Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:48:22 AM


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Equipped with armor, we walk through the labyrinthine city in a good mood. I had some trouble with the Adventurer's Guild, but I feel good inside the city.

This is it. Looks like a food market. Maybe we should stock up on what we see here.

We talk to the shopkeepers and buy some meat and vegetables. Since this is a labyrinth city, most of the goods sold here seem to come from the labyrinth.

Vegetables are grown in the surrounding towns and villages, but meat and fruits seem to come from the labyrinth. Can fruits be found in the labyrinth?

The belles, who don't go near vegetables, are curious about fruits, and they are sniffing and sniffing the fruits in the rows. Don't eat them.

I buy fruits that tell me "this one smells good". The belles are so happy that I end up buying more. I should really taste them before I buy them, but ...... they all pull me along and signal me to do so. When I buy it, they are so happy that they dance.

Belle and Tulu are all smiles and flailing their arms and legs, Rain is flapping his flippers. The tamamos are so adorable with their tails wagging, you can't help but buy a lot of them.

Meat is not so interesting to everyone, as they don't seem to know if it looks good unless it's cooked. Since the meat is from the labyrinth, I prioritize the variety and buy small quantities.

The stores around here seem to be like shopping streets where common people gather, and they seem to have a collection of items from the relatively shallow levels of the labyrinth, so it seems like it would be more economical to get them by knocking them down by myself. I wish I could get a butcher to help me out, since it seems like a lot of work.

There is a wide variety of vegetables, some of which I have never seen in Japan before, and some of which I have never seen before. I bought a lot of vegetables that I knew, and a few that I had never seen before, just to try them out.

I was happy to find tomatoes, potatoes and onions. Both were purchased in large quantities. I have heard that tomatoes grow better with less water, so I would like to get some seedlings.

But don't tomatoes grow in a warm place? It's hot around here, too. Before returning to Fountain House, let's go around to the nearby villages.

I bought quite a lot of stuff and was told I must have a good magic bag. I've been too excited by the shopping and the delicious looking food for the first time in a long time. It's probably not a good idea to shop here any more. Let's move on.

I walk toward the general store, looking at the map. We need to get cooking utensils, tableware, seasonings, and clothes.

"Yuta. I'll follow the four of you. From what I've heard, they're after your bag. One of them says he'll keep an eye on you, but the other three say it's okay because they don't have any weapons. They're going to attack us all at once when we go into an empty place."

Nah, I guess it's too late to cool down. I got excited. I showed them how much money I have by buying in bulk, and now they know how good my magic bag is. If they find out that I have infinite capacity and can stop time, I'm sure they'll target me for something even worse.

(We have to go through unpopular places to avoid being attacked, right? I don't go into the narrow streets, so I think I'll be fine. (Just keep an eye on it, please.)


I knew it was a different world and not safe, but I got carried away. Even in Japan, you could get noticed for something like that. Especially in another world.

But I had worked hard to grow plants in the land of the dead, and I had only seen rotten meat from zombies, so I could see ordinary foodstuffs shining. I think it's no wonder that I was so happy and excited.

It seems that we won't be attacked this time as long as there are pedestrians around, which is a relief in a way. But don't you think it's not surprising if they don't have any weapons since they have magic bags? We head for the general store a little faster.

This is it. It's a big general store with a lot of stuff here. Is it like a department store? I'm going in anyway.

(Sylphy. Are you still following me?)

"Yes. I'm following you. Hmm? Wait a minute. ...... One man will watch the front, the other will watch the back. The rest are going to call the others. Looks like there's three more. They're going to make false accusations and drag us into the back way."

The situation has worsened. I guess it's all right with Sylphy, but I'm sick of the rough stuff. We should get out of here while there's still a few of us left. Or the people watching us will just follow us. If we flew away, it would cause a commotion in another way, so I don't know what to do.

(Sylphy.) (Sylphy. Do the people following us look strong?)

If we want to ask for help, will we be able to do something about it because we are being followed? You'll end up with a dead man's face.

"No. Just a punk. A windshield of bells and no way to get a foot in front of them."

Then we won't have a problem. If they follow us to the inn, it'll be trouble. We'll get rid of them as peacefully as possible. Even if we kick one or two of them out, they'll probably attack again when their numbers increase, so let's all get together and deal with them. Let's leave them alone for now and go shopping. We have a lot of things we want to buy.

(Bell and the others can look around the store. You can call me if you want something. Sylphie, stay with me.)

Okay... okay... cue... yes... coo...

