Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:19:51 AM

Chapter 358: - Episode 356. Communication is important.

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With some free time, I decided to play with Bell and his friends. I thought it would be a leisurely and peaceful time, but unexpectedly, I was faced with quite a few difficult questions. It is difficult to correct the direction of the game without hurting the little ones' feelings.

Belle and her friends are happily storing their treasures in the treasure chest. It is interesting to see how the little ones' personalities can be revealed through their tidying up. Belle is boldly stuffing her treasures into the treasure chest, while Flair is thinking about what to leave in the box. Tulu is already almost done with her cleaning because of her small amount of treasures.

Rain has a lot of vases, cups, and things that can hold water. The colors are mostly light blue, but like Flare, she also seems to be concerned about the functional aspect of the items. I thought Tamamo might be collecting ...... potted plants or something like that, but it seems that wooden items can be used for anything. Since she collects wooden items at random, she seems to be a collector of the same type as Belle.

Moon has a lot of balls in his treasure chest. They are all different colors, but he likes them because they look like him. If Moon gets lost in a treasure chest, it will be hard to find him.

Since I spend a lot of time with them, I thought I knew them pretty well, but I guess there are still many things I don't know about them, and I think I have learned a lot.


"Hmm? Rain, what's wrong?"

Rain beckoned to me with a flap of his hand, so I went up to him and said, "Look! He pointed at the water bucket with his flipper. I remember you were showing me your favorite things. I thought I was done with that when you started cleaning up.

Huh? Come to think of it, I haven't told you what I think of Tulu's favorites yet. When I look at Tulu, he has put everything in the treasure box and looks somewhat satisfied. It seems that Tulu is okay for the time being.


"Oh, yeah. I'll look now."

I think Rain told me not to look away. I'm so glad that he got mad at me, but I'm glad to know how he feels even without an interpreter.

I get myself together and check out the vat I've made. ...... soil is spread on the bottom, and water plants are growing. It looks like an aquarium. It's not big enough to swim around in, and it looks like I've created a space for Rain to relax in the water. There are fountains and ponds to swim in, which is probably enough for this place.

"Did you have Tulu and Tamamo help you with the soil and water plants?"


Rain nodded happily.

"Are you comfortable?"

"Cue cue."

Sounds pretty good to me. Is it the feeling of having built your own secret base inside a child's room? When I was a kid, I had fun modifying a big piece of cardboard to create my own space.

I heard that kids nowadays sometimes put up a small tent in their room, and I guess this kind of things are fun for both spirits and humans when they are little.


Rain looks up at me with sparkling eyes. He wants to know what I think of his secret base. Of course, he's full of praise and petting.


After he praises Rain with all his might, Tamamo squeals as if to say it's his turn to be next. Moon is shaking and shivering as well, and seems to be watching us. It's going to be a day of lots of praise and petting.

Tamamo is wagging her tail with all her might, prompting me to check the planter I made last time ......, though I could see the planter was so green as soon as I entered the room that I didn't even need to check it.

Speeding up plant growth is quite a cheat, isn't it? And unlike the first time around, there is plenty of nourishing soil, so Tamamo doesn't have to save his strength. It's a sure sign of a good harvest.

"Tamamo, that's great! Well, if it's this overgrown, and it's not sticking out of the planter, then the tamamos are doing something, right?"

Not a single leaf protrudes outside of the planter, even though it is growing wildly. There are no sticks or nets to guide the vines, so they should be encroaching into the room, but they are supporting each other like gymnasts with their vines and leaves, and growing upward. If you didn't know the power of the tamamo, you wouldn't believe your eyes.

Since the flowers are already blooming, I wonder if they will bear fruits when these flowers wither. It looks like the teika (picking) is over, and we can enjoy tasty melon.

"Coo! Koo Koo. Koo,koo,koo."

The tamamo is saying something very cute and trying very hard. Hmmm......... I know I'm smiling. I know she's happy because her tail is fully open. But I don't know what he's talking about when it comes to the growth of plants.

"In the room, it's called "mana" to avoid bothering other people."

Seriously? So, Tamamo, the little fox, was talking so adorably about manners? It was so unexpected that I had to check the face of Tulu who translated for me.

"Tamamo ha mana wo mamoru."

Tulu, perhaps seeing my confusion, says again emphatically, "I'm sorry, but I don't know what to say.

"I see. ...... Yes, it's important to have good manners. Tamamo is very proud of you for having good manners. You're an adult.


Tamamo responds to the compliment by standing gallantly in the air. Maybe she's at an age where she wants to act like an adult. Regardless of their actual age, it is understandable for children to want to act like adults. I felt like stroking him, but if Tamamo wants to look like an adult, would it be counterproductive? I'm a little ...... disappointed, but I'll restrain myself.

