Published at 7th of December 2021 11:26:23 AM

Chapter 139: 139

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Three years ago, the Kabat Empire placed an order with the Federation. The content of the order was to purchase 50,000 sets of energy shield devices.

Of course, the materials used to deduct the purchase price were delivered to the Federation within three years, and this material made the Federation happy.

You must know that the energy shield device sold by the Federation to the Kabat Empire is sold at a price of 1,000 times the profit, and it is the price! That is the federal currency!

Kabat doesn't have federal currency, so what should I do?

The old way is to ask what materials the Federation receives, and then deliver these materials to the Federation in exchange for Federal Coins, but what did the Federation do?

Directly use ten percent of the normal price in the federation to purchase. For example, a ton of steel in the federation is 3,000 yuan in federal currency, and the federation's offer to the Kabat Empire is 300 yuan a ton for the purchase, and all other resources All acquisitions are based on this standard.

This same time and again, selling an energy shield device can be exchanged for materials equivalent to 10,000 energy shields, and the Federation sold 50,000 to the Kabat Empire in one go!

I haven't mentioned this yet, I have sold them over 80,000 before!

You can imagine how rich the Federation is today.

It can be said that this total of 130,000 energy shield devices has directly wiped out the accumulation of the Kabat Empire for hundreds of years.

But for the Kabat Empire, it is still very valuable. After all, relying on these equipment, it directly wiped out the millions of warships on the border of the Ochs Empire, and took down a large number of star systems. Now I have to think about 2 in other directions. , Level 3 civilization starts.

In the words of Kabat Emperor Fahal, that is to fight to raise the battle!

It is a wonderful thing to keep plundering and then purchasing the equipment of the Federation with the plundered resources!

If it weren't for the Kabat Empire to block the Federation's external channels, the Federation really wanted to keep the Kabat Empire like this.

He added a little brother who was constantly expanding, and he sent all the looted resources to his elder brother. After the eldest brother took the resources, he just gave a few bones, and he happily continued to plunder.

Isn't it fragrant to have such a little brother?

It's very fragrant, but he got in the way. The human federation is on a corner of the Orion arm. To develop outwards, there are only two directions to go. Then the Io Federation is in one direction, and the Io Federation is in the other direction. Kabat Empire!

As for the Iao Federation, it is impossible to fight, but there is a big population plan related to the future of mankind!

Therefore, there is only one choice left, and that is the Kabat Empire.


Therefore, it can only be said that your fate is not good, and your position is doomed to be destroyed by the Federation.

Therefore, when the Kabat Empire ordered 50,000 energy shield devices three years ago, the Federation told them that due to the current productivity shortage, they would need to be delivered in three years.

At that time, the Kabat Empire didn't think much about it, and directly delivered a large amount of materials for payment to the Federation.

Speaking of it, the Federation used a full 20,000 giant cargo ships with jump engines at the time, and pulled all the supplies back for two full years!

One can imagine what a huge wealth this is. After having this huge resource, Lin Zhen directly waved his hand and fully developed all the planets in the territory, regardless of the cost!

What, you said that Lin Zhen's doing this would bring down the federal finances?

There is a high probability that Lin Zhen will pretend to tell you that even if he spends money desperately, I don’t even want to spend money on it for a hundred years. This is the first thing I feel like spending money is such a difficult thing. .

This is not an exaggeration at all. You must know that this is the savings of hundreds of billions of people with a veteran level three civilization.

Now that the three-year time has come, it is almost time for the delivery time agreed by both parties.

Well, the Federation is very credible, saying that three years is three years, but in the past it was not cargo ships that delivered goods, but 240,000 killer whale-class battleships.


Stellar system Holden, battleship Uranos.

That's right, Lin Fan's new flagship is still called the Uranus, and the old flagship was not used by the local fleet, but was sent directly to the Federal Museum.

It was a museum built in space, and one of the exhibition areas was dedicated to displaying the vehicles of famous federal generals. Now Lin Fan's old Uranus is in it.

Today, at the beginning of the design of the new Uranus, according to Lin Fan's request, it has inherited many features of the old ship.

For example, the silver-white painting of the whole body, the streamlined and graceful hull, and the gorgeous and noble appearance, make people never forget it at first glance.

At this moment, Lin Fan was sitting on the head of a conference room, and Liang Xue was sitting on the left side of it.

There are eleven fleet commanders sitting below, of course, they are all holographic projections!


"Everyone, now our fleet is fully organized and has undergone a full year of adaptability training, and now it has formed a complete combat effectiveness!"

"For the past three years, everyone must have been bored, especially Sophia! Right?"

Lin Fan also enlivened the atmosphere. While talking, he looked at Sophia while everyone else laughed.

In the past three years, everyone has been in the same corps, and they have been familiar with each other. Sophia's character is clear to everyone.

It was really embarrassing for her to hold him in Holden for three whole years. It is said that in order to relieve her mood, she would take Li Cangqiong to her room to exercise every night!

I have to say that in the past few years, Li Cangqiong's powerful m-attribute in his body has been thoroughly developed.

Not paying attention to the commanders around, Sophia showed a little excitement.

"Legion commander, is there a battle?"

"You are really... well, there is indeed a battle. This battle is not small. The opponent's force is about 5 million warships!"

"Wow, commander of the legion, you are really great, let's go right away!"

After hearing what Lin Fan said, UU read www. Sophia became more and more excited, his face flushed, this is a 5 million battleship, it can make my sister comfortable for a long time!

Looking at Sophia's appearance, Lin Fan directly covered his forehead with his hand! The commanders below laughed happierly.

"Well, everyone, be quiet, let's talk about combat missions next!"

Listening to Lin Fan's words, all the commanders stopped laughing and immediately turned into serious faces, even Sophia became rarely serious.

"You should all have seen the star map, know the location of our federation, and know that we are blocked by two third-level civilizations and cannot expand outward!"

"And the Io Federation is our hard-core ally, it is impossible to fight!"

"Therefore, we have only the only choice, and that is to destroy the Kabat Empire and open the channel for the Federation's external expansion!"

"This battle is called Foxiao. Now I will talk about the specific content of the battle!"

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