Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:15:44 AM

Chapter 484: - 482 cases of rice.

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Finally, the soy sauce is ready. Then let's make eels in rice bowl! When I finished the bowl of eel and rice, many spirits came to the house, attracted by the smell. ...... I ate the bowl of eel and rice while many spirits stared at me. I didn't have the guts to do so, so I started to suffer with an empty stomach, grilling eel kabayaki.

Starvation is a word, I think, to express hunger or a situation in which you cannot get something that you are seeking deep inside.

In that sense, I can't say that I am starving since I had a good breakfast and lunch today. But I can say that I am starving for the soy sauce that I have not been able to get for a long time.

I don't know what I'm thinking anymore, but I'm not starving in terms of food, but I'm starving for soy sauce and unadon, so I'm not starving, but I'm starving.

I don't know how to express this feeling. ...... Oh, I found a perfect expression. It's like the feeling of a dog that has a treat in front of it and is told to wait by its owner.

That's how I feel. It may be necessary as a discipline, but waiting is a terrible thing to do.

I know it is a necessary discipline to protect dogs, but I wish dog owners in the world would make the waiting time as short as possible. Well, I have to wait till the night. d*mn .......

Of course, I'm an adult. I tried to escape this starvation.

But the little spirits didn't want to leave the kabayaki, even though I told them to come and play with it, and I tried to taste it, but I was defeated by their stares.

The innocent stares of countless little ones were terrifying. They hit the dirt in my heart that makes me think cunningly, and I can't do anything wrong.

"Master! Are you all right?"

"Hmm? Sara? What do you mean you're okay?"

Sarah, who is assisting me in cooking, looks up at me with concern, what's wrong?

"Master," he mumbled with a kind of distant look in his eyes. Shouldn't we take a break?"

Ah, I see, I was having a hard time just looking at those enchanting kabayaki, so I was trying to escape from reality for a while, but my thoughts leaked out during that time, didn't they?

"I'm fine, I don't need a break. Everyone is helping and we are almost there."

Sarah is assisting me in cooking, and Gina, Marco, and Kikka are doing their best to cook rice.

Ruby and Saffy are helping me mass-produce kabayaki, and Citrine is making donburi. Eme and Onyx are assisting each other.

Thanks to them, a large quantity of unadon is being mass-produced and stored in my magic bag.

Normally, Belle and the others would offer to help me here, but they are staring at the kabayaki with drool on their faces. 

"Are you sure you're okay?"

I told her I was fine, but she was still looking at me anxiously, as if Sara's anxiety had not abated. I guess I must have looked bad when I was escaping from reality.

Maybe I should have just taken a break. But the thought that the eels are far away from the bowls makes me feel less inclined to take a break. Above all, it is hard to take a break without the little spirits who are watching over us with drooling.

"Yeah, it's okay. I'm sure you'll help me out too, Sarah."

"...... yes."

They're not convinced yet, but they'll see what happens. Well, we've got one more job to do, so let's do our best so Sara won't worry.

Oh, everyone will probably have a refill, right? It's still going to take a while. .......


"So, I'd like to start the housewarming celebration: ......" 

Hmmm, no one from the spirit kings to the floating spirits are listening to me. Everyone is glued to the bowl of eel rice placed in front of them. No, Dolly and Vita are looking at me. Those two are the conscience of paradise.

Well, I don't have to talk too long if no one's listening. I can't help but think that the housewarming party has been completely taken over by eels, but I can't wait to eat the eel bowl too.

"Bon appétit!"

The spirits start moving to the sound of my "Itadakimasu" (Let's eat). They immediately stick their spoons into their eel bowls and fill their mouths to the brim.

Here and there, I can hear them raving about how delicious and tasty it is. I can also hear the animal spirits squealing, but they seem to be happy, so I guess they are satisfied. And the happy faces of the little floating spirits are very cute.

The spirit kings ...... seem to be in a good mood too. They are all chomping down on their bowls of eels. Especially Earth-sama is eating at a very fast pace. I'd better serve him another bowl first.

When I gently put the refill of the bowl of eels in front of Mr. Earth, I saw a vision of a flower popping out from the background of Mr. Earth. He seemed to be pleased.

And Mr. Dark. You look very nice eating the bowl of eels. He looks so s*xy eating a bowl of rice with a bowl of eel on top of it.

