate level spirits? It's easier to grow up when you have a contract with a genie surgeon, right?" 

"Well, Yuta is staying in the sanctuary and has a close relationship with the spirits, so Belle and the others will grow up faster than the others, but it will still be a while before that. It's not that easy to become a middle level spirit. Around Yuta, Fuchu-chan and the others will definitely become lower level spirits first.

"Well, that's a relief."

Come to think of it, Meral also contracted with Mel's family for generations to become a middle class spirit. We have more time than we think. I'll do my best to pamper Belle and the others, while being careful not to get reported. By the way, Sylphy sure enjoys messing with me. I'm already tired before we leave.


"Yuta, you're here! I've been waiting for you!"

As we approached Mel's workshop, Meral flew in at great speed. It seems she couldn't wait to leave and was waiting outside for us to arrive.

"Meral, hello. Are you ready too, Mel?"

"Yes, I'm ready!"

Meral responds to me, skillfully avoiding the throngs of belles and fukes that flock to greet her. This is a middle level spirit, I guess once you become a middle level spirit you should be treated as an adult.

"Then I guess we can leave soon. Then let's stow Mel's stuff and get going.

"No, that's the thing... ...... Eunice is here."

Meral says a little awkwardly. Seriously ...... why can't we leave smoothly? After a bit of hesitation, I make up my mind and enter Meral's workshop.

"Mel, don't do this!"

"Eunice, I'm only going away for 10 days, I'll be back soon. Don't worry."

When I entered the house, a glamorous brown beauty was holding little Mel in her arms and whining. The situation is exactly as I imagined it would be. It's very hard to talk to her. Even Kikka, who is looking forward to meeting Mel, is puzzled and waiting to see what's going on.

"But I don't know if I'll be able to come back..." she says. Mel is a sweet girl!"

"Yunice-chan said she found out that her master is a great adventurer. How could such an honorable man lie?

No, I'm not respectable. I try to avoid outright lies as much as possible, but the last time I did that, I stormed into a night store in the Kingdom of Beryl without telling anyone. .......

"I understand that the guildmaster is a great guy. But he's going to take us to a secret place, right? Why would Mel have to go there? There's a labyrinth where you can train to be a necromancer. It's not normal to take him out of the workshop for 10 days."

I'm sorry you see me like that. Guildmasters are smug, mostly because of their personalities. The grandmaster had a very casual tone. It's not my fault.

"That's because I'm here to learn something very important from the necromancer that I can't train here at ....... I absolutely have to go."

"Well, I'll come with you."

"No. Master said it's a secret place. No matter how many times you tell her, she won't take me there.

That's right.

"Umm, then what do you want me to do?"

Don't say anything, just send Mel away.

"Oh, Master!"

They noticed. I wish he had noticed after Mel had convinced Eunice to go easy on him.

"Hey, uh, Yuta-san, please take me with you."

Eunice approached with Mel in her arms and bowed her head in a clumsy honorific. I'm feeling a lot of human growth today, ...... that she would bow to me in such a respectful manner after hating me so much. But I can't take him to paradise.

"Ah, I know how you feel, but I can't take anyone but my disciples there because it's a secret place. I'm sorry."

"Then I'll be your apprentice too!"

Oops, I got an unexpected answer. Even though there was a dispute, Eunice is a beast and a glamorous brown beauty. If she would be my disciple, that would be something to be excited about. But the fact that Sylphy didn't say anything about it suggests that Yunis doesn't have the talent of a genie.

"Yunis, even if you want to be my apprentice, you have to be able to sense the presence of spirits at least to be a genie..." she said. Do you know how many spirits are in this workshop now?"


Younis looks around the workshop with a desperate look on his face. Her chemo-ears are twitchy and cute, but if she couldn't figure it out before, she won't be able to even if she tries now. What if he can sense the spirit's presence because of his love and obsession for Mel?

"Ugh. I don't know."

I guess the miracle didn't happen. I feel so guilty about the teary-eyed beauties and such, but it's heartwarming to see Belle and the others, who noticed Yunis' tears, trying their best to comfort her even though they can't see her.

"That's the thing, you can't be an apprentice if you don't know the presence of a spirit."

"Well, what do I have to do to get you to take me there?"

Younis looks up at me with teary eyes. What's with the infantile look? It hurts me so much that I feel like I'm bullying you. It's not an easy place to get to, and I'm tempted to take him there, but ...... people can do almost anything when their desires are ignited.

I heard that the border line changed just because of the fruit of the genie tree, and if they find out that the genie tree is there, they will come here by any dirty ways. I've been trying my best to support myself by playing in the red light district at night. The desire is strong.

"I'm sorry. It's a really secret place. All I can promise you is that Mel will return it safely.

"Eunice, I'm glad you're worried about me, but as I said before, I have to tell you something important for me too. I'll come back safely, just wait for me. Please."

Hearing my words and Mel's, Eunice hugged Mel tightly and gave a small nod. I've enjoyed teasing you so far, but I'll be nice to you from now on. Maybe we should give Mel something as a souvenir.

For a moment, I thought about taking him to the 50th level or later, but if he's not up to it, he'll die, so I'd better not do that.

"Thank you, Yunice!"

Mel was happy that Yunice agreed, and they hugged each other tightly. I don't know, but I feel that girls are precious to each other. Now that I've seen some good things, I'd like to leave before Yunis changes her mind.

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