Published at 7th of December 2021 11:14:07 AM

Chapter 612: 612

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After weighing it repeatedly, Lin Yu had to give up the method of waiting for the opening of the next small universe channel.

After all, he doesn't have time to deal with this matter now.

However, although I gave up for the time being, I still left a backup measure...


Before I knew it, time passed quickly again, and soon another month passed.

In this month, the Zerg and the Second Purgatory Army led by Ipnos fought two more fierce battles.

Even if all the Zerg troops arrive, they occupy an absolute numerical advantage.

Even Ipnos hasn't shown up for a month because of being hit hard.

Even the Zerg has such a killer as a Void Predator.

But after the two battles were fought, they were all at a disadvantage...

After losing the time and place like the first battle, after the insects and after the war, this battle is really not easy to fight, it is almost directly pressed by the purgatory legion, and the quantitative advantage can hardly be exerted.

However, after the insect sea siege tactics that the Zerg is good at cannot be formed, it can only be as difficult as it was when attacking the Weta line of defense.

However, it is not to say that Alia was completely unprofitable, although the losses in the two battles were very large, and in the second war, Aura successfully killed several void marauders sent by Alia again.

However, in the third battle, Alia struggled to lose more than a dozen first-order king worms and hundreds of other-rank king worms, so that the void predators found an opportunity and successfully controlled a seventh-order leader again. Class creature!

At this point, the two sides have fallen into a confrontation stage. Alia is afraid of the super combat ability of the Purgatory Legion, and Aola is afraid of the void slayer of the Zerg. Neither of them is willing to start the fourth battle easily!

And when the Zerg was confronting the Purgatory Army, after a month of sailing, the First Legion of the Nether Fleet finally surpassed a distance of more than 100 million light-years and came back to the void of the Shepherd's seat...

"Commander, the fleet has sailed out of the hole in the Shepherd's constellation, and is currently in the Vilas star field!"

"Is Johnson in place?"

"Lieutenant General Johnson is already in place!"

"Okay, now I announce that the operation has officially begun, codename... Insect trap! Immediately order Johnson to act in accordance with the first phase of the combat plan!"

"Yes, Commander!"

At the same time, 5 million light-years away from Lin Yu's location, a fleet is integrated with the background of the universe, and its existence cannot be detected visually or from various other aspects.

"Commander, received the first level combat order from the flagship Melos!"

The adjutant came to Johnson's side and reported to him.

Turned on his command terminal system, a red combat command was constantly flashing, and when Johnson turned it on, the display was exactly the same as he had guessed...

[The insect trap operation has officially begun, and the Second Squadron is ordered to immediately execute the first phase of the scheduled combat plan. 】

"Notify the fleet to be ready, and set off in three minutes, and target the rear of the main Zerg force, the Essex Starfield!"

"Yes, commander!"

After leading Ipnos to the position of the Zerg encounter, in order to completely avoid its induction, Johnson brought the entire fleet to here a full 10 million light-years away, and has been waiting quietly, waiting for Lin Yu. The latest command!

For Johnson, the first stage of the trapping operation was simple, but at the same time difficult.

It's simple, it's because Alia placed Bolt, the first Tier 7 leader-level creature that was captured first, in the rear, which is the Essex star field where the ocean current node chels galaxy is located, and Alia. .. not there!

Just like what Emil said, even the emperor can only vaguely sense the Nether-class battleships in invisible mode, but as for the king insects, they can't sense it at all.

Therefore, from this perspective, the task is very simple.

However, there is trouble behind this...

You know, although Bolt's body is not as big as Ipnos, it is also much larger than an ordinary planet, almost equivalent to the size of two planet-class battleships.

Such a huge individual, even if Johnson's fleet can sneak in without attracting the attention of the Zerg, how can such a large creature be taken away?

Moreover, the opponent is controlled, not the kind of dead thing that can't move!

Of course, in order to ensure the ultimate success of the mission, Lin Yu allowed Johnson to expose himself if he had to.

However, for Johnson, if exposed, it means that the mission has failed, which is absolutely an unacceptable shame for a federal fleet commander!

To complete this task, you need to use federal space storage technology to take Bolt away, as written in Lin Yu's plan.

Although this plan is no problem, it is such a big creature after all. UU reading suddenly disappeared, which will also cause the Zerg to be alert.

However, this problem is not big. As long as Johnson herself is not exposed, Alia will not be the first to think of them. The Federal Fleet that shouldn't have appeared here will most likely point the suspect to Purgatory. The legion's side.

Therefore, the most critical aspect of this battle is the covert operation!


Essex star field, Lal'o galaxy, stellar system Enlais.

The distance of 5 million light-years, for the Nether-class battleship, that is, about 30 hours of travel, does not take much time.

Of course, Johnson did not directly navigate through hyperspace to Enlais.

After all, even if the ordinary Zerg couldn't detect the existence of the Nether-class battleship, the movement of the entire 10 million battleships opening the hyperspace window was still too great to be unnoticed.

Therefore, the second squadron's exit from hyperspace was set outside Enlais, and then it took about two days to slowly reach the goal of this trip, within Enlais, with a sub-light engine.

After all, this is the rear of the Zerg. For Alia, it is an absolutely safe place. Therefore, even if there are a lot of Zergs stationed here, it is not too much in terms of the size of the Zerg. .

In the center of Enlais, it is Bolt that is sandwiched by hundreds of giant insect swarms, as well as the few first-order king insects that are good at breeding under Alia’s command. They are attacking the flesh and blood tissues and cells of their bodies. After conducting research, he didn't notice that the Federation's fleet had already come to him.

"Commander, we have arrived at the designated combat position, and the target has no signs of perceiving!"

"Okay, send my order, the first phase of the insect trap operation will officially begin!"

"Yes, commander!"

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