He watches Bell and the others happily fly away and looks for the waiter. Which one is the clerk? The receptionist at the Adventurers' Guild was wearing the same clothes and must have a uniform. ...... same clothes ...... those clothes look like uniforms.

"I'm sorry. I have a lot of stuff and a lot of stuff I need, can you help me?"

Even in another world, they'd at least show you the products if you asked, right?

"Oh. You're buying in bulk. You're more than welcome. We're here to help. What can I get for you?"

The clerk I call out to is smiling as she greets me. She seems like a businesswoman. I'm a little concerned about the money symbol in her eyes.

"Well, let's see. All you need is a set of cooking utensils. You will need a lot of cooking utensils, especially pots and pans. Next, tableware. You'll need a lot of regular plates and soup plates. You will also need about ten cups. Next is seasonings. I would be happy to have a variety. Finally, underwear and nightclothes. Five pairs of underwear. I'd like two nightclothes, please.

"Awe. Let me show you around. I'll show you the cooking utensils first."

What's going on? Gghh. I heard him say he's got the upper hand. I hope it wasn't the waiter. I followed the guide and arrived at the shelf where the cooking-related products are lined up. And before I knew it, there were three more clerks. This place looks scary. Are they ninjas?

Then tell us what you need and we'll get it for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Marie here. However, please note that her three sizes are a secret.

Marie winks with a snap while wagging her finger lightly. There are people like this in other worlds. I didn't think I'd get a three-size story in another world. In Japan, I've only seen it on TV.

"Please don't look at me like I'm looking at a rare animal."

It was so unusual that I couldn't help but stare.

"Ah, ah... I'm sorry. Um... I really don't have anything, so I'm basically asking for the tools I need to cook. Please, just the amount of money that a normal household would spend."

"Okay. I will prepare it.

His face turns red and he looks funny. The other men were happy to buy more. Is that man a man-crazy? He was choosing cooking utensils while mumbling rudely, "I'm not a cook. The shopkeepers around me were surprised that I could dodge Marie's special move. I'm more surprised at the word "lady.

But, three-size is a special move.... Maybe it's the latest thing in this world. If I wasn't surprised by her three-size story, I would have bought something from her. And I'm not a man-crazy guy. I like women.

"Here is a set of cooking utensils. Knives. Cutting board. Ladle. Spatula. Frying pan. Pots. Is there anything else you need?"

I see that basic cooking utensils are common. I'd check the quality, but I'm not sure. It just seems to have a certain heft to it, different from mass-produced items. I guess this will do for now.

"Four more large pots, please. And a griddle if you have one. How much for the cooking utensils alone?

"Awe. We will provide you with a griddle. Well, it will be 60,000 elt in all.

Expensive. Cooking utensils are more expensive than I expected. Is this because everything is done by hand? ......I guess you have to buy it because it's a necessity. I wonder how much furniture would cost at this price for cooking utensils?

"Okay, I'll buy it, so please put it together."

"Thank you very much."

Marie snaps her fingers and the three waiters carry the cooking utensils away. I think the education is great, but the behavior is kind of old-fashioned. Is it just because I am Japanese?

"The dishes are right next to you. This way, please."

When you move next door, you see a variety of tableware. Oh, they have ceramic tableware. No glassware? Wooden plates are enough for serving food.

I'd like to have ceramic cups, but I'm not sure if I need them or not, since Nomos can make a lot of things out of glass for me if I make a contract with them. Oh, but I want ceramic cups. It would make a nice cup of coffee.

"Let's see. Let's see... 30 regular wooden plates and 30 soup plates each. Twenty wooden cups. Twenty sets of knives and forks and spoons. Please. Are those china cups expensive?"

Awe, sir. The china cups will cost you 5,000 elts each."

5,000 elts per cup. Is it expensive? In another world, it seems cheap. But I guess that's expensive. Well, it's a pretty pricey 45,000 ...... if you get everyone's share.

I don't know how much the furniture will cost, so I'll hold out this time. I'll come back for more when I can afford it.

"I see that ceramic things are expensive. Are they valuable?"

"The price of ceramics is inevitably higher because of the large amount of charcoal used. Potions and other magic potions also use ceramic containers, so cups and the like are even more expensive.

Oof. Potions are so important. How did I forget? Also, could I buy some charcoal here?

"Marie. Can I buy magic potions and charcoal here?"

Charcoal and magic potions. We have both, but the magic potions are only for cuts and minor ailments for the general public. If you need something more effective, you can purchase it at a pharmacy or the Adventurer's Guild.

"Well, just some charcoal, please."

Potions. I'll definitely have to get some. We're going to need a lot of stuff. I bought too much armor. I'm not sure if I have enough money.

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