I just learned from Onyx that it is dangerous to offend the spirits of darkness. You shouldn't give the king of the spirits of darkness a hard look.

Well, the Great Spirits seem to be ...... all right too. Sylphy's default expressionless face is broken, and Dine has a big smile on her face. It's hard to believe that these two were in trouble just now.

Nomos and If seem to be liking it as well, as they are eating their bowls of eels without touching their drinks.

Huh? Bell and Sakura with their bowls of unadon (rice bowls) are flying toward us. Is something wrong?

"Yoota. Beru, I love this. Udon!"

"Cue! Cue cue."

"Udon. Delicious."

"Coo. Coo-coo, coo-coo."

"This is good. This is the best!"


"Au! Ahhhhhhh!"

Apparently, they came to tell us what they thought of the eel bowl. Everyone except Moon had a grain of rice on their hoppe, which was quite cute.

Moon eats as if he's absorbing the food, so he doesn't get any rice grains, but he's been very appealing to me, so I'm sure he likes it.

"I see, thanks for letting me know. You can have as many as you want."

Bell and Sakura return to their seats, their faces glowing at the word "refill. They will certainly have more.

Oops, we shouldn't worry only about the spirits. What about the reactions of my human students?

Yeah, everyone is eating the eel bowls with enthusiasm, and there seems to be no problem here, either.

Well, we've covered most of the ground. Now that I've done my job as a host enough, I'll release my desires.

Now, it's time for the eels and rice bowls!

Eel bowl in front of you. I remove the lid with a snap.

Hmmm...that's just what an eel bowl should look like. The smell of eels is all around you, but as soon as you remove the lid, the aroma of the bowl of eels tickles your nostrils.

I have heard that eels make you eat the smell, and it is true that the smell alone is appealing.

But of course, you will not be satisfied with just this. You have to eat it.

I insert my chopsticks into the bowl of unadon, which for me has the same luster as jewelry. It is a memorable first bite. I should cut a larger piece.

When I insert my chopsticks into the bowl, I am surprised at how different it feels from what I had imagined. My expectation that the eel would be thick and natural, and thus elastic, was quickly overturned.

Indeed, I felt the elasticity of the eel as if it was pushing back against the chopsticks, but I was surprised at the softness that allowed the chopsticks to pass through with just a little force.

Come to think of it, have you ever eaten natural eel in Japan? My parents love eels and used to take me to eat them, but I wonder if the eels at that restaurant were natural?

...... Well, I don't have such a sensitive tongue that I can tell the difference between natural and farmed fish, and as long as it tastes good, I have no problem with it. Besides, this eel is definitely a natural eel. Taste this eel.

Leave your silly questions aside, just lift up the eel with the rice underneath and fill your mouth with it.

As you bite into it, the taste of the bowl of eel spreads in your mouth. Why does eel taste so good?

The meaty flesh of the eel melts and loosens. The fragrant aroma of the soy sauce sauce and the sweet and spicy taste of the soy sauce sauce spreading in your mouth.

But that's not all. The flavor of the eel is not overpowered by the strong taste of the soy-sauce sauce. And the skin is the best part.

The skin is a part of the eel that looks unpleasant, but it conveys to me a strange, tender texture and a rich eel flavor.

My taste buds are delighted with the sweet and spicy soy sauce alone, but I don't know what to do when so much flavor is piled up on top of it. Just eat it. Just eat... and eat... and eat... and eat.

"Wooo. Eel, the best."

I emptied my bowl without looking aside.

But you know what? It's been a long time since I've had soy sauce with eel. My body and mind are so happy that I feel like my brain is secreting a lot of happy hormones. I might start to dance around.

As I was thinking silly things in the tremendous feeling of satisfaction, for some reason many spirits were looking at me with kind eyes. What is it?

I don't know why the spirit kings and the great spirits, but even the baby-like floating spirits are looking at me with kind eyes.

"Yuta, I didn't know the eel rice bowl was so delicious. But everyone is waiting for a refill, so I'd appreciate it if you'd prepare it for us. Of course, you can have some for your sister too!"

...... I see, you mean that everyone who came to get another bowl of eels saw me being crazy about the bowl of eels.

Hmmm...... normally I would feel a little embarrassed, but now my brain is pumping so much happy hormone that I don't mind at all.

Okay, first of all, the distribution of the bowl of rice topped with eel. After that, I'll have another bowl of unadon, too. I'm so happy now!

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