I am more worried about Tulu. He is a quiet boy who doesn't show his emotions very much, but he is looking at the gallant Tamamo with a big smile on his face. I've known that Tulu loves Tamamo for a long time, but I'm sure that he's getting more serious.

What if he goes berserk in front of Mohamofu? It's my fault for sure, and I'll look bad in the eyes of the public as a necromancer.

When I was wondering if I should suppress Tulu's mohurra spirit, Tamamo asked me, "Why don't you praise him? He flew in front of me with a look that said I could pet him. It seems that petting is OK even at their age when they want to act like adults.

If he gave me permission, then I could get rid of my restraint. I praise and pet Tamamo to my heart's content. His fur is still as magnificent as ever. Let's enjoy the fluff for now and talk with Nomos about Tulu.

After I've praised Tamamo a lot, Moon, as I expected, takes his turn on my head. I think he was trying to be quick, because he was pulling a little too fast.

Moon's lack of facial expressions or squeals makes it difficult to guess his thoughts. I wonder how the belles are able to read Moon's thoughts.

Once I asked them how they communicate with each other, but they answered that they have a vague idea, which was not helpful.

I asked Sylphy and the others, but even they could not understand as clearly as Belle and the others. I suspected telepathic ability, but they denied it. However, they said that it is easier to communicate with people of the same age.

It would have been nice if they could have communicated their feelings when they made a contract. Then the status of the necromancer would not have been degraded and the Adventurer's Guild would not have been at loggerheads.

Huh? But then I would lose my advantage of being able to communicate with spirits easily. Even if there is no one who can see me directly, if I can easily communicate with them by making a contract with them, Sylphy would have been less interested in me. Then I think it would have been very difficult to make a contract with a great spirit.

If I had not been able to make a contract with Shilfi and the others, paradise would not have developed as it is now, and I would not have been able to go back and forth between the labyrinth city and paradise so easily. If I had not been able to make a contract with Sylphy and his friends, paradise would not have been developed as it is now, and I would not have been able to go back and forth between the labyrinth city and paradise as easily as I do now.

Let's not complain about the lack of easy communication with Moon. We can improve our smooth communication with Moon in the course of our future lives. Now that we are satisfied with our feelings, we look at the wood where we dug the holes and tunnels for Moon to fit in.

On the surface, it looks the same as when we made it, but judging from the way Moon is pulling on his head, it is highly unlikely that there is no change at all. Then it must be in the hole.

The pit that Moon fits into is unchanged, and the tunnel-like hole is suspicious.

"Moon, can I shine a light bulb inside the hole?"

Sounds good. Moon, who has moved from the top of his head to the side of the hole, is now pulling at the side of the hole as if to say, "Come on!

"It doesn't look like anything's changed. ...... What's that? ...... more side holes?"

Moon bounced a lot, as if to say, "That's right. He was right. After that, Moon dove into the hole and came out again, after being completely settled in the new hole. It seems that he showed us how to use it.

It looks like a space for passing each other in a narrow tunnel, but that's not the purpose, is it? I guess he wanted a hole in the tunnel where he could fit in.

He was satisfied after showing me the hidden hole, and asked me a question while he was leisurely pulling on his moon.

"Well, did Moon do the woodworking himself?"

Does the Spirit of Life have such skills? Maybe he was slime-shaped, so he used his slime technique to melt them as he went along?

Moon, who is swaying sideways with a pull. Apparently, Moon did not process it by himself.

"So, Tamamo?"

I thought it might be tamamo if it was related to wood, but apparently it was not tamamo either. Moon is making a lot of shaking noises, but I can't figure it out.

"That's the one I made the hole for. ......

When I was puzzled, Tulu showed me a tool that resembled a small hand auger.

"Huh, hmm? I don't remember buying that tool, what happened to it?"

I made it myself. Yuuta's toys are interesting.

I see, you saw the pioneering tool and made it yourself. You made it more like a drill than a hand auger, perhaps because it was designed for wood.

"But Tulu. But Tulu... the ore and other things he made will turn back to normal over time, won't they? If I process it, will it be okay?"

"Nosu gave me a piece of iron and I made it myself. I can make iron.

Come to think of it, I asked Tulu to make a slide for me. As long as we have the raw materials, we should be fine, and Tulu can make a lot of different things.

"Tulu, have you made anything else?

"No. Just this.

"I see. Well, let me know if there's anything you want to make. I've got all kinds of materials. I also have a variety of tools for pioneering tools, so if you want to take a look, just let me know."

"...... thanks."

He thanked me in a mumbled whisper. I smiled to see her blushing a little, whether from happiness or embarrassment.

Come to think of it, it's been a long time since I've talked to Tulu this much...... or maybe for the first time. Tulu is not very talkative, so I should communicate with him more.

It's only been a morning, but I've learned a lot about the Belles that I didn't know before. It is very important to play together.

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