Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:44:43 AM

Chapter 472: - Episode 470: I feel that there are too many things I should not care about.

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At the preview of the completed house of Sylphy and his family, both Nomos and If were very satisfied with the work of Jill, who is a professional in her own right. However, the installation of a fire pit in the house, similar to the one used for a lighthouse, and the subtle explanation of the fire pit, caused the relationship with Mr. Gilles to settle into a business relationship. ......Well, that's not important, so let's take a look around the Sylphy's house. First, let's check out the waterfall.

"If you fill this waterfall with water, the magical tools will suck up the water."

Jill led us to the back of the house, where a water sucking apparatus was installed and a large hole was dug there.

A hole as big as a bathtub in a public bathhouse. Before handing over the house to us, they must have filled this hole with water and inspected the water channels and waterfalls inside the house. That took a lot of time and effort.

Hmm? What is that strange shiny cloth laying over this hole?"

Probably an otherworldly version of a plastic sheet, but it looks kind of useful. Next time I expand my paradise, I'd like to use it in place of the rocks I put down in the dirt.

"Ah, that's giant toad skin. I put it down because it would soak up the muddy water and make the house dirty."

It was a substitute for a plastic sheet as I thought, but was it the skin of that big frog? ...... It may be too late for that, since the land is full of the undead, but a paradise covered with frogs' skins seems too subtle. Let's put it on hold.

"I didn't know that. That sounds convenient."

"Yes, it's very convenient. I've used it in Yuta's previous house and the one I built this time, and I've also put it under the waterway in this house. It's a reassuring material that won't break or leak in the slightest.

It's a shocking fact. Before there was frogskin in paradise, it was used in my own home. You must have slept protected by frogskin every night. It never rains in paradise, but .......

...... Let's not think too much about it. In this world, the materials of demons are commonly used. If we care about every little thing, we can't do anything.

"...... I agree. That's very reassuring. Now I'm going to fill up the water.

Deep thinking is likely to turn my love for my home into hatred, so I cut the subject short and move on to the next action.

For now, let's pretend to chant and ask Rain to let out water.

(Water in this hole "It's my sister's turn!") (......)

As I was looking at Rain, Dine appeared in front of me, puffing out her chest, proud that it was her cue to come out.

I think she's been waiting for her cue ever since she heard that we were going to fill it with water.

I see, Dine is here to prepare water for the waterfall that she is looking forward to. So it is not surprising that Deanne thinks it is her turn.

This time it's not that Deanne doesn't know what's going on, but it's my fault for not being attentive.


Rain also points at Dine with his fin.

Yeah, right. Deanne's up.

(Deene, can you fill this hole with water so I can chant? (Please don't let it overflow.)

I was worried about Dine's enthusiasm, so I added the words "so that it doesn't overflow.

(I'll take care of it.)

Deanne, who taps her chest vigorously and undertakes the work.

The fact that she is completely oblivious to my anxiety is both a good thing and a worrisome thing about Deene. Also, her bouncy and bouncy part is definitely a good part of Deene.

She pretends to chant while trying not to show her evil feelings on her face, and at the end she shakes her right arm lightly.

"And yaaa!"

Her voice is slow and languid, but for Dine, it is a spirited shout and the magic is invoked.

She just fills the hole with water, but Dine, the great spirit of water, is fired up? I have a very bad feeling about this .......

Huh? That's normal. It's just a normal ball of water created in the air that goes into a normal hole. Am I worrying too much?


"Whew. Isn't that great? This is the power of the Great Spirit of Water!

Raine is excitedly flying around Deanne, and Deanne is smiling at Raine.

I just don't understand what's going on, but there's definitely something out of the ordinary going on.

"I've heard that the spirit art is a difficult power to handle, but you've managed to fill a hole this big to the very brink without spilling a drop of water. Is this the reason why you are called a great skill?"

Jill is impressed in a strange way. But maybe not. Deanne can do that much without putting much effort into it.

"Well, now that we have enough water, let's get the grimoire going. Would you like to do it anyway?

"What? Yes, yes, yes.

Mr. Jill. Please don't convince yourself that you're alone in this. I replied without thinking... Is it okay if I activate the grimoire?

(Sylphy, Sylphy, is this water okay? Deanne is very good at this, you know? (Will the grimoire break?)

I whisper to Sylphy as I approach the magical tool that slowly sucks up the water.

I want to believe that Deanne won't break it, since she has been looking forward to living in the house, but I'm afraid to trust her.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. It's full of Deanne's magic, but it's still water.

