Published at 7th of December 2021 11:09:00 AM

Chapter 805: 805

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It's not that the Zilun Empire doesn't have the technology to destroy space channels.

But unlike the Federation, although the Zilun Empire has such technology, it did not dig deep in this area. Its technology still stays in the original way of the Federation, that is, through the way of spatially synchronized resonance at the entrance of the channel. .

The federation uses a method of resonance inside the channel.

Precisely because of this, the Zilun Empire did not monitor Helavi's position, and if there was any calculation of spatial resonance, Eris would naturally not take the initiative to think about it.


The scene before him stunned Eris.

Even though I had been psychologically prepared before, it was still too shocking when I really saw the emptiness of nothing.

"Marshal, humans have communication access!"

"Come here, and connect with Majesty Rasti at the same time!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

Aries sighed slightly, he didn't know what to do with this mess, let his Majesty handle it himself!

"Have you found the position of the human fleet?"

At this moment, Eris suddenly remembered something, and immediately asked his deputy.

"Found it, not far from us!"

"Order the fleet to lean over, encircle its fleet, and deploy hyperspace jamming devices and space transmission jamming devices at the same time!"

"Marshal, is this going to be done?"

Hearing this, the deputy was suddenly startled.

After all, Rasti and Aris knew about the final plan to tear his face with humans, and even he, who was Aris's deputy, didn't know.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, act immediately according to my orders!"

Aries said coldly, staring at his deputy.


At the same time, it was only less than ten light-years away from the Zilun Empire fleet.

"Legion commander, the Zilun Empire fleet has arrived, less than ten light-years away from us, and is adjusting its formation. It seems..."

"Is there a taste that wants to surround us?"

Before his subordinates could finish the report, Wang Hai had already laughed, and he couldn't see any urgency on his face.

"Legion commander, what should we do?"

"Simple, Farn’s laboratory is a biological laboratory of a twelfth-order transcendent civilization, and the entrance is in the Nierkenia supercluster. Then, when it is confirmed that Garon has been resolved, If you are the Zilun Empire, would you still be willing to hand over this biological laboratory to an eighth-level technological civilization in accordance with the agreement?"

Yes, as Wang Hai said, in the entire universe, except for the Alphat civilization itself, I am afraid that no civilization can resist the temptation of the biological laboratory of Farn, right?

Moreover, the Zilun Empire is a Tier 10 technological civilization, but humans are only Tier 8.

There is no need to think about it at all, in the end, the Zilun Empire will definitely tear its skin and prepare to eat black.

And this is why Lin Fan asked Wang Hai to secretly implement the door lock plan.

Although there is a dimensional gap between humans and the Zilun Empire, it doesn't mean that humans can't bring any threat to the Zilun Empire at all.

On the contrary, with the cross-dimensional development in the field of dark energy, coupled with the terminal bomb as a super killer, not only can human beings threaten the Zilun Empire, but the threat is not small.

Perhaps, for the sake of Farn's biological laboratory, the Zilun Empire was willing to pay a certain price to do so.

But what if Farn’s laboratory doesn’t exist anymore?

Then the Zilun Empire should think about it carefully, should it be full of evil with human beings when it can't get any benefits?

And this is the core point of the door lock plan.

"Legion commander, the communication is connected, but two signals are coming in at the same time."

"Aris is looking for a helper, most of them are their emperors? Well, let's connect the communication to the bridge!"

"Yes, commander of the legion!"

Soon, just as Wang Hai had guessed, the phantoms of Lasti and Eris were projected into the bridge together.

"Marshal Aris, now you are also on the scene, can you give us an explanation?"

"Or, your Zilun Empire has been playing tricks on us from the very beginning?"

At the moment the communication was connected, Wang Hai had put away his smile, like a actor, immediately put on an expression of anger, and directly slammed at Aris again.

In short, in Wang Hai's plan, it is enough. The harder you are, the better the result!

"Commander Wang Hai, don't worry, we just confirmed that there is indeed no purgatory gate in the coordinates we provided."

"However, the set of coordinates is definitely not false. As for why the entrance to purgatory has disappeared, to be honest, we are also very at a loss now."

Before Eris could say anything, Rasty spoke first.

However, in response to this answer, Wang Hai clearly "will not buy it."

"Your Majesty Rasti, this is what you are talking about, but I only know that the Federation has completed the agreement with you, but you cannot complete what you promised to the Federation!"

"Is it not?"

Staring at the two men, it seems that they are trying to suppress their anger.

I have to say that if he participates in the film and television festival, it is really possible for Wang Hai to take a movie king back.

For a time, even if it was Rasti, it was already a bit stuck, and I didn't know what to say.

Just tear your skin off, right?

I didn't get any benefits, and the gains outweighed the losses.

Don't tear your skin apart, how are you going to deal with this matter now?

"Commander Wang Hai, whether you believe it or not, the coordinates of the purgatory gate I have given are indeed true, and it is also an indisputable fact that there is no purgatory gate on this coordinate."

"In this case, it is better for both of us to step back. The Empire can give the Federation a certain amount of compensation. What do you think?"

After hearing what Raster said, Wang Hai didn't go back directly for the first time, but propped his chin with his right hand and started to think.

"I don't have the authority to deal with this kind of thing. Your Majesty Rasti, you still need to discuss with our Marshal Lin Fan!"

"Lin Fan? Well, I will contact him now!"

Nodding his head, UU reading Lasty's virtual disappeared directly into the bridge.


Weierster Supercluster, Federal Fleet Headquarters.

"Marshal, Emperor Rasty of the Zilun Empire wants to invite you to a virtual meeting!"

Entering Lin Fan's office, Liang Xue reported.

"Well, it seems that Wang Hai should have finished the matter. Okay, let me help him finish it!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

Soon, Lin Fan and Lasti appeared together in a virtual meeting room.

"Your Majesty Rasti, don't know what's going on with me this time?"

Seeing Rusti with a somewhat unpleasant expression, Lin Fan already had a general idea in his heart, and he asked directly.

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised with a touch.

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