Published at 7th of December 2021 11:08:28 AM

Chapter 826: 826

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Sarna's fleet continued to move forward, without noticing that something terrifying was waiting for her to approach.

"Commander, 87% of the enemy fleet has been covered, which is almost the limit!"


"Yes, at the end of the bomb detonation procedure...the detonation succeeded!"

As the weapon's voice fell, it was clearly visible in the surveillance screen that the dark void was suddenly illuminated, but...

That's all!


This was a thought that flashed through Lavoisier's mind.

It did explode, but the scope of the explosion didn't look like a million light-years like Elfi said?

Well, except that it was a little brighter when it exploded, but that's all.

"Turn on the Knox particle detector and display its spread in the tactical image!"

"Yes, Commander!"

Under Lavoisier's suspicious eyes, Alfie spoke again and ordered.

Suddenly, in front of the huge tactical image tracking, a dark red area appeared, and it was continuously spreading. At this moment, it has covered almost half of the bright red area that originally represented the Sarna fleet.

"This is?"

Lavoisier, who also saw this scene, already had speculations in his heart, but he still wanted to get Alphy's confirmation.

"This is the final bomb, a weapon that kills people invisible!"

Sure enough...

Just before seeing the tactical video, Lavoisier had guessed that the killing form of this terminal bomb is mostly similar to a virus weapon.

And Elfi's answer can be regarded as confirming the question in his heart.

Of course, for the final bomb in more detail, Elfi would not say that if Lavoisier mistakenly thought it was a virus weapon, it would be regarded as a virus weapon!

At the same time, the perspective switched to the flagship of the fleet where Sarna was located.

The Knox particles will not cause the creature to die instantly. Even if the final bomb enhances its lethality, it still takes a few minutes, and it will completely lead to death.

However, although death has not yet occurred, some people have already felt physical discomfort.

"Why do you suddenly feel a headache and numbness and weakness in your limbs?"

"Are you too? I felt something was wrong from the beginning!"

"I don't feel a headache, but I feel a little nauseous."

"No way, I feel my head hurts so much that I'm about to explode!"


At first, only some people felt some mild symptoms, but as time passed, it was obvious that the symptoms became stronger and stronger.

Looking at the increasingly noisy bridge, Sarna frowned.

Speaking of, from just now, even if it was her dark enabler at the ninth-tier pinnacle, she also felt a little discomfort, but compared to the others in the bridge, the situation was better.

After all, the dark energy above the ninth order can not completely resist the Knox particles, but still has some resistance, so their body collapse time will be much slower than ordinary people.


If you escape the scope of the Knox particle in time, there is still a possibility of retrieving a life!

Seeing the crew gradually starting to mess around, Sarna began to think.

The strange energy that burst out just now...

At this moment, all the soldiers have problems with their physical conditions...


Could it be a large-scale virus weapon?

"Quickly, order the entire fleet to immediately start the hyperspace engine and leave this area!"


However, no one responded...

No one has executed this order!

It wasn't until this time that Sarna discovered that one-third of the people in the entire bridge had fallen to the ground and motionless, and the situation of the remaining people was already very pessimistic.

No, you have to leave immediately, no longer!

"I'm Commander Sarna, pay attention to all warships, pay attention to all warships!"

"The opponent is suspected of using a wide range of viral weapons, and each ship immediately activates the hyperspace engine and leaves the third assembly point!"


When Sarna personally broadcasted the entire fleet and looked at the bridge, there were fewer than ten people still standing.

And these ten people, Sarna knows, they are all eighth-order dark energy users.

It's just that although they can still stand, the situation is also not very good.

The people under her were unreliable, and Sarna walked straight to the side of the helmsman's seat, pushed away the helmsman who had lost his vital signs, and directly sat on it.

Proficiently operated the helmsman control panel, locked the target at the third assembly point and activated the hyperspace engine.

A few seconds later, Sarna's car quickly penetrated into the hyperspace channel opened in front of the battleship.

And the same behavior, there are billions of warships that have not been affected, and very few warships that have the existence of Tier 9 dark energy, the total number is less than 7 billion.

As for the remaining battleships...

At this moment, it has all turned into ghost warships, just like that, relying on inertia to move on in the void.

"How do you feel?"

After confirming the final result, Alfie asked Lavoisier next to him.

"It's amazing. I never thought that there is a weapon that can be so powerful. Even the most powerful zero-point weapon developed by our Lan Yao Republic is less than one percent of the final bomb."

Nodding, Lavoisier said.

It's not that Varasi is slapping his horse, but in fact it is.

Even if it is a zero-point bomb, its maximum damage range is a distance of dozens of AU. Compared with the million light-years of the final bomb, it is said that 1% is very flattering!

"But... the delivery method seems very limited!"

"It's you who don't lose, you can see it immediately!"

Elphie was not upset because Lavoisier pointed out this problem, on the contrary, she was more satisfied with Lavoisier.

Indeed, the terminal bombs do have a lot of limitations in the way they are dropped. Not to mention, the terminal bombs cannot be used at all on the conventional battlefields of civilizations of Tier 8 and above!

After all, UU reading wants to drop the terminal bomb in three ways.

The first is like dealing with Sarna's fleet this time, setting an ambush in advance and then detonating it.

The second type is to mount the terminal bomb on a hyperspace vehicle and directly arrive in front of the target through hyperspace navigation.

The last one is to transmit through space, and detonate the final bomb through a designated location directly transmitted through the star gate.

Let alone the first way, as for the second and third...

Which Tier 8 civilization does not interfere with hyperspace and space transmission first?

When the two armies confront each other directly?

Don't be kidding, the damage range of a million light-years, is this planning to take your own fleet into it?

Therefore, for the moment, before the launch of the technology has not broken, the end bombs are actually harmful to civilizations of Tier 8 and above...

Not big!

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