Sylphy giggles. It's a bit uneasy, but this house is also Sylfie's house, so I guess she'll be fine.

With a little bit of uneasiness, I pass my magic power through the grimoire, and the grimoire begins to suck up the water of suspicion.

...... hmmm. The grimoire doesn't seem to be vibrating or making any disturbing noises. I guess I was too concerned.

"I'm sure the little ones would like to see the waterfall from the beginning anyway. Let's get moving."

As I focused my attention on the grimoire, Jill urged me on. It seems that she was taking care of Kikka and the others.

She looks like Nomos, but she doesn't seem to be afraid of children. It's strange.

...... I don't mind a little bit the magical equipment, but I'd sure like to see the first water fall from the waterfall. Deciding to move quickly, I urge Gina and the others to hurry up and head for the front door.

Jill-san probably thinks it's just me and Gina and the others, but it's quite a big move since the large spirits, the lower spirits, and the floating spirits that Gina and I are under contract with are all here.

If there is someone nearby who can sense the spirits, he/she might be stunned. There are six big spirits alone.

...... Is this normal bad? 

"Master, quickly! The water is coming!"

Shishou, come on!

Marco and Kikka have already arrived at the door, opened it and are calling me.

I'm in a hurry. I don't care. I feel like there are a lot of things I chose not to care about today, but I decide not to care about that either.

I thank Marco and Kikka for waiting for me, and go inside. The waterfall directly in front of the entrance is not flowing yet. I'm just in time.

"Here comes the water!"

Bell, who was peering into the back of the channel from the top of the waterfall, tells us with a smile that the water is coming.

Just as Belle had told me, water begins to flow down the waterfall in a few moments.

The amount of water, which was trickling at first, gradually increased and became a waterfall, albeit a small one.

Below the waterfall is a small cascade, and when the cascade is full, the water flows into a channel that leads to a fountain in the center of the room.

The fountain is the place that Sylphy and her friends were particular about. In the center of the fountain there is a stone pavement and a stone table. It would be fantastic if Sylphy and other beautiful women have a tea party here.

I would like them to hold an elegant tea party instead of a drinking party. Well, even in the rose garden that Gina and her friends have worked so hard to create, they are not having a tea party but drinking alcohol, so I don't have high hopes for them.

Marco, Kikka, Belle, Fuchu and the others frolicking around the small waterfall and fountain. It's a fantastical scene even though it's inside a house.

What about a waterfall in a house? I had doubted Deene's brain, but maybe this is a good thing.

I was wondering if this is a good idea. ...... I feel refreshed, or rather, my body and mind are cleansed. The whole room is filled with clean air?"

Negative ion effect of waterfalls? But I have been to see big waterfalls in Japan, and I never felt such a cleansing feeling in my body and mind.

I look at Jill, who is clearly confused by the unusual atmosphere. It is not that Jill did anything special.

Then the answer is simple. The only possible explanation is the influence of the water, which is full of Dine's magic power.

I stare at Dene, who is delighted to see the waterfall and the fountain and is excited to be there with Belle and the others.

Yuta-chan. Isn't your sister's real water amazing?

Deanne opens her hands in a proud gesture. It's great, but I wish she would have waited until after she returned to paradise to get serious about it.

Jill, for example, is clearly looking around at the unusual atmosphere. She's in a panic!

(Sylphie, is this okay? (Is something weird going on?)

"I'm fine. It's just that the whole room is filled with Dine's magic, purifying it. It's more of a positive effect."

It's supposed to have a positive effect, but Jill's eyes are rolling back and forth. I'm so tired, even though I've only seen the waterfall.

The air in the room soothed my exhaustion that had been surging through me. It is indeed a very good effect. Though the water is also the cause of my fatigue. Hmm?

(Sylphy, this water full of magic power will drain away normally if we don't do anything about it, won't it affect you?)

Is it possible for water full of the magic power of the Great Spirit to be scattered all over a building site?

"Hmm, well, since a large amount of Dine's magic power will soak into the place, it will be a comfortable place for spirits, especially water spirits, won't it? Well, it will only attract less powerful spirits, so it won't be much of a problem, just a balancing of nature."

...... doesn't seem to have any bad effects, so who cares. I'm sure Jill and her friends will be happy if it improves the environment.


Later, a small spring somehow sprang up in the place where Dine's magic power had soaked into, and a small forest of plants was born.

Overrunning the struggles of the carpenters who repeatedly cleared the land when it got in the way of construction, .......

When Yuta heard this story from Jill, he thought. I wonder if the big problem of the Great Spirit is about alcohol or the world crisis. ...... and .......

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