Published at 7th of December 2021 11:15:13 AM

Chapter 566: 566

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"Starcraft's strongest commander (!

Until the battleship where Lance was located, it was dragged into the hyperspace window by two federal warships with tow beams...

Still in a state of bewilderment.

Outside the porthole, the colorful dream space reminded him of the hypothesis of a scientist in the empire...

Hypothesis about the existence of hyperspace!

That was when the empire had just become a sixth-level civilization, and the nobles had not completely corroded the empire.

In that era, the imperial army was prosperous and science and technology developed rapidly.

At that time, there was an outstanding civilian scientist who made a series of conjectures about the technology that can only be mastered by the seventh-level civilization of hyperspace navigation.

It's just that after the nobles came to power, all the great people born by common people, like Marshal Richard, were all erased from history by the nobles, including...

Those great results they brought!

As Lance, who has a special identity, of course, he knows many things that have been erased by scale. Among them, there are related guesses about the scientist's hyperspace.

"Is this hyperspace?"

"Are we doing hyperspace navigation now?"

While asking questions, Lance turned his head and looked around, but found that everyone on the bridge, including his adjutant, looked out of the porthole with a dull expression.

There was no time for him to wake up these stupefied men. Suddenly, a huge hyperspace window was once again broken in front of the battleship. The battleship...

Has already exited the hyperspace.

However, what could be seen outside the porthole made Lance tremble all over.

"Serra Star!"

Yes, Lance's entire fleet has been dragged to the vicinity of Sierra Star in just a few seconds.

If you want to eliminate the time it takes to enter and exit hyperspace.

So, you may not even have a second in the time you travel in hyperspace.

What a terrible thing is this?

Even for a sixth-level civilization that already possesses space teleportation technology, this is still very scary.

After all, space transfer technology is too limited and not as convenient as hyperspace navigation.

The most important thing is that hyperspace travels within a certain distance, which is faster than space transmission!

"Give me a clearer mind, and immediately confirm the surrounding situation!"

"Yes, commander!"

Lance, who saw the Star Serra and recovered, shouted in the bridge.

The members of the command team suddenly felt their minds, recovered and started to act immediately.

"The report shows that seven traces of unidentified fleets were found within the 10AU range of our ship. The total number of warships is about...2 billion!"

"The report found that the remaining garrisoned fleet seems to have been captured, and all warships have assault ships of unknown civilization connected!"

"The report found that a large number of warship wrecks were found in the orbit of Serra Star, most of which were garrisoned fleets, and the rest were warships of the Great Axe Pirates. Moreover, according to the analysis of the wreckage of the garrisoned fleet, all of them should have been destroyed by pirate warships. The wreckage of the giant axe pirate group was obviously not caused by the weapons of the garrisoned fleet!"

"The report says that the surface of the Sierra Star is confirmed to have fallen, and the occupier is using a strange combat vehicle!"


After a series of reports, none of them is good news.

Hearing Durance frowned...

However, based on these Lance, some circumstances can be inferred intermittently.

The giant axe pirate group did not know what method it adopted to directly come to the orbit of the Sierra star, and launched an attack.

The garrison fleet, under the command of Kelvin’s stupid idiot, was afraid of spreading to Serra and was afraid to counterattack. This can be seen from the wreckage of the pirate warships. None of the wreckage was caused by imperial warship weapons. of...

After that, the garrisoned fleet that had lost nearly half of the warships collapsed, and eventually turned into a rout.

At this point in the analysis, Lance clenched his fists with both hands, almost scratching his skin.

After controlling his emotions and calming down a bit, Lance continued his analysis.

Then, that unknown civilization should have appeared at this time. Some of its warships went to the orbit of the Serra Star and wiped out all the pirate warships in one fell swoop, while the other part was centered on the Serra Star, deployed a blockade network and intercepted them. All the imperial warships that fleeed.

After that...I arrived 1 light-year away from Serra. After unable to contact Serra and was discovered by this unknown civilization, immediately...

I have to say that based on the detected intelligence, Lance instantly analyzed the entire process clearly, almost exactly the same, which is enough to explain Lance's outstanding talent.

However, no matter how talented and strong the commanding ability is, it still has no effect in the face of the absolute gap of the Federation, and it can only be captured obediently.

For pirates, ruthlessly annihilated.

For the imperial warships, it only intercepted the captives.

As for the Sierra Star, it was only occupied, not plundered.

Faced with these situations, Lance suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

Maybe... it's time?

Regardless of Lance's thoughts, as the commander of the expeditionary force, Chris is currently in a daze.

Just now, he received a report from Liont.

A large amount of Elor metal was found in the Serra Star, which is almost everywhere!

Originally, this was an exciting thing.

Isn't it right? The Federation expedition to the Weiss galaxy group this time, for the sake of Ailuo Metal.

As a result, I randomly occupy a planet, and this Ai Luo metal is so much that it can be seen everywhere. Isn't this exciting?

But...the next thing Lione reported, Chris was instantly stunned.

People on the Sierra seem to regard Ai Luo metal as the most commonly used building material, and almost all of their cities, their houses, and even their roads are made of Ai Luo metal.

Well, it's actually not the Langton people to blame.

After all, the Ailuo metal thing is of no use to civilizations that have not mastered dark energy, except that it is far more powerful than other metals.

And this thing, the reserves in the Weiss galaxy are almost as rich as the iron ore in the Federation...

But this is not the case in Chris' ears.

Violent, is there any?

The most important thing is that, according to the expert judgement of the ship, these Ailuo Metals processed into building materials by Serra Star have completely lost the ability to absorb and convert dark energy...

In other words, these Arlo metals that have been indiscriminately processed by the Langton Empire...have completely lost their value!

at least...

This is true for the Federation!

And after seeing this report...

Chris wanted to slap all the people on the Sierra star to death.

No, I just want to shoot all the people in the entire Langton Empire...

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!