Published at 7th of December 2021 11:14:31 AM

Chapter 594: 594

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Rethels' face was full of horror, and the same sentence kept whispering in his mouth.

"how can that be?"

Finally, a congressman below noticed Rethels's strangeness, and as his eyes full of horror looked over, it was the huge tactical board arranged in the council.

It's okay if you look at it. After taking a look, the original excitement suddenly froze on his face, and then slowly turned into a panic like Rethels.

As more and more congressmen found out what was wrong and looked at the tactical board, soon the whole room fell silent.

"how can that be?"

Finally, a famous member of Parliament asked Ressels exactly the same words.

Indeed, how is this possible?

Obviously the other party has fallen into the time bubble, why can he move?

It can be clearly seen on the tactical board that the opposing fleet is adjusting its array and is not affected by the time shrinking effect at all.

Is there anything more terrifying in this world?

But before everyone was relieved from their panic, even more terrifying things happened again, the red on the tactical board...


Is this Yueqian leaving?

But it's not right. Even if the time bubble really doesn't trap the opponent, what about the transition interference?

Could it be that the other party can ignore even the interference of the transition?

"Quickly, let people figure out the direction of the leap and leave immediately, and mark all possible destinations for me!"

Rethels, who suddenly thought of something, turned on the communicator and shouted in everyone's surprised eyes.

Time goes by second by second, and a minute later...

"The Speaker, based on the judgment of the opponent's fleet's heading before the suspected jump, the target is 99.2% likely to be the space base codenamed [Holy Land]!"

This result is almost like five thunderstorms, directly hitting everyone's foreheads.


"President, there must be no accident in the Holy Land. If the holy objects are snatched or destroyed by them, we will lose all bargaining chips!"

"The other party is more than 50,000 light-years away from the Holy Land. Even if it depends on the jump, it will not be reached in a short while, we still have time!"

"Yes, immediately deploy all the combatable combined fleets, and the Holy Land must not fall into the opponent's hands!"



The council was noisy, but Ressels had to admit that the judges were correct this time.

With that thing in the Holy Land in hand, Italo Union has a bargaining chip.

It may not be possible to let the other party return all the occupied galaxies and withdraw from the Mercia galaxy group, but at least it can let the other party leave a way for their civilization, even if it is, so the entire civilization has stagnated and even regressed...

However, once that thing is taken away by the other party or simply destroyed directly...

Then, he will no longer have the bargaining chip to start the negotiation, and the entire Italo will be completely destroyed as a result, and civilization will be cut off!

"No, accidents are never allowed in the Holy Land!"

"Order all the combined fleets in the Brecht galaxy, except for the five that guard the capital circle, to move closer to the Holy Land as quickly as possible, and delay the enemy fleet at any cost!"

"At the same time, order all the experts in the Holy Land to immediately dismantle the holy artifacts and prepare for transfer!"

Huh, Ressels stood up and ordered loudly.

"Tear down the holy relic?"

"No way, Speaker, what if it breaks down?"

"Yes, the speaker, experts have confirmed it a long time ago. At present, we have no absolute certainty to disassemble it safely!"

"Yes, and even if it is really safely disassembled, we have no way to supply the huge energy it needs except for the Holy Land!"


When Ressels' order was issued, the whole congress was fryed in an instant.

The first order is okay, everyone has no opinion, but the second order, the problem is big.

No one in this room knows. Now Lianhe has no way to safely disassemble the holy artifacts, let alone move them to other places and assemble them.

Once the sacred object is torn down, or cannot be reinstalled intact after being transferred, then everything will return to zero, meaningless.

The most important thing is that the Holy Land is directly built on the side of a huge star, and in a way that all scientists in the union can't understand, the energy in the star is absorbed to power the holy thing.

Therefore, even if the sacred object is successfully transferred, as far as the current technology is concerned, it will not be able to provide the huge energy it needs!

"To shut up!"

"Do you think that after all our fleets are mobilized, we will be able to withstand that fleet?"

"No, I can't stop it, I can't stop it!"

"The best we can do is to delay the fleet a little bit and buy some time for the experts to disassemble and transfer the holy artifacts!"

"Transfer, we still have a glimmer of hope!"

"If you don't transfer, then there is only despair!"

In the council, UU reads www.uukanshu. Com was filled with Ressels' roar, and the room suddenly became quiet.

Yes, if you haven't seen the battle that happened in Levi's just now, maybe you still think that after gathering hundreds of billions of warships, you can repel the billion invader warships.

But now, no Member of Parliament can say such a thing.

No matter how stupid it is, at this time, they have to admit that even if so many fleets are concentrated, it is still impossible to defeat that fleet as powerful as a demon god, and the most they can do is...

Slightly delayed the opponent!

As Ressels said, once transferred, there is still a glimmer of hope. If there is no transfer, there is only despair!

"No one has an opinion, right?"

Looking at the silent congressmen below, Ressels nodded.

"Then pass the order out and let all fleets act immediately, we don't have much time!"

"Yes, Speaker!"

However, Rethels at this moment did not know that although his idea was good, he calculated one thing wrong!

What the Federation uses is not the transition engine, but the technology of level seven civilization, the hyperspace engine.

Crossing the distance of 50,000 light-years does not need to be several days at all, but only a few minutes!

When the council’s order was passed to the fleets, except for the first to fifth combined fleets, the most elite of Italo, which was still stationed in the capital area, all the other more than 30 fleets took action, with the fastest speed. Toward the "Holy Land"!


Dreadnought Fleet, Second Squadron, flagship Roselle.

"Commander, we are about to reach the target location and will exit hyperspace in 30 seconds!"

"Order all mecha units to prepare for assault operations on the Interstellar Fortress!"

"Yes, commander